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[行业软件]Spectra Precision Survey Office 5.10 破解 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-11-27 23:35:57
Spectra Precision® Survey Office软件适合处理和分析在工地上采集的GPS、GNSS和大地(全站仪和水平仪)测量数据,把这些数据导出到设计软件包里。本软件有许多独特的创新功能,很容易学习和使用。
把Spectra Precision Survey Office软件安装在PC上,你可以处理RTK数据和静态/PPK数据生成报告,还可以确定并改正工地错误。导入现有测量数据,或者直接从Internet上导入数据,然后把数据导出成点或CAD/XML格式。有内置质量保证和质量控制功能,你可以放心数据既安全又可靠。直观的集成软件Spectra Precision Survey Office易于学习,功能强,可以节省你的时间。
Spectra Precision Survey Office软件功能强,可以配置,易于使用。用户界面上的选项对Microsoft Office用户而言并不陌生。把兼容文件从计算机上直接拖到打开的工程里,Spectra Precision Survey Office软件分析这些文件,从而确定其类型,以及必须如何处理它们。俯视图、3D视图、基于时间的数据视图和时段编辑器等可视化工具,有助你在这个工程的上下文中“看到”数据。
Spectra Precision Survey Office软件给测量员和工程师提供高级技术,把常用任务集成在一个系统里。处理和检查RTK数据、静态数据、快速静态数据和准动态数据。Spectra Precision Survey Office还执行数据简化、计算、QA/QC和网平差。可以把控制数据导出到外业软件里,以便在工地上使用。
Survey Office software is ideal for processing and analyzing GPS and GNSS, and optical survey data recorded in the field, and exporting it to a design package. The software provides numerous innovative and unique features, and it is easy to learn and use. With Survey Office software on your PC you have the ability to work with RTK and Static/PPK data to generate reports as well as identify and correct field errors. Import data from existing surveys or directly from the Internet and export data as points, or in CAD or XML format. Rest assured that your data is secure and reliable with built-in quality assurance and quality control features. The intuitive, integrated Survey Office program saves time with its short learning curve and powerful features.

Survey data acquired in the field using a total station and contained in a data file can be imported into the software and integrated as necessary with other data collected as part of a survey project (for example, GNSS or level data).

The Survey Office software is powerful and configurable, yet easy-to-use. The user interface features options that are familiar to Microsoft Office users. Drag-and-drop compatible files from your computer directly into an open project and the Survey Office software analyzes the file to determine its type and how it needs to be processed. Visualization tools such as Plan views, 3D views, time-based data views and session editors help you “see” the data in the context of the entire project.

The Survey Office software provides surveyors and engineers with advanced technology, integrating common tasks into a single system. Process and review RTK, Static, FastStatic, and stop-and-go Kinematic data. Survey Office also performs data reduction, computation, QA/QC and network adjustment. Control data can be exported to the field software for use in the field.

Survey Office 5.10 position itself as the single office software for surveyors professionals.

New features include:

- New color theme and rebranding from Spectra Survey Office (SPSO) to Survey Office (SO)
- Save time + clicks by creating + editing feature libraries + attributes directly in SO
- Inspect your CAD linework with the new Detect Crossing Geometry command to deliver the highest quality results to clients
- Use the ALTA/NSPS Allowable Relative Tolerance Report to generate ALTA-standard survey reports for relative precisions between points that might not have direct measurements
- Create custom planes along a linear path and regular intervals to expand drafting capabilities in the Cutting Plane View.

The FOCUS 35 is a motorized total station providing high speed, accuracy and precision in measurement. The FOCUS 35 robotic instrument moves the power of the observer from the instrument to the range pole, improving efficiency.

The software provides numerous innovative and unique features, and it is easy to learn and use. With Spectra Precision Survey Office software on your PC you have the ability to work with RTK and Static/PPK data to generate reports as well as identify and correct field errors. Import data from existing surveys or directly from the Internet and export data as points, or in CAD or XML format. Rest assured that your data is secure and reliable with built-in quality assurance and quality control features. The intuitive, integrated Spectra Precision Survey Office program saves time with its short learning curve and powerful features.

