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[行业软件]Autodesk Inventor Pro 2021.4完美激活 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-03-31 17:45:55
Inventor Pro 2021 是面向产品设计和工程的专业级三维 CAD 软件。使用 Inventor 三维 CAD 建模软件进行产品和机械设计。目前已推出最新版本AIP2021。Autodesk Inventor Professional包括Autodesk Inventor三维设计软件;基于AutoCAD平台开发的二维机械制图和详图软件AutoCAD Mechanical;还加入了用于缆线和束线设计、管道设计及PCB IDF文件输入的专业功能模块,并加入了由业界领先的ANSYS技术支持的FEA功能,可以直接在Autodesk Inventor软件中进行应力分析。在此基础上,集成的数据管理软件Autodesk Vault-用于安全地管理进展中的设计数据。

Inventor CAD 软件提供了专业级三维机械设计、文档编制和产品仿真工具。结合使用参数化、直接、自由形状和基于规则的设计功能,提高工作效率 。
Autodesk® Inventor® 2021 包含用户驱动的更新和增强功能,可帮助您加快设计工作流、减少重复性任务并提升体验,使您可以将更多时间投入到设计和创新。Inventor 2021 提供:
  • 客户驱动的改进:Autodesk Inventor 2021 继续提供您和 Inventor 用户社区所要求的增强功能。
    Inventor Ideas
  • 持续交付专业级功能:Autodesk Inventor 不断改进,让您更加高效地处理更大、更复杂的设计。

  • 2021.1 Update - Date release: 12-July-2020

    What's New for Inventor 2021.1

    Frame Generator
    The orientation values for the manipulator are now editable dimensions in the display.

    3D PDF Export
    3D PDF Export of assemblies now supports assembly features and 3D annotations.

    Open Components from Assembly Browser Enhancement
    You can now select multiple components and sub-assemblies from the browser and open the selection set in new sessions in Inventor. Right-click the selection set and click Open.

    Tube & Pipe

    Icon Notifying the Deferred Route
    The deferred route is now indicated by a lightning icon in the browser.

    New access points for Display All Objects / Defer Update and Hide All Objects
    Now you can access the Display All Objects / Defer Update and Hide All Objects commands from the route's context menu.

    The commands are also available on the ribbon.

    New behavior for populating routes
    You no longer need to select Populate Route when you finish creating a route. When Display All Objects is enabled, the populated route is previewed when you make the connections and populated when you finish.

    If Defer Update and Hide All Objects is enabled, the route displays as a wireframe until you select Display All Objects.


    Edit Property Fields Enhancement
    The Property and Value fields in the Edit Property Fields dialog box now auto expand to the longest text string when inserting a sketch symbol, title block, or border containing a prompted entry.

    Section View Creation Enhancement
    When creating a section view, by default, the view is aligned with the parent view. Use the new context menu, Align View, to disable orthographic projection from the base view. You can also use the new View Projection options in the Section View dialog box to control Section View creation.

    Note: Holding down the Ctrl key when creating a section view to disable alignment with the parent view continues to be supported.

    Delete View Dialog Box Enhancement
    When you delete a view with dependent views, the Delete View dialog box now displays the dependent views by default. This allows you to easily indicate dependent views to keep or delete. By default, each dependent view is set to Yes to delete. To change the setting, click the Delete entry. Previously, you had to click the expand button, to see and change this information.

    Replace Model Reference Dialog Box Enhancement
    You can now resize the Replace Model Reference dialog box. This enhancement eliminates the need scroll horizontally and vertically to view the information.

    Fractional Dimension Enhancement
    You can now double click anywhere on a fractional dimension to edit it.

    Thread Note Enhancement
    You can now double-click an internal or external thread note to open the text editor in a drawing file.

    Note: After creating a thread note, you must first save the file to open the text editor using double-click.

    Example of accessing the text editor from a note applied to the external face of a cylinder:

    iProperties for Multi Selection Enhancement
    The iProperties command is now available for multi selection in the browser.

    DWF export
    Now you can set All colors as black while exporting a 2D drawing as a DWF file to prevent issues with certain colors.

