nanoCAD Mechanica是一个2D绘图和设计应用程序,带有大量标准零件和工具库,旨在帮助自动创建机械工程图。 nanoCAD Mechanica基于参数化设计引擎。 产品提供了日常工作的自动化,同时严格遵守公司和市场标准。 它提供了用于气动和液压管道设计,齿轮设计,轴设计等的工具。nanoCAD是一款专业软件,具有熟悉的界面,强大的绘图和设计工具,原生DWG兼容性以及开放的API。
CALCULATIONSCalculation manager;
Calculation of Cylindrical and Conic Gears parameters, Shafts, Bearing assemblies, Fasteners;Tension and compression Spring calculation;
Results of calculations are presented by Reports. These automatically generated Reports include all calculation formulas and ISO references;Beam calculation.
Settings of imported details.PREPARATIONS OF DRAWINGS
Auto-sorting of denotations; cross-reference parts of the text in the technical conditions with its graphic representation in the drawing; sheet auto numbering for formats; automatic update of tables directly connected with the objects from the drawing;Universal tables; fast creation and editing of tables in Excel style; insertion of graphic objects into the cell; attaching object's attributes to the table cell; usage of arithmetic expressions for the selected cell; automatic update of the table cells; import/export to the Excel; support of special symbols, indexes and fractions;
Technical conditions and technical requirements;Drawing title and borders;
Dimensions;Tolerances of forms and plane positions;
Marking and gradient symbols;Surface textures;
Welding;Views, cuts and sections;
Hole groups, centerlines and breaks. Special arrays;Leader notes and markers;
Comb leader notes;Positions and part lists.
PNEUMATICS AND HYDRAULICS PIPING DESIGN TOOLSAutomatic connection of fittings with pipeline element;
Automatic detection of element size and placement coordinates;Associated links of elements according to their description in the database;
Automatic placement of fittings in the selected position on the pipeline.GEARING DESIGN
Unique technology for cylindrical and conic gears design with optimization of their parameters in-place during the drawing process. Included is a full report with calculation formulas and standard references used in the design.
Springs;Shafts and Bearing assemblies;
Profiles;Hydraulic and Pneumatic Piping Parts;
Bearing Assembly templates. They are a group of parts linked by parametric relations and assembly constrains. Geometry and parameter values of individual parts in the template are depend upon their basic values, dimensions of connected parts and results of calculations (e.g. gears parameters);Gaskets;
Covers;Cuts and thrust rings.
DESIGN TOOLSConstruction lines
Rectangular, circular and mixed arrays with ability to fill contourText attributes usage in drafting commands and in library parts for automatic property filling
EXTENDED LIST OF SUPPORTED STANDARDS:It includes: ISO, GOST (Russia), GB (Great Britain), IS (India), NF (France)
Main features - nanoCAD Mechanica is based on updated version of nanoCAD Plus
- User-friendly and familiar interface
- Classic set of commands necessary for high quality preparation of project documentation
- Library of standard and user-defined parts
- Built-in 3D modeling kernel
Wide range of design tools - support of multi-sheet drawings;
- diverse methods and modes to construct graphic primitives and symbols (including orthogonal drawing, object snap, etc.);
- managing the order of drawing and overlaying graphic objects;
- standard and custom line types, types of hatches and font styles;
- multiple methods of dimensioning and putting technological symbols;
- auto selection of tolerances and deviations;
- automated standards check of texts denotations;
- quick access to typical texts and symbols;
- built-in text editor with spell check;
- built-in table editor.
Library of standard and unified elements Fasteners;
- Standard profiles;
- Reamers;
- Graphic symbols for circuit elements;
- Technological sketches;
- Elements of machine accessories;
- Parts and assemblies of mechanical gears, bearings, shafts and sockets;
- Electric motors;
- Gear boxes;
- Pipeline fittings on internal and external cone;
- Parts of vessels and apparatus;
- Nomenclature filter.
arameterized design and technological elements database esign and technological database contains a large collection of parametric and object-dependent elements, including three-dimensional ones.When you change parameters of one part, all associated object-dependent parts change automatically, and in accordance with their database values. This is a powerful tool for multivariate design, which guarantee to improve the design quality.Design of drawing projections according to engineering standards - Installed ISO fonts and linetypes;
- Pre-installed ISO dimension style;
- Tolerance zones and tolerance deviations of dimensions, as well as fits;
- Formats and stamps;
- Editor of technical requirements and specifications.
