Autodesk 3DS Max 2021是一个3D建模和渲染软件,可帮助您在游戏中创建广阔的世界,令人惊叹的场景以进行设计可视化并提供引人入胜的虚拟现实体验。Autodesk 3DS Max 2021软件提供了高效的新工具,加速的性能和简化的工作流程,有助于提高艺术家和设计师的整体生产率,使其能够处理当今苛刻的娱乐和设计可视化项目所需的复杂,高分辨率资产。具有导入,可视化和渲染大量点云数据集的功能;增强的视口性能;以及新的场景管理工作流程,3ds Max可帮助艺术家和设计师处理更大的复杂性而不会降低速度。此外,响应性更强的ActiveShade交互式渲染工作流现在支持NVIDIA mental ray渲染器,并且新的基于艺术家的基于节点的可视着色器编辑器可用于创建和预览复杂的实时着色器,从而有助于提高照明,着色和渲染的效率。任务。同时,借助对Python脚本的新支持,3DS Max提供了强大的核心工具集,可以更轻松地对其进行扩展和自定义,以满足每个工作室的独特需求。
Autodesk 3DS Max 2021的功能创建,塑造和定义一系列环境和详细角色3ds Max可与大多数主要渲染器(包括Arnold,V-Ray,Iray和mental ray)配合使用,以帮助创建引人注目的场景和视觉效果在游戏和建筑中建立富有想象力的角色和逼真的场景Revit,Inventor和Fusion 360以及SketchUp,Unity和Unreal都可以与3ds Max一起使用结合3ds Max和虚拟现实引擎的功能构建沉浸式建筑可视化效果创建,共享和更新灵活,连接并对设计数据的更改做出反应的便携式资产使您的UI与您的思维方式和工作方式相匹配,以提供更响应,更现代,可自定义的用户体验Autodesk has launched 3ds Max 2021.3, the latest update to the 3D modelling and animation software, including a number of significant new highlights, enhancements and changes for game development and VFX work. What's New in 3ds Max 2021.3 Update - Date release: Aug 26, 2020Release Notes are still a Work-In-Progress. 3ds Max 2021.3 Update Fixed and Known Issues Fixed issues
Cloning keys over existing keys in the curve editor, timeline, mini curve editor, key info floaters, motion panel and dope sheet no longer creates incorrect tangents. MAXX-58984
Fixed a defect in the Skin modifier that permitted adding duplicate entries of the same bone into the system. This will prevent the problem in the future. Current scenes affected by this must still be manually cleaned. MAXX-52825
3ds Max no longer crashes when you select Edit > Hold in Motion Paths sub-object mode. MAXX-46764
MAXX:Animation, MAXX:Modeling
Resolved an issue with the Edit Poly modifier, introduced in 2021.1, where animated vertex component data would not play back properly. MAXX-58780
When exporting Blend material with a mask, textures are now correctly blended. MAXX-58708
Fixed issue with MAXScript when wrapping a controller/dimensioning in a MAXControl, the code in some cases was improperly using an existing MAXControl value with different dimensioning. MAXX-60138
The Python version can now be set using the ADSK_3DSMAX_PYTHON_VERSION environment variable for 3dsmaxcmd.exe MAXX-60073
Fixed defect in the SafeArrayWrapper MAXScript type that caused it to contain undefined and repeated values when doing things like reading from an Excel file using MAXScript's OLE automation capabilities. Also changed the behavior so when getting an OLEObject:range object, the outer limit is inclusive. If you wants a range covering cells A1, A2, B1 and B2, you can say "A1:B2" instead of "A1:C3". MAXX-59505
Fixed crash when loading Scene Explorer instances from scene file where instance had a null name.
