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- 2025-03-03
KitBash3D Aftermath可以创建灾难性建筑环境,即将来临的启示录的世界末日或机器战争场面。FBX格式,包含贴图材质,三维模型包包含建筑物破碎,基础设施暴露在外,每个内部和子细节都充满了悲剧故事,破旧的结构和超真实感的纹理。Create the devastated environments of post-conflict, the terrifying worlds of on-coming apocalypses or the unfortunate scenes of wars lost against the machines. This kit’s buildings are ripped apart, their infrastructures exposed, and every interior and sub-detail is interwoven with tragic stories, decimated structures, and hyper-realistic textures. 创造冲突后的毁灭性环境,即将来临的启示录的恐怖世界或不幸的机器战争场面。该工具包的建筑物被撕裂,基础设施暴露在外,每个内部和子细节都充满了悲剧故事,破旧的结构和超真实感的纹理世界末日废墟楼房建筑3D模型,FBX格式,包含贴图材质 下载地址: 普通网盘 百度网盘