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- 2025-02-28
HyperWorks 2021 provides the most comprehensive, open-architecture, multiphysics CAE platform to enhance product performance, design lightweight components, get products to the market faster and access to new technologies. HyperWorks introduces hundreds of new features, helping you to develop better products in a shorter time.The Altair HyperWorks product team is pleased to announce the availability of HyperWorks Solvers 2019.2. Combined with design optimization technology and multi-physics capabilities HyperWorks, this solver technology enables users to drive the product-development process and make reliable decisions based on high-quality results. Altair HyperWorks开发团队已发布HyperWorks Solvers 2019的更新,该更新是用于结构,流体动力学和系统仿真的有限元和多体动力学求解器的集合。 Altair HyperWorks Solvers 2019.2.4发行说明 Altair MotionSolve 2019.2.4发行说明 OML格式的
A,B,C和D状态矩阵 MotionSolve可以创建OpenMatrix语言(OML)格式的状态空间矩阵。这些矩阵可以直接加载到Compose and Activate中进行进一步分析。可以使用线性参数设置中的属性write_oml = True进行设置。 柔性体的动能和应变能 MotionSolve可以计算使用分量模式综合(CMS)定义的柔性体的动能/应变能和耗散能。 模型能量分布 MotionSolve可以编写具有模态能量分布的HTML文件。HTML文件有助于理解能量如何在不同的模式形状之间分配。可以使用线性参数设置中的属性write_energy_dist = True进行设置。 3D 网格接触3D网格接触算法已通过可选的基于节点的计算接触运动学的方法进行了增强。此功能计算表面网格的节点上的法向力,而不是网格三角形的中心。以节点为中心的接触特征可提高精度,尤其是在由于接触的尖锐边缘而发生较大穿透的情况下。可以使用“联系人:强制”设置中的属性enable_node_mode = True进行设置。 缸内接触 MotionSolve中的接触模型允许使用is_material_inside标志解析地计算另一个圆柱体内的圆柱之间的接触。同样,缸内缸体被支撑用于敞开缸盖缸和缸盖缸(内缸和外缸)。与基于网格的接触计算相比,分析接触公式在速度和准确性方面具有优势。 Linux对MS + EDEM的支持 在2019.1版本中,MotionSolve添加了一项新功能,可与散装材料模拟软件EDEM进行共同仿真。此版本扩展了对Linux操作系统的MotionSolve / EDEM联合仿真的支持。 T> T0处的FMU耦合 MotionSolve与Co-sim功能样机单元(FMU)的协同仿真功能使您可以在T> T0时启动耦合仿真,这意味着MotionSolve从T0(启动时间)到T(耦合时间)不使用FMU来仿真系统。这允许在FMU的动态影响仅在大于T0的时间才有意义的情况下以及FMU在计算上昂贵的情况下提高计算性能。可以使用Control:FMU设置中的属性start_time = <value>进行设置。这对于Model Exchange FMU无效。
了FMU 的运动学分析MotionSolve与FMU的协同仿真功能已扩展到支持运动学分析。 PINSUB和POUTSUB PINSUB和POUTSUB可用作Python子例程。 FMU的其他调试功能 您可以增加与FMU相关的求解器日志。可以通过设置环境变量MS_FMU_LOGGING_LEVEL =…来完成。 •ALL-记录所有消息。 •警告-每次FMU为其任何功能返回警告状态时,均记录日志消息。 •错误-每次FMU为其任何功能返回错误状态时,记录消息。 •FATAL-每次FMU为其任何功能返回致命错误状态时,均记录日志消息。 此外,您可以指定MotionSolve求解器应打开FMU进行联合仿真的路径。这可以通过设置环境变量MS_FMU_UNPACK_DIR ='<PATH>'来完成,其中<PATH>描述文件夹路径。 符合性检查 已实施了改进的合规性检查,以使与FMU的协同仿真更加可靠。在此,将根据FMI标准检查FMU的有效性,并在FMU不符合该标准的情况下报告警告/错误。
•对于某些型号,本征模式未在HyperView中正确显示。 •轮胎模型的线性分析有时会导致软件崩溃。 •顶部和底部气缸盖混合在一起。 •解决了模拟完成后,无法删除FMU临时文件夹的问题。 •重新加载后,带有COUXX2的模型的结果是不连续的。 •如果在OptiStruct中运行CMS时使用了非默认单位,则不能正确缩放MotionView生成的阻尼比。 •柔性主体上的分布载荷有两个分量:刚体分量倾向于加速作用于其上的柔性体,而模态分量倾向于使作用于其上的柔性体变形。 。当使用非默认单位时,由Force_FlexModal创建的分布力无法在刚体部件上正确缩放。 •即使您试图将求解器安装在另一个目录或驱动器中,Linux安装程序也会返回有关根目录缺少磁盘空间的错误消息。 •在某些情况下,如果内部和外部气缸之间的穿透力过大,则内部气缸会在气缸内部-气缸接触中被“击去”。 •在MotionSolve中未正确解决某些基于模型交换的功能模型单元。 •保存和加载命令后,与运动标记B1 / B2 / B3对应的内部状态未正确初始化,从而导致运动状态与保存到XML文件中的相应AX / AY / AZ值之间发生偏移。重新加载后,这导致结果有些不连续。 •由MotionView生成的MotionSolve FMU未在Linux上的“激活”中运行。 •MotionSolve子例程生成器无法在Linux平台上执行。Altair Radios 2019.2.3发行说明已解决的问题
