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[行业软件]Siemens Simcenter Nastran 2020.1-1899 win/liunx [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-12-18 07:38:13

Siemens Simcenter Nastran 2020.1 | 2.9 Gb

Siemens announces the new release of Simcenter Nastran software. Manufacturers and engineering suppliers in aerospace, automotive, electronics, heavy machinery, medical devices and other indus-tries rely on Simcenter Nastran software for their critical engineering computing needs so they can produce safe, reliable and opti-mized designs within ever shorter design cycles.

Simcenter Nastran 2020.1 release notes

Simcenter Nastran 2020.1 caveats

Simcenter Nastran - General issues
- The directory containing C files example for User Material is incomplete. A separate download is made available on GTAC. Fortran directory is complete.
- (PR 9562643) In linear solution sequences, if the boundary nodes of the defined bolt cut are part of a glue pair, the axial preload is not correctly applied. This can be determined by summing the reaction forces at the bolt head which should equal the full preload value. Using a contact definition instead of glue, when possible, will resolve the issue.
- (PR 9343915) For SOL 144 analyses that calculate aerodynamic hinge moments using MONPNT1, some loads may be incorrect.
- (PR 9598270) RDMODES gives the wrong set of eigenvalues when SWAP RDQSOL is selected either manually or automatically, and F1, F2, and ND are all specified. A workaround is using 'LANC' for RDQSOL.
- (PR 9472874) For buckling problems, when a large ratio on the factor diagonal is indicated via user warning message in F06, the Lanczos procedure may fail due to a very large shift.
- (PR 9095229) For eigenvalue computations using Lanczos procedure, specifying a negative value for F1 may result in a failure if there are also large ratios on the factor diagonal. The workaround is to either not specify lower frequency F1, or specify zero.
- (PR 9533340) In dynamic analysis, the modal data generated by SDR1 and SDR2 are formed into a data matrix by DDRMM. For large models, Nastran may run out of scratch disk space in SDR2 module. Using PARAM, DDRMM, -1 will use less disk and let the solution continue.
Simcenter Nastran - Vibroacoustic analysis issues
- (PR 9619265) For SOL 108 vibroacoustic analyses that request grid contribution output, contributions may be ordered incorrectly if distributed memory parallel (DMP) processing is used.
- (PR 9614164) SOL 111 vibroacoustic models using RLOADEX to specify loads can fail for very large numbers of loads. Specifically, this may occur when the associated SC_H5 load file is more than 100 GB.
- (PR 9612495) FEMAO quality check will output incorrect results when DMP processing is used and initial quality check is turned off.
- (PR 9557338) In vibroacoustic analyses using HFEM, when GFL is applied the solution is slower than in 2019.1. A workaround is to switch to previous version by using SYS714=1.
- (PR 8422803) For vibroacoustic analyses using FEMAO (ACADAPT) and DMP processing, there may not byb enough memory assigned to NASTRAN by default. This can result in an error, and an incorrect error message that does not indicate memory shortage. A workaround may be to increase Nastran memory using the memorydefault keyword.
- (PR 8559234) For vibroacoustic analyses using HFEM, processing may be slow compared to Virtual Lab.
Simcenter Nastran - Solution 200 Design Optimization
- (PR 8434468) For SOL 200 topology and topometry optimization jobs, stress sensitivities might be inaccurate if several stress responses (e.g. with different item codes) are defined on the same elements.
- (PR 8434471) For SOL 200 topology optimization jobs including maximum size manufacturing constraint, best design selection might be incorrect. It is advised to use PARAM,NASPRT,1 such that all iteration are output to op2 file and to manually inspect the results.
Simcenter Nastran - Solution 401
- (PR 9591525, PR 9586230) After performing SOL 401 large strain analyses, strain/stress results are incorrectly shown as having zero value in contour plots in Simcenter Post. In order for this to work, Post needs TRMBD data block (table of Euler Angles for transformation from material to basic coordinate system in the deformed configuration) to plot the strain/stress results in the basic coordinate system. But SOL 401 large strain analysis does not generate the correct TRMBD data block. The work-around is to select the Native coordinate system in Post to show the results correctly.
- (PR 9618559) In SOL 402, the equivalent stress for cast iron plasticity is correctly evaluated as the effective (von Mises) stress of the stress tensor for all material types, whereas SOL 401 is not consistent. For a large strain analysis in SOL 401, the equivalent stress is incorrectly output as the yield stress either under compression or tension.
