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[图形图像]SideFX Houdini FX 20.0.547中文  Win/Linux/mac 含Houdini 18破解补丁文件 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-11-04 07:23:57
SideFX Houdini FX v20破解版是一款由加拿大Side Effects公司开发的三维计算机图形软件,Houdini竭尽全力解决动画行业的产品缺陷,因此,在任何版本中,基于用户需求的许多新功能都旨在提高动画的质量,并且动画制作的过程将加速。Houdini是一个开放平台,使用一系列脚本来增强功能。例如,用户越来越多地使用Python编写脚本包,以使用他们所使用的软件,以便甚至Hscript也超越了内置脚本的软件。地形增强
新的Group SOP

SideFX has released a new sneak peek for Houdini FX 18.5, the next update to its 3D animation and FX software withen delivers a powerful and accessible 3D experience with its procedural node-based workflow, while providing tools for simulating fluids, destruction fx, pyro fx, grains, cloth and crowds.
Houdini 18.5将包括用于Unity和Unreal V2的Houdini Engine的功能。该公司将该更新描述为提供“整个功能范围内的新功能-包括游戏引擎插件,PDG,SOP,pyro,FLIP流体,渲染等等!”。根据视频的介绍,用户还可以“在10月15日看到其余的内容”,尽管目前尚不清楚这是否意味着另一个预告片,或该更新何时真正发布。


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SideFX has released Houdini  , the latest update to its procedural toolkit. The 18.5 release adds a number of features, including new cloth and fluid simulation tools, also updates the Solaris shot layout and look dev toolset, Karma renderer, plus game development plugins.

- Fixed a hang when using the RMB -> Generate Node option on a TOP node with both dynamic and static input nodes, which are in turn connected to the same static processor node
- Moved pdg examples from $HH/pdg/examples to $HH/help/files/pdg_examples
- Added the FEM Validate SOP. This SOP can be used to inspect tetrahedral or polygonal meshes before running an FEM simulation with these meshes. FEM Validate can be used to visualize the quality of tetrahedra and polygons, and allows poor-quality primitives to be isolated. Inverted tetrahedra can be tracked down as well. This tool uses the same quality criterion that's used by the FEM Solver.
- The FEM Hybrid Object can now be used to simulate isolated points (Particle tab) and polylines (Rod tab). This is in addition to the current support for tetrahedra and (closed) polygons. A single FEM Hybrid Object may have all these primitive types in it simultaneously.
- Added the FEM Slide Constraint. This constraint can be used to stick points of one object to the surface of another object while allowing sliding to occur between the point and the surface. This constraint can be applied between an FEM Object and a Static Object, between a pair of FEM objects, or between distinct connected components of a single FEM Object.
- Added the FEM Attach Constraint. This constraint allows you to attach an FEM object to another FEM object, attach an FEM Object to a Static Object, or attach distinct connected components of an FEM Object.
- Fixed an issue with TOP Geometry networks not recooking when the displayed node inside the network is changed.
- Added "burn" as a source option to the Pyro Source SOP. The SOP also has an initialization script for sourcing burn now, and the initialization menu has a default option to ensure that the callback is always invoked. Order of entries for Attribute and Initialize menus has changed, though old labels are unaffected.
- Fixed various bugs that caused drag-and-drop from external applications to fail. The bugs mostly occurred on Windows.
- Renamed UI_EventHandler to UI_OHEventHandler and UI_TriggerObject to UI_OHTriggerObject.
- Fixed the Origin Axes draw mode for USD primitives in the LOP viewer.
- Karma now handles asset paths as primvars when binding to VEX variables.
- Bumped HAPI version to 3.5.0.
- Populate the PDG Path Map Zones combo box with POSIX and WIN since those are the defaults.
- Fix the definition of the KarmaAOVSettingsAPI schema. The attribute names in that schema didn't match the attributes being set by the Render Var LOP.
- Reduced lag when manipulating objects in IPR.
- Fixed issue with setting metadata when the value did not exactly match the type specified in the schema.
- Fixed a LOPs viewer bug where the scene could appear ghosted after diving in and out of a SOP Create/Modify LOP.
- Fixed LOP viewer refresh issues when splitting the view into multiple viewports and returning to the LOPs viewer when a renderer is active.
- Fixed a crash in the Extract Transform SOP when the input geometry was empty.
- Fixed code localization in commandchains to use pdgcmd.localizePath, which ensures that backslashes are converted to forward slashes to avoid parm evaluation errors when an $HQROOT-based path is used with UNC shared root folder.