施加条件/载荷工况 纠正了模型具有很多功能(> 500000)并施加了运动(速度或位移)时的内存问题。当在连接材料/ MAT / LAW83中使用应变速率时,改善了 材料 应力计算以减少振荡。 起动器性能 改进了具有许多/ RBE3(> 100000)的模型的起动器计算时间。 Altair的新版本提供了许多亮点: -复杂组件的快速仿真。Altair SimSolid在数秒至数分钟内对原始的,未简化的CAD组件执行结构分析。SimSolid可以快速分析复杂零件和大型装配体。 -易于学习的疲劳寿命预测。Altair HyperLife通过解决方案在静态,瞬态和振动载荷下的疲劳寿命,使客户能够快速了解潜在的耐用性问题。直观的用户体验使测试工程师几乎不需要培训就可以执行仿真。HyperLife可帮助客户在数小时内自信地预测产品的耐用性。 -多物理场的高效工作流程。Altair SimLab是一个用于模拟多物理场问题的直观工作流程平台。与CAD工具同步可简化设计探索。多物理场工作流具有深层嵌入的求解器,包括静态,动力学,传热,流体流动,电磁分析,流固耦合和电磁热耦合。 -高保真建模。HyperWorks 2019包含功能强大的Altair HyperMesh版本。新功能使生成大型有限元模型成为可能。HyperMesh中的模型构建和装配工具使管理大型复杂装配更加容易。该公司表示,这使CAE可以通过迅速将新零件和组件交换为现有模型,管理多个配置,网格变体和零件实例来跟上设计变更的步伐。 -增强的用户体验,可进行快速概念建模。HyperWorks平台已经包括Altair Inspire,Altair Activate和SimLab,提供具有直观且一致的用户界面的解决方案。Altair HyperWorks X包含在一组新的工作流程中,这些工作流程利用相同的用户体验来进行几何图形创建,编辑,变形和网格划分。 -扩展了非线性求解器功能。OptiStruct支持的单模型,多属性工作流程可帮助工程师使用一种优化就绪模型进行线性,非线性和耐久性分析。Altair Radioss is a leading structural analysis solver for highly non-linear problems under dynamic loadings. It is used across all industries worldwide to improve the crashworthiness, safety, and manufacturability of structural designs. For over 30 years, Radioss has established itself as a leader and an industry standard for automotive crash, drop & impact analysis, terminal ballistic, blast and explosion effects and high velocity impacts. Automotive, aerospace, electronics, defense companies and R&D centers value the contribution it makes in understanding and predicting design behavior in complex environments, such as automotive crash, airplane ditching or blast effect on vehicles. The tight integration with the HyperWorks environment makes Radioss a powerful design tool. Radioss models are optimization-ready. Transitions to the optimization solver OptiStruct and HyperStudy are easy
New Features
Contact interfaces A new contact gap option Igap= 4 has been added to the contact interface /INTER/TYPE19 whichenables variable gap for the node to surface contact and constant contact gap, Gapmin, for theedge to edge contact. For self-contact, if element size is less than the gap value, then slavenodes are deactivated for nearby master segments. This is the same as using /INTER/TYPE7,Irem_gap= 2. Animation output The plastic work of material LAW12, LAW15, and LAW25 are displayed in /ANIM/ELEM/WPLA and /H3D/ELEM/WPLA output, and are no longer in the plastic strain (EPSP) for those material laws.A new option /H3D/NODA/SKID_LINE displays when the draw bead contact (/INTER/TYPE8) occurson the slave side and when it is sliding.A new user input value is available in FLD failure models (/FAIL/FLD) which defines the marginaldefinition zone display in /ANIM/SHELL/FLDZ and /H3D/SHELL/FLDZ.