- (PR 9553417) In a SOL 401 multi-physics input file which contains SPCD and individual loads (FORCE, MOMENT, PLOAD4, etc.) with same SID for these cards, the SPCD contribution is not applied, resulting in an incorrect solution. A workaround is to apply the individual loads using a LOAD combination bulk data card with SID same as that of the SPCD. This is not an issue with non-multi-physics input files.
- (PR 9615244) In SOL 401, when an ANALYSIS=DYNAMICS subcase follows a ANALYSIS=PRELOAD subcase, the effect of the preload is not carried through correctly. The workaround is to use ANALYSIS=STATICS when applicable.
- Following limitations exist in SOL 401 when PLOADFP is used in a model:
. Forces on SPC degrees of freedom are not part of OLOAD output.
. In defining a WETID region, BCPROP and BCPROPS are not supported. Only BSURF, BSURFS and BEDGE are supported.
- Following limitations exist in SOL 401 when a model containing contact definition is used in a restart analysis:
. When contact region adjustment (BCTPARM, ADJUST >=0.0) is requested, the adjusted coordinates are not considered in the restart subcase. The model check will fail in the restart solution. The following DMAP ALTER may be used as a work around to fix this issue:
compile ifps,list $
alter 'IF (ISYS709\>=1 AND ISYS710=SBCNO) RST401 = TRUE' $
RST401 = FALSE $
endalter $
. The restart solution with small sliding formulation (BCTPARM, DISP=1) may fail to converge because of incorrect initialization of contact parameters in the restart solution. The following DMAP ALTER may be used as a work around to fix this issue:
compile nonlin,list $
alter 'cntupdtr' $
cntupdtr=1 $
endalter $
- (PR 9609676) In a SOL 401 cyclic symmetric analysis (ANALYSIS=CYCMODES), when user defined cylindrical and cartesian coordinate systems are specified, the cartesian coordinate systems need to have a larger coordinate system ID than that of the cylindrical coordinate system.
- When NLCNTL, RFVAR=FORCE is used in a SOL 401 input file, any TABLEDn associated with the corresponding RFORCE load will not support EXTRAP=2; only EXTRAP=0 and EXTRAP=1 are supported.
Simcenter Nastran - Solution 402
- (PR 8434017) In SOL402, the bolt results bending moments are not accurate if the bolt mesh is not symmetric because they are evaluated around the average of the nodes of the bolt cut instead of its center of area. However, this is just a post processing issue and does not the accuracy of other results.
- (PR 8434030) In SOL402 model using MAT9, if G1Z and G2Z are not specified, a value of 0 is used instead of infinite as stated in the documentation. This can lead to singular stiffness matrix. As a workaround, use 1000 times the value of G12.
- (PR 9620442) In SOL 402, the NLCNTL2 parameters:
. CREEP and PLASTIC cannot be enabled locally (in a subcase) if they were disabled globally,
. AUTOTIM cannot be disabled locally (in a subcase) if it was enabled globally, which is the default.
As a workaround, do not disable CREEP or PLASTIC globally, but instead, do it in each subcase where necessary. Also, disable AUTOTIM globally and enable it in each subcase where necessary.
- (PR 8433148) With SOL402, when PLOAD2 bulk cards are referenced by a global DLOAD case control card or DLOAD case control cards in several subcases, the load is multipled by the number of subcases in which it is used. As a workaround, use different PLOAD2 bulk card in each subcase or use LOAD instead of DLOAD.
- (PR 9610335) In SOL402, it is not allowed to have multiple RFORCE1 on the same element or a combination of RFORCE and RFORCE1 but this was not trapped.
- (PR.8431853) In SOL402, when using a large number of subcases and several DLOAD, an error can occur during computation leading to the error message: forrtl: error (65): floating invalid. As a workaround, reduce the number of subcases or replace DLOAD by LOAD.
- (PR 9594936) With SOl402, contact with a rigid surface was not producing accurate results. As a workaround, use a flexible surface with large stiffness.
- (PR 9589796) With SOL402, SHLTHK parameter does not work for composite shell contact pair.
- (PR 8429058) With SOL402, BCTPAR2 INIPENE 12 (UN3 2) parameter doesn't apply only on penetration but behaves similarly to INIPENE 11 (penetrations and gaps).
- (PR 9582065) In SOL402 shell contact, when considering shell thickness automatically (BCTPAR2 SHLTHK=0 or blank), the size of an internal array was incorrect, leading to a fatal error. This happens more often with parabolic shells but not exclusively. There is no workaround.
- (PR 8428237) With SOL402, the total and incremental sliding results are incorrect if the model contains shells or offsets. Those results are computed as if contact happened on the meshed surface.
Simcenter Nastran – Rotor Dynamics – Solution 414
- The user can define a PreLoad subcase before a rotor dynamics subcase in a Frequency response analysis. If the Preload contains a combination of forces (using the LOAD card), or if different pressure loads PLOAD1, PLOAD2, or PLOAD4 are applied on the same elements with the same SID, the different loads or pressure are not taken into account properly.

