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[行业软件]Xilinx Vitis Core Development Kit / PetaLinux 2021.1 win/liunx完美激活 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-11-12 10:41:10

Xilinx Vivado设计套件是一个FPGA板设计程序。该程序是一个基于系统,基于IP和SoC的开发环境,旨在发现系统级别和实施方面的瓶颈。该高性能程序的目的是简化系统的使用和集成功能。
新的Vivado Design Suite为设计团队提供了所需的工具和方法,以利用基于C的设计和优化的重用,IP子系统重用,集成自动化和加速的设计完成。当与《 UltraFast高水平生产力设计方法指南》结合使用时,这种独特的组合被证明可通过使设计师能够在较高的抽象水平上工作,同时促进设计重用来提高生产力。

Vivado设计套件通过下一代C / C ++和基于IP的设计提供了一种超高生产率的新方法。结合新的《 UltraFast高级生产力设计方法指南》,用户可以实现比传统方法高出10-15倍的生产率。

从Vivado 2019.1开始,所有Vivado版本(包括WebPack)中都包含Dynamic Function eXchange。

Xilinx Vivado设计套件的功能:

  • 快速实施实施速度提高4倍
  • 设计提高20%
  • 加快实施:用于生成基于C的IP的高级综合
  • 基于模型的DSP与系统制造商的DSP集成
  • 基于块的IP集成与IP聚合
  • 逻辑模拟
  • 集成语言模拟
  • 独立的集成编程和调试环境
  • 使用C,C ++或SystemC进行确认的速度最高可提高100倍

Xilinx, Inc., the leader in adaptive and intelligent computing, is pleased to announce the availability of Vitis (pronounced Vī-tis) Core Development Kit 2019.2, a unified software platform that enables a broad new range of developers – including software engineers and AI scientists – to take advantage of the power of hardware adaptability.
Vitis Core Development Kit 2019.2 - Date: Nov 12, 2019

Xilinx introduces the first release of the Vitis Unified Software Platform in 2019.2

- Unification of Xilinx SDK, SDSoC and SDAccel Development Environment into an all-in-one software platform for embedded software and application acceleration development
- Unified design methodology for Xilinx Embedded Processor Platforms and Data Center Accelerator Cards
- Vitis Core Development Kit 2019.2 Installation includes Vitis Compilers (V++), Host Compilers for ARM and x86 hosts, Vitis Analyzer
- Vitis Accelerated Libraries, Xilinx Runtime library(XRT) and Vitis Target Platforms Available as separate downloads

What's in the Vitis Software Platform

Hardware-Accelerated Application Development Flow

For FPGA-based acceleration, the Vitis core development kit lets you build a software application using an API, such as the OpenCL API, to run hardware (HW) kernels on accelerator cards, like the Xilinx Alveo Data Center acceleration cards. The Vitis core development kit also supports running the software application on an embedded processor platform running Linux, such as on Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC devices. For the embedded processor platform, the Vitis core development kit execution model also uses the OpenCL API and the Linux-based Xilinx Runtime (XRT) to schedule the HW kernels and control data movement.

The Vitis core development kit tools support the Alveo U50, U200, U250, and U280 Data Center accelerator cards, as well as the zcu102_base, zcu104_base, zc702_base, and zc706_base embedded processor platforms. In addition to these off-the-shelf platforms, custom platforms are also supported.

The Vitis software platform allows you to migrate data center applications to embedded platforms. The Vitis core development kit includes the v++ compiler for the hardware kernel on all platforms, the g++ compiler for compiling the application to run on an x86 host, and an Arm® compiler for cross-compiling the application to run on the embedded processor of a Xilinx device.
Embedded Software Development Flow

The Vitis IDE is designed to be used for the development of embedded software applications targeted towards Xilinx embedded processors. The Vitis IDE works with hardware designs created with Vivado Design Suite. Embedded platforms for the hardware acceleration flow can also be used in embedded software development.
Vivado Design Suite 2019.2 - Date: Nov 12, 2019

- Introducing UVM 1.2 support in Vivado Simulator(XSIM)
- Improved layer visibility in IP Integrator
- Physical Optimization and other QoR improvement features
- 10% reduction in design compilation runtime
- New high bandwidth ICAP IP for enhancing Dynamic Function eXchange

What's New in Vivado

Device Support
The following production devices are in production:
- Virtex UltraScale+ HBM:- XCVU31P, XCVU33P, XCVU35P, XCVU37P

Install and Licensing
- Introducing Xilinx Unified installer ​for an easier install of all Xilinx tools. The single unified installer enables users to install all Xilinx tools such as Vitis​, Vivado​, On-premise Install for Cloud Deployments​, Bootgen​, Lab Edition, Hardware Server and Document Navigator.