Survey data acquired in the field using a total station and contained in a data file can be imported into the software and integrated as necessary with other data collected as part of a survey project (for example, GNSS or level data).

The Spectra Precision Survey Office software is powerful and configurable, yet easy-to-use. The user interface features options that are familiar to Microsoft Office users. Drag-and-drop compatible files from your computer directly into an open project and the Spectra Precision Survey Office software analyzes the file to determine its type and how it needs to be processed. Visualization tools such as Plan views, 3D views, time-based data views and session editors help you "see" the data in the context of the entire project.

The Spectra Precision Survey Office software provides surveyors and engineers with advanced technology, integrating common tasks into a single system. Process and review RTK, Static, FastStatic, and stop-and-go Kinematic data. Spectra Precision Survey Office also performs data reduction, computation, QA/QC and network adjustment. Control data can be exported to the field software for use in the field.
About the Spectra Precision Brand

Spectra Precision has long been an established brand, known for delivering quality products to the construction market. Focusing on the specific needs of the conventional surveying market, the Spectra Precision brand offers a complete product portfolio including, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), optical total stations, data collection hardware, field and office software, as well as a wide range of construction tools.

Spectra Precision surveying equipment is an economical choice that utilizes technologies for optimal efficiency. With convenience and reliability as the foundation of the Spectra Precision brand, it is an ideal choice for value. The Spectra Precision brand is backed with the strong technical support that users have come to expect from a quality name in surveying and construction.

Survey Office version 5.10 patch 2 - Read Me

Note:Cumulative patch releases are covered later in this document

New features:

Following are additional new miscellaneous featuresincluded in this version of SO:

- Support for BeiDou extended range -SOhas been enhanced to support the newly extended range of BeiDou satellites from 35 to 63. This new range is compliant with the latest Interface Control Document (ICD) for the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System.
- Earthwork Report -When running an Earthwork Report, you can now perform a stockpile or depression volume calculation using a surface boundary in the same surface as the stockpile.
- Layer Manager –In the Layer Manager, you can now select a subset of layers (and their parent layer group) and write those out to a Layer XML file for use across projects.
- Plotting to PDF –Improvements have been made to the handling of arcs inlinestrings in the output PDF file.
- Smart Text –You can now label the elevation difference between a 3D line and a surface model (depth of cover or clearance checks) using Smart Text.
- ADAC exporter -The ADAC exporter is now able to update pipe levels from an existing surface.

Following are additional new Corridor Workflow-specific features in this version of SO:

- Corridor Template Editor –
.. You can now measure accurately between nodes in the Corridor Template Editor. You can also snap to nodes and end points in stored cross-sections displayed in the background to compute offsets, elevations, delta elevations, and slopes.
.. When you edit an instruction, the Corridor Template Editor now scrolls automatically to the top of the list so that you are ready for the next edit as you navigate your way down the list (when troubleshooting a problem template).
- Offset computation -If you select a reference node and then select a second node for an offset, the offset is now computed as the horizontal distance between the reference node and the selected node, making it easier to compute offset values from created nodes or 3D reference line nodes.
- Side slope to a second surface where the second surface is not directly below or above the hinge point –It is now easier to, for example, project just a cut or fill slope to a second surface without checking whether the hinge point is above or below the target surface. This is useful, for example, in finding the median line between two corridors or between a corridor and a ramp modeled as two corridors.