Simcenter Nastran 2020.1 Problem Report (PR) fixes

The following list summarizes the problems that are fixed in Simcenter Nastran 2020.1

9615753 Problem about orthotropic plane strain element.
9618630 TSVSC parameter in NLCNTL2 card should be TSCVSC.
8432777 Missing small circle on Ur for Yaw rate.
9610937 Performance issue with RDMODES.
8431875 Error when the SID of load in the preload is higher than the number of frequencies.
8431698 Nodal preload not taken into account.
9606424 SOL 402 valcr fatal and significant result difference.
9606084 RIGID = NONLIN produces a crash in GTYMRGD module.
9605051 SOL 402 FPP only checks BCTSET target group and not source group.
9603970 Rigid=lagran causes fatal in SOL 106 with an eigenvalue solution.
9603967 Fail to retrieve contact element data when both 2D and 3D contact in same model.
9602859 VKI solver output is lacking and confusing.
9599188 Crash when calculating ERP.
9600254 Singularity warning message should be output when model contains choking, etc.
9599587 Singular model causes GINO error.
8430859 Error processing output of SOL402.
9597532 SOL 601 axisymmetric reactions seems to be off by a factor of 2 * Pi.
9598603 SOL 402 Fails when mpi402=2 is utilized.
9597382 SOL 402 ignores contact definitions with 7-Digit BSURFS IDs.
9597243 Check1_new fatal.
9595131 Pressure results are different between models with and without GRDCON output.
9595049 SOL 402: contact with sliding velocity, bad translation to Samcef of TOL param.
9594300 Wrong results of SOL 109 rotor case.
9594245 Bolt force + displacement in same preload=FATAL 4690, 23258 but nastran runs.
9593581 SC1899.143.F1.28.PTHRESH not supported by solver.
9593250 RMS results not output for a superelement.
9592995 Wrong answers with RDMODES and frequency response.
9589803 MPI402=n PARALLEL=x ends with "User credentials needed to launch processes".
9591637 Nastran MP timing regression.
9591021 Same analysis works fine in SC2019.2 but fails to start in SC2020.1.
9590612 SOL 402 does not run. Claims LGDISP parameter must be set to 0 with damping.
9589377 Loose load connectivity at glue surface in SOL 200 Topology Optimization.
9589366 Test case has NaN in the f06 files.
9589354 SOL 601 testcases hang.
8429062 The fluid penetration pressure with surface to surface contact leads to a crash in SOL 402.
9587367 Fluid penetration pressure is not correct in f06/OP2 for composite solid model.
9586987 PLOADFP pressure on certain BEDGE regions is applied incorrectly.
8428843 Two PJOINT cannot have the same PID.
8428842 Two CJOINT cannot have the same EID.
9585859 Wrong GPForce output in SMP mode.
9585278 Contact parameter INIPENE enhanced with new values, SOL402.
8428345 SOL112 same displacement result with relative and absolute option.
8428381 KTT matrix and T-set SOL 103.
9581627 EM forces from .sc_h5 file are getting consolidated.
9580453 The way time is reported has changed in nastran on Linux.
9580073 Centrifugal matrix always equal to zero.
9579766 In-Core RDMODES slow performance with NREC>1.
9579456 Visualization issue with initial static computation.
9579006 NXN1899.83: PLOAD4 in two subcase with different CIDs cannot be solved in SOL402.
9578726 Large axisymmetric model fail to compute Fourier modal results in SOL401.
8427182 MBDEXPORT SIMPACK - fbi file produces wrong mode animation in SIMPACK.
9578241 Symmetry filters inacurate for element with nill indices.
9577954 Format issue of bolt results in SOL 402.
9577893 FEMAO log file is too detailed for nxcr.
9577855 Large generalized plane strain model crashed for SOL401.
9577651 NXN1899.82: Access violation error when solving SOL401 restart case.
9575108 Unclear behavior (results) in a SOL 401 preload sequence.
8427682 Documentation update request.
9575546 SC1899.127: Invalid restart points are populated in the subcase name list in Res.
8427508 FPP SOL401: PLOADFP CPCRIT with 2D element never finishes.
9574455 SLED_SC1899.126, SOL 401 cannot solve the model successfully.
9573789 SLED: Geometry optimization result difference in comparison with previous release.
9573516 Solver crash with FREQ=0.
9573112 No Punch files for random analysis.
9573102 No results if incorrect random ID is entered in the case control.
