Altair Inspire Studio 2019.4 | 2.8 Gb
The Altair product team is pleased to announce the availability an exclusive preview of Altair Inspire Studio 2019 .4 (formerly ’Evolve’) a polyNURBS and subdivision sculpting solution based on solidThinking Evolve, will debut in 2019. Inspire Studio speeds up the design of free-form surfaces. We can use our initial sketches, alternate render styles, and create real-time photorealistic renderings. Studio is suitable for creating organic surfaces, parametric body models and NURBS based surface and body models. One of its specialties is the ConstructionTree ™ model history feature.Altair Inspire/Render S Altair Inspire Studio 2019.4.0 - Release notes:Inspire Studio version 2019.4 includes the following new features and enhancements.
- New Helix Curve tool
- New Section Curve tool
- New NURBS Surface Editing tool
- Updated Lattice morphing tool with new workflow and features
- Added "Cut," "Copy," "Paste," and "Paste without constraints" in Sketching right-click menu
- Added "Show construction geometry" and "Show constraints" in the Sketching right-click menu
- Extend and Split tools in Sketching now retain constraints
- Added Single Line to Sketching tools
- Improved ability to select single line segments and chain selection for Loft and Sweep tools
- PolyNURBS extrusion axis manipulator now stays visible for better reference
- Added New Chain option for Split Faces
- Fixed issue where Esc was not closing the current tool
- Linear Stretch now allows negative input values
- Improved workflow, defaults, and features of the Replicate on Axes tool
- Improved Plugins Development Kit and now included directly in the installer package (Windows only)
- Performance improvements to Construction History recalculation when changing tessellation quality
- Performance improvements for drawing large NURBS models
- Added progress bar when starting interactive rendering on large scenes
- Fixed Tracing Depth to update in Darkroom info
- Enabled or disabled devices for Presto engine are now saved in Preferences
- Added Camera Motion Blur % and Shutter Speed
- Animation has been revised to improve file creation speed
- Optix denoiser now available for all rendering engines
- Emitters are now listed in the browser Lights tab
- Removed shadows from Image Planes
- Isoparms are now visible in Interactive and Realtime rendering to improve selection visibility
- Various bug fixes and improvementstudio 2019.3 - Release notes: Inspire/Render Studio version 2019.3 includes the following new features and enhancements. User Interface New Inspire Studio File Name ExtensionThe file extension for model files is .iStudio.New Modern and Intuitive User InterfaceThe user interface has been completely redesigned to include a ribbon and many more interactive, intuitive features.ToolbeltYou can now customize up to four toolbelts for 3D modeling, sketching, PolyNURBS, and rendering to more quickly access yourfavorite tools.NaviCubeThe NaviCube provides visual feedback for camera orientation and allows quick access to all six true orthographic views with asingle click.MatCap ModeYou can apply a material capture to an object. A MatCap is a complete material that includes lighting and reflections.Real-Time ModeYou can get a quick, real-time view of textures and materials applied to your model.Guide BarsGuide bars clarify the workflow of the tools. These appear centered at the top of the modeling window and are enhanced withtooltips and workflow help to assist you in using the tools.MicrodialogsMicrodialogs are small dialogs that appear when a tool is active. They allow you to quickly access commonly used options for thattool. Modeling Simplified Construction History StructureIt is now possible to visualize only the top level of each construction tree, making complex scenes cleaner and more manageable.In addition, a Show/Hide All Source Objects toggle is now conveniently located at the top of the Model Browser.Constraint-Based SketchingThe sketching tools have been streamlined, and now feature constraints that allow you to fix objects to certain conditions in space(e.g., origin points, axes, or directions).Round Tool Edge SetsEdge sets allows you to apply a radius value to a set of edges, rather than assigning a value to each edge individually. Multipleedge sets can be added or removed in a single round operation, making the Round Tool more powerful and faster to use.Deformation Performance ImprovementsThe deformation tools now update in real time when you drag interactive handles or change parameters using a quick previewmode. The final, precise calculation is applied after the edits are confirmed at the end of the drag. PolyNURBS Improved PolyNURBS Editing and Selection FeaturesThe right-click context menu changes based on which PolyNURBS editing mode (vertices, edges, or faces) is selected. Editingfeatures now include collapse, extract, bridge, weld, unify, and many more. The Advanced Selection feature allows you to easilymake complex selections of faces and edges.Auto Curve Alignment and External Curve AlignmentThese curve alignments provide a powerful new way to sculpt. This allows you to align selected vertices with an existing curve, oruse an auto-generated curve with 2, 3, 5, 7, or 9 control vertices, giving you unprecedented control over vertex positioning.Full Sharp End CreasingYou can now create 100% sharp edges without the need to control crease strength or add additional loops.Double ChamferQuickly add two chamfers of equal value to a single edge. The result is symmetric, equidistant edges.Option to Hide/Unhide Selected VerticesCustomize the design space by viewing or hiding the vertices of your