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[行业软件]DS SIMULIA Suite 2020 HF6 (Abaqus/Isight/fe-safe/Tosca)  Windows/Linux 含授权安装教程 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-12-02 10:54:33
DS SIMULIA Suite 2020破解版 [Dassault Systemes SIMULIA Suite 2020]是法国公司DassaultSystèmes的产品,商标为SIMULIA,是功能最强大的CAE软件(代表计算机辅助工程和计算机辅助工程)之一,尤其是计算机辅助分析,它是有限元分析领域。提供有限元方法(FEM)。使用Abacus解决各种问题,从简单的线性分析到可能的最复杂的非线性建模。由于Abacus是一种通用且广泛的建模和分析工具,因此它的使用不仅限于分析固态(应力-应变)机械问题,而且可以处理各种问题,例如传热,传质,热成分管理和电气元件分析,他还研究了土壤力学等。DS SIMULIA Suite 2020 套装包含Abaqus/Isight/fe-safe/Tosca,是目前刚刚发布的最新版,内含授权文件,可以完美激活DS SIMULIA Suite 2020。SIMULIA工具具有可伸缩性,可重复性,完全连接性,并且彼此集成在一起,以使您获得最快,最具成本效益的高质量结果。
  * release info:
- ABAQUS.CAA.2020.HF1.Update.Only.Win64.iso
- ABAQUS.CAE.2020.HF1.Update.Only.Win64.iso
- ABAQUS.CAA.CAE.2020.HF1.Update.Only.Linux64.tar
- DS.SIMULIA.2020.HF1.Doc.Update.Only.iso (Win/Linux)


用于模拟用户和企业的3D EXPERIENCE平台提供了演进功能,以扩展当前的专家工具集。

- Abaqus A powerful and complete simulation package for both routine and sophisticated problem solving for industry processes requiring Structures simulation. Our scalable suite of unified analysis products allows all users, regardless of their simulation expertise or domain focus, to collaborate and seamlessly share simulation data and approved methods without loss of information fidelity.
- fe-safe A powerful, comprehensive capability available in the Abaqus portfolio for fatigue analysis from finite element models. It is used with commercial structural analysis (FEA) software, to calculate where and when fatigue cracks will occur and whether they will propagate, and to predict service life variation and is used by leading companies in automotive, heavy truck, off-highway, marine, defense, offshore, power generation, wind energy, medical engineering and many other industries.
- Tosca
An integrated topology, shape, and bead optimization technology available with and integrated into the Abaqus portfolio. Tosca is used to optimize the topology, shape, and bead layout of structures considering in-use loading scenarios in order to reduce weight & cost, increase strength, and maximize life.
- Isight/SEE The industry process automation and design optimization software, providing solutions that enable users to reduce analysis time and costs while improving product performance, quality and reliability. SIMULIA Execution Engine (SEE) provides state-of-the art Fiper technology for distributing and parallelizing simulation process flows. Together these allow customers to build a web-based framework for distributing the execution of simulation processes to optimize computing resources and enable collaboration across the enterprise.

Abaqus 软件的功能和特点

SIMULIA R2020X的新增功能
3DEXPERIENCE R2020x中的仿真产品组合为所有用户带来了各种增强功能和新功能:
分析师  可以利用新的整合角色将现有模型,数据,结果和模拟IP连接到3DEXPERIENCE平台,以用于结构(Abaqus),流体(XFlow,即将在​​PowerFLOW推出),电磁学(CST),多体(Simpack)和声学(Wave6)模拟。
SIMULIA Established Products 2020 GA Release Notes

Contents of the SIMULIA Established Products 2020 release package.

This distribution contains the SIMULIA Established Products 2020 General Availability release from SIMULIA. It has undergone the extensive testing defined in the QA plan for the general Abaqus release and has attained the level of quality of a general Abaqus release.

Abaqus: Please read the "Established Products Installation and Configuration" section in the Simulia Installation Guide before starting the installation.

