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- 2025-03-02
EasyUEFI Enterprise 4 Multilingual | 15.4 Mb EasyUEFI is a Windows software to manage the EFI/UEFI boot options. You can use it to create, delete, edit, clean up, backup and restore EFI/UEFI boot options, specifies a one-time boot entry for the next restart, or change the EFI/UEFI boot order without entering BIOS setup. Create Windows PE emergency diskWith EasyUEFI you can also build a bootable Windows PE image. After building the image file, you can use it to create a bootable USB flash drives or use 3rd-party burner software to burn it to CD/DVD. If you suspect your system is failing to boot because of a missing or corrupt EFI/UEFI boot option, you can use this bootable media to create or repair it. EasyUEFI is 100% clean. No ads, adware, spyware, trojans or any other malware bundled! 管理EFI / UEFI引导选项和管理EFI系统分区并修复EFI / UEFI引导问题 - •全面的EFI / UEFI引导选项管理功能,例如创建,删除,编辑EFI / UEFI引导选项,更改EFI / UEFI引导顺序等。
- •备份,还原,重建EFI系统分区(ESP)或将EFI系统分区(ESP)移动到另一个驱动器。
- •创建Windows PE紧急磁盘。
- •命令行支持。
- •支持的操作系统:基于EFI的Windows 10、8、7,Vista,2016、2012、2008
Supported Operating Systems:Manage the EFI/UEFI boot options: EFI/UEFI-based Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008 (R2), 2012 (R2), 10Create bootable Windows PE disk: EFI/UEFI-based Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 2008 R2, 2012 (R2), 10 Supported Host Operating Systems: Manage the EFI/UEFI boot options: EFI/UEFI-based Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008 (R2), 2012 (R2), 10 Create bootable Windows PE disk: EFI/UEFI-based Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 2008 R2, 2012 (R2), 10 用户指南:如何从Windows 10 / 8.x / 7内部引导至UEFI固件设置? - 下载,安装并运行EasyUEFI。
- 单击“电源”>“重新启动到UEFI Frimware设置”。
- 将出现一个弹出窗口,询问您是否要继续。点击“是”。
提示:- 从运行的操作系统启动到UEFI固件设置已于2012年6月添加到UEFI规范版本2.3.1(Errata C),因此,如果您的UEFI固件版本低于V2.3.1(Errata C),则此功能将在这个软件。
Supported Destination Operating Systems: EFI/UEFI-based Windows/Linux Home Page - http://www.easyuefi.com/本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到