9573096 No random results for some of the random subcases.
9572976 PBEAR and PBEAR2 couldn't have the same PID.
9572958 Two PBEAR2 couldn't have the same PID.
9572942 CBEAR and CBEAR2 couldn't have the same EID.
9572926 Two CBEAR2 couldn't have the same EID.
9572372 SC1899.126: Subcase Labels are missing in Restart Data generated in SOL402.
9572278 PBEAR2 issue running SOL 414.
8427119 SOL 145 - Not able to see aero panel for real mode.
9555277 NX1880.2002 mistakenly acquires 65 more tokens for SOL108 with DMP up to 4.
9557242 Bolt fatal message, SOL 401.
9570095 Positioning error of a super-element, unknown node.
9570046 Bacon crash when a super element is used.
8426790 New maximum size inaccurate results with shell thickness <> 1.0.
9569486 Aero op2 output incorrect for complex modes.
9568320 FMETHD PKNL in SOL 145 does not loop properly.
8426627 SELOC issue if nodes are not defined as BNDFREE/FIX, and not present in usage.
8426616 Unable to apply rayleigh damping on SE.
9566200 No stress output for FEMAP post processor.
8426493 SOL402 FTCHGM2 fatal if model contains only superelement but no regular element.
9566255 RSTART of rotorod in SOL 414.
9565064 When first subcase doesn't refer to PLOADFP, model fatals in FPPSETUP module.
9565008 Incorrect/inconsistent results with OPPHIA output.
8426098 SOL402 wrong temperature units in Simcenter Postprocessing.
9563455 SOL 111 crashed when frequency dependent fluid and method(fliud) is specified.
8426062 Nastran crash when using a MODCON output with more than 4286 nodes.
8426061 Nastran crash when using PARFAC.
9561827 Fatal FPP error.
9562820 Problem if BSURFS ids are greater than 9999.
9560177 SimCenter Nastran 2019.2 - No Result with DMP.
9559204 NX Nastran Rotor Dynamics, in op2 displacement results in Eigenmodes missing.
9560877 Not running testcase.
9558586 SOL 401 - Error when using user creep and CONM2.
8563290 Von-Mises Stress.
8425786 Unable to combine Rayleigh damping to structural damping in direct approach.
9555320 "Access violation" (C0000005) error during solution.
9557395 e402cont202 fails in windows with fatal error.
9555465 With Multiple RPMs, Frequency interpolation causes memory failure.
8425262 SOL 414,101 should raise a fatal error if trying to run a maneuvers in rotating.
9553877 TABS does not work for MATCRP TYPE 1 and 2 in SOL 402.
8424827 The fluid penetration cannot be stopped by contact pressure in CQUAD8 model.
9550965 SOL402 dynam analysis: initial speed works only one component.
9550836 "out" keyword command does not change unv file name.
9550647 Transient results of SOL 414(speed-up, speed-down).
9549763 SDR2 performance degradation on modal analysis of shells in SOL 103.
9549122 FEMAO dmp gives wrong microphone pressure (different than smp results).
8424598 Error with MBAL in SOL 414,129
8424533 ASSIGN SC_H5 path limitation in Simcenter Nastran.
9548277 Fatal due to CONM2.
9547676 Creep strain is not correct for MATCRP Type=1 and 2 in SOL 402.
9547519 The coordinates of grids are not correct after translation from SOL 402 to Samcef.
9546504 Effective plastic strain is not correct for SOL 402 model with plasticity and creep.
8424270 SOL 402 produces the error %%%E01-OP2BCTPAR2: Parameters compatibility.
8424263 Solver raise fatal error with Hessenberg Method during processing,
9545619 SOL414,101 : load case name should be the subcase labels.
9545606 SOL414 output files must be generated independently of NXNS_FILEKEEP.
8424256 SOL 414 crashed when processing material.
8424222 Missing stress result in the intermediate freq results in 414,111.
8424211 Solver crashed if BNDFREE is used in the super element.
9545106 Doing solid element bolt preload but preload only working on some bolts.
9545092 Fatal error for SOL 108 Mumps.
8424199 SELOAD not taken into account as pressed in SOLs 414,110 and 414,111.
8424197 Cannot use superelement in SOL 414, 101.
9542102 Mode acceleration data recovery incorrect with internal loads.
9523066 Error in applied load when using sequential dependent subcases.
9540811 CBUSH does not work with SOL 414.
9540428 SOL 402 is not applying a fluid pressure defined on the surface of a CPYRAM element.
9538185 BOLT load changes if rotation.