IDE Enhancements
Next gen linter in text editor (Sigasi based)​
- Improved syntax checking​
- Autocompletion​
- Go to definition​
- Find usages​
- Auto formatting / indenting​
- Enabled by project settings​

Model Composer

Improved Support for Vector Signal Dimensions: Improvements to code generation infrastructure to handle vector [N] signals in the design, resulting in improved performance
Constant Block Enhanced for Vector Parameters: Constant block now supports interpreting vectors parameters as 1-D, similar to corresponding Constant block in Simulink library
New Example Designs with Optimized DSP Blocks
- MRI Image Reconstruction with 2D-FFT
- Low-pass Filter design using FIR Block
- Image Smoothing filter using FIR Block
Enhancements to C/C++ Function Import: Improved error and warning messages displayed in Diagnostic Viewer, enabling better troubleshooting of issues with custom code.
Customize IP Properties for IP Catalog Export Type: Specify IP Properties including name, version and hardware description language (VHDL or Verilog) for the IP packaged from the synthesized design.
Search Capabilities in Device Chooser: Quickly search for parts and boards, based on multiple criteria, using the Device Chooser dialog on the Model Composer Hub block.
FIR Block Supports Multi-Channel Processing: Enhancements to the FIR block support processing columns in the incoming signal as independent channels of data for multi-channel filtering operations.
Supported MATLAB Versions: R2018a, R2018b, R2019a and R2019b

IP Integrator
- Versal support and block automation for GT wizard with IPs. Allows for mixing IP protocols in a GT Quad.
- Hide or color nets / blocks for better visibility in the block diagram​

IP Enhancements

SmartConnect Enhancements​
- New area optimization for smaller switch configurations
- LinkBlaze Topology support​
- SystemC model​ now available
URAM Readback/Writeback IP for UltraScale+ Devices​
- Solves the problem of accessing URAM data for debug​
- Allows data initialization​
- Enables embedded processors to access FPGA configuration memory through the Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAPEx)
- Gives users the ability to modify circuit functionality during operation
FIR Compiler
- Versal optimization to DSP58 new features and wider bus widths
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
- Enhancements for 5G
- Support all point sizes to satisfy 38.211
- Async release to 2019.2 (EA only)
LTE Downlink Channel Encoder
- Bug fix: issue with incorrect behaviour if tvalid input de-asserted on a particular cycle resolved

Video and Imaging IPs
- MIPI DSI TX: Add 2.5Gb/s DPHY and DCS long packet support
- MIPI CSI RX: new resources optimization option by removing register interface.
- Spartan 701 MIPI CSI RX to DSI TX based application example design
- DisplayPort Subsystems: HDCP2.2 example design
- SDI Subsystems add YUV 444 support

RTL Synthesis

SystemVerilog Virtual Interface support​
VHDL language support enhancements​
- Support for the TIME physical type​
- Faster compile times for functions​
- Improved error handling​
- Asynchronous resets on output registers of asymmetric RAMs​
- Supported for both Block RAM and UltraRAM​
Allow optimization of instances with MARK_DEBUG pins​
- Previously treated as DONT_TOUCH​
Retiming control sets of register pipelines to enable mapping to SRLs​


Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX)​
Partial Reconfiguration (PR) is part of the overall DFX solution​​
- DFX includes silicon capabilities, Vivado design flows, Partial Reconfiguration IP and more​
- Across all architectures, from 7 series through Versal​
- New features to aid designers coming in future releases​
- Read more on Xilinx.com​​
AXI High-Bandwidth ICAP interface IP​​
- Supports AXI read and write bursts of 256 beats per transaction​
- Optional AXI4-Stream master interface for read datapath with unlimited burst per transaction​
- Memory mapped AXI4 slave interface​
- Supports write and read transfers up to 230 bytes in size​
- Documented in PG349 ​

Implementation Design Flow

PhysOpt is now enabled by default in Vivado Implementation Defaults strategy​
New phys_opt Default directive​
- Fewer optimized paths than prior releases​
- Focuses on addressing timing outliers​
- Very quick runtime​
LUT combining optimization added to "Physical-Synthesis-in-Placer" (PSIP)​
New optimization for BUFG/CE path in opt_design​
- Reduces clock skew for timing closure

Design Analysis and Timing Closure​

RQS Strategy Prediction​
= Uses ML to predict top 3 Implementation Strategies​
= report_qor_suggestions -strategy
RQA (report_qor_assessment)​
= Provides guidance for using incremental compile and RQS implementation strategies​
= Adds report_failfast summary to catch design issues before implementation​
New congestion metric: interconnect congestion level for improved congestion visualization (Windows -> Metrics)​
report_ram_utilization addition of LUTRAM reporting​
New UltraFast methodologies to check for unsafe CDC between MMCMs