Isight / SEE: Isight and SEE customers receive the same release package. The release package consists of installation files. The installer program allows the installer to select which parts of the software to install, either Isight desktop, SIMULIA Execution Engine, or SIMULIA Execution Engine Station. Please read the "Starting the Suite Installer" section in the Simulia Installation Guide before starting the installation. The internal version number of this Isight/SEE release is "5.20.1". Until 5.9 the internal version number closely matched with user visible version number e.g. 5.9-3 release had an internal version number of "5.9.3". Because of the name change begining with Isight 2016, this will no longer be the case.

TOSCA: This release contains TOSCA Structure and TOSCA Fluid. Please read the "Established Products Installation and Configuration" section in the Simulia Installation Guide before starting the installation.

fe-safe: This release contains fe-safe. This version of fe-safe is paired with the Abaqus 2020 release. Please read the "Established Products Installation and Configuration" section in the Simulia Installation Guide.

Product Enhancement Overview: Abaqus 2020

This document provides information on new and enhanced functionality for this release as well as functionality added in the first four FD (Fix Pack) releases of Abaqus 2019.

The 2019 FD (Fix Pack) release in which new or enhanced functionality was delivered is indicated below using the convention FDxx (FP.xxxx); otherwise, the functionality was delivered in the 2020 GA release.

General Enhancements

- The Abaqus Python version is upgraded to 2.7.15. Numpy is now at version 1.15.4. The SciPy and SymPy packages are now included with Abaqus Python.
- You can now easily create a link to a documentation topic that opens the topic within the documentation collection - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).


Enhanced Functionality
- When partitioning cells by extrude/sweep of edges, the selected edges no longer need to be connected to each other.
- You can now directly import Solidworks part and assembly files as parts in Abaqus/CAE.
- You can choose local coordinate systems for displaying the results of queries such as points and distances.
- You can renumber nodes and elements on parts by selecting from dependent instances in the assembly context.
- The shear panel element type (SHEAR4) can now be assigned in the Mesh module.
- Support for tensile failure plastic material suboption is now available.
- Material test data evaluation is now supported for hyperfoam material data.
- Abaqus/CAE now supports contact initialization data and assignment for Abaqus/Explicit.
- You can now create a cluster areas geometric restriction for sensitivity-based topology optimization in Abaqus/CAE.
- Synchronization of animations across multiple viewports is now controlled through linked viewports and the Linked Viewports Manager.
- Several enhancements in Abaqus/CAE improve the usability for modeling and managing model objects, including copying constraints between models in the current model database, color coding a part or assembly by geometric cells or faces, and color coding tables in step-dependent managers according to the object's status - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- You can now replace and create patterning for model instances - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- For fluid inflator interactions, you can specify the mass fraction or molar fraction of the ideal gas mixture as a function of inflation time, and you can use amplitudes to relate the inflation time to the analysis time and to vary the mass flow rate - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- You can hide the actual minimum/maximum values from the contour legend when you specify the minimum/maximum values for contour plots - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- When you create an X-Y plot, Abaqus applies auto-color to the curves automatically - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).


New Functionality
- You can now specify a unit system in an Abaqus/Standard model for use in downstream processing by translators and third-party codes - 2019 FD02 (FP.1914).


New Functionality
- Additional documentation for additive manufacturing process simulation is available - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- The lumped kinetic molecular method is used for airbag deployment analysis - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
Enhanced Functionality
- Substantial computational performance gain is achieved for linear dynamic procedures - 2019 FD04 (FP.1931).
- Enhancements for adjoint sensitivity analyses include support of eigensensitivity for shape and bead, support for plastic strain magnitude as a design response, and support of various operators for stress and plastic strain magnitude element responses (minimum, maximum, average, sum, etc.) - 2019 FD04 (FP.1931).
- You can now specify translation, rotation, and reflection transformations to define the position of a matrix subassembly - 2019 FD04 (FP.1931).
- Several enhancements to the steady-state transport inertia loading functionality provide more control over the convergence characteristics at high rolling speeds and simulation run time - 2019 FD03 (FP.1923).
- Abaqus provides the capability to transfer model data and results of element sets or part instances multiple times from an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to an Abaqus/Standard analysis - 2019 FD03 (FP.1923).
- The default iterative solver controls are changed to improve the solution accuracy and nonlinear convergence - 2019 FD02 (FP.1914).
- You can now specify residual modes via load cases in a natural frequency extraction procedure - 2019 FD02 (FP.1914).
- New energy variables are available in direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses - 2019 FD02 (FP.1914).
- Improved performance is achieved for recovering nodal results for the computationally intensive modal summation methods available in response spectrum analyses - 2019 FD02 (FP.1914).
- You can now transfer surface data as well as specify submodeling for all import analyses - 2019 FD02 (FP.1914).
- The size of the models that Abaqus/Explicit can solve is increased significantly with this release - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- The XFEM-based nonlocal approach is further enhanced to include both nonlocal stress/strain averaging and crack normal smoothing to improve the computed crack propagation direction - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).


