Visual Paradigm软件是一个专业的应用程序,也许是设计和绘制各种UML表单,报告和代码生成的最佳工具,也是该软件的其他功能。
Visual Paradigm软件的特点和特点: - 业务建模工具: 使用组织结构图解释您的团队/公司结构。使用数据流图(DFD)显示数据流。使用组织结构图,绘制个人,工作,职位,组织间关系以及他们的团队/组织的职位和排名。确定不同的分支,为每个DFD流程绘制工作流程图(DFD)使用流程图绘制单独的ID,详细任务任务,使用鼠标轻松绘制复杂和专业的图表,优化数据,绘制ERP数据,矩阵图表使表达组织的所有细节变得复杂......- 业务流程建模工具包(BPMN):模拟工作流 。使用业务流程图共享业务流程创意。了解业务如何完成是改善业务流程的第一步,也是最重要的一步。业务流程建模及其符号化(BPMN)以简单易懂的方式提供业务流程的图形表示,以促进业务结构的开发和理解。- 项目词汇表工具:添加 一个术语及其解释,以便每个人都能看到它的含义和解释。拥有一个协调业务用户和开发人员的字典有助于避免不必要的误解和期望。此工具用于收集和定义项目术语。标记,排序等是该系统的特征。- UML和SysML工具包: 用于使用集成建模语言(UML)设计面向对象的软件,并记录,模拟和...软件的各个方面。使用此工具,您可以绘制用例图,类图,序列图通信图,状态机图,组件图,部署图,对象图,时序图等。 - 专业建模工具包: 它用于设计使用较小组件和更容易修改的大型模型。- 专业架构工具: 使用ArchiMate,Zachman框架建模语言和BMM工具定义公司结构- SoaML建模: 使用结构化建模语言(SoaML)描述现有和所需的服务,包括接口服务图,呼叫服务图等。- 数据库设计工具包(ERD): 使用ERD,可视化地设计数据库和通信类型。- 代码工程: 使用此功能通过UML类模型生成代码。- 使用UeXceler的设施- 指定要求的详细信息- 通过效果分析进行详细更改- 报告工具- 共享建模- 过程模拟工具- 任务管理而... UML程序提示的视觉范例: - 该软件有四个版本,由被许可方提供,用于注册程序的最佳和最完整版本Enterprise;请参阅此处不同版本功能的比较。- 此程序也称为VP-UML;自版本11.1起,UML的短语将从程序名称中删除,并显示为Visual Paradigm。- 在此处查看应用程序的视频指南。 系统要求 硬件要求Intel Pentium 4,频率为2.0 GHz或更高最低2.0 GB RAM,但建议使用4.0 GB(最小4GB的磁盘空间(不包括项目空间(Microsoft Windows(XP / Vista / 7/8),Microsoft Windows Server(2000/2003/2008/2012)IDE要求(用于IDE集成Eclipse 3.5或更高版本IntelliJ IDEA 11.0或以上NetBeans 6.7或更高版本Microsoft Visual Studio 2008或更高版本 安装指南 列在Crack文件夹中的自述文件中。版本16目前没有完整的破解;安装的版本不需要安装或激活,如果在试用期后完成,可以通过删除内置文件夹重复使用。 Considering that that patch was an extension of the trial period, I used an intrinsic feature of ThinApp, which is restoring to the capture state by deleting the sandbox directory.
And thus, this is the trial reset employed here.
This package is ready to use, no installation, no admin rights requirement. In fact, there is no tainting to installed files at all.
When it is run for the first time, it will be created a directory wherever the execution files live. That directory will hold all files of the virtual environment, that fool the software into thinking that it lives in the real thing.
Whatever changes that it makes to %appdata%, Windows system, registry, etc, will all be contained inside that newly created directory.
The files you create, though, provided that they are saved on Desktop, My Documents, or any other drive other than C:, they will be saved on the location expected. Otherwise, they will be saved inside that sandbox directory.
Once the 30 days period is completed, delete the sandbox directory, and it will be restored to the initial installation state, resetting the trial again.
There may be a method for resetting the trial (like editing the file .vpsuite_installation.xml inside %appdata%, and perhaps editing the registry), but I did not invest any time in finding that method.
It is certain that deleting the sandbox directory will reset the trial. Incidentally, all configuration, history, settings done on the software will also be lost.
I can live with those caveats. If you can too, this is for you.
(You can make your own ThinApped package as well (of nearly anything). You know, like the good old adage: "Leave a man on a plane and he flies for a day.
Throw a man off the plane and he flies for the rest of his life." Install/learn VMWare Workstation, and search here for ThinApp. You will find the latest ThinApp, and a great book about it as well. Read its documentation, it is great.)