    Browser Transparency Enhancement
    Like in assemblies, icons indicating transparency are available in the drawing environment's browser.

    Interoperability Enhancements

    You can now specify which Revit categories to include or exclude from the imported model by selecting a 3D view and deselecting the categories to include and, then, import the model.

    A special category, Revit Links, is added when linked RVT files are present. This allows you to include or exclude all linked files in the import process.

    Productivity Enhancements

    Property Panel Enhancements
    - Highlight New badges are provided for Ribbon Commands and Property Panel features. The badges help you quickly identify new or updated commands and feature options. Badges also display for feature options not readily visible. You control whether or not they go hide after first use or remain visible.

    - Improved highlights of input fields and in-panel notifications to enhance clarity.

    - Value edit fields, during an edit operation, expand to show the full value entered.

    - Reference Dimensions are displayed similar to Driven Dimensions and in gray to differentiate them from normal dimensions.

    Extrude Between
    The Between option is added to the Extrude command. The option, when checked, expedites the creation process by focusing on selecting the From/To faces.

    Additionally, commands requiring more than one face to be selected, such as Extrude Between, display different colors for each selection making it easier to distinguish the input geometry.

    When multiple solutions are possible, toggle the Alternate Solution option to cycle through the possibilities.


    Navigation Enhancements
    The Display tab in the Applications Options dialog box now provides settings where you can map the middle mouse button to zoom, pan, or orbit.

    Parameters Dialog Box Enhancement
    The ribbon commands, Manage tab > Parameters Panel, Import from XML and Export to XML, can now also be accessed from the Parameters dialog box.

    File Open from Browser Enhancements
    You can now open a part, presentation, sub-assembly, or assembly file from the Drawing View browser tree by double clicking on the icon or name. The file opens in a new Inventor window.

    Browser Contrast Enhancement
    The browser contrast during in-place edit has been increased to help distinguish between active and inactive models.

    Derive and Additional Persist Settings Enhancements
    The following Derive settings now persist across sessions when creating a derived part. By default, each of these settings are checked. Deselecting a setting will result in the setting remaining deselected until you select it again.

    - Parts
    . Link sheet metal styles
    . Show all objects
    . Use color overrides from source component
    . Reduce memory mode
    - Assembly (Options tab)
    . Link sheet metal styles
    . Use color overrides
    . Reduce memory mode
    . Create independent bodies

    Save Dialog Box Enhancements
    The Save has been enhanced to allow you to quickly identify files you're about to save that aren't in your active project. Files not in the active project display in red.

    Additionally, files that have not been saved to disk display the save path as a suffix to alert you to the destination.

    Model Edge Enhancements
    A new model edge color control, Contrasting with Part, has been added. Contrast with Background was formerly labeled Part Color.

    - Contrast with Background displays model edge color using the part color and an applied luminance factor based on the background color. Edges are lighter with dark backgrounds and darker with light backgrounds.
    - Contrast with Part displays model edge color using the part color and an applied luminance factor based on the part color. Edges are lighter with dark part colors and darker with light part colors.
    - One Color displays all model edges using the color you select.

    Translator Enhancements
    Support for newer versions of CAD formats is added:

    - Alias 2020
    - Catia V5-6R2020
    - NX-1899 Series
    - Solid Edge FrameDesign