New Functionality
- You can now model plasticity using a nonquadratic yield surface, such as the isotropic Tresca, Hosford, or anisotropic Barlat yield surface - 2019 FD04 (FP.1931).
- Three new creep models are now available in Abaqus/Standard: the time power law model, the power law model, and a new form of the Bergstrom-Boyce model. The new form of the Bergstrom-Boyce model is also available in Abaqus/Explicit - 2019 FD03 (FP.1923).
- You can now model low-density, highly compressible elastomeric foams in Abaqus/Standard - 2019 FD02 (FP.1914).
Enhanced Functionality
- You can define the bulk and shear modulus in user subroutine VUMAT. The bulk and shear modulus are used to compute the stable time incrment in Abaqus/Explicit. Element information such as element number, integration point, section point, and layer number are passed in to user subroutine VUMAT.
- You can now include the static recovery term in the definition of the kinematic hardening component - 2019 FD03 (FP.1923).
- You can now define Chaboche rate-dependent yield stress - 2019 FD03 (FP.1923).
- You can now include thermorheologically simple temperature effects in frequency domain viscoelasticity - 2019 FD03 (FP.1923).
- You can now specify material failure criteria and allow element deletion for the concrete damaged plasticity material model in Abaqus/Explicit - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- You can now use material damping with equation of state materials in Abaqus/Explicit -2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- You can now define the transverse shear moduli to be used to compute the transverse shear stiffness for shells and beams - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).


New Functionality
- Coupled temperature-displacement cohesive elements (COH2D4T, COH3D6T, COH3D8T, and COHAX4T) can be used in a fully coupled thermal procedure. You can define the thermal interaction constitutive behavior of the cohesive elements.
- Coupled temperature-pore pressure cohesive elements (COD2D4PT, COD3D6PT, COD3D8PT, and CODAX4PT) can be used in soils procedures. You can define the fluid constitutive behavior of the cohesive elements. You can also define a gap fluid heat convection behavior.
- Element type DC3D5 (5-node linear pyramid element) is now available in Abaqus/Standard - 2019 FD04 (FP.1931).
- Shear panel element SHEAR4 is now available in Abaqus/Standard - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
Enhanced Functionality
- Distortion-based element deletion and shell element deletion based on integration point status are now available in Abaqus/Explicit - 2019 FD04 (FP.1931).
- Symmetric modeling using fluid pipe elements is now available in Abaqus/Standard - 2019 FD01 (FP.1914).
- In Abaqus/Explicit analyses using cohesive elements with traction-separation responses, you can now request equivalent nominal strain and equivalent nominal strain rate for both field and history output - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- The convergence of heat transfer analyses with temperature-dependent conductivity using linear brick or quadrilateral elements is improved - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- Symmetric modeling using cohesive elements is now available in Abaqus/Standard - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).


Enhanced Functionality
- You can model thermal expansion of rigid bodies, kinematic couplings, BEAM MPCs, and LINK MPCs - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).


