StrategyQuant破解版是一个为外汇,股票或ETF自动生成新的独特交易策略的程序。 使用StrategyQuant,您几乎可以在任何市场,任何时间范围和任何图表类型中找到有利可图的交易策略。 无需编程或交易知识。StrategyQuant实际上是一个特殊的软件程序,可以自动尝试,回溯和最大化技术,不需要编程知识。 这个策略可以很容易地存储在MetaTrader,TradeStation或NinjaTrader平台上。这些是我想要推荐的两种不同的策略。 Mt4可以帮助您优化策略的输入参数,因此它在过程中使用了遗传公式。然而,StrategyQuant Professional可以自己制作全新的技术。 使用StrategyQuant为任何市场或时间框架构建新的自动交易系统
Computer Generated Trading Strategies PlatformStrategyQuant is a powerful strategy development platform that uses machine learning techniques and genetic programming to automatically generate new automated trading systems for any market or timeframe.
In StrategyQuant you don't need to define the trading rules of your new trading system. It uses machine learning techniques to generate new, unique trading strategies.
No programming or trading knowledge is required.
It is able to create strategies that you as a trader wouldn't think of, and it is able to do it quickly and test the generated strategies right away.
StrategyQuant can generate you hundreds of new trading strategies - each unique, backtested on multiple data/timeframes to ensure maximum robustness.
The resulting strategies can be saved as a NinjaTrader C# strategy or MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisor with complete source code.
Robust backtesting and strategy analyticsStrategyQuant includes the most complex strategy performance analytics on the market.
It contains several powerful tools that allow you to test your strategy for robustness to avoid curve fitting and over optimization including Monte Carlo, Walk-Forward analysis and 3D charts.
Supported platformsStrategyQuant generates trading strategies that can be used on the following trading platforms:
How exactly does it work?Let's say you want to create a new trading strategy for EURUSD:- You'll choose the EURUSD data source, choose timeframe and time range.
- Define which blocks the strategy should consist of (indicators, price data, operators, etc.).
- Define what should be the parameters of resulting strategy - for example, total Net Profit must be above $ 5000, % Drawdown must be lower than 20%, Return/DD ratio must be above 4, it must produce at least 300 trades.
- Then just hit the Start button and StrategyQuant will do the work. It will randomly generate new trading strategies using building blocks you selected, tests them right away and stores the ones that fit your requirements for your review.
You can then review the newly generated strategies, perform additiona tests or export them as MetaTrader4 EAs.
[ 此帖被pony8000在2020-03-15 21:19重新编辑 ]