9538139 LMS0938: Exception in solve while solving the attached SOL200 Sensitivity case.
9537386 Restarts fail with temperature.
9536660 LMS0938: Pressure results are not output for vibro-acoustic sensitivity case.
8423174 Error when applying RFORCE preload in rotating frame.
8423155 Multi Harmonic computed when using multiple UNBA on differents rotors.
9531518 Documentation for the KSTAB param on the BCTPARM card is missing in QRG.
8422498 Wrong case control command for flutter card.
9529240 SOL103 performance regression.
8561965 FEMAO Vibro-Acoustics is too slow compared to standard FEM.
9528781 SOL 401 - "Access Violation" Exception in 1872.
9528814 Description of the Edit Modes Dialog box is incorrect in the documentation.
9528638 NXAC coupling crashed.
9527846 Fatal Error with Sys693=100 (Pardiso Out of Core).
9526961 Pressure results of ATV model.
9526021 Performance regression of modal analysis of shell elements.
8421796 Error conversion unit SOL 402 restart.
9523544 Lose of Thermal dependancy for Young and Poisson ratio.
9522191 Message with time reference instead of load factor.
9521014 k402rerun3d1neg fails.
9518420 Slower Performance of Manufacturing Constraints.
9518132 Convergence problems with the testcase k401czshapet60 on windows.
9517629 Mode set binary export unable to solve the SOL 111 modal mrequency response.
9516003 Multi-RPM vibro-acoustic response with FEMAO.
9499966 NX Nastran steady state thermal radiation issue.
9513687 Fatal case of SOL 111 with *atv.op2.
9511003 The TOTALS of GPFORCE output is not near zero for composite solid with CHEXA.
9506935 Incorrect equation on RADBC entry in QRG.
9506328 Many messages in SOL402 DMP: %%%A01-TEMTV2, NODE xx TEMPERATURE NOT DEFINED.
9505471 VATV response analysis cases with external loads or external PSD crashed.
9505361 Mixing 3D and Axisym elements in the same model.
9498200 About "Curve-fitting of MATSR".
9504164 SOL 401 model gets wrong results with DMP.
9499927 Performing unnecessary AUTOSPRT for SOL 108.
9498303 SOL601-106 DMIG issue.
9420636 Using "auto" CSYS for bolt type 3 results in wrong axial vector.
8418069 Problem of performance with Mooney - Gluing - bulk 22 (new development).
8417583 Problem of post processing of the VonMises Stress[Cauchy] in SOL402.
9480296 Elastic strain is not correct when both SML creep and plasticity are used in 401.
8417153 When only MODAL subcase, no TEMP(INIT) -> TEMP is assigned.
9479719 The unit of temperature is not converted correctly when TABS=459.69.
9475942 Hyperelastc Ogden law, SAMCEF and SOL601 have same result, SOL402 wrong result.
9455516 Unexpected results in a rotordynamic analysis.
9473563 Translation error of PLOAD card in SOL402.
9472895 Dmp testcase s401brkt1p seg failures on linux in 1899.
9472848 SOL 401 Total Force Singular Matrix with Intel 2019 update 3 compiler.
9469534 SOL 401 - Model solves without restraint.
9464340 Without the license rotor dynamics analysis solves with different result.
8415484 Strange nodal penetration untreatable by INIPENE under high loads.
9461627 PLOAD direction.
9461039 Wrong results with both load and dload in the same subcase.
9457614 PARDISO support for Matrix factorization crashes in SOL 108.
9455727 DMP + PARDISO results in silent crash.
9451103 Subcase2 should be skipped with exefrom=3,rstfrom=1.
9429843 About the calculation of Element Iterative Solver.
9388959 DMP doesn't work once Nastran executable is located in a path with spaces.
9361350 RVEL on non-existing elements is ignored.
9346396 Fan noise source modeling provides wrong results with refined FEMAO meshes.
9296546 SOL 108 and SOL 111 results differ when CTYPE=STRONG, comparing hFEM and FEMAO Results.
995839 Computed beam section properties incorrect.
Simcenter Nastran is a premier finite element method (FEM) solver for computational performance, accuracy, reliability and scalability. Simcenter Nastran includes powerful solutions for linear and nonlinear structural analysis, dynamic response, acoustics, rotor dynamics, aeroelasticity, thermal analysis, and optimization. The advantage to having all of these solutions available in a single solver is that input/output file formats are the same for all solution types, greatly simplifying modeling processes.

