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[图形图像]Zoo Tools Pro v2.2.4 for Maya 2020 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-01-09 21:01:12
Zoo Tools 2 is a modular framework for Maya that would be useful for artists and TDs/developers. You can either just use it or add your own tools if you’re a coder.
The developers pointed out that toolsets are only one aspect of Zoo Tools 2. The update will also bring new auto-rigger, browsers for image-based tools, preferences windows, trigger marking menus, hotkeys and more.

ZOO 2 INSTALL - WINDOWS EXE ----------------------------------------
For full video instructions go to https://create3dcharacters.com/maya-zoo-tools-pro-installer/

ZOO 2 INSTALL - WINDOWS ----------------------------------------

Note: Zoo 2 does not run with Zoo 1 also installed.  Disable Zoo 1 before installing Zoo 2.  (See below for instructions)

1. Close Maya, unzip and run: zootoolspro.exe.
2. Bypass Windows warning by clicking More Info > Run Anyway*.
Note: If no window appears you may need to disable your virus protection (see video 1.3).
3. In the install window, use the default folder locations if you are unsure.
4. Click Install. After starting the installer the window may take a while to respond, give it some time.
A popup message will show that Zoo Tools Pro 2 has been installed.
6. Load Maya, the Zoo Tools Pro shelf and menu will appear.
7. Install/Update the Zoo Hotkeys by clicking on the keyboard icon in the shelf (optional)
8. If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.2.4, you will want to reset the color themes to factory defaults. This fixes color browser issues. Press the button...
Zoo Preferences Window (cog shelf icon) > Theme Colors > (Top Icons) > Revert Current Theme To Factory Default (icon button next to delete)
Then hit save in the Zoo Preferences Window.

PLEASE DISABLE ZOO 1 - WINDOWS ----------------------------------------

If you have Zoo Tools Pro 1 installed you must disable it to use Zoo Tools Pro 2. See

Close Maya

To disable Zoo 1 rename the create3dcharacters folder, you can find it in your Documents\maya\version prefs folder. Please use the appropriate version of Maya, here we are changing 2019.


Rename create3dcharacters to create3dcharacters_bak

C:\Users\yourUserName\Documents\maya\2019\scripts\create3dcharacters to create3dcharacters_bak

Start Maya

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