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- 2025-03-09
OkMap是用于映射,分析和显示gps数据的功能强大的软件。使用此应用程序,您可以上传在线数字地图,甚至是已购买的地图。它还能够接收各种格式的矢量数据以及与邮政信息和地形标高有关的DEM数据。使用OkMap,您可以使用车站,徽章和路线来组织旅程,并将这种服从转移到所需的gps设备上。该程序会自动调整不同零件的高度信息,并能够估算行驶时间。此外,它提供的功能使您可以自动导航和确定地理坐标。OkMap软件的功能:您可以将gps设备连接到计算机,并将存储在其中的数据传输到程序中,然后在所需的地图上查看结果,并根据这些数据显示各种统计数据供您研究。这将非常有用。如果要在地图上实时显示路线,可以将gps设备连接到笔记本电脑并开始移动。该软件会在地图上实时显示所有行驶的路线。即使将软件连接到Internet,也可以将实时数据存储在远程计算机上。OkMap还能够连接到Google地图和Google Heritage地图,例如,使用Google Heritage查看地球上的动画和3D渲染的路线,这是一个非常吸引人的功能。Features:OkMap is an interactive software which allows you to work on your computer screen with web maps or digital maps that you have either bought or scanned. OkMap can also import vectorial data from the most common formats and DEM data relevant to height information. Through these maps, you can organize your paths by creating waypoints, routes and tracks on your computer monitor, and upload this data to your GPS. OkMap sets automatically altitude data and estimates travel times. Furthermore OkMap provides you also with autorouting and geocoding functions. Data collected by your GPS can be downloaded on your computer, stored and displayed on the maps. They can also be used to create different types of statistics. By connecting a GPS to your laptop, you can plot your position on maps in real-time. If you are connected to the network you can constantly send your position to a remote computer, or receive the position of your companions on your computer and display the related tracks on maps in real time. Whats New:GPSBabel: New version 1.6.0.C ++: New version 14.23.27820.0.Enabled the management of vector data in web maps.New function: Export vectorial data in OkMap format.Preferences: Receiving remote data at startup (OkMap and GpsGate).FIX: Importing vectorial data: The datum was not converted in the calculation of the metric coordinates.FIX: File - Save - Map - KMZ: It always oriented the image to the north.FIX: Tracks: The navigation bitmap overwrote the trace end bitmap.FIX: Calculate distances: Incorrect management of the measurement window on the map change.FIX: Menus were not enabled / disabled after drawing a pie / icon / comment. 系统要求-Windows XP或更高版本(64位) -Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0-1 GHz处理器 -最低1 GB RAM(建议2 GB) 安装指南安装后,将文件OkMap.exe复制并粘贴到安装程序的Crack文件夹中。本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到