/FAIL Performance improvements have been made for all failure models (/FAIL) that have large tables(/TABLE) or functions (/FUNCT). /FRICTION /FRICTION can now be used in //SUBMODEL. /IMPDISP/FGEO, /IMPVEL/FGEO These options can now be used with the SPMD and HMPP versions. /SKEW Performance improvements have been made for computation in SPMD and HMPP for models witha large number of skews. /RBE2 and /RBE3 Less information is printed in the starter output by default. This reduces the starter output filesize when a model contains a large number of RBE2 or RBE3 elements. Detailed information canbe output by using Ipri=5 in the card /IOFLAG.
Resolved Issues
/INTER/TYPE25 Numerical issue that caused the Radioss Starter to fail when a slave node was exactly on themaster surface.The initial penetrations warning for /INTER/TYPE25 was not listed in the Starter output filestarting in the 2019.1 release. /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE11 Incorrect format input for the card /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE11. In version 2018.0.1 to 2019.1, anextra blank line was needed at the end of the /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE11 block. /DTSDE To improve stability, the larger time step for pentahedron elements is no longer enabled bydefault. /FRICTION Correction of engine failure when /FRICTION is used with Ifric=2.Less information is printed in the starter output file. Only the group of parts is reported instead ofthe full table listing the parts. /PROP/SOLID Correction of the SOL2SPH feature in the SPMD version. The Radioss Engine was failing forspecific models that had more than one SPMD domain.A change was made in the default value Icpre (from 1 to 2) with Isolid =18 and elasto-plasticmaterials LAW2 and LAW36.A change was made in the default value IHKT (from 1 to 2) for materials 42, 62, 69, 70, 71, 82,88, 92, and 94.Numerical issue that caused the Starter to fail when imposed motion was applied on the middlenode of a quadratic tetrahedron element defined with Itetra10=2. /PROP/SHELL The thickness change flag (with Ithick=1) was not re-activated after a thermal analysis (/DT/THERM). /FAIL/JOHNSON + XFEM Memory allocation issue that caused the Engine to fail for models with XFEM in the failure card. /FAIL/TAB1 The instability strain table (table2_ID) was not being taken into account correctly, and only thevalue for no triaxiality was used. /INITRUSS/FULL Input format caused the Starter to fail. /SUBDOMAIN Numerical issue for multi-domains (/SUBDOMAIN) and contact interface /INTER/TYPE19 thatcaused the Starter to fail, due to complications with memory allocation.Compilation issue for Open MPI (ompi) version that caused corrupt executables. /NEGVOL/STOP A message relative to the FVMBAG was being printed at the same time as a negative volume errormessage in the Engine output file. /MAT/LAW57 (BARLAT3) Numerical issue with single Precision version with usage for Barlat material (/MAT/LAW57) andpressure unit defined as "Pa". /MAT/LAW75 (POROUS) Numerical issue with the single precision version. /H3D Creates an .h3d file from Radioss using /H3D caused the solver to hang at the end of a simulationwhen using new versions of Linux, such as Ubuntu 18.04 and Fedora 28.Computation failed when the stress and strain tensor output in native .h3d files for 2D solidelements (/H3D/QUAD/TENS) was used with the solid property Isolid=17.Numerical issue for native .h3d output with specific models. The Engine failed with segmentationfault as soon as data was written in the .h3d file. /ANIM/ELEM/SCHLIEREN, /H3D/ELEM/SCHLIEREN Numerical issue for the Schlieren output in 2D axi-symmetrical analysis. /IMPVEL/FGEO Numerical issue when the option /IMPVEL/FGEO was used with the option /PARITH/ON or SPMD. /LINE Numerical issue with the /LINE option and domain decomposition in the Starter. /LOAD/PBLAST Numerical issue in the Starter when both /LOAD/PBLAST and /INTER/TYPE17 were set in a specificmodel. The Starter failed with a memory allocation error. /MONVOL/FVMBAG1 Numerical instability in the volume computation for a specific airbag meshed with pyramid andtetrahedron elements. The model failed during the first cycle.Starter initialization correction for a finite volume mesh created with pyramid and tetrahedronelements.Radioss Starter was taking too much time to create the restart files. /PROP/TYPE9(SH_ORTH) With Ishell=24, membrane damping (Dm) was not set to the correct value for triangle shellelements (/SH3N) and material law /MAT/LAW19. The value was Dm=0.015, instead of Dm=0.25. Altair Multiscale Designer 2019.2 Release Notes Altair Multiscale Designer is an efficient tool for development and simulation of multiscale material models of continuous, woven, and/or chopped fiber composites, honeycomb cores, reinforced concrete, soil, bones, and various other heterogeneous materials. Applications include multiscale material modeling for design, ultimate failure, statistical-based material allowables, fatigue, fracture, impact, crash, environmental degradation, and multiphysics simulations and provides plugins to commercial FEA solvers Optistruct, RADIOSS, LS-DYNA, and Abaqus.