Solaris: a complete new USD-based look dev and layout toolset.

The biggest new feature in Houdini 18 – and one to which half of the presentation at the launch event was devoted – is Solaris: a new USD-based lighting, look development and shot layout environment. The toolset is designed to enable less technically minded artists to use Houdini as a look dev and layout tool, using a non-destructive drag-and-drop workflow.

New Karma renderer set to become a replacement for Mantra in production.

Another interesting announcement from the launch event is that Karma, the new render engine developed for Solaris, is set to become a full replacement for Houdini’s Mantra renderer. Although Karma was initially intended as a tool for visualising dense production scenes during look dev and layout, SideFX emphasised that it is “a full production renderer … not just a preview renderer”.

Another interesting feature shown in the presentation is the set of Hydra render delegates, which enable users to choose which render engine Solaris will use to display assets in the 3D viewport.

As well as Solaris’s native Karma renderer, and the previously announced support for RenderMan, there are delegates for both Arnold and, less predictably, AMD’s Radeon ProRender. Support for V-Ray, Redshift and 3Delight is also planned.

New artist-focused modelling tools, plus updates to key SOPs for procedural modelling.

The modelling tools get one of the longest changelogs, with the update continuing the trend established in recent releases of exposing Houdini’s existing functionality in more artist-friendly ways. Examples include new options to slide points, edges and faces around manually when using the interactive modelling tools; and a new interactive Point Weld tool for merging vertices in geometry.

For procedural modelling, there are updates to several of Houdini’s key SOP (Surface OPerator) nodes. The Bend SOP has been overhauled to make workflow more accessible, including more intuitive control handles and hotkeys for operations like snapping. The Bevel SOP – previously PolyBevel – gets support for convex bevels, plus better collision recognition.

For artists using Houdini to generate terrain, the HeightField Terrace SOP has also been updated, including the option to use a custom profile graph to control the sizes of the steps it generates.

More accurate Vellum simulations for soft bodies and cloth.

Houdini’s principal simulation toolsets have also been updated, improving the realism of complex simulations, and reducing simulation times.

Vellum, the cloth/multiphysics solver introduced in Houdini 17, gets support for velocity blending. Users can control how velocity is transferred to the simulation, making it possible to tone down physically accurate, but visually distracting, secondary motion of cloth.

There is also a new sliding constraint for the solver, which enables the point of constraint to move freely across the surface of geometry: for example, enabling the constrained object to move under gravity.

SideFX also says that the resolution-independence of simulations has been improved, so low-resolution test sims should be more representative of the final high-res output. In addition, the Vellum solver is now 64-bit.

Faster fluid simulations – both for FLIP liquids and Pyro smoke and fire.

Changes to fluid simulation include support for adaptive pressure projection when using FLIP fluids. The system adjusts the size of simulation grid cells automatically, focusing computational effort on key areas, such as the liquid surface and areas of contact with rigid bodies.

In the test scenes shown, activating adaptive projection cuts simulation times by 30-40%: in the case of a fairly complex shot of a submerged craft surfacing, from 41 hours 13 minutes to 26 hours 50 minutes.

The Pyro solver, used for simulating gaseous fluids, also gets a big update. SideFX described Houdini 18’s ‘sparse’ Pyro solver, which focuses computation on active parts of the fluid container, as “basically … completely new”, although parts of the old code base have been reused.

In the demo scenes shown, the new solver cuts both simulation times and file sizes to around a third compared to the previous implementation – although interestingly, voxel count actually rises. In addition, the entire Pyro pipeline, including post-processing, is now available in SOPs.

