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[行业软件]Maya阿诺德渲染器插件Solid Angle Maya To Arnold (MtoA)5.4.7 For Maya 2018-2024 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-12-11 11:36:07
The software developer Solid Angle is pleased to announce the availability of Arnold (or MtoA) 5.3 for Autodesk Maya. This update introduces Arnold and is a minor feature release bringing several USD improvements, as well as other bug fixes.尼,Glassworks,Sega, Framestore, Digital Domain, The Mill, Psyop, Ubisoft, Zinkia, Kandor, 737 shaker among等,为广告、动画系列电影怪物′s房子,《贝奥武夫》、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,2012 o Lluvia de西班牙等等。

Solid Angle, a bussines Autodesk, is pleased to announce the availability of Arnold for Autodesk Maya. This release uses Arnold Arnold for Maya - Date: 19 June 2024

Bug Fixes
- MTOA-1988 - .bundle libraries not packaged correctly on macOS installs
- MTOA-1969 - Python error when loading MtoA before mayaUSD
- MTOA-1959 - Snapshots are removed after toggling snapshots folder on and then off
- MTOA-1914 - Incorrect UV transform translation for imported ramp shaders
- MTOA-1968 - Xgen extension fails to add Arnold attributes in Maya 2025
- ARNOLD-14365 - Fix AiNodeGetMatrix to return node matrix instead of identity after node initialization in batch renders
- ARNOLD-14779 - AtProfiledLockable not compiling on Windows in newer MSVC due to Mutex::native_handle_type
- ARNOLD-14893 - [GPU] 4MB GPU memory leak per frame
- ARNOLD-15041 - Arnold does not run on Linux distros with glibc 2.39 (RHEL 9.4)
- ARNOLD-15048 - Fix OIDN dll name clash with DCCs by renaming OIDN libraries
- ARNOLD-15060 - Arnold should not catch C++ exceptions it did not generate
- ARNOLD-15087 - uv_projection shader uses corrupt UVs for evaluating its default_color shader
- ARNOLD-15121 - [GPU] crash when CUDA error has no message
- ARNOLD-15122 - Crash destroying a light that is part of a light group
- ARNOLD-15136 - Random hang when parallel initializing scene
- ARNOLD-15169 - Crash when modifying a child node from procedural_update
- usd#1923 - Fix instance primvar indices with multiple prototypes
- usd#1929 - Ensure subdiv_iterations is not set unnecessarily during procedural updates
- usd#1932 - Fix a crash when the number of elements in a primvar is not equal to the number of points
- Add support for Export and Import of imager graphs: The imager editor in ARV and the Render Settings now support the import and export of imagers as .usd or .ass files for sharing with other scnes or other Arnold plugins

- Automatic generation of TX files: Tx textures are now generated on demand, when the texture is first accessed during rendering, instead of generating all Tx files of the scene before the render starts.
- Hair melanin and redness: The standard_hair shader's melanin and melanin_redness parameters as well as the AidEonBSDF() function's absorption parameter are now being referenced in a linear sRGB color space so that the direct lighting results match when switching to other rendering color spaces such as ACEScg. The melanin_redness parameter will also now produce a more correct-looking red tint in ACEScg. (ARNOLD-7585).

- Sharp textures through reflections and refractions: Textures seen through specular reflections and refractions, particularly when there is low roughness, such as with clear windows and mirrors should now look correctly sharper. This can result in higher resolution texture mipmap levels being loaded in memory, so scenes that were affected by this can see an increase in texture cache usage. (ARNOLD-5632)

- MaterialX 1.38.5: Arnold now ships with an updated MaterialX version, see the full release notes.(ARNOLD-12448)
- Autodesk Analytics Program: A newer version of the Autodesk Analytics Program (ADP) has been integrated into Arnold. This brings stability and performance improvements, including in situations where Arnold is used without internet access. If Arnold can identify the user with their Autodesk account, opt-in settings will automatically download from the internet, simplifying usage across multiple machines. Otherwise a one-time dialog window will appear if the computer does not have preexisting Analytics opt-in information. No dialog window will appear when running kick -dw, making it safe to use on headless render nodes.
- Warn when adaptive sampling is enabled and there is no RGBA AOV: Adaptive sampling will only run on the RGBA (beauty) AOV. If there is no AOV with the name RGBA, then adaptive sampling is disabled. This can be particularly confusing when IPR has a display window and so adaptive sampling is used, but the batch render is done without display (kick -dw for instance) and adaptive sampling stopped working. We now emit a warning when this occurs so this issue can be easily detected. (ARNOLD-12521)