New Features
User Experience
- Real-time assistant unit cell calculations are now automatically calculated and guide meshinput parameters. In addition, real-time assistant unit cell calculations have been verified foraccuracy to the actual exported unit cell. - Auto selection of Step 1: Unit Cell model mesh algorithm (direct or adaptive) including autocalculation of mesh element size based on unit cell model selection. - Auto populate Laminate definition default layers for general laminates (orientation = 0,thickness = 1.0) and injection molding laminates (orientation = 0, thickness = 1, fiberorientation tensor = {0.9, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0.}). - Added Step 3: Nonlinear Material Characterization summary plot which plots all simulationson one chart as a summary in addition to the individual plots for each simulation. - Changed Step 3: Nonlinear Material Characterization simulation data from “strain rate” to“test time” which is more consistent with standard macro solvers (that is OptiStruct, Abaqus,and so on) that defines default time for implicit solutions. In addition, default “test time” isset to 1 sec, which is the standard default for macro solvers.
Constituent Material Database
- The Constituent Material Database has been enhanced to include separately continuousmaterial product forms and injection molding material product forms. The proper constituentmaterial (continuous or injection molding) should be selected based on the product formbeing simulated. - Added Tow material class and corresponding Aramid/Carbon/Glass material subclass to theconstituent material database which enables the constituent material database to be used forwoven materials.
Step 1: Unit Cell Definition
- Support for external unit cells with quadratic elements from OptiStruct (*.fem) and Abaqus(*.inp). - Added both geometric and manufacturing parametric input for Fibrous > Discontinuous Fiberparametric unit cells.
Resolved Issues
- Added default license file location checkout for EDU package/install. - Fixed incorrect macro strain calculations with Step 4: Material Nonlinear Characterization dogbonesimulation models. - Simulation models for injection molding with fiber orientation tensor results no longer requireelement IDs to start at ID=1. Element IDs can now be numbered starting at any number and donot have to be continuously numbered. As such, the mdsFiberOri.dat file now has the headerinput *Max_ElementID instead of *Total number of elements. - Simulation models for injection molding with fiber orientation tensor results no longer require themodel to be built completely within the global X-Y plane. Simulation models for injection moldingwith fiber orientation tensor results can now be built in ANY 3D XYZ coordinate system, and localelement material orientations are automatically calculated from the local element fiber orientationtensor at every element. Prior versions required the model to be built completely within the globalXY plane (that is Fiber Orientation Tensor results A33 ~ 0.0). With this change, v2019.2 completelysupports A33 >> 0.0. - The performance of simulation models for injection molding with fiber orientation tensor resultswith explicit solvers (that is, Radioss, Abaqus-explicit, LS-Dyna, and so on) has been significantlyimproved. Altair Manufacturing Solver 2019.2 Release Notes Altair Manufacturing Solver is a state of the art solver suite for manufacturing applications. It is built on Kratos Multiphysics, which is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software that aimsat modularity, extensibility, and high performance. The current version of Manufacturing Solver includes a castingsolver and an injection molding solver. This casting solver is used under Altair Inspire Cast and themolding solver has an interface in Altair SimLab.