    Bug Fixes in 2021.1 Update
    3D Annotation
    Resolved an issue where Tolerance Feature annotations displayed incorrect tolerance values. INVGEN-37598
    Add-Ins - Bonus Tools
    Resolved a Save and Replace Component issue where save failed when the name included the "|" character. INVGEN-34888
    Add-Ins - Cable and Harness
    Resolved issue where the position of the Cancel button in the Cable & Harness Library editor kept changing. INVGEN-39331
    Resolved issue where incorrect units for Cable & Harness segment diameter displayed in the drawing environment. INVGEN-40333
    Resolved issue with misaligned Save & Cancel buttons in Cable & Harness Library dialog. INVGEN-42569
    Add-Ins - Content Center
    Resolved an issue where c:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Inventor 2021\Content Center\Settings\Favorites.xml continued to increase in size. It now reduces its size back to previous state when items are added or removed. This also applies to project files, where Favorites are also stored. INVGEN-36206
    Resolved issue where Content Center Favorites in a Project file were not being migrated. INVGEN-36393
    Resolved issue where changing the size of an existing custom Content Center part, the DisaplyName would be marked as overridden after the operation. INVGEN-36818
    Improved Content Center family table editor performance. INVGEN-36983
    Improved stability when creating a new Content Center category. INVGEN-37825
    Several sub-categories are added to the tube and pipe authoring tool, making it possible to publish components for those categories. Added Categories include: Reduced Tees, Reduced Crosses, Reduced Elbows, Street Elbows, Reduced Y Bends, Elbow Unions, Angle Valves, Gate Valves, Globe Valves, Lift Check Valves, and Swing Check Valves. INVGEN-39314
    Add-Ins - Design Accelerator
    Fixed an issue in the Shaft UI where the polygon icon was missing. INVGEN-37048
    Resolved issue with where the option for selecting concentric references for placing bolted connections was preventing you from choosing concentric references from multiple parts. INVGEN-39898
    Fixed an issue where a hole in a pattern was not populated by Bolted Connection. INVGEN-40997
    Resolved an issue in the Shaft UI where the polygon icon was missing. INVGEN-41660
    Add-Ins - Frame Generator
    Fixed an issue that the Frame Generator in-canvas Mirror glyph was not sharp on a 4k display. INVGEN-35353
    Resolved Frame Generator issue with CTRL + click not working properly. INVGEN-35374
    Resolved issue preventing you from creating Frame Generator notch profiles. INVGEN-36018
    Fixed an issue where a frame member could not be deleted after using the reuse frame member command. INVGEN-36035
    Improved error handling for replacing curved frame members when there are disconnected path segments in the skeleton. INVGEN-37016
    The Frame Generator Trim/Extend Tool select is now active after you click Apply. INVGEN-37047
    Frame Generator commands, such as Insert/Miter/Notch, are now disabled in the Weldment sub-environments - Welds/Machining/Preparation. INVGEN-37094
    We unified the tooltip and property panel text and added a missing tooltip in Frame Generator. INVGEN-37110
    Resolved an issue preventing insertion of migrated Frame Generator members. INVGEN-39250
    The following issue has been fixed. Previously you could not select a frame member to reuse if was previously selected for reuse, the Break Reuse Members command was used, and the reused member was deleted. INVGEN-39359
    Resolved an issue where selecting a workplane feature as a face for Trim/Extend command caused Inventor to close abruptly. INVGEN-39410
    Improved stability when changing the size of a frame. INVGEN-39976
    Resolved issue with the orientation of a 9 dot grid not behaving as expected. INVGEN-39979
    Resolved issues in the API method CurveGraphics.Curve. INVGEN-40323
    Resolved a Frame Generator issue where an updated two segment path degenerated one segment into a single point resulting in a crash. The crash is resolved, Best practice is to delete the degenerated frame member path and create a new one. INVGEN-40768
