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[行业软件]Omron Automation Sysmac Studio v1.50 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-01-03 17:42:36

Omron Sysmac Studio 1.50 | 3.5 Gb

The OMRON Automation development team is pleased to announce the availability of Sysmac Studio 1.50. This solution provides an integrated development environment to set up, program, debug, and maintain NJ/NX-series CPU Units, NY-series Industrial PC, and other Machine Automation Controllers, as well as EtherCAT slaves.

Support of new hardware

Support the following Controllers:
- NJ501-R[]00 Controller version 1.44
- NJ501-R[]20 Controller version 1.44
- NY512-1[]00 Controller version 1.24
- NY512-Z[]00 Controller version 1.24
- NY532-1[]00 Controller version 1.24
- NY532-Z[]00 Controller version 1.24
- NJ501-5300 Controller version 1.21 (CNC 1.02)
- NY532-5400 Controller version 1.21 (CNC 1.02)
Robot Integrated CPU Units Ver 1.43 and later support the following robots:
- Viper series articulated robots
- i4 series SCARA robots
- iX3/iX4 series parallel robots.

Improved functions

- Copy multiple POUs (programs, functions, FBs) together
- Single-click on a ladder rung makes a rung element selection
- Network-published variables are not eligible for Delete Unused Variables function
- Show the EtherCAT slave/NX unit at a failed transfer
- Transfer to NX unit is possible during an EtherCAT communication error
- Tag set name in EtherNet/IP connection setting permits a hyphen
- EDS file creation function for CIP Safety devices
- CIP connection type (Type2a, 2b) can be changed for several devices at once with batch setting feature
- Bulk editing for variable comments
- Search and jump to the resources
- Variable display
- Search Unused Variables function
- Improved error messages shown for a build
- Embed a variable value in a user alarm message
- Only frequently-used property items are shown in the Standard mode
- Embed Dialog for advanced settings is available in Properties Tab
- Animation window was merged into the Properties window
- 3D Visualizer displays real operational time

Enhanced/Improved functions

- Solved the problem that executing Transfer in Online Edit during a simulation of NJ501-R might stop a robot control task.
- Solved the problem that a major fault might occur after a build error associated with variables was resolved by changing the task setting.
- Support the Remote Encoder Setting Function
- Improved the problem that an error might occur and disturb an access to RobotControlSetting when a simulation of a project that includes a robot was performed.
- Improved the problem that executing a simulation from the 3D Visualization pop-up menu of an Application Manager device might fail.
- Improved the problem that during a simulation, performing online program editing that includes IEC variables referenced by EXTERNAL keywords in a V+ program caused a V+ program execution error.
- Improved the problem that when an NJ501-Rx20 (DB model) controller was set and a simulation of the project where an NJ Robotics instruction was used in a program was run, an error occurred and an access to RobotControlSetting was disturbed.
- Improved the problem that an online connection or simulation while the V+ variable list is shown initialized initial values of a precision point array.
- Improved the problem that when a shape script with a code to assign values into a REAL variable was run with Windows setting using a decimal comma instead of a decimal point, an error message was shown and the shape script was aborted.
- Support the function to update configurations and setting data for Safety Units
- Improved the usability so that a terminated connection can be reestablished with the Safety CPU Unit due to a timeout during an upload.
- Improved overall performances.
- Soft-NA supports Runtime 1.12 to 1.15.
- Solved the problem that in a project using multiple HMIs, data type definition might become invalid when a device was switched from controller to HMI.
- Solved the problem that a mapped variable might not be shown on the Variable Mapping when a device was switched from controller to HMI.
- Solved the problem that an invalid resources ID might be assigned to an edited resource on the page editor.
- Solved the problem that a copied page group might be pasted in the same page size of the original unit model.
- Runtime Solved the problem that an Input control action caused an error if performed at a start of NA.
- Runtime Solved the problem that E_PAG_011 might occur at a pop-up window appeared.
- Runtime Solved the problem that a CSV file created in data logging might be overlapped with a previously saved file.
- Runtime Solved the problem that an error occurred when a variable value set to a conditional expression of an event became unallowable one for its data type.
- Runtime Solved the problem that an error was rarely indicated in an operation when some objects sharing a variable were used in multiple pages.
- OS Support the function to insert a variable value into a message at a user alarm.

The Sysmac Studio Automation Software provides an integrated development environment to set up, program, debug, and maintain SYSMAC NJ/NX/NY-series Controllers and other Machine Automation Controllers, as well as EtherCAT slaves.

The Sysmac Studio provides an environment for programming with variables. There is no need for con-cern about memory addresses. This eliminates the need to wait for memory address definitions forhardware before the start of software development. Hardware and software can be designed inde-pendently and developed in parallel. POUs (program organization units) that include programs, func-tions, and function blocks can be used to design programming that does not depend on any onespecific system. This increases the reusability of programming.

The Sysmac Studio provides an environment for programming with variables and POUs. Programmingis designed with POUs (programs, functions, and function blocks). The programs are then assigned totasks and the program execution order is defined. This reduces the interdependence of the programsand therefore allows more than one programmer to easily work at the same time. The assignments ofvariables to hardware and the definitions of the relations between information that is shared betweendifferent programs can be set at any time.

This video explains the meaning of a Derived Device and how to create them in our IDE Sysmac Studio.

Established in 1933 and headed by President Yoshihito Yamada, Omron has more than 36,000 employees working to provide products and services in 117 countries, in a variety of fields, including industrial automation, electronic components industries and healthcare. The company has head offices in Japan (Kyoto), Asia Pacific (Singapore), China (Hong Kong), Europe (Amsterdam) and US (Chicago). The European organisation has its own development and manufacturing facilities, and provides local customer support in all European countries.

Product: OMRON Sysmac Studio
Version: 1.49
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://industrial.omron.eu/
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
System Requirements: OMRON Sysmac Studio 1.43 and above
Size: 2.6 Gb

* System Requirements:

Check the following items before you install the Sysmac Studio.

- To install the Sysmac Studio, log onto Windows as the administrator or as a user with administratorrights. There are files that a user without administrator rights cannot write. An access error will occurif you log on without administrator rights.
- Apply the latest updates to the OS to ensure that it is always up-to-date.
- Exit all applications that are running on the computer before you install the Sysmac Studio.
- You cannot install the Sysmac Studio from a network drive, such as a DVD drive or hardware drivethat is shared on a network. Always install the Sysmac Studio from a DVD drive on the computer ontowhich you need to install the Sysmac Studio.
- Corrupted files cannot be restored on a compressed drive. Do not install the Sysmac Studio on acompressed drive.
- Do not cancel the setup while it is in progress. Files that were copied may remain in the installationdirectory.
- Do not turn OFF the power to the computer or reset the computer while the installation is in progress.Computer data may be corrupted.
- You may need to restart Windows after you install the Sysmac Studio. Restart as required accordingto Installation Wizard messages.

You can install the Sysmac Studio on computers with any of the following operating systems.

- Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit edition)
- Windows 8 (32-bit or 64-bit edition)
- Windows 8.1 * (32-bit or 64-bit edition)
- Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit edition)

* Windows 8.1 Update (KB2919355) must be applied to the OS



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