Fixed issue where when renaming a Scene Explorer instance, after saving and loading the scene file the instance had its old name. MAXX-58561
Fixed the empty wall material preview in Civil View Building Style Object Editor. MAXX-57116
Road markings display the colors and lines as configured in Civil View Road Marking Style Editor. MAXX-54840
Fixed problem with dotnet.getType string where runtime exception occured if specified string was an invalid format for a class name. MAXX-58938
Improved the knot position output normalization/positioning on the Spline Chamfer through improved calculations. MAXX-60211
Adjusted the way the Chamfer and SplineChamfer spinners increase and decrease in value to be step instead of adaptive, bringing them in line with how other spinners in 3ds Max should work. MAXX-60002
Improved stability with the Spline Mirror modifier. MAXX-59846
Fixed a memory access crash that could occur when inserting normals into a face that is too small when the normals on the mesh are corrupt. This fix does not propagate to STP. MAXX-59735
Improved the results of Spline Chamfer with enhanced tangent length calculations and UI options. MAXX-59723
Improved the fillet results of Spline Chamfer to be similar to expectations from within the Edit Spline options. MAXX-59591
Updated the Bridge operation to provide improved mesh stability to look for and remove dead vertices to make the mesh safe once it has completed its action. Other poly actions in 3ds Max have also been enhanced to look for this same problem as well. MAXX-59457
Resolved an issue with the Path Deform modifier where using the Stretch spinner value could sometimes cause a crash. MAXX-59439
Improved stability with the Data Channel modifier when loading a preset by adjusting the handling of how the DCM adds and removes UI rollouts. MAXX-59352
Resolved a crash error that sometimes occured when updating the translation or rotation of the Slice gizmo. MAXX-59245
Improved how the Chamfer system handles zero area vertex chamfers, which can be created when the amount value is set too small, to provide improved stability. MAXX-59082
Smart Extrude end results has been enhanced to better reconstruct and stitch the end results and further minimize side polygons. MAXX-58997
Disabled the ability to set animated keyframe values on face components when using Smart Extrude, as adding and removing mesh data doesn't work well with component data. MAXX-58961
Enhanced clearing component selection when using point to point selection. MAXX-58887
When performing an undo and then a redo of an operation that affect the explicit normals on a poly object, those normals are now properly restored at all times. MAXX-58836
Changes made to parameters on the base Freehand Spline object will now properly notifiy changes up the modifier stack. MAXX-58679
Use Pivot on Path Deform now maintains the object's form as it traverses along the path and works with multiple elements on the incoming shape to maintain their form. MAXX-58273
Improved the output color result to be within a valid range (0 to 1) by performing improved calculations to calculate each color component. MAXX-57867
Resolved issues with how the Unwrap UVW modifier was saving data that might cause a crash if data (such as name selection sets) was deleted. MAXX-57042
Chamfer modifier amount values lower than 0.001 are now correctly respected in your scenes, values smaller than 0.001 are no longer rounded up to 0.001. MAXX-57034
When using Path Deform on a group of objects, the group's spatial positioning relative to the other objects within the group is maintained, based on the incoming shape data. MAXX-56458
Improved performance of the Path Deform modifier by improving normalized spline and bezier interpolations and recoding Path Deform to be a deformer based modifier. MAXX-56247
Improved the calculations of Path Deform to maintain the objects form better when traversing along the path. MAXX-55750
Malformed Meshes (repeated vertices on same face) no longer result in the Slice and Symmetry modifiers locking up when moving or rotating the gizmo for these modifiers. MAXX-51723
MAXX:Modeling, MAXX:Performance
Enhanced processing and threading for specified and explicit normals with TriObject and PolyObjects; this can result in performance gains on various modifiers and deformers. MAXX-59052
Solved an error with how Vray handled materials, causing 3ds Max to crash when you opened the Edit UV window of the Unwrap UVW modifier. MAXX-57413
Baking normal maps with scanline no longer produces specular artifacts. MAXX-59733
Baking multiple UV tiles no longer bakes the same time repeatedly. MAXX-59240
Baking self projected normal maps no longer produces artifacts and noise. MAXX-59075
Baking with Arnold no longer applies an unexpected filtering, resulting in a blurred result. MAXX-59072
The Enter key no longer commits unexpected changes in the Bake to Texture window. MAXX-58962
Save to previous function no longer triggers unexpected warnings when scene contains Bake to Texture data. MAXX-58132
Changing EV values in camera's properties will now update Activeshade in viewport renders as expected. MAXX-58415
Deleting a locked camera refreshes Render Setup UI and turns the Lock OFF. MAXX-56319
Added Sun Positioner in Create>Lights menu. The menus need to be reset to see the new entry if 3ds Max is updated. MAXX-55040
LUT settings no longer reset when using PBR materials. MAXX-58438
Fixed corruption of 3dsMax.ini file with the GFX setup logic. MAXX-59549
Known issues and workarounds
There are no known issues in this verson of 3ds Max.