    Cut for end treatments is now correct. The G_L length is now calculated by the frame algorithm and not by the start and end planes of the frame INVGEN-41063
    Fixed a crash issue when using Frame Generator Trim/Extend for curved members. INVGEN-42001
    Add-Ins - Mold Design
    Fixed an issue that the Cold Well did not update in the display after an edit operation. INVGEN-2948
    Fixed an issue that the Return button was grayed out in the ribbon after a Mold Base Author operation. INVGEN-37193
    Improved stability when creating route. INVGEN-42260
    Add-Ins - Simulation - Frame Analysis
    Resolved localization issue in the Robot Structural Analysis Export dialog box. INVGEN-36443
    Add-Ins - Simulation - Stress Analysis
    Resolved a problem in stress analysis when two or more parts have the same name by adding a new error message:
    "Can't run the study. Multiple component names contain the same index. Rename following components: %s" INVGEN-33726
    Resolved a Stress Analysis Parametric table issue caused by filtering the table. The filter options is removed. INVGEN-37733
    Resolved a Stress Analysis Parametric Table issue encountered with a specific workflow that resulted in a crash. INVGEN-37734
    Resolved a Stress Analysis issue where, under certain conditions, the docked window Parametric Table would display data from the previous simulation. INVGEN-37809
    Fixed a Stress Analysis Parametric Table issue in connection with a standard part converted from a sheet metal part. Adding a value to the Thickness parameter resulted in a crash. INVGEN-38069
    Add-Ins - Tube and Pipe
    Resolved Tube & Pipe style issue related to custom hose/fitting. INVGEN-2722
    Fixed T&P routing triad color issues occurring on some localized builds. INVGEN-3770
    Improved stability and robustness when working in the Tube & Pipe environment. INVGEN-31735
    Internal issue - Resolved an issue where tube & pipe objects were not updating when paths changed. INVGEN-35981
    Tube and Pipe: Fixed an issue that the change direction keystroke was not responsive in a new route. INVGEN-35982
    Tube and Pipe: Fixed an issue that the UI froze when a modal dialog was placed under a property panel during an in-place edit. INVGEN-37177
    Resolved an issue that prevented changes to fitting orientation in the Tube & Pipe environment. INVGEN-37195
    Resolved a Tube and Pipe update issue with the 2019 Tube and Pipe sample files by updating the sample files. INVGEN-38650
    Resolved an issue where a route loses adaptivity when a workplane is included in the route and the route is changed multiple times. INVGEN-40163
    Resolved an issue that prevented changes to fitting orientation in the Tube & Pipe environment. INVGEN-40931
    Add-Ins - iLogic
    If a file is read only generating iLogic code and copying to to the iLogic code clipboard is blocked. INVGEN-36645
    Fixed the issue with the keyboard shortcut CRTL+U - uncomment lines in iLogic rule editor, not functioning in the Rule Editor. INVGEN-37285
    Resolved an iLogic issue where Form label order was lost when there is more than 8 controls in a row. INVGEN-39544
    When importing a Revit file, the translate and import progress bars now appear on the same monitor as Inventor. INVGEN-34113
    FileManager.CanCADFileBeAssociativelyImported now can be delivered as True for Revit (.rvt) files. INVGEN-38011
    Resolved an issue preventing Multi-Level linked RVTs from being imported using the Reference Import workflow. INVGEN-40442
    Fixed an issue that some Revit elements were not exportable to Inventor. INVGEN-40823
    Revit files with non-ASCII characters in their names now update properly. INVGEN-41123
    Fixed a performance issue with checking AnyCAD file into Vault due to slower opening AnyCAD file under invisible mode. INVGEN-42391
    Assemblies - BOM
    Resolved issue with the Bill of Materials (BOM) where dates that were added as a column were not appearing correctly in the BOM. INVGEN-37090
    Capitalizing an assembly in the BOM using the context menu no longer expands the children files. INVGEN-37729
    Assemblies - Constraints-Joint-Assemble
    Improved stability when using Joints in assemblies. INVGEN-39439
    Fixed an issue where custom constraint names are replaced with standard names during Promote/Demote of models. INVGEN-39449
