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[图形图像]JixiPix Spektrel Art 1.1.17激活 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-10-11 18:11:51

JixiPix Spektrel Art 1.1.17 | 20 MB

Spektrel Art is an extravagant otherworldly display of undulating movement that glimmers and gleams with intersecting lines of tapered light. Applied to photos, this medium of imaginative and magical art form transcends the ordinary to extraordinary creating something wild, sparkling with life and colorful spaces.

Spektrel Styles
- Light glimmers and gleams with white tapered light
- Dark creates a stark contrast of black intersecting lines

Spektrel Art Includes
- Presets to start you off
- Detail slider to increase the amount of intersecting lines
- Glow options add colorful edges and splendrous brillance
- Taper Length and Sharpen sliders to add twinkle
- Lighten and Brighten sliders to make it illuminate
- Edge Detail slider to exaggerate the lines
- Smoothing slider to softens lines
- Color Boost for enhanced color
- Brushes to soften or remove effect
- Infinite variation for illuminated twinkles, fluid lines and ethereal softness

Every JixiPix Product Features
- Support for high-resolution images and output
- Multiple undo
- Randomize button
- Quick previewing
- Customizable settings
- Superior customer service

Home Page - http://jixipix.com/


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