简直是世界上最快的图形软件。强大的插图工具,创新的照片编辑,灵活的页面布局和无与伦比的所见即所得网页设计。一个应用程序即可完成您的所有创意工作。Xara Designer Pro是我们的旗舰产品,包括照片和平面设计师,网页设计师高级版和页面和布局设计师的所有插图,照片编辑,DTP和网页设计功能。
Graphic design, web design, image editing, illustration & DTP. Xara Designer Pro X The ultimate package for your designs. Xara Designer Pro X combines graphic and web design, illustration, photo editing and desktop publishing – all in a single compact workspace.
Graphic design & illustration
Create graphics and illustrations exactly the way you want a