New art-directable fracturing tools for destruction sims.

Houdini 18 also introduces a number of improvements to the destruction toolsets.

When fracturing geometry, the chipping algorithm has been improved, generating chips more selectively in the places where they should occur, such as the sharp ends of larger fragments. There are also new options to control which fracture lines are shown when visualising fractured geometry. The entire fracturing process is now more art-directable, including the option to use custom cutter objects to break up the base geometry.

Destruction sims can also now be driven by the Bend SOP or FEM solver, resulting in some pretty crazy effects, such as the skyscraper being cleaved by a giant axe shown above. Again, the “entire destruction pipeline” is now available in SOPs

New Neo-Hookean material model preserves volume better in the FEM solver.

The FEM solver itself, often used for simulating organic tissue, gets a new Neo-Hookean material model, which should preserve volume better than the previous Corotational model. Another interesting aspect of the solver shown in the launch event was the option to set the properties of the surface independently of the main volume of the simulation.

Support for blendshapes in crowd simulations, plus improved export to other DCC software.

The update adds support for blendshape animation in crowd agents, which should make it easier to give crowd characters unique facial expressions. For pipeline integration, Houdini now supports USDSkel when exporting characters in USD format; and there are improvements when round-tripping crowd animations with other DCC tools in FBX format.

Other changes: workflow improvements, new Substance plugin and Python 3 support.

Other highlights from the Houdini 18 feature list include a “redesigned, stroke-based” Attribute Paint SOP for 3D painting objects in the viewport. Workflow improvements include the option to use hotkeys for radial menu controls, and to perform 2D pans and zooms when navigating the 3D viewport.

In addition, the update introduces “initial support” for Python 3, ahead of its introduction in next year’s industry-wide VFX Reference Platform specification.

Outside the core software, there is a new Substance integration plugin, for editing procedural materials in .sbsar format. You can find full details in our original story.

The launch event also showed plugins for other third-party tools – some new, some already released – including RealityCapture, ZBrush bridge GoZ, retopology tool QuadRemesher, and UV app RizomUV.

Other useful-sounding add-ons include an Extract Silhouette SOP, a MTL file format importer for OBJ models, and a Quadrangulate SOP for converting triangular meshes to all-quad geometry.

SideFX has unveiled the new features in Houdini 18, the next major update to its procedural 3D animation and effects software.

The release will introduce new artist-focused modelling tools, add a new Substance integration plugin, and overhaul Houdini’s key simulation toolsets, including the Vellum, FEM, Pyro and FLIP fluid solvers.

Solaris, SideFX’s much-anticipated look dev and shot layout system, will also ship as part of Houdini 18.


在视图上可以自定义辐射状菜单,方便快捷制作 circle工具可以轻松在多边形上创建一个环形边,挖洞者的福音




Side Effects Software. is a world leader in the development of Houdini, our advanced 3D animation and special effects software for use in film, commercials and video games. Side Effects Software has been recognized three times with Scientific and Technical awards from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The Houdini family of animation software offers digital artists an unprecedented level of power, flexibility and control based on award-winning procedural technology. The comprehensive feature set includes: modeling, rigging, animation, particle effects, dynamics, compositing, integrated rendering, and more. All Houdini applications work together seamlessly and are available for the Mac OS X, Linux and Windows operating systems.
Product: SideFX Houdini FX
Version: 20
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.sidefx.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 1.3 Gb


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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-12-06 18:45:57

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2020-01-14 17:38:45
SideFX Houdini FX 18.0.348
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
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只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2020-01-14 20:00:24

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2020-01-15 14:43:31
SideFX Houdini FX 18.0.348

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2020-01-22 09:34:09
软件下载咨询 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2020-02-20 19:46:30

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2020-02-26 13:39:20
SideFX Houdini FX 18.0.391
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
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只看该作者 8 发表于: 2020-03-03 10:16:04
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只看该作者 9 发表于: 2020-03-06 12:36:20