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[行业软件]MathWorks MATLAB R2019b Update 6 v9.7.0.1434023 liunx   含破解文件和教程 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-09-24 20:40:53

MathWorks MATLAB R2019b v9.7.0 Linux | 16.9 GB

Millions of engineers and scientists worldwide use MATLAB to analyze and design the systems and products transforming our world. MATLAB is in automobile active safety systems, interplanetary spacecraft, health monitoring devices, smart power grids, and LTE cellular networks. It is used for machine learning, signal processing, image processing, computer vision, communications, computational finance, control design, robotics, and much more.

Math. Graphics. Programming.
The MATLAB platform is optimized for solving engineering and scientific problems. The matrix-based MATLAB language is the world’s most natural way to express computational mathematics. Built-in graphics make it easy to visualize and gain insights from data. A vast library of prebuilt toolboxes lets you get started right away with algorithms essential to your domain. The desktop environment invites experimentation, exploration, and discovery. These MATLAB tools and capabilities are all rigorously tested and designed to work together.

Scale. Integrate. Deploy.
MATLAB helps you take your ideas beyond the desktop. You can run your analyses on larger data sets and scale up to clusters and clouds. MATLAB code can be integrated with other languages, enabling you to deploy algorithms and applications within web, enterprise, and production systems.


  • 用于科学和工程计算的高级语言
  • 调整桌面环境以进行迭代探索,设计和解决问题
  • 用于可视化数据的图形和用于创建自定义图的工具
  • 曲线拟合,数据分类,信号分析和许多其他特定领域任务的应用
  • 附加工具箱,适用于广泛的工程和科学应用
  • 使用自定义用户界面构建应用程序的工具
  • 与C / C ++,Java®,.NET,Python®,SQL,Hadoop®和Microsoft®Excel®的接口
  • 与终端用户共享MATLAB程序的免版税部署选项

Key Features
  • High-level language for scientific and engineering computing
  • Desktop environment tuned for iterative exploration, design, and problem-solving
  • Graphics for visualizing data and tools for creating custom plots
  • Apps for curve fitting, data classification, signal analysis, and many other domain-specific tasks
  • Add-on toolboxes for a wide range of engineering and scientific applications
  • Tools for building applications with custom user interfaces
  • Interfaces to C/C++, Java®, .NET, Python®, SQL, Hadoop®, and Microsoft® Excel®
  • Royalty-free deployment options for sharing MATLAB programs with end users

MATLAB is the easiest and most productive software for engineers and scientists. Whether you’re analyzing data, developing algorithms, or creating models, MATLAB provides an environment that invites exploration and discovery. It combines a high-level language with a desktop environment tuned for iterative engineering and scientific workflows.

MATLAB Speaks Math
The matrix-based MATLAB language is the world’s most natural way to express computational mathematics. MATLAB supports both numeric and symbolic calculations. Linear algebra in MATLAB looks like linear algebra in a textbook; symbolic calculations look like the equations you write on paper. This makes it straightforward to capture the mathematics behind your ideas, which means your code is easier to write, easier to read and understand, and easier to maintain.

You can trust the results of your computations. MATLAB, which has strong roots in the numerical analysis research community, is known for its impeccable numerics. A MathWorks team of 350 engineers continuously verifies quality by running millions of tests on the MATLAB code base every day.

MATLAB does the hard work to ensure your code runs quickly. Math operations are distributed across multiple cores on your computer, library calls are heavily optimized, and all code is just-in-time compiled. You can run your algorithms in parallel by changing for-loops into parallel for-loops or by changing standard arrays into GPU or distributed arrays. Run parallel algorithms in infinitely scalable public or private clouds with no code changes.

The MATLAB language also provides features of traditional programming languages, including flow control, error handling, object-oriented programming, unit testing, and source control integration.

MATLAB Is Designed for Engineers and Scientists
MATLAB provides a desktop environment tuned for iterative engineering and scientific workflows. Integrated tools support simultaneous exploration of data and programs, letting you evaluate more ideas in less time.

  • You can interactively preview, select, and preprocess the data you want to import.
  • An extensive set of built-in math functions supports your engineering and scientific analysis.
  • 2D and 3D plotting functions enable you to visualize and understand your data and communicate results.
  • MATLAB apps allow you to perform common engineering tasks without having to program. Visualize how different algorithms work with your data, and iterate until you’ve got the results you want.
  • The integrated editing and debugging tools let you quickly explore multiple options, refine your analysis, and iterate to an optimal solution.
  • You can capture your work as sharable, interactive narratives.

Comprehensive, professional documentation written by engineers and scientists is always at your fingertips to keep you productive. Reliable, real-time technical support staff answers your questions quickly. And you can tap into the knowledge and experience of over 100,000 community members and MathWorks engineers on MATLAB Central, an open exchange for MATLAB and Simulink® users.

MATLAB and add-on toolboxes are integrated with each other and designed to work together. They offer professionally developed, rigorously tested, field-hardened, and fully documented functionality specifically for scientific and engineering applications

MATLAB Integrates Workflows
Major engineering and scientific challenges require broad coordination to take ideas to implementation. Every handoff along the way adds errors and delays.

MATLAB automates the entire path from research through production. You can:
  • Build and package custom MATLAB apps and toolboxes to share with other MATLAB users.
  • Create standalone executables to share with others who do not have MATLAB.
  • Integrate with C/C++, Java, .NET, and Python. Call those languages directly from MATLAB, or package MATLAB algorithms and applications for deployment within web, enterprise, and production systems.
  • Convert MATLAB algorithms to C, HDL, and PLC code to run on embedded devices.
  • Deploy MATLAB code to run on production Hadoop systems.