Incremental Compile​

Incremental Implementation directives​
- Quick: fastest runtime with minimal timing effort
- RuntimeOptimized: fast runtime while maintaining timing​
- TimingClosure: tries to meet timing​
- No need to modify place and route directives​
. Tools automatically decide to run Incremental or default with original directives​
Improved phys_opt_design performance in Incremental Implementation flow​
- More pinpointed optimization​
- Overall better P&R reuse​
Incremental Synthesis: design reuse now considers changes to synth_design options​

Vivado Simulator

- Introducing UVM 1.2 support in Vivado Simulator(XSIM)​ to enable users to create high quality verification environment​ using UVM-based testbenches

Vitis unified software platform automatically tailors the Xilinx hardware architecture to the software or algorithmic code without the need for hardware expertise. Rather than imposing a proprietary development environment, the Vitis platform plugs into common software developer tools and utilizes a rich set of optimized open source libraries, enabling developers to focus on their algorithms.

Vitis is separate to the Vivado Design Suite, which will still be supported for those who want to program using hardware code, but Vitis can also boost the productivity of hardware developers by packaging hardware modules as software-callable functions.


The Vitis platform is built on a stack-based architecture that plugs seamlessly into open-source standard development systems and build environments, but most importantly, it includes a rich set of standard libraries.

The base layer is the Vitis target platform, which includes a board and preprogrammed I/O. The second layer, called the Vitis core development kit, encompasses the open-source Xilinx runtime library to manage the data movement between different domains, including the subsystems, the AI Engine in the forthcoming Versal ACAP, as well as an external host, if required. This layer also includes the core development tools such as compilers, analyzers and debuggers. While Xilinx provides a world-class design environment, these tools are designed to integrate seamlessly with industry-standard build systems and development environments.

In the third layer are more than 400 optimized and open-source applications across eight Vitis libraries.

These include the Vitis Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) library, the Vitis Solver library, the

Vitis Security library, the Vitis Vision library, the Vitis Data Compression library, the Vitis Quantitative Finance library, the Vitis Database library and the Vitis AI library. These enable software developers to call pre-accelerated functions using a standard application programming interface (API).


The fourth and most game-changing element of the platform is Vitis AI, which integrates a domainspecific architecture (DSA). The DSA configures Xilinx hardware to be optimized and programmed using industry-leading frameworks like TensorFlow and Caffe. Vitis AI provides the tools to optimize, compress and compile trained AI models running on a Xilinx device in about one minute. It also delivers specialized APIs for deployment from edge to cloud, all with best-in-class inference performance and efficiency. Xilinx will soon be releasing another DSA, called Vitis Video, to enable video encoding directly from FFmpeg for the same, ultra-simple, highly powerful end-to-end solution. DSAs available from partner companies include Illumina, which integrates with GATK for genome analysis, and BlackLynx, which integrates with ElasticSearch for big data analytics, along with proprietary DSAs that are currently being utilized by our customers.


支持的操作系统: Windows 7even / 8.x / 10 | 红帽企业工作站/ Server 7.1和7.2 /红帽企业工作站6.7和6.8 /红帽企业工作站5.11 / SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.4和12.1 / Cent OS 6.8 / Ubuntu Linux 18.04
Xilinx is the inventor of the FPGA, programmable SoCs, and now, the ACAP. Our highly-flexible programmable silicon, enabled by a suite of advanced software and tools, drives rapid innovation across a wide span of industries and technologies - from consumer to cars to the cloud. Xilinx delivers the most dynamic processing technology in the industry, enabling rapid innovation with its adaptable, intelligent computing.
Product: Xilinx Vitis Core Development Kit
Version: 2020.2
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.xilinx.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC / Linux **
Supported Operating Systems: **
Size: 32.5 Gb

* Note:

- There will be no 2019.2 or future releases of Xilinx SDK, SDSoC and SDAccel Development Environment.
- To install, select Vitis on the Xilinx Unified Installer. Vitis installation includes Vivado Design Suite – There is no need to install Vivado separately.



Xilinx Vitis核心开发套件2020

不会有Xilinx SDK,SDSoC和SDAccel开发环境的2020或更高版本

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Xilinx Vitis Core Development Kit 2021.1


软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-11-14 14:15:25

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2019-12-15 13:44:10

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2019-12-24 16:45:21
多谢分享! 测试一下编译速度

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2019-12-26 11:25:35

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2020-02-01 16:58:36
不错, 不错,挺好, 挺好, 挺好。
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2020-05-20 15:57:32

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2020-06-14 06:53:39

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2020-08-10 16:09:50
Xilinx Vitis核心开发套件2020

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2020-11-10 15:20:35