USD Enhancements

- USD 22.08 The arnold USD procedural now use USD 22.08.
- MaterialX support: MaterialX shaders are now supported, both in Hydra and in the usd procedural. usd#1181

- Alembic support: Alembic references and payloads are now supported by the usd procedural. (ARNOLD-12593)
- Imager support: Imagers can now be rendered in Hydra and the procedural through an imager node graph connected to the RenderSettings "imager" attribute. usd#1305
- Skinning improvements: UsdSkel Skinning can now support instances and was made more efficient. Motion blur is now correct in both hydra and the procedural. usd#1291 usd#1078
- Support shader connections to mesh lights: It is now possible to connect shading graphs to a mesh light color. This can be done by connecting an ArnoldNodeGraph primitive to the mesh attribute primvars:arnold:light:shaders. usd#1294
- Skinning improvements: UsdSkel Skinning can now support instances and was made more efficient. Motion blur is now correct in both Hydra and the procedural. usd#1291 usd#1078
- Camera improvements:
. dataWindowNDC support has been improved for batch rendering. It now adds more pixels to the output image instead of simply adjusting the frustum, when using husk or kick. usd#1271
. The horizontal and vertical aperture offset attributes in the cameras are now supported, both in Hydra and in the procedural. This enables features such as render regions. usd#1225
- Cylinder lights: Cylinder lights are now supported in the usd procedural. usd#1231
- Render settings improvements:
. We can now set in the usd file which RenderSetting primitive will control the render by pointing the layer metadata attribute renderSettingsPrimPath to the RenderSetting primitive. usd#1235
. The aov_shader attribute of a RenderSettings primitive can now point to multiple ArnoldNodeGraph. They have to be separated by a space. usd#1321
. "Abort on error" is now declared as a Hydra render setting, and can be controlled in usd_view or mayaUSD. usd#1259
- RenderVar improvements:
. The attribute "arnold:filter" of the RenderVar primitive now defaults to box instead of closest_filter. usd#1313
. RenderVar aov name can be called "color" for the beauty, it was supported in the render delegate and is now supported in the procedural. usd#1311
- Improved default sampling values in Hydra: The default sample values were inconsistent between interactive Hydra versus batch rendering (e.g. with husk). This was improved, and now matches the other Arnold plugins. This is an incompatible change for scenes where sampling values were left to default. usd#1006
- Shader outputs registered in Sdr: The output attributes for Arnold shaders are now registered, along with their type, in the Sdr registry. This allows for applications / plugins to expose shading trees with Arnold shaders with the correct types. usd#1211
- Environment variable to debug Hydra: In order to help debugging Hydra renders, an environment variable HDARNOLD_DEBUG_SCENE can now be set to a .ass scene filename, allowing the Arnold scene data to be saved out as the render starts. usd#1266
Incompatible changes
= Hair melanin and redness in ACEScg: The changes to standard_hair shader's melanin and melanin_redness in ACEScg are potentially look-breaking. The absorption parameter for the AidEonBSDF() is now expected to be in a linear sRGB color space. Those changes can be reverted through the enable_deprecated_hair_absorption render option (ARNOLD-7585).
= Autodesk Analytics Program: The following API should no longer be used as Arnold will now create the opt-in dialog window. In many cases they have been marked deprecated and will be removed in a major Arnold release. All these functions can be replaced by AiADPDisplayDialogWindow() and AiADPDisableDialogWindow():
AI_API AI_DEPRECATED void AiADPDialogStrings(AtParamValueMap&, const char*);
AI_API void AiADPSetOptedIn(bool wants_optin);
AI_API bool AiADPIsOptedIn();
- Autodesk network licensing: Autodesk Network License Manager (NLM) servers have to be updated to version 11.18, otherwise checking out a network license throws a Generic license checkout error (22).