Available as a standalone enterprise solver or as an integrated solver in Simcenter 3D, Simcenter Nastran has helped manufacturers as well as engineering suppliers in aerospace, automotive, electronics, heavy machinery, medical device, and other industries for their critical engineering computing needs so they can produce safe, reliable and optimized designs within increasingly shorter design cycles.

Using Simcenter Nastran to simulate buckling and post-buckling of thin structures. Buckling is a dangerous phenomenon likely to happen when a thin structure is subjected to compressive loads. The structure exhibits unstable behavior and a brutal change of configuration compromising the safety of the component. It’s so severe that safety assessment of aircrafts and other thin structures requires this type of analysis.

Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division, is a world-leading provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software, systems and services with nine million licensed seats and 77,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens PLM Software helps thousands of companies make great products by optimizing their lifecycle processes, from planning and development through manufacturing and support. Our HD-PLM vision is to give everyone involved in making a product the information they need, when they need it, to make the smartest decision.

Product: Siemens Simcenter Nastran
Version: 2020.1-1899
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC / Linux *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 2.9 Gb

* System Requirements:

The following tables list the supported 64-bit operating system requirements to run Simcenter Nastran 2020.1.The product was tested using these operating system levels.

INTEL Windows (64-bit)
- Win Server 2012 R2 Standard
Win Server 2016 Standard
Win Server 2019 Standard
- Windows 10 Enterprise
- Red Hat ES 7.0
Red Hat ES 7.7
- Centos 7.0
Centos 7.6
Centos 7.7


0. Uninstall ANY SIEMENS SPLM License Server if one is installed:

   - If the original SPLM License Server is installed, use "Programs and Features"
     to remove it

   - If SSQ SPLM License Server is installed, run as Administrator the "server_remove.bat"
     from the SPLM License Server folder

1. DO NOT install original SPLM License Server from SimcenterNastran setup media!!!

2. Install or update the SolidSQUAD Universal License Server

   If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server has never been installed
   on the computer:

     - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from
     "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT
     folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be:


     - unzip the "Vendors" folder from
      to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder

     - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers"
       folder and wait until it completes

   -- OR --

   If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server is already installed,
   but the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip"
   is newer than the installed one, update the server installation:

     - As administrator run "uninstall.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers"
       folder and wait until it completes

     - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from
     "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT
     folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be:


     - unzip the "Vendors" folder from
      to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder

     - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers"
       folder and wait until it completes

   -- OR --

   If the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip" is not newer
   than the installed one but the release-date of
   "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_SiemensPLM_<release-date>.zip" is newer than the installed one,
   update SiemensPLM module only:

     - unzip the "Vendors" folder from
      to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder

     - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers"
       folder and wait until it completes

5. Install Siemens SimcenterNastran 2020.1-1899 Win64
   At setup when asked for license file or license server port and name input:

6. Overwrite original <SimcenterNastran_2020.1 program folder> (by default
   C:\Program Files\Siemens\SimcenterNastran_2020.1 ) with cracked one from folder "Client"

7. Reboot computer

8. Enjoy!

Cracked by TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ

软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-12-19 22:34:24

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2019-12-20 08:26:03

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2019-12-23 10:10:36

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2019-12-29 21:19:07

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2020-07-29 16:47:52
Re:Siemens Simcenter Nastran 2020.1   win/liunx
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2020-11-06 20:55:43
Re:Siemens Simcenter Nastran 2020.1   win/liunx

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2020-11-09 23:00:05
Re:Siemens Simcenter Nastran 2020.1   win/liunx

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2022-07-18 20:51:30
是吗 有的v空间和空间和

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2022-07-19 07:22:06