    Assemblies - Derived-Shrinkwrap
    Resolved an issue that a new component does not display after Check for Updates in a shrinkwrap or substitute part. INVGEN-31427
    Improved the stability of the Shrinkwrap command when the computer runs out of memory. INVGEN-38556
    Fixed the regression that substitute parts were not saved after updates made by the "Check for Updates" command. INVGEN-39639
    Fixed a crash issue when you clicked the Parameters command while editing a Shrinkwrap Substitute. part. INVGEN-39810
    Improved the performance of Detect Features in the Shrinkwrap command. INVGEN-39886
    Assemblies - Hole
    Resolved VBA issue where running VBA code in an assembly file to set the depth of a hole feature would generate errors. INVGEN-35947
    Assemblies - Pattern
    Weld positions now update with Pattern update. INVGEN-35260
    Assemblies - iAssembly
    Improved a performance issue that occurs when editing iComponents via Excel. INVGEN-34952
    iAssembly BOM Quantity overrides for an iPart of an iAssembly instance are handled correctly. INVGEN-36655
    Some table operations made via "Edit Table" on iParts or iAssemblies can leave the underlying spreadsheet references in an unresolved state.
    Workaround: Use "Edit via Spreadsheet" instead of "Edit Table". INVGEN-37312
    Improved stability when saving the update during opening drawing file. INVGEN-37341
    Desktop Viewer
    Fixed the issue where Inventor view lost the ipj. file association after running in Read-Only mode. INVGEN-26523
    Added the Open Drawing command to the right click menu in Inventor Read-Only Mode. INVGEN-37251
    Drawings - Annotations
    Resolved an issue that hole and thread notes were missing after editing an assembly sketch. INVGEN-37314
    Drawings - Annotations - Balloon
    Resolved issue where the Edit Arrowhead dialog box wasn't displaying well on 4K monitors. INVGEN-34081
    Fixed an issue where a crash occurs when right-clicking a balloon attached to a virtual part in a draft view. INVGEN-38319
    Improved stability of Inventor when manipulating balloons in a file with deferred mode enabled. INVGEN-42238
    Drawings - Styles
    Fixed the color of alignment / reference lines on black drawing sheets. INVGEN-37131
    Drawings - Tables
    Resolved issue where revision tags were not populating correctly from custom vault revision tables. INVGEN-36347
    Improved Inventor stability when adjusting row heights in drawing Parts Lists. INVGEN-39352
    Fixed a crash caused by some excel templates when exporting a parts list. INVGEN-40690
    Fixed font and justification issues when exporting parts lists when using a template. INVGEN-41716
    Drawings - Views
    Improved stability when deleting a section or base view after moving Hole and Thread notes from a section view to base view. INVGEN-37415
    Fixed a stability issue that inventor crashes when you edit a break out view and enable show hidden edges. INVGEN-37772
    Improved stability when pasting cropped drawing views. INVGEN-38023
    Resolved a drawing performance issue when moving or editing a drawing view containing complex multi-solid bodies. INVGEN-39045
    Improved stability when creating a Break out view from a Section view with Show Hidden Edges enabled. INVGEN-39214
    Resolved an issue that a pasted view is off the sheet when the cursor is on the browser pane. INVGEN-39430
    Resolved a drawing issue where hovering over a component pattern browser node caused a crash. INVGEN-40475
    Resolved an issue preventing you from breaking OLE links to disconnect the linked content. INVGEN-37735
    Improved stability in cases where a missing attribute caused the application to terminate. INVGEN-39910
    Parts - 2D Sketch
    Resolved issue where hidden nested block(s) unexpectedly display after feature edit/profile selection. INVGEN-37245
    Parts - Extrude-Revolve-Sweep-Coil
    When editing in place the nodes in the Solid Bodies browser folder are kept up to date. INVGEN-38830
    Removed "Path does not intersect the profile" warning for sweep as it is no longer relevant. INVGEN-39465
    Improved stability when selecting path and guide rail when creating guide sweep if either path or rail contains zero length curves. INVGEN-39788
