Faster processing with Pix4Dmapper 4.5 - Date: March 31, 2020For almost a decade, Pix4D has been creating scientifically-backed photogrammetry software. Our strong point has always been our accuracy - and speed just got a major boost.The new Pix4Dmapper 4.5 offers survey-grade deliverables faster than ever before. The updates to our flagship software mean Pix4Dmapper 4.5 is the fastest version of Pix4Dmapper yet.Tests performed both internally and by Puget Systems show Pix4Dmapper 4.5 can calibrate images and generate a dense point cloud on average 20% faster than the previous version.As regular users know, processing a project in Pix4Dmapper consists of three steps. We’ve made some big changes to the first two.Step 1: Initial Processing - this step calibrates the images for an optimal reconstruction. Our internal tests show that with Pix4Dmapper 4.5 this step is an average of 20% faster.Step 2: Point cloud and mesh - creates a detailed point cloud and 3D triangulated mesh. We worked on improving the point cloud densification algorithm. One workaround for older versions of the software or slower computers is to reduce how dense the points are. However, that sacrifices quality. With the new 4.5 release, you get the same accuracy, and same high quality results while shaving up an average of 20% off the processing time.But projects aren’t individual steps. Processing a project from beginning to end - running all three processing steps and creating outputs - is an average of 15% faster with Pix4Dmapper 4.5. In our internal tests, the three processing steps for a small project with around 300 images were completed 12% faster.功能特色1、专业化和简化 - PIX4D映射器使摄影测量进入一个新时代。整个过程完全自动化,准确度更高,真正使无人机成为新一代专业测量工具。只需要一个简单的操作。如果没有专业知识,飞行控制器可以处理和查看结果并将结果发送给最终用户。2、清空3,精度报告 - PIX4D映射器通过软件自动计算原始图像中的空方位元素。利用PIX4UAV技术和区域网络调整技术自动校准图像。该软件自动生成准确性报告,可以快速准确地评估结果的质量。提供详细和定量的自动空域,区域网络调整和地面控制点的准确性。3、全自动,一键式 - PIX4D映射器不需要IMU,只需要图像的GPS位置信息,就可以全自动一键式操作,无需人工交互即可处理无人机数据。原生64位软件可以大大提高处理速度。 Orthophotos会自动生成并自动镶嵌,并将所有数据拼接成一个大图像。图像结果可以使用GIS和RS软件显示。4、云端数据,多摄像机 - PIX4D映射器使用其独特的模型同时处理多达10,000个图像。能够处理由多个不同相机捕获的图像,允许将多个数据合并为一个项目进行处理。关于激活1、在本站下载并解压,双击Pix4Dmapper中文破解版.msi运行,如图所示,点击next
4、先不要运行软件,打开“硬件ID获取.exe ” ,在左下角输入“计算机全名”(不要输错),点击Generate HWID,将获取的机器码复制下来(不要复制漏了)。
5、以管理员身份运行“4D-Permit-4X”将获取的机器码粘贴到HWID里面,单击左侧Decode键,将days里的1修改成9999点击SAve REG
6、会在相同目录生成一个注册表打开注册表, 双击注册表,将注册表导入系统