object or scene.SymmetrySymmetry planes can be added to any PolyNURBS object for efficient editing. Rendering High Accuracy & PerformanceInspire Studio features innovative techniques and algorithmic optimizations that help achieve superior performance. Theapplication explores possible paths of lighting transfer, delivering supreme accuracy.Unique Material EditorThe material system is physically-based and allows materials to be layered. These features together enable the most realistic andconvincing renderings.Full Layering Support for MaterialsLayer various types of materials, textures, and colors to fully customize your design.Fast Interactive RenderingInteractive rending allows you to quickly and easily set up materials, environments, and lights. It uses both GPU and CPU tomaximize speed and quality.Drag-and-Drop Support for Materials, Textures, and ColorsUse the drag-and-drop feature to apply materials and textures directly onto an object.Full Support for Thea Models and MaterialsAllows the use of existing Thea models and materials without the need to edit or convert anything.Interactive Light PlacementAdd various types of lights to support the appearance of your design, including natural light, IES, and spot lights, etc.Denoiser SupportCompensate for noise in your scene with the denoiser filter. There are two denoising methods to choose from. NVIDIA OptiX delivers fast, unsurpassed, denoised renders. If an NVIDIA graphic card is not available, our built-in denoiser can still be used toaccelerate production rendering.Triplanar MappingTriplanar is a special mapping technique, similar to cubic mapping but with the addition of blending together the projections fromeach axis (x, y, z). Triplanar mapping, along with the Cut-Off and Sharpness parameters, can be used to eliminate the seams of atexture without the need of proper UV coordinates.Support for LUT FilesLUT stands for Lookup Table. These files can be used to change the overall color and tone of an image.CUDA 10 SupportInspire Studio supports CUDA 10, making it possible to use high-end GPUs like Titan-V and RTX.AMD Open CL SupportSupport for AMD graphics card rendering has been added through OpenCL. Please note that this feature is only for Windows andunder continuous updates.Tone MappingInspire Studio features two new tone mapping techniques, Filmic and CRF.Auto-BevelingThis feature can be used to smooth the edges of an object with controls over the radius of the effect and the minimum angle ofthe adjacent faces.Bucket RenderingInspire Studio provides high resolution images with multiple channels, which overcomes the GPU memory restriction withimproved scalability and larger render clusters.Depth of FieldCustomize the field of view in your design space. Darkroom Image EditorThe Darkroom features a built-in image editor with an array of post-processing options.Render QueueThe render queue shows which scenes will be rendered in what order. Play, pause, or stop any rendering in the Darkroom.GPU and CPU ProcessingYou can choose to render using the GPU, CPU, or both.Network RenderingUse additional available computers and servers in your network to complete large jobs faster.RelightRelight is a unique, multiple light, rendering option with explicit lighting control. Produce light animation sequences, or edit yourlighting with a single render. Inspire structural analysis and topological optimization With the Inspire platform, users can quickly and easily create new constructs and analyze them with linear, non-linear, and dynamic simulation to produce the right product for the first time. Inspire's main strength lies in topology and topographic optimization, which utilizes Altair's market-leading OptiStruct technology to generate and examine plans. With the latest version of the software, you can easily create optimized grid or mixed solid grid structures that can then be evaluated within the software or even exported in .stl format for 3D printing. Optimization can take into account the manufacturing technology with which the product will be made. Models made with 3D printing give designers greater freedom, but when a topologically optimized product is produced by a casting process, for example, the system looks for molding skews. And PolyNURBS makes it easy to post-optimize your model to get a workable model. Altair transforms design and decision making by applying simulation, machine learning and optimization throughout product life cycles. Our broad portfolio of simulation technology and patented units-based software licensing model enable Simulation-Driven Innovation for our customers. With more than 2,000 employees, Altair is headquartered in Troy, Michigan, USA and operates 71 offices throughout 24 countries. Altair serves more than 5,000 customers across broad industry segments. Product: Altair Inspire Studio / RenderVersion: 2019.3.2 Build 10178Supported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : www.altair.comLanguage: englishSystem Requirements: PC *Supported Operating Systems: *Size: 5.7 Gb * System Requirements: A list of supported operating systems and minimum requirements for hardware and memory.
Windows Operating System
- Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 is required
- 64-bit only
- Intel SSE3 CPU (or compatible)
- For Presto GPU:
- Nvidia CUDA Graphics Card (Compute Capability 2.x / 3.x / 5.x / 6.x / 7.0 / 7.2 / 7.5 ) with latest graphics driver, or
- AMD Graphics Card (Hawaii, Tahiti, Pitcairn, Capeverde, Bonaire) with latest OpenCL and graphics drivers
- 4 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
- 10 GB or more of free hard disk space
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