MATLAB is also a key part of Model-Based Design, which is used for multidomain simulation, physical and discrete-event simulation, and verification and code generation.

R2019b (Version 9.7) - Sep 2019
  • Live Editor Tasks: Add tasks to live scripts to explore parameters and automatically generate code
  • Live Editor Output: Animate plots to show changes in data over time
  • Live Editor Output: Adjust the width of columns in tables
  • Live Editor Output: Copy displayed data in cell arrays, object arrays, and struct arrays
  • Live Editor Export: Customize figure format as well as document paper size, orientation, and margins when exporting
  • Live Editor Internationalization: Add Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters on Windows and macOS platforms
  • Add-On Manager: Update MATLAB, hardware support packages, and installed add-ons in one place
  • Add-Ons: Programmatically manage add-ons by name
  • Settings: Create persistent settings for custom apps, toolboxes, and multiple MATLAB sessions

  • Chart Container Class: Develop custom charts that behave like built-in MATLAB graphics
  • tiledlayout and nexttile Functions: Display multiple plots in a figure with improved spacing, label and annotation management, and reflow behavior
  • colororder Function: Control the color of lines in plots
  • Data tips: Create data tips programmatically and customize data tips on additional charts
  • Axes Interactions: Pin data tips at cursor location
  • Axes Toolbar: Save or copy contents of axes as an image
  • Geographic Plots: Plot data on basemaps with improved appearance and high zoom-level

App Building
  • uitable and uistyle Functions: Sort tables interactively and create styles for rows, columns, or cells in a table UI component
  • uihtml Function: Add HTML, JavaScript, or CSS content to apps
  • uigridlayout Function: Configure grid rows and columns to automatically adjust their size to fit text across different screen sizes and form factors
  • Layout Managers: Add a grid layout manager to existing App Designer apps and/or convert them into apps with auto-reflow

  • makima Function: Perform modified Akima cubic Hermite interpolation

Data Import and Export
  • table and timetable Data Types: Read and write tabular data that has variable names containing any characters, including spaces and non-ASCII characters
  • sheetnames Function: Get names of worksheets from spreadsheet files
  • VideoReader Object: Read or seek frames in videos using frame index or time interchangeably
  • VideoReader Object: Improved performance in generated code with row-major layout
  • High Performance Serial Interface: Stream serial data up to four times faster than the legacy serial interface
  • Bluetooth Low Energy Interface: Read from and write to BLE devices

Language and Computing
  • Function input arguments: Declare function input arguments to simplify input error checking
  • Hexadecimal and Binary Numbers: Specify numbers using hexadecimal and binary literals
  • Indexing: Use dot indexing into function calls
  • Cloud Data Access: Support for Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage with delete, dir, isfile, isfolder, and what functions
  • error Function: Added support for customizable "Did you mean:" corrections for uncaught exceptions

Software Development
  • Python interface: Execute Python functions out-of-process to avoid library conflicts between MATLAB and Python
  • Unit Testing Framework: Run tests in parallel with custom plugins
  • Unit Testing Framework: Visually compare two TimeResult arrays to identify performance changes over time
  • Compare Git Branches: Show difference between selection and save copies
  • HTTP Web Services: Server authentication support for NTLM and Kerberos protocols

Hardware Support
  • Bluetooth Low Energy Interface: Read from and write to BLE devices
  • Parrot Drones: Stream video images from the FPV camera of a Parrot drone
  • Parrot Drones: Support for Parrot Bebop 2 drone
  • Arduino: Build standalone applications for communicating with Arduino hardware from a desktop computer

Data Analysis
  • Live Editor Tasks: Use tasks to interactively preprocess data and automatically generate MATLAB code
  • groupfilter Function: Filter data in a table, timetable, or matrix by group
  • table and timetable Data Types: Variable names can have any characters, including spaces and non-ASCII characters
  • tall Arrays: Operate on tall arrays with more functions, including setdiff and xcorr, and with full support for innerjoin and outerjoin
  • tall Arrays: Tall arrays not initially backed by a datastore can grow out of memory

  • Data Type Indexing: Improved performance when assigning elements by subscripting into large table, datetime, duration, and calendarDuration arrays
  • uitable Function: Faster performance when data type is numeric, logical, or a cell array of character vectors


I offer two modes of installation:

1) standalone:
- Install choosing the option "Use a File Installation Key" and supply the following FIK
- To install Matlab Production Server,using this
- Use license_standalone.lic to activate,
  or copy license_standalone.lic to %installdir%\licenses\ ,and run matlab without activation
- after the installation finishes copy the folders to %installdir% to overwriting the originally installed files

2) floating license (network license server):
- Install choosing the option "Use a File Installation Key" and supply the following FIK
- To install Matlab Production Server,using this
- Use license_server.lic when asked
- after the installation finishes copy the folders to %installdir% to overwriting the originally installed files


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有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-09-25 05:04:53

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2019-09-25 10:15:26

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2019-09-25 10:51:15

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2019-09-25 11:35:34

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2019-09-25 20:18:03
linux 才是完全体 ros支持有没有 这可是这版的主推啊
软件下载咨询 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2019-09-25 21:41:53

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2019-09-26 05:12:15

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2019-09-26 08:54:37

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2019-09-26 20:04:25