Enhanced Functionality
- Abaqus/Standard has improved accuracy and convergence behavior for stiff, permanent cohesive bonds within general contact for edge-to-surface and vertex-to-surface contact approaches - 2019 FD04 (FP.1931).
- Damage initiation and damage evolution criteria can be defined as tabular functions of the effective rate of separation for surface-based cohesive behavior in Abaqus/Explicit - 2019 FD04 (FP.1931).
- General contact in Abaqus/Standard now supports the small-sliding tracking approach to efficiently resolve contact. You can specify the small-sliding tracking approach over the entire general contact domain or over portions of the general contact domain - 2019 FD04 (FP.1931).
- In Abaqus/Standard you can specify friction coefficients for anisotropic friction in user subroutine FRIC_COEF - 2019 FD03 (FP.1923).
- In Abaqus you can use material names to identify regions where nondefault contact properties or surface properties are assigned in a general contact domain - 2019 FD03 (FP.1923).
- One-dimensional pure heat transfer and coupled electrical heat elements can now be included in general contact. These elements act as master surfaces with the edge-to-surface formulation for contact interactions in pure heat transfer and coupled thermal-electrical analyses - 2019 FD02 (FP.1914).
- Abaqus/Explicit is enhanced to resolve initial overclosures as interference fits - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- Contact initialization options, previously available only in Abaqus/Standard, are now available in Abaqus/Explicit - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- Abaqus/Standard has improved accuracy and convergence behavior for stiff, permanent cohesive bonds within general contact - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- You can view regions where contact surfaces are bonded in contour plots of contact status (CSTATUS) output - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- You can have Abaqus/Standard store penetration offset distances rather than adjust nodal positions to resolve unintended initial overclosures and gaps for small-sliding and tied contact pairs - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).


Enhanced Functionality
- Additional command line options that improve the usability of optimization execution are now available - 2019 FD04 (FP.1931).
- You can now read Nastran DMIG matrix data, in either text bulk data or binary Output2 format, and create an Abaqus SIM file. You can also read matrix data in an Abaqus SIM file and create a Nastran DMIG representation of that data in a text bulk data file - 2019 FD02 (FP.1914).
- You can now create Flexible Body Interface (FBI) files in an Abaqus/Standard analysis - 2019 FD02 (FP.1914).
- Parallel execution of element operations for models using substructures is available through SMP-based parallelization - 2019 FD02 (FP.1914).
- In Abaqus/Explicit you can now halt the analysis, concluding the current step when a certain condition is reached and continue with the next step - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).


New Functionality
- New output variables are available to help you better understand the inertial and stabilization loads applied to a mesh during a steady-state transport analysis: SSTIF, SSTIRF, SSTIRM, SSTSF, SSTSRF, and SSTSRM - 2019 FD03 (FP.1923).
Enhanced Functionality
- Field and history output of the element material point temperature gradient can be obtained as data file printout or visualized in the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).
- In Abaqus/Explicit you can now halt the analysis, concluding the current step when a certain condition is reached and continue with the next step - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).

User Subroutines

Enhanced Functionality
- Table collection functionality, previously available only in Abaqus/Standard, is now available in Abaqus/Explicit - 2019 FD01 (FP.1907).

Product Enhancement Overview: Isight and SIMULIA Execution Engine 2020

Isight and SIMULIA Execution Engine

New Functionality
- New CST component allows to integrate CST models in Isight sim-flows
- New FMU component allows to integrate execution of FMUs in Isight sim-flows
- Isight Approximations can now be exported to FMUs
Enhanced Functionality
- Adaptive DOE technique in DOE and Optimization components now supports non-continuous parameters such as integers and categorical values
- SIMULIA Execution Engine now supports IBM WebSphere Application Server version, support for earlier versions of the product is dropped
- SIMULIA Execution Engine now supports Oracle WebLogic version 12cR2 (, support for earlier versions of the product is dropped
- TomEE based SEE now allows to assign LDAP group(s) to fiperadmin/fiperuser/fiperstation security roles
- Abaqus component now supports Abaqus 6.14, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020
- CATIA V5 component now supports CATIA V5 R28, R29, and R30
- SolidWorks component now supports SolidWorks 2017 SP2, 2018, 2019, and 2020
- MATLAB component now supports MATLAB R2013b, R2014b, R2015b, R2018b, and R2019a