- Tolerances of form and plane positions;
- Surface texture signs;
- Views, cuts, sections, breaks;
- Auto-sorting letter denotations of drawing elements;
- Gradient symbols;
- Fixed joint symbols;
- Marking and branding;
- Hole tables;
- Special arrays;
- Cross-reference of drawing denotations to corresponding elements in technical requirements;
- Generating table reports and automatic update of tables related to drawing objects.
Designing bolted and riveted joints - Connecting packages of arbitrary thickness parts with bolts, screws and studs;
- Simplified types of fasteners in a joint;
- Connecting packages of arbitrary thickness parts with rivets of ordinary and high accuracy, hollow and semi-hollow rivets;
- Patterns of bolted and riveted joints.
Calculations - Calculation of geometric characteristics of section with respect to arbitrary axes;
- Design and calculation of sections (beams).
Specifications - Specification item numbers;
- Automatic receipt of specification;
- Creating custom specifications;
- Electrical specification type.
MechWizard built-in parameterizer MechWizard makes available the following functions:- Overlay of assembly and parametric dependencies on objects;
- “Behavior training” of a standard part;
- Modifying existing database elements;
- Creating custom database elements.
3D solid modelling - Standard tools for three-dimensional design: extrusion, rotation, pulling along path and along sections, chamfer and round;
- Tools to orient 3D geometry in space: 3D-Move, 3D-Rotate, 3D-Align;
- Operating geometry: planes, axes and points;
- Tools to create flat views from existing three-dimensional geometry;
- Using database of standard parts and assemblies in three-dimensional design;
- Flexible sketching system;
- Completing a full assembly unit.
What’s new in nanoCAD Mechanica 9.0PLATFORM 3D SOLID MODELINGnanoCAD Mechanica 9.0 incorporates 3D solid modeling based on C3D modeling kernel. nanoCAD Mechanica provides the Autodesk Inventor-style tool for 3D solid modeling. The corner stone of a 3D design environment is a 3D History window containing a Construction tree representing a history of model creation. Construction tree is a sequence of features (actions) that create the model. 3D History is a nanoCAD Inspector window with a specific set of tools.In addition to the history approach to the solid modeling nanoCAD Mechanica provides standard Boolean operations on solid objects, such as union, intersection and subtraction.
External references allow using three-dimensional parts and subunits from different files in the head assembly file. If an external reference contains one three-dimensional object, it becomes a part in 3D tree, and if an external reference contains several three-dimensional objects, it becomes an assembly unit.Blocks of three-dimensional objects, as well as external references, help form engineering structure of the assembly. At that, similar to external references, if a block contains one three-dimensional object, it becomes a part in 3D tree, and if a block contains several three-dimensional objects, it becomes an assembly unit.Thus, now it is possible to compile in 3D tree the head assembly unit, which will consist of assembly units and parts included in it.
IMPORT AND EXPORT OF 3D FILES Import and export of popular formats for exchange of 3D models were added.nanoCAD Mechanica reads and writes B-rep models in the following file formats:
- STEP with PMI supports AP203, AP214, and AP242
- IGES reads and writes v.5.3
- ACIS SAT reads up to v.22.0, and writes v.4.0, 7.0, 10.0
- Parasolid X_T, X_B reads v.29.0 and writes v.27.0
nanoCAD Mechanica imports and exports models in JT file format (v.8.0 – 10.x). It reads and writes polygonal models in the following file formats:
REPORTS AND BILL OF MATERIALS Position property now appeared in leaders of specification positions. This property can be also used in other objects of nanoCAD Mechanica, therefore all functional of universal leaders can be used to get complex specification leaders. It is also possible to make leaders of specification positions with several leader lines, leaders of specification positions with replacement, leaders of specification positions with additional text; you can use “Change extension line” command, etc.
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSThe possibility to strikethrough text in technical specifications is added. This will help users to make changes in a drawing to make it clear how the drawing looked like before changing and what exactly has changed in the drawing.A new setting for an offset from item number to the text appeared on the bar of technical specifications editor; it allows reducing and increasing the corresponding offset.Now it became possible to insert a roughness symbol in the text of technical specifications.
ROUGHNESSNew settings appeared for common surface (small height of surface sign, line spacing), as well as for unspecified surface (length of top shelf, text bottom indent, text thickness).Roughness with extension line can be now placed in any direction.
OTHER CHANGESSnap of marking and branding, fixed joints and dimensions to technical specifications has been corrected.
默认:C:\Program Files\Nanosoft\nanoCAD Механика x64 9.0
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