    Parts - Fillet-Chamfer
    Resolved the Fillet dialog issue where Automatic Edge Chain activates even though the option was "off" initially. INVGEN-34515
    Parts - Hole-Threads
    Resolved an issue that thread feature does not remember last settings while apply and create new thread. INVGEN-34690
    Improved stability when dragging the point of a hole to a projected point. INVGEN-37357
    Improved stability when calling the API method SetThreadDepth. INVGEN-39188
    Resolved a Hole command issue where preset values were not being preserved. INVGEN-42503
    Parts - Measure
    A workaxis is treated as an infinite line when measuring. This resolves an issue where measuring from centermark to workaxis treated the axis as a line segment. INVGEN-38993
    Parts - Migration
    Using Rebuild All resolves an EOP marker issue for cyclical constraints. INVGEN-2804
    Parts - Sheet Metal
    Improved the accuracy of the 2D Punch representation on a Flat Pattern. INVGEN-36987
    Parts - iFeature-iPart
    Resolved an issue with the iPart Break Link command. INVGEN-39809
    Resolved an issue where the suppression status of feature pattern occurrences for iPart member generation wasn't working correctly. INVGEN-40963
    Resolved issue where an addition en-US folder under the Template folder was being created. INVGEN-27793
    Improved stability when reading Inventor Rse data streams. INVGEN-32828
    An unresolved reference no longer has its library name and reference location type fields cleared when a document is saved INVGEN-37253
    Resolved a crash where closing files after opening them by double clicking on them in Windows Explorer. INVGEN-37505
    The Project folder path in Application Options is now saved. INVGEN-39400
    Restored the original behavior to open Inventor when you double-click project files (ipj) INVGEN-39792
    Increased reliability of parameters for designs with linked spreadsheets. INVGEN-40378
    Resolved an issue with the Dark color scheme where a graphic element was incorrectly named. INVGEN-40479
    Increased reliability when working with iLogic rules. INVGEN-40488
    Improved stability when using edit in place. INVGEN-40886
    Linked OLE object are no longer deleted when using Break Link in the Links dialog. INVGEN-41538
    Platform - API
    Improved stability with Apprentice API operations. INVGEN-32396
    Resolved API issue preventing the visibility property of SurfaceBody not returning correctly in some cases. INVGEN-32841
    Fixed an issue in the API where a close event was empty when selecting undo. INVGEN-41739
    Platform - Graphics
    Resolved the issue that Zoom changed when you interacted with the graphics in perspective view. INVGEN-39282
    Platform - Graphics - Drawing
    Resolved issue causing an offset surface with a small distance to not be visible in isometric views in drawing files. INVGEN-38216
    Resolved an issue that custom shortcut keys and marking menu view commands are not working in Presentations. INVGEN-37196
    Resolved the issue that SolidEdge frames imported as individual parts overlapped each other in Inventor. INVGEN-34519
    Resolved the issue that Export flat pattern creates a zero length line segment in the polyline. INVGEN-34835
    Resolved issue preventing the export of Factory datasets to a dwf/dwfx file. INVGEN-34914
    Resolved issue where AutoCAD blocks weren't being inserted correctly in Inventor. INVGEN-37238
    Improved performance when importing JT file with Wire option. INVGEN-37588
    Resolved an issue where pages were not properly cropped in an exported pdf file. INVGEN-37888
    Improved stability when exporting PDF and DWF files. INVGEN-38220
    Added CATIA V5-6R2020 import and export support in Inventor 2021.1. INVGEN-38484
    Resolved an issue where dragging browser or property panel tab lost association with the cursor. INVGEN-16585
    Improved stability when deleting an OLE object. INVGEN-39438
  • 互联和自动化工作流:Autodesk Inventor 2021 为 Revit 扩展了 AnyCAD 功能,以帮助施工行业中的制造商就 BIM 项目进行协作和协调。在 Autodesk Inventor 2021 中,图纸格式和 iLogic 使您可以比以往任何时候都更轻松地自动创建符合 CAD 标准的工程图。
  • 进行了多项修复,提升了稳定性和质量: 单击此处可查看这些改进的详细列表。
Autodesk Account 访问 Inventor 2021 版本。