Product Enhancement Overview: Tosca 2020

Enhanced Functionality

Tosca Structure

- Automatic creation of Stop Conditions
. Automatic stop conditions that check if the optimization has converged are now automatically created for sensitivity-based shape and bead optimization. This closes a gap to Topology and Sizing optimization workflows and ensures consistent behavior of all sensitivity-based optimization types.
- Optimization problem stabilization—minimizing structural volume or mass
. Minimizing structural volume or mass—the mathematical optimization problem can be ill-posed leading to convergence issues. Stabilization can be activated to improve convergence behavior.
- Upgrade to Python 3.7.1
. Tosca now ships with python 3.7.1. All user scripts are called using the upgraded python interpreter. Most user scripts written for python 2.7 should automatically be converted without issues to run with the new version. In case of compatibility issues please contact support.
- Supported Solvers

Tosca Structure
. Abaqus 2020
. Ansys 19.2
. MSC Nastran 2017

Supported life solver interfaces
. fe-safe 2020
. Femfat 5.3

Tosca Fluid
. Supported STAR-CCM+ versions 9.02 — 14.02
. Supported Ansys Fluent versions 15.0.0 — 19.2.0

Product Enhancement Overview: fe-safe 2020


Enhanced Functionality
- Support for the Abaqus 2020 ODB format has been introduced





5、开始安装程序之前,可以通过创建下面的环境变量跳过FlexNET License server的安装右键我的电脑——>属性——>高级系统设置——>环境变量——>系统环境变量,创建系统环境变量变量名:NOLICENSECHECK变量值:true


开始安装软件(注意了,不要安装FlexNET License server)
4、在License Server Configuration许可证配置界面中选择SIMULIAFLEXnet
在License Server 1中输入27800@localhost






[ 此帖被pony8000在2021-03-24 07:57重新编辑 ]
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-12-02 11:52:26
0. Uninstall previous SSQ's "SIMULIA FlexNet Server" if one is installed

1. Install or update the SolidSQUAD Universal License Server for vendor DSSimulia

   If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server has never been installed
   on the computer:

     - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from
     "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT
     folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be:


     - unzip the "Vendors" folder from
      to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder

     - for Windows as administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from
       "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes

     - for Linux as root run "install_or_update.sh" from
       "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes

   -- OR --

   If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server is already installed,
   but the release-date of "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip"
   is newer than the installed one, update the server installation:

     - for Windows as administrator run "uninstall.bat" from
       "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes

     - for Linux as root run "uninstall.sh" from
       "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes

     - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from
     "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT
     folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be:


     - unzip the "Vendors" folder from
      to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder

     - for Windows as administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from
       "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes

     - for Linux as root run "install_or_update.sh" from
       "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes

   -- OR --

   If the release-date of "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip"
   is not newer than the installed one but the release-date of
   "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_DSSimulia_<release-date>.zip" is newer than the
   installed one, update DSSimulia module only:

     - unzip the "Vendors" folder from
      to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder

     - for Windows as administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from
       "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes

     - for Linux as root run "install_or_update.sh" from
       "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes

2. Run setup of DS SIMILIA Suite 2020

   For Win64 run DS.SIMULIA.SUITE.2020.WIN64.iso > 1 > setup.exe

   NOTE: To bypass FlexNET License server check on Windows, set the environment variable


   before starting the setupGUI.exe

   For Linux64 run DS.SIMULIA.SUITE.2020.LINUX64.iso > 1 > StartGUI.sh

   NOTE: To bypass the Linux distro checks, invoke StartGUI.sh with following exports:

     export DSYAuthOS_`lsb_release -si`=1
     export DSY_Force_OS=linux_a64
     export NOLICENSECHECK=true

   Select products to install

   "Abaqus Simulation Services V6R2018x" is mandatory to install!

   DO NOT install original "FLEXnet License server" from setup media!

3. In window "License Server configuration" select: "SIMULIA FLEXnet"
   In window for "SIMULIA FLEXnet License server" input for "License Server1": 27800@localhost

4. Finish setup
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2019-12-02 20:54:29
感谢分享最新版 abaqus 。毕业论文就靠它。

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2019-12-03 09:42:10

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2019-12-03 10:58:47

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2019-12-03 16:38:01
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2019-12-05 17:50:59

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2019-12-06 22:55:06

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2019-12-07 11:55:17

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2019-12-11 02:03:17