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[行业软件]Datamine Studio RM [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-10-23 21:00:32

Datamine Studio RM | 1.0 Gb

The Datamine product team is pleased to announce the availability of Studio RM 1.5, is the latest update of Datamine’s industry-leading tool for resource and reserve evaluation with a proven track record of over 30 years, replacing Studio 3.

New Features for Studio RM version 1.5

Studio RM is the world's leading integrated software for the natural resource industries. Typical uses are in data capture and analysis, exploration, geology, geochemistry, rock mechanics and orebody modelling. It has been chosen for commodities as diverse as iron ore, gold, nickel, phosphates, diamonds, copper, bauxite, coal, lignite, platinum, petroleum, and industrial minerals.

New!! Drillhole Planning Tool
This update introduces a new drillhole planning tool. Drillholes can be planned with a simple interface to define collar and target position, with support for dip, bearing, depth, and deviation drift and lift parameters. This tool is ideal for both exploration, infill and even production-level planning, covering each phase of resource definition.
New!! Vein Modelling Enhancements
- Insert Sample Points: continuing the sample management developments of the previous version (sample reversal, sample flagging etc.), you can now control the continuity of your surface by inserting new points as section-based strings before you generate your vein structures. The output will consider the introduced points within the gaussian surface projection routine, and you can even add points to the mean surface to control the general surface trend.
- Enhanced Boundary Control: in addition to the range of boundary clipping options available in the previous release, you can now choose a boundary string that will trim the generated structure automatically. Reapplying an edited boundary string takes moments - perfect for fine-tuning your output.
- Expand to Minimum Thickness: in addition to deciding a threshold thickness below which output volumes are 'pinched out', you can force the output surface to adhere to a minimum guaranteed thickness before the influence of negative samples is applied. This is a great option for ensuring continuity between widely space or sparsely populated data areas whilst still maintaining the impact of samples indicating an absence of lithological value.
- Trend Smoothness: an additional option to control the level of convolution between sample points (whilst honouring the continuity and uncertainty settings) has been added to the vein-from-samples command.
- Sample Intercept Indicators: making more use of automated visual formatting, vein-from-samples will now highlight intervals that match the selected field value and highlights hanging wall and foot wall points.
- User Interface Improvements: as this toolset has grown, various tweaks have been made to the UI to make it easier to navigate, including collapsible command groups.
New!! Independent 3D Views
- Previous versions have allowed you to create an external view of your data, linked to the current 3D window formatting.
- Now, you can now create as many completely standalone 3D views as you like. These “Independent” windows can be formatted in isolation, including the display of data, grid and section definitions, visual formatting, clipping and…pretty much everything can be independently configured. Perfect for viewing the same data in different ways.
- Data is still linked to the same underlying source, so all of your views are kept up to date automatically. Not only that, but you can design using one, some or all your windows simultaneously, with each window supported by its own active 3D section, split settings and its own linked external views!
New!! Contouring Improvements
Your Contouring facility now includes the following options:
- Generate your contour strings, surface and grid using a polynomial trend surface algorithm. This new facility can improve the extrapolation of data from known points to more accurately follow a trend implied by the loaded point data.
- Refine your contour strings in relation to fault data using a flexible Faulted Refinement control. This allows contour strings to be defined with increased resolution and a more precise position in relation to fault structures.
- Similar to the above, you can also refine/sub-cell your output grid model in relation to fault data. This setting will provide a range of sub-celled grid model from no fault refinement up to any level of resolution you require.
New!! Advanced Estimation Improvements
Studio RM's Advanced Estimation module continues to improve with this update:
- Each candidate model set is now supported by an editable description.
- You can now edit the domain and variable name of a modelled variogram, which could be useful, for example, if a zone has insufficient data and you want to use the domain of a different variable, or where you wish to use a variogram (e.g. AU) for a different, related variable (e.g. AUCUT).
- Variogram models and search parameter files from ESTIMA/ESTIMATE can now be used as inputs to COKRIG.
- You can now define the Major and Semi-Major directions for fitting.
- You can now choose if the maximum number of samples per hole may be exceeded.
- You can now display the omni-directional downhole variogram at the same time as the 3 perpendicular directional variograms to which you are fitting the model.
New!! MSO v3.5
The latest version of Datamine's Stope Optimization Engine contains lots of enhancements, including:
- Choose your own verification wireframe colours covering various data categories (near/far wall dilution, seed and slice colour, undiluted stope colour and more).
- Scenario name validation has been extended.
- Generate stope tube shape wireframes and/or strings automatically.
- Automatically extract extents settings from a block model prototype when defining your shape framework orientation.
- Choose whether to use the same strike and strike dip angles for floor and roof in horizontal frameworks or use universal settings.
- Use seed strings and wireframes to guide reprocessing of existing stopes.
- A mined-out block model can now be generated for prism frameworks. Flag output stope data that fails the filter as being sub-economic.
- Advanced slice options are available to control stope and sub-stope pillaring, test if dilution will make the stope shape uneconomic and other controls.
New!! Processes, Commands and Other Improvements
- A new command – query-angle – lets you calculate and display the angle between two string segments dynamically.
- A new command - query-multiple-drillholes - lets you view summary statistics for multiple selected holes.
- SWATHPLT output can now be split by ZONE, with the Excel sheet showing global and per-zone results.
- PERFIL performance is significantly improved with this update. • TRIFIL performance is significantly improved with this update.
- ADDMOD and COMBMOD performance is significantly improved with this update.
- WFCODE performance is significantly improved with this update.
- Link-complete-drive has been rewritten for this update and is now available in the 3D window.
- Files outside of the project folder are now recognized by macros.
- More commands have been refactored, including create-ramp-string, making them potentially faster and easier to maintain. See your release notes for more details.
New!! Data Source Drivers
- You can now import a Vulcan HARP model into Studio

Studio RM is the only software that has been specifically designed to match the workflow of resource and reserve evaluation. Under the hood, Studio RM contains the world's most trusted algorithms and sophisticated geostatistical techniques, made accessible by a streamlined, intuitive user interface. Studio RM delivers auditable, repeatable processes to reliably produce resource and reserve statements according to the standards demanded by the JORC, SAMREC, NI43-101 and Guide 7 reporting codes.

A short 2 minute introduction to Datamine's Studio RM product for resource geologists

Datamine is a world leading provider of mining software technology and services that are required to plan, manage and optimize mining operations. Our solutions span the entire value chain across exploration geology, geostatistics, resource modelling, mine planning and operations management. We provide high quality implementation, training and advisory consulting services to ensure that our customers leverage their technology investment to its full potential.

Product: Datamine Studio RM
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.dataminesoftware.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 1.0 Gb

* System Requirements:

Operating System: Windows 10/eight/7
Free Hard Disk Space: 10 GB of minimal free HDD
Installed Memory: 6 GB of minimal RAM
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or larger


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