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[行业软件]Gräbert ARES Mechanical 2019.2 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-10-12 13:38:36

Gräbert ARES Mechanical 2019.2 | 533.8 mb

Graebert GmbH, a provider of CAD solutions, has released the 2019 SP2 version of ARES Mechanical is a Mechanical CAD software combining the DWG-editing features of ARES Commander with industry-specific features for 2D Mechanical Design.

Build No. 2019.2.1.3124 (SP2) Release 03/09/2019

New Features:
- Grip edit support of non associative hatch pattern added.(DESKTOP-43330)
- MacOS X: Crash reporter improvements for more reliable crash dump investigation.
Bug Fixes:
- SCALE command: Functionality added to preserve last value of reference option.(DESKTOP-80490)
- POINT command: Blank option is added in point style.(DESKTOP-80450)
- LINECOLOR: Preview of Standard colors are added in dialog box.(DESKTOP-80103)
- WELD command: Functionality added to preselect the entities.(DESKTOP-79258)
- RTDISPLAY system variable implemented which controls the display of raster images and OLE objects during real-time zoom.(DESKTOP-78841)
- Display support of Polar tracking guides are added during 3D solids creation.(DESKTOP-75487)
- SETBACKUPFOLDER command added to set a new path for .bak file in a folder.(DESKTOP-59690)
- Functionality added to display the user name in 'Read only file information message box' when file is shared from network location.((DESKTOP-57485)
- Functionality added to change the background color of hatch patterns.(DESKTOP-44086)
- Save workspace option added which saves the current workspace settings into a new workspace.(DESKTOP-75652)
- BATCHPRINT command: Improved stability to print multiple sheets.(DESKTOP-81428)
- EDITPOLYLINE command: Join option functionality added to join 3D polylines.(DESKTOP-53477)

ARES Mechanical is especially designed for the needs of 2D mechanical CAD users and for those who use 3D CAD occasionally. Whether you are a Factory Layout Planner making floor plans to place machines with efficiency in mind or a Maintenance Engineer making revisions to existing DWG drawings, ARES Mechanical has the right set of tools to help you get the job done. Conceptual Designers can use ARES Mechanical for creating quick sketches or technical drawings. More generally, Designers can use ARES Mechanical to create detailed 2D mechanical drawings ready for production. ARES Mechanical meets the needs of a wide spectrum of technical drawing users.

Founded in 1977 and headquartered in Berlin (Germany), Gräbert GmbH (aka Graebert) is a family-owned company with activities in over 100 countries. Graebert is a multicultural company has three Research & Development Centers in Germany, Russia and India as well as fully-owned subsidiaries in Japan and India.

Graebert’s innovative approach is to combine CAD solutions for desktop, mobile and cloud into a single and all-inclusive ecosystem and subscription. The ARES “Trinity” of CAD Software for DWG-editing includes ARES Commander for Windows, macOS and Linux computers, ARES Touch for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets and ARES Kudo, a full browser-based solution for DWG-editing in the Cloud.

Product: ARES Mechanical 2019.2
Version: 2019.2 (build
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit
Website Home Page : www.graebert.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 533.8 mb

* System Requirements:

System Requirements:
OS: 64-bit version: Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8, or Windows 10
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo, or AMD Athlon x2 Dual-Core processor
Space: 500 MB free hard disk space depending on accessory applications installed
GPU: 3D Graphics accelerator card with OpenGL version 1.4
Display: Display with 1280 x 768 pixels resolution

For a good experience we recommend
OS: 64-bit version: Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8, or Windows 10
CPU: Intel Core i5 processor, AMD Athlon/Phenom™ x4 processor, or better
Space: 1 GB free hard disk space depending on accessory applications installed
Memory: 8 GB RAM
GPU: 3D Graphics accelerator card with OpenGL version 3.2 or better
Display: Full HD monitor
Hardware: Wheel mouse, or 3D mouse



-Disable Internet Connection
-Install Ares Mechanical
-Replace the 'ARESM.exe', into the default installation folder depend on your system (x86/x64)
-Block the software with firewall

[ 此帖被pony8000在2019-10-12 14:08重新编辑 ]
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