Inventor 客户正不断推动软件处理更大、更复杂的设计。为了帮助我们的客户,我们一直在设法提高 Inventor 的性能。在 Inventor 2021 中,您将在以下工作流中体验到改进的性能:

图片来源:Feige Filling GmbH
  • 使用窗口选择或零部件过滤,同时选择多个零部件时,Inventor 响应速度更快。
  • 使用选择或保存的视图时,可见性状态更改更快。
  • 在插入子部件时,性能已得到提高。
  • 直接翻转零部件的可见性或使用保存的视图时,体验到更快的可见性更改。

  • 若要了解详细信息,请参见性能增强以及工作效率和工作流增强功能

  • 我们继续对“文件命名”对话框进行了改进,使您可以更加详细地控制结构件生成器零部件的命名规则。新选项使您可以将零部件的文件名设置为与浏览器中的显示名称相同。
  • 创建结构件时,新的类别过滤器可以简化选择,而预设则可帮助您保存最常用的结构件设置,以便以后再次使用。
  • 现在,可以从特性面板中过滤几何图元,并且新的预览图示符可帮助您在选择骨架几何图元时确定结构件的方向。
  • 新的缩放工具可帮助您调整视图,使其与结构件操纵器垂直或靠近结构件操纵器的等轴测视图。完成后,可以缩放回初始视图。
  • 也可以使用“修剪/延伸”命令来终止弯曲面上的成员。
  • 为末端处理方式添加了两个新的端部轮廓,将端部支撑延伸到“I”、“C”和“T”轮廓和圆形结构件。
  • 结构件的“重用”命令已经进行了重大改造,使得在重用的结构件集合中选择原始结构件来填充骨架几何图元变得更加轻松。

通过选择将结果与模型或 XY、XZ、YZ 平面对齐,“展开”命令进一步增强了此版本。也可以选择多个平面孔作为刚性孔。


Inventor 体验

Inventor 2020 提供了新的“浅色主题”界面。Inventor 2021 包含 Inventor 的新深色主题的预览。

特性面板继续扩展到 Inventor 的更多领域。现在,您可以在“折弯”、“螺旋扫掠”、“合并”、“复制对象”、“贴图”、“删除面”、“分割”、“加厚/偏移”和所有结构件生成器命令中使用简化的特性面板工作流。



Revit AnyCAD:我们知道,像您一样的自定义制造商希望通过参与建筑信息模型来为您的客户提供更多价值。Autodesk Inventor 通过提供与 Revit 数据的无缝集成,致力于为涉足施工行业的公司提供服务。
  • 我们通过在您工作时与插入的 Revit 数据保持关联链接,改进了 Revit 与 Inventor 之间的互操作性。可以从本地文件访问 Revit 项目,也可以使用 Autodesk BIM 360 公共数据环境通过云协调 Revit 项目。
  • 在设计过程中,更改是不可避免的。当 Revit 模型更改时,我们需要相应地更新 Inventor 模型。由于在 Inventor 部件中参考 Revit 模型,因此无需文件转换,对 Revit 项目所做的任何更改也将在 Inventor 部件内更新。

若要了解详细信息,请参见在 Inventor 部件中参考 Revit 模型
  • JT 导出现在支持导出软件可解释语义产品制造信息 (PMI)。 以前,选中“产品制造信息”框会导出图形 PMI 数据。
  • 添加了对 Parasolid 32 版导入的支持。
  • 更新了 Solid Edge、SolidWorks 和 Unigraphics 的导入和 AnyCAD 格式。



Inventor 社区会继续通过 Inventor IdeasFeedback Community 提供反馈和请求。 您的反馈帮助我们改进了零件、部件和工程图。
在新特性中标有 Inventor® Ideas 提交的改进表示直接源于您的请求的新功能。Inventor 2021 中以客户为导向的改进包括上面指出的创意,下面将提供更多详细信息:
零件:Autodesk Inventor 2021 为钣金、多实体零件和三维标注提供零件级增强功能。
  • 现在可以由参考平面或面定义钣金凸缘,从而便于匹配精确角度(在 LT 中不适用)。
  • 通过使用熟悉的窗口选择来选择零件中的多个实体或面,大大减少鼠标单击次数。
  • 通过在指引线注释和常规标注中参考三维标注和自定义 iProperty,保持三维标注和自定义 iProperty 之间的一致性。

部件:Autodesk Inventor 2021 为三维布管、部件结构和文件命名约定提供部件级增强功能(在 LT 中不适用)。
  • 我们已将“文件命名”对话框扩展到“镜像”和“复制”命令。
  • 保存文件时,我们启用了新选项来设置是否应保存文件的默认行为。“保存”对话框中新的“保存状态”列可帮助您了解 Inventor 提示您保存哪些文件以及原因。
  • 为了帮助您构造部件,我们将轴生成器中的可用功能扩展到了螺栓联接。在此选项处于激活状态时,不会在磁盘上创建文件夹或子部件,并且各个零部件将直接插入到部件中。此功能为您提供了更多选项,用于构建部件和组织日期,以最好地满足您的需求。