Bug Fixes
- MTOA-659 - MTOA always prints a startup log
- MTOA-313 - No log produced when using AVP and never opening ARV
- MTOA-1177 - Incorrect transform when using originOffset and curvecollector
- MTOA-1131 - ARV and Arnold Viewport do not refresh during GPU render when using a denoiser
- ARNOLD-12647 - Log window should only show output of Render View or Viewport Renders
- MTOA-1152 - OSL recompiles automatically while being edited
- ARNOLD-12660 - Volume rendering performance regression in Arnold 7.1.3
- ARNOLD-11448 - Crash stacktrace is not always printed
- ARNOLD-12590 - [GPU] Single channel 8-bit textures are too bright
- ARNOLD-12675 - [Maketx] maketx tool doesn't recognize the –ignore-unassoc parameter
- ARNOLD-12619 - [MaterialX] Channel connections not exported when exporting MaterialX shading networks
- ARNOLD-12667 - [OCIO] Slow call to the OCIO color manager when reading raw textures in OSL
- usd#1278 Support visibility overrides on instances in the render delegate
- usd#1336 Fix empty ProductName rendering as .exr
- usd#1331 Fix motion blur sampling on skinned instances
- usd#1329 Fix inverted motion blur in the render delegate when using velocities
- usd#1315 Fix interpretation of primvars arrays with constant interpolation
- usd#1309 Fix RenderVar's filter width not translated properly in the procedural
- usd#1306 Allow to render deepexr RenderProduct with kick
- usd#1282 Don't set UsdUvTexture uvset when st coordinates are used
- usd#1281 Fix crash when a volume prim density field is invalid
- usd#1232 Set output to half precision for RenderVars with half types
- usd#1214 Make Sdr node discovery results consistent across rendererscorrect reflection and refraction of rays in scenes with adjacent dielectrics, such as liquids in glass vessels, has been implemented by resolving overlapping, i.e. "nested", dielectrics via a priority system. This allows for more realistic renders of scenes such as glass containers with liquid contents and bubbles, correctly accounting for the change in the index of refraction as rays refract through the transparent media. The new dielectric_priority parameter on the standard_surface shader assigns a priority to the internal dielectric medium of the closed transparent object the shader is assigned to. These priorities specify that in an area of overlap of two transparent objects, only the highest priority dielectric medium exists (see the schematic glass of water below). The priority is simply a signed integer (default 0), which can be increased or decreased as needed to define the dielectric medium in the overlap areas. If priorities are made equal, then media are effectively blended in the overlap. The effect can be disabled globally with options.dielectric_priorities (Nested Dielectrics in the Advanced tab of the render settings) in case you need to revert to the legacy mode, which does not correctly compute the refractions. (core#6023)
Solid Angle SL is the technology company behind the Arnold rendering software, with offices in Madrid and London and customers throughout the world including Framestore, DreamWorks, ILM, Sony Pictures Imageworks, MPC, The Mill, Mikros Image and Rising Sun Pictures. Arnold was designed from the ground up to efficiently raytrace the complex geometric datasets required for feature--length CGI animation and big- budget visual effects, while at the same time simplifying the pipeline, reducing the number of passes, minimizing storage requirements and greatly enhancing interactivity for lighting artists.

Owner: Solid Angle
Product Name: Maya to Arnold
Version: 5.4.4
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :www.arnoldrenderer.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows, macOs & Linux *
Size: 4.2 Gb

1. Install
2. Start the RLM executable to float the solidangle.lic

If you already have a RLM server up and running just copy the .lic and .set file to your RLM directory
and reread/restart your server.

Note: You have 2 options to let the Arnold plugin know where your RLM server is running:

a) Create an environment variable: solidangle_LICENSE=5053@localhost (change port and server if necessary)
b) Use the provided "solidangle_client.lic" file. Search in your plugin installation folder for ai.dll on Windows libai.so on Linux, and libai.dylib on OSX and copy the "solidangle_client.lic" file there (change port and server if necessary)  

If you need more help on setting up the RLM stuff check out:

软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-12-13 17:28:16

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2019-12-14 00:35:02

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2020-02-17 13:23:33
Solid Angle Maya To Arnold (MtoA)4.0.2
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2020-03-12 13:02:06
Solid Angle Maya To Arnold (MtoA)


只看该作者 5 发表于: 2020-04-19 03:48:51
Solid Angle Maya To Arnold (MtoA)
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2020-04-19 08:27:36

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2020-09-26 14:40:44

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2020-10-21 18:50:54

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2020-10-22 01:18:24
Re:Maya阿诺德渲染器插件Solid Angle Maya To Arnold (MtoA)4.0.4 For Maya 2018/2019/2020