Aquaveo WMS是一维水文,一维水文和二维分布式水文建模的领先解决方案。Aquaveo WMS包含强大的工具,可用于地形数据处理,自动池划界,几何参数计算。 一维,二维,液压和分布式水文模型的领先解决方案。 Aquaveo WMS包括地形数据处理功能强大的工具,池自动划分,计算几何参数。Aquaveo WMS是基于GIS 的专业水文处理软件,提供水文模拟全过程的工具。包括流域、子流域的自动生成、几何参数的计算、水文参数 (如汇流时间、降雨深等 )的计算等 ,并能实现模拟结果的可视化。WMS可以使用矢量地图、DEM、TIN等格式的数据来进行地形分析和水文模拟。嵌入了多种传统的概念性水文模型 ,包括 HEC- 1、NFF、TR-20、TR-55、Rational Method、HSPF等 ,根据自动提取的流域参数进行水文模拟 ,可以用于洪水预报、水库设计、城市规划等。
Aquaveo, a water resources consulting company, is pleased to announce availability Watershed Modeling System (WMS) 11.2.5 is a complete watershed solution used for automated delineation, hydrologic & hydraulic modeling, floodplain mapping, and storm drain modeling. What's new in WMS 11.2.5 - October 04, 2023 Rational Method
- 14687 WMS crash when trying to double-click basin
- 14696 WMS Crash when trying to edit in material properties dialog
- 14701 Problem setting projection when a 2D grid exists in WMS
- 14657 WMS crash with "Smooth Pits" command
- 14662 WMS Crash with "Vertices->Transform…" option
- 14663 WMS Crash with route point
- 14700 WMS Crash when trying to convert TIN to DEM
Hydrologic Data
- 14688 WMS Crash when editing reach data
- 14690 WMS Crash when clicking channels calculator
- 14695 WMS Crash with travel time
- 14709 WMS Crash when deleting data in HMS properties dialog
- 14738 GUI Test: WMS crashes when zooming after delineating watershed
2D Grid
- 14697 WMS Crash with generating credible intervals
- 14705 WMS Crash when trying to delete rain gage with delete key
- 14758 Probable Maximum Precipitation Percentages Are Being Erased Out of the HEC-1 Precipitation Dialog
- 14689 WMS freezes when trying to delete Stochastic data
- 14656 WMS items can be clicked without seeing what they are
- 14707 WMS problems after trying to get to Plot Wizard
- 14691 WMS cross sections graph incorrectly adds to the X-Axis
- 14759 WMS issues with various plots
- 14714 Edit button does not open HY-8 like it should
File IO
- 14741 WMS crash after reading file
- 14033 Texture map issue - resolution too low, rips
- 14753 Detention Basins Cause Errors When Loading the GSSHA Solution
14606 WMS Crash when trying to Run GSSHA in MWBM Modeling Wizard dialog
The Watershed Modeling System (WMS) is a comprehensive environment for hydrologic analysis. It was developed by the Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory of Brigham Young University in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station. The software is currently being developed by Aquaveo.流域建模系统的特点

通过使用分水岭建模系统,也可以轻松地进行雨水排放建模。您可以绘制Storm Drain网络,也可以从GIS导入数据。暴雨排放的数据可以链接到您的水文模型。还可以进行洪水预报,并且可以轻松计算洪水的深度和速度。您可以执行渗透分析和表面建模。

Harness the entire spectrum of watershed analysis tools with WMS - the all-in-one hydrologic and hydraulic solution.
完整的一体化流域解决方案- GIS Tools
- Web-based data acquisition tools
- Terrain data import and editing tools
- Automated watershed delineation & hydrologic modeling
- Support for the most industry standard hydrologic models
- Step-by-step hydrologic modeling wizard
- Hydraulic modeling & floodplain mapping
- Storm drain modeling
- 2D (Distributed) Hydrology
- Integration with FHWA hydraulic calculation software
- Export WMS animations to GoogleTM Earth
- Automatically delineate a watershed and sub-basins using digital terrain data
- Automatically compute geometric basin data such as area, slope, mean elevation, maximum flow distance and more
- With a small amount of input, compute hydrologic basin data such as time of concentration, curve number, and infiltration parameters
- Industry standard equations for computing sub-basin lag times and times of concentration are included with WMS
- Add any number of interior outlet points and let WMS subdivide the watershed automatically
- Manipulate stream networks to represent man-made features or proposed changes to the watershed
- Override derived basin boundaries to match your knowledge of the watershed
支持大多数行业标准水文模型- A license of WMS Floodplain or greater includes an interface for the following industry standard hydrologic models:
- HEC-1
- TR-20
- TR-55
- Rational Method
- OC (Orange County, California) Rational
- OC Hydrographic
- National Streamflow Statistics
- Convert and compare the results of a watershed developed for one model with any of the other models supported in WMS
- Read and compare observed hydrographs with computed hydrographs
- Define a stream centerline and bank stations
- Define cross section locations
- Automatically cut cross sections and derive Manning's roughness values from elevation and ground material data
- Export cross sections to the HEC-RAS or Simplified Dam Break hydraulic models
- Run the hydraulic model and read the water elevations back into WMS
- Read water surface elevation data from a hydraulic model or manually input known water surface elevations
- Create flood extents and flood depth maps using digital terrain data and water surface elevation data points
- Link the peak flow or complete hydrograph from any of the WMS-supported hydrologic models to an HEC-RAS hydraulic model
- Draw a storm drain network or import a network from GIS
- Compute elevations, lengths, and slopes of pipes from underlying elevation data
- Link the storm drain network to your hydrologic model data
- Export the hydrologic model data and the storm drain network to EPA-SWMM or XP-SWMM
- Import existing EPA-SWMM or XP-SWMM files into WMS
2D (Distributed) hydrology 
- WMS supports 2D models:
- The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) GSSHA model
- The HMS version of the quasi-distributed MODClark method
Flood forecasting (depth and velocity over entire 2D domain)Thunderstorm (localized rainfall) flood analysisSurface ponding and infiltration analysisWetland modelingLand use change impact modelingGroundwater/surface-water interaction modelingSediment and contaminant modeling
Import what you need
- USGS DEMs - download and use any format of DEM from the USGS
- USGS NED data - seamless elevation data can be downloaded and read into WMS
- ArcGIS Raster (ASCII format) - read elevation or attribute data in gridded format from ArcGIS
- ESRI Shape files - read all shapes and attributes into WMS
- DXF and DWG CAD files - WMS now supports the latest versions of DXF and DWG
- TIFF, JPEG image files - /images along with geo-referencing information can be read by WMS
- Any data supported by ArcGIS can be read into WMS (ArcGIS license required, compatible with ArcGIS 10.0)
Product: Aquaveo Watershed Modeling System (WMS)Version: 11.1.2 with TutorialsSupported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : www.aquaveo.comLanguages Supported: englishSystem Requirements: PC *Size: 4.8 Gb购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。