Autodesk EAGLE Premium 9.6 破解版软件EDA(它代表电子设计自动化(意为电子设计自动化),并且能够设计和编辑PCB和原理图。在电路中,板上的电线是固定的,并通过处理器连接到板上的其他组件。几乎所有的电子设备都包含一个或多个印刷电路板。
20多年来,成功的CadSoft EAGLE软件一直是功能强大,灵活的PCB设计工具,它能够提供与昂贵的商业轨道设计软件类似的高端功能,而仅需花费一小部分成本。一。此外,EAGLE也非常易于学习,使用和购买。 What's new and improved in EAGLE 9.5Shared Libraries The ability to share libraries is here! Invite members to a Managed Folder, and they will be able to edit any content within that Managed Folder. What's more, access to those libraries is available across any machine you’re using to run EAGLE. All managed content now resides within a Managed Folder. Create and delete Managed Folders in your Dashboard. Assets can only reference content within the same Managed Folder. So, if you copy-paste assets between Managed Folders, those assets will get forked. That means a copy of the asset is made in the new Managed Folder and this copy is completely independent of the original part, so changes made to it will not transfer back to the original asset. This protects the original asset from modifications made by downstream users who will adapt it to their purposes. Free Version users can have one managed folder of their own but can be a member of an unlimited number of managed folders. Premium users will be able to own up to 16 managed folders其他Autodesk EAGLE功能:它可以在Windows,Linux和Mac上运行,并且可以同时通过ULP来利用新功能,例如模拟,导入和导出数据以及自定义命令。可从CadSoft EAGLE获得并下载。
CadSoft EAGLE提供DesignLink,这是Premier Farnell的自动数据库连接,可以在CadSoft EAGLE内外进行搜索和查找零件。CadSoft EAGLE的创新PCB服务界面使用户能够发现设计缺陷,然后只需单击鼠标即可将原型订购给一流的创作者。CadSoft EAGLE包括布局编辑器,原理图编辑器和自动布线器模块。
无论您是单人团队还是大型工程部门的成员,CadSoft EAGLE都能提供优质的PCB设计软件并提供完成任务的工具。二十多年来,EAGLE不断为世界各地的设计工程师带来惊喜。它通过提供与昂贵的商用软件相同的性能,而价格却仅为其一小部分。Autodesk EAGLE软件的功能和特点:易于学习的
Gerber 274X和Gerber 274D
Excellon NC钻孔格式
在EAGLE外部解析和粘贴数据(按结构) XML数据)而...Persistent Groups
The ability to select and edit one or even multiple items has always been essential to any engineer or PCB designer’s productivity. However, it was evident from years of user feedback (and our own frustrations) that somewhere between design blocks and the “click-and-drag -> change” editing paradigm, was the need for the ability to store and recall any collection of objects. Well, in EAGLE 9.5 life has just gotten easier with the introduction of Persistent Groups! Organize any aspect of your design and select, move, & edit those items faster and easier than ever before!
Design Manager Comes to Schematic
Design Manager in EAGLE PCB makes it SO much easier to find assets, launch commands, and explore your design more generally. That said, being PCB-only was a huge limitation and in EAGLE 9.5 we have added the Design Manager to schematic!
Reroute Command
If you’ve moved a component in Fusion and pulled it back into EAGLE, or even changed a package in the schematic for a part (eg. swapping a SOIC for a QFN) you’ll find that PCB routing can leave some pretty catastrophic routes.
To speed things along, EAGLE’s new REROUTE command enables you to quickly Ripup and Quick Route the affected signals making short work of producing clean, sensibly routed changes to your design. We know this will help you stay in better sync with your mechanical engineer or track with your schematic or 3D PCB more effectively.
Autodesk EAGLE is a powerful PCB layout tool that can assist you to create highly accurate designs ready for manufacture. The list of features is comprehensive. Tracks can be laid out very quickly, there is comprehensive library of real world components and there is an in-built schematic layout editor which can check for errors in the design. The built in PCB layout editor can be used to quickly lay out tracks and then check for issues. It also allows for multiple options for the design layout. When you’re ready to go, you can create CAM files in seconds and if you get stuck, need ideas or have a question, there is a thriving online forum to go to.
Start learning PCBdesign with Autodesk EAGLE with our latest Getting Started in EAGLE recorded webinar session.
安装指南 在Crack文件夹的自述文件中列出。 Copy Cracked(Patched) file to installation folder
[ 此帖被小爱在2020-05-27 08:11重新编辑 ]