Casting Simulation: Supported Features
Metal casting is a widely used manufacturing process used to mold metal into a desired shape. Thisis achieved by pouring a liquid metal into a mold and cooling it to solidify the part. There are manyvarieties of casting processes that depend on how the molten metal is delivered into the mold, the typeof material used to make the mold, and the cooling techniques. The casting solversupportsthe following features:
Supported common casting techniques
- High pressure die casting - Low pressure die casting - Investment casting - Gravity sand and die casting - Gravity tilt pouring - Gravity tilt pouring with crucible - Gravity with constant liquid level on the sprue - High pressure die casting with shot sleeve - Cycling
Supported standard casting components
The solver supports the modeling of standard casting components, such as:
- Core - Chiller - Riser - Isothermal and exothermal sleeves - Overflow- Mold - Cooler - Filte r- Shot sleeve - Crucible
Supported computed results
- Flow Front - Velocity
- Pressure - Temperature - Cold Shuts - Air Entrapment - Flow length - Mold Erosion - Solid Fraction evolution - Shrinkage porosity - Pipe shrinkage - Solidification Modulus - Niyama - Microporosity - Solidification time
Modeling Simulation: Supported Features
Injection molding is one of the most common processes used for the production of polymer parts. Thisis a cyclic process and often used with thermoplastic polymers. A polymer in the form of pellets is mixedwith other additives, then heated to a melt state, and finally pressurized in a single screw extruder.This pressurized polymer melt is injected into the mold at a high flow rate to fill the mold cavities.These cavities are made in the form of the final part accounting for the shrinkage, and then the mold iscooled and the part is ejected from the mold as soon as it is stable enough for ejection. This is a cyclicprocess and this sequence repeats. Altair Manufacturing Solver is used for simulating the injection molding process.The following features are supported:
Supported solution sequences
- Filling - Filling + Cooling - Filling + Cooling + Warpage - Cooling - Cooling + Warpage - Filling + Packing - Filling + Packing + Cooling - Filling + Packing + Cooling + Warpage
Support for fiber orientation analysis
Fiber orientation analysis is supported and can be optionally turned on.
Filling solution module
The filling solution module supports:
- Velocity driven filling - Velocity/pressure (VP) switch over - Final pressure driven filling - Gates can be timed with table data
Supported packing stage phases
The packing stage includes both packing and holding phases.
Model support
The solver can support models that contain:
- Complete or partial runner system - Single or multi-cavity molds - Analysis with or without mold plates and mold inserts - Analysis with or without part inserts - Symmetry conditionsSupported computed results - Air traps - Density - Fill time - Pressure - Temperature - Velocity - Maximum velocity - Strain rate - Weld surface - Viscosity - Sink marks - Fiber orientation tensor - Warpage - displacement - Warpage - stresses Altair HyperWorks Help 2019.2 Release Notes Resolved Issues- Locally installed Help was slow to load on computers that did not have access to internet due to html files referencing websites outside of network. It is recommended that you install HyperWorks Desktop Help-2019.1.1 with HyperWorks Solvers Help-2019.2 to resolve this issue. HyperWorks solver technology includes finite-element-based linear and non-linear structural analysis, design and optimization capabilities (OptiStruct), finite-element-based highly nonlinear structural analysis under dynamic loading (RADIOSS), electromagnetic field simulation (FEKO, WinProp and Flux), multi-body simulation (MotionSolve), as well as composite analysis and design (ESAComp). Combined with design optimization technology and multi-physics capabilities, HyperWorks enables users to drive the product-development process and make reliable decisions based on high-quality results. Product: Altair HyperWorks Mechanical SolversVersion: 2019.2Supported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : www.altair.comLanguage: englishSystem Requirements: PC *Supported Operating Systems: *Size: 2.2 Gb * System Requirements: Operating System: Windows 7even (64bit) or Windows 10 (64bit), RAM: 4 GB (higher recommended) Graphics Hardware: OpenGL 3D graphics accelerator compatible with OpenGL 3.2 or higher, True color (24-bit) support, 2 GB or higher dedicated RAM, Only AMD and NVIDIA GPUs supported (Intel chipsets are not supported)本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到 Altair HW Mechanical Solvers 2021.1.1 Update Only x64本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到