烘焙到纹理:- 用于烘焙贴图和曲面的新工具通过新的简化工作流提供了更高的性能
- 广泛的渲染器支持,包括 Arnold
- 错误验证和兼容贴图过滤
- 支持 OSL 纹理贴图和混合长方体贴图
- Mikk-T 法线贴图支持。
PBR 材质:- 新的 PBR 材质使灯光与曲面可以实现物理上准确的交互
- 两种类型的贴图“PBR 材质(金属/粗糙)”和“PBR 材质(高光反射/光泽)”可确保与任何实时引擎工作流兼容
- 将下载的 PBR 贴图从 Windows 资源管理器直接拖放到“材质/贴图浏览器”中。
加权法线修改器:- 加权法线修改器通过改变顶点法线使其与较大平面多边形垂直,改进模型的明暗处理
- 更好、更快地为网格生成明确的法线
- 权重选项包括:“面积”、“角度”和“最大面”
- 完全控制平滑和混合值。
新的 OSL 明暗器:新的明暗器包括:- HDRI 环境:控制视口和最终渲染中环境的定位和最终外观
- HDRI 灯光:用于放置真实世界光源的 HDR 照片,这些光源可动态更新场景
- Uber 噪波:添加复杂类型的噪波,例如 Perlin、分形、单元、fBm 和 Worley
- 其他新增和更新的明暗器包括颜色校正、浮点和颜色曲线以及摄影机、对象和球形投影。
Arnold 渲染器作为默认渲染器:- 3ds Max 2021 将 Arnold 6.0 纳入为默认渲染器,而不是扫描线渲染器。这将为您提供现代的高端渲染体验。
- 支持新的“烘焙到纹理”工作流。
- 新的 AOV 工作流。
- 包含新的场景转换器脚本,用于将 V-Ray 和 Corona 材质转换为物理材质。
新的 Substance2 贴图:- Substance2 贴图比旧版 Substance 贴图更快。
- 利用最新 Substance 引擎的更新进行本地 sbar 加载。您不再需要从 Substance Designer 导出贴图。
- 支持多达 8k 纹理。
- 支持 3ds Max 附带的渲染器:Arnold、ART、扫描线和 Quicksilver。
- 脚本化工具,用于快速设置具有特定类型材质的 Substance 或将贴图返回到文件。
增强功能和更改 联机和脱机安装已得到全面改进,可获得更加简单、快捷的体验。场景转换器
改进功能包括:- 现在可以将视口设置另存为预设
- 现在,在视口中工作时,“环境光阻挡”(AO) 始终可见
- “渐进式天光”切换全阴影投射天光,启用时可提供准确的天光阴影,禁用时可减少内部场景中的视口闪烁和视觉问题。
- “渐进式淡入时间”设置视口中某些效果(如渐进式天光、区域灯光和景深)的渐进渲染速度
- 物理材质的粗糙度支持
- 现在,灯光阴影默认处于启用状态。
更快地保存文件现在,保存包含大量资源的场景文件时速度明显加快。自动备份(自动保存)和暂存速度也更快。文件包含的资源越多,改进效果越明显。永久默认值现在,您可以通过 MAXScript 调用为 PramBlock2 支持的微调器、径向、复选框或输入字段设置自己的默认值。新的默认值将在每次使用 3ds Max 时持续存在,从而您可以将工作环境配置为按所需的方式运行。[td=1,1,30.76923076923077%]ProSound 改进现在还支持 24 位 WAV 文件、88.2kHz 和 96kHz 采样率,以及无限数量的音频剪辑(以前最大为 100)。此外,还修复了导致音频在第 100 帧后覆盖 50% 音量的问题。[td=1,1,30.76923076923077%][td=1,1,69.23076923076923%][td=1,1,30.76923076923077%]切角修改器更新- 现在,可以直接从切角修改器设置最近的“可编辑多边形”选项(如“均匀”、“径向”和“面片”斜接类型)。
- 支持还可扩展到“边深度”、“末端偏移”和“径向偏移”控件。
SketchUp 导入方面的改进新的 SketchUp 导入选项包括忽略隐藏元素并保留层信息。修复了 80 多个缺陷在此版本中修复了直接影响您的 80 多个缺陷,以及大量影响内部流程的缺陷。Autodesk 3DS Max 2021. focuses on delivering efficiency, performance, and stability that will speed up your content creation process. New updates for Revit and Chamfer Modifier provide more flexibility, whether it’s dealing with importing complex BIM data or creating that next killer game asset. Improvements to OSL (Open Shading Language), viewport playback, and a faster animation preview allow you to visualize the results of your work more accurately and minimize times between production changes. Autodesk. helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges. Product: Autodesk 3DS MaxVersion: 2021Supported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : www.autodesk.comLanguage: englishSystem Requirements: PC *Supported Operating Systems: *Software Prerequisites: Autodesk 3ds Max 2021本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到
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