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- 2025-01-28
The software developer Arqcom Software is pleased to announce the availability of CAD-Earth 8.1.5, is designed to easily import/export images, objects and terrain meshes between Google Earth and major CAD programs and also create dynamic contour lines and profiles. What's new in CAD-Earth 8 - Use AI to improve image sharpness and color. Images can be enlarged up to 4x times using an AI neural network to improve image resolution, light, and color balance.- Preview images before importing them to ensure the image is positioned correctly, and select from different providers to choose the best image according to your needs.- New image providers. You can now select from ESRI or Mapbox image providers when importing or inserting images.- New GPXZ terrain elevation and bathymetry provider. High-resolution elevation data is provided from Lidar and bathymetry datasets where available. Information about the resolution and dataset used can be displayed. New mesh commands.- Edit the mesh using commands to insert, delete, move, adjust elevation, flatten vertices, and invert, delete, or cut triangles. Break lines can be inserted to refine the terrain configuration. The mesh can be smoothed and adjusted to a control mesh or control points.- Create terrain meshes from existing entities, such as points, 3D faces, contour polylines or 3D polylines.- Import and export terrain mesh. Import a mesh from Lidar LAS and DEM files (TIFF, DEM, HGT, E00, MEM, CAT.DDF), specifying mesh properties and refinement options and other processing parameters, with the option to process the entire file or to select the area to process. Export the terrain mesh to a text XYZ or a GeoTIFF file.- Mesh visualization styles. Display one or several mesh terrain elements, such as vertices, triangulation, boundary, contour lines, elevation and slope ranges and slope arrows. You can edit, create, delete and save a visualization style and choose which elements you want to display. Color, line type width and scale, text style and size can be adjusted, and parameter values can be modified.New tools.- Terrain Mesh Explorer. A floating palette tool to organize your projects and have access to mesh importing, editing and visualization commands. By right-clicking on a tree node, you can add subproject folders and terrain mesh nodes. Right-clicking on a node, a context menu will be displayed to select commands according to the node selected.- Profile Viewer. Display profile sections from selected terrain meshes by defining a cutting line specifying two points. You can adjust the vertical scale for the profiles, measure distance and slope selecting two points in the Profile Viewer, and zoom to extents or to a window, increase or decrease the view size, pan view, and show or hide the reference grid.New Earth Takeoff commands.- Perform cut/fill volume calculations by the grid method. Depths between the mesh and a comparison mesh are calculated at every grid intersection inside a defined region. Every element of the grid can be customized, specifying line type, color, layer and scale, text size, style, and color.- An summary volume report can be created, showing the average cut/fill depth, the cell partial area, cut/fill area, and volume at each grid station. The grid cell width and height, shrinkage percent, strip topsoil depth, and net cut/fill areas and volumes will also be shown. This spreadsheet will be automatically opened in Excel® after finalizing volume calculations. New improvements - Option to save the image in the drawing when importing images or terrain meshes, avoiding empty images when the file is not found.- Entities contained in blocks and nested blocks can now be exported to Google Earth. A KMZ file will be created containing all the information to display the objects in Google Earth.- When exporting AutoCAD screen captures to Google Earth, a KMZ file will be created with the image files included, to avoid displaying empty images when the files are not found. 使用CAD-Earth,您可以轻松地在Google之间导入/导出图像,对象和地形配置 地球和主要的CAD程序。 我可以使用CAD-Earth做什么? 从Google Earth导入图像。图像可以全彩色或 主要图像格式(BMP,JPEG,TIFF)的灰度。图像可以剪裁成封闭状态 可以创建折线和平铺图像以提高图像分辨率。 将Google Earth对象导入CAD程序。多边形,路线和地标可以是 从Google Earth导入到主要的CAD程序(AutoCAD,Civil3D,ZWCAD +,Bricscad Pro)。 可以将多边形导入为投影到地形的2D或3D折线,可以选择应用填充颜色。 可以将地标作为带有高程的块导入,包括地标名称和描述。一种 包含符号库,您可以在其中选择要插入的地标块或添加 你自己的积木。 将CAD对象导出到Google Earth。线,折线,弧,圆,点可以导出到 Google Earth以多边形,路线或地标的形式显示。对象线的粗细,轮廓,填充颜色和 透明度可以调整。可以指定最大段来控制曲线平滑度 长度和偏转角。也可以设置地标名称,描述,比例和图标。 将CAD屏幕截图导出到Google Earth。 CAD工程图可以导出为Google Earth 图像叠加层。可以采用主要图像格式的全彩色,灰度或黑白图像捕获 (BMP,JPEG,TIFF,PNG,GIF)。背景颜色可以完全透明或更改为 如果需要,可以使用其他颜色。也可以按部分截屏以增加最终图像 解析度。 从Google Earth(Plus版本)获取轮廓线,轮廓和剖面。地形 可以在现有的闭合多段线内部或沿多段线路径创建配置网格 从Google Earth计算点高程。指定原点,旋转角度和 行和列之间的距离可以调整网格密度和精度。所结果的 可以处理网格以获得轮廓线,动态轮廓和完整的剖面图 带有注释。 Features: - Import Google Earth image to CAD.
- Export CAD screenshot to Google Earth.
- Insert georeferenced images.
- Import Google Earth objects to CAD.
- Export CAD objects to Google Earth.
- Import Google Earth terrain.
- More than 3000 supported coordinate systems worldwide.
- Cross section from mesh.
- Profile from mesh.
关于激活1、双击CAD-Earth_6_AutoCAD2020.exe运行安装 2、将补丁替换到安装目录即可完成激活 默认:C:\Program Files (x86)\CAD-Earth 6 (AutoCAD 2019-2020) 3、完成激活 PS CAD-Earth在2020版本中更改了其许可系统。 现在,您必须始终连接到互联网。 您只能通过该应用登录您的帐户并签出浮动许可证来激活。 因此,从现在开始,似乎只有破解或许可服务器仿真器才是唯一的选择。 因此,keygen是可选应用的。 购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。 若发现会员采用欺骗的方法获取财富,请立刻举报,我们会对会员处以2-N倍的罚金,严重者封掉ID! 此段为出售的内容,购买后显示 ADDED:If you want to see REGISTERED besides EVALUATION in About window, just create/modify registry value:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Arqcom\CAD-Earth]"AccessKey"=""