- Copy and paste corridor instructions -The new Copy/Paste functions in the Corridor Template Editor make it easy to copy and paste an instruction or a group of instructions within a template, from one template to another within a project, and from project to project. For example, you can create a project containing “building block components” as a series of templates and then open two instances of SOand copy and paste from the “building blocks” project to the current project, saving literally hours of work on every project.
- Shareable slope table and slope tables in template instructions –You can now define vertical curve lengths at each node in a slope table. This helps in modeling ramps with curves that have superelevations that are not applied using normal superelevation rules.
- Modeling tolerances in corridors and side slopes –Tolerances have been tightened up to 0.02’ (5 mm) for the methods used to compute surfaces from the templates. It is now easier to model vertical steps in, for example, mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) or gabion wall footings. When you have 2D or 3D reference lines, they are used more accurately in the resulting models.
- New corridor and side slope property –This new property allows you to use the 0.02’ (5 mm) tolerance for both horizontal and vertical modes. It also enables you to force breaklines across the model at all section drop locations, excluding those created by the computation intervals.
- Explode and copy side slope objects –You can now explode side slope objects.And, you can quickly copy side slope objects to many locations using the new Copy –Do Not Edit function (as long as the side slope does not incorporate reference lines).
- Import of XSR, GEN, and Station Offset Elevation files –When importing XSR, GEN, and Station Offset Elevation files, you can now select the target alignment for the cross-sections where the project has multiple HALs and the cross-section files do not have a name that perfectly matches the alignmentname.
- Volume computations for corridor models –Volume computations for corridor models has been enhanced with multiple boundary, strata, or material layers and where material layers are computed using surface instructions.

Resolved issues:

The following additional issues have been fixed in this version of SO:

- ADAC exporter:
..The Object ID button in the ADAC Settings dialog was not functioning.
..In some situations, points were exported with incorrect elevations.
- 12Da import and export:
.. Meta-data (user attributes) on 12Da entities were not preserved on import and not displayed in the Properties pane for the corresponding object. In addition, the attributes were not preserved when re-exported to 12Da.
.. In some situations, when importing an alignment combing spirals were incorrectly calculated.
- When working with Smart Text, a positive elevation difference between the point and the target surface was incorrectly reported as a fill instead of a cut.
- An error occurred in the offset linestring when using a station range.
- Incorrect stationing could occur when VPIs were moved on a polygonal linestring when it was, for example, three sides of a rectangle, you were using Auto Close, and you reversed the line.
- When SOincluded a large dataset and you had visual snaps turned on, the project could sometimes become unusable.
- View filters with selection sets applied were not being honored in sheet plotting.
- The Break command did not work in the Profile View.

Miscellaneous notes:

- 3D linework-The design of 3D linework has been enhanced so that linestrings with zero elevations are supported, but CAD polylines with zero elevations are not. The workaround for CAD polylines is to add .001’ or .0001m to the elevations so that they will be seen as 3D, ensuring CAD lines that have elevations of zero are undefined and are not sent to machines as valid 3D linework.
- RCP point cloud exporter –Files exported using the RCP (.rcp)exporter in SO v5.10 are not supported inthe newest Autodesk Recap Pro version 2020. Look for support in a future SO release. In the meantime, exported RCP files are still supported in AutodeskRecap Pro versions 2019 and earlier.

Cumulative patch updates:

Survey Office–Version 5.10.1

This patch fixes the following issues:
- The UAS processing workflow was not working.
- A scaling issue occurred when printing a Plan Set or Plot Box to PDF.
- The Copy Project Library Files to USB Flash Drive command caused an error that stopped the application from working.

Cumulative patch updates:

Survey Office–Version 5.10.2
- This patch addresses an issue where wrong antenna heights were computed when importing GNSS data, resulting in incorrect elevations in some language installations.
Product: Trimlbe Spectra Geospatial Survey Office
Version: 5.10 Patch 2
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://spectrageospatial.com/
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 3.5 Gb
Spectra Precision Survey Office 3.21

Spectra Precision Survey Office 5.10

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软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-12-01 09:27:22
Trimlbe Spectra Geospatial Survey Office 5.10.2
Trimlbe Spectra Geospatial Survey Office 5.10.2
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2020-02-10 10:06:39

Trimlbe Spectra Geospatial Survey Office 5.10.2

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2024-05-09 11:06:43

Trimlbe Spectra Geospatial Survey Office 5.10.2