  • 我们继续改进三维布管设计的文件命名(在 LT 中不适用)。
  • 我们知道,您通常需要创建多条管线。使用“自动布线”选项时,“应用”按钮可让您停留在命令中以创建下一条管线。

工程图:Autodesk Inventor 2021 提供工程图级别的增强功能,并且提供自动化文档工具来更好地简化您的工作流。
  • “线样式”现在为“显示样式”,其提供更多选项,可更加精确地控制工程图中 BOM 表参考零件的外观。使用以下新选项之一:“边作为参考,着色”“边作为零件,着色”,以使用颜色且带或不带虚线轮廓来显示参考文件。
  • 通过功能区中新增的“自动中心线”命令按钮,向工程视图添加自动中心线的功能变得更容易发现。
  • 在标注视图尺寸时,我们改进了 Inventor 在您选择平行几何图元时检测侧视图或剖视图直径尺寸的功能。
  • 根据呼声最高的请求,“测量”命令已返回到工程图环境中的“工具”选项卡,使您可以从工程图中进行测量,而无需创建其他标注。
  • “尺寸”命令中新的“旋转”选项使您可以将尺寸与选定边垂直对齐。
  • 为了帮助您完成文档,我们简化了在工程图纸中复制和粘贴常规表格的工作流。

自动化:在 Autodesk Inventor 2021 中,图纸格式和 iLogic 使您可以比以往任何时候都更轻松地自动创建符合 CAD 标准的工程图。
  • 另存为图纸格式的视图布局现在保留视图设置(如边显示),并且我们提供了新的“使视图适合图纸”选项以自动缩放视图。
  • 图纸格式现在支持钣金零件的展开模式和部件的明细栏,在创建钣金期间,所有这些格式都会自动从您参考的模型进行填充。
  • 为了进一步帮助您自动创建工程图,我们改进了 iLogic 从标记特征添加尺寸、注释和引出序号的功能。
  • 我们还添加了对使用 iLogic 更改工程图样式的支持,使您可以更轻松地更改样式来满足您客户的需求,更轻松地批量编辑样式以帮助实现 CAD 标准合规性。

在软件许可规定的条件下,随时随地与任何人展开协作,无论对方使用何种 CAD 软件
iLogic 有助于实现快速部件重新配置
在几分钟内创建和评估高性能设计方案(视频:1 分 59 秒)(英文)
用户界面直观明了,在创建和编辑三维模型时可以专注于设计(视频:2 分 33 秒)(英文)

了解您的设计如何组织在一起并在部件级别发挥作用(视频:2 分 43 秒)(英文)

快速创建清晰、精确且详细的工程图以供制造 (视频:3 分 07 秒)(英文)

在线协作处理模型或设计。任何人都可以在 Autodesk 查看器中审阅共享视图并对其添加注释 (视频:2 分 23 秒)(英文)

维护指向非原生 CAD 数据的关联链接(视频:2 分 45 秒)(英文)

快速设计和测试结构件(视频:2 分 10 秒)(英文)

iLogic 有助于实现快速部件重新配置(视频:2 分)(英文)
设计和准备复杂的钣金产品以供制造(视频:1 分 42 秒)(英文)
将制造信息包含在三维模型中以供下游应用(视频:2 分 10 秒)(英文)

BIM 互操作性
将可配置的三维 CAD 模型转换为 BIM 对象

直接在 Inventor 中打开 DWG
使用 Inventor 中的特制工具来设计和分析塑件
使用 Inventor 中的自动化工具和全控设计功能,铺设三维布管管路
使用强大的搜索功能,可以轻松找到文件并快速复制设计文件。可以将其与 Vault(包含在产品设计与制造软件集中)连接



1) Install Autodesk Windows 64bit Application.    

2) Install network license manager "NLM_2020_x64_setup.msi" (version 11.16.2).

3) Copy cracked FlexLM vendor daemon "adskflex.exe" from "xf-adsk2020-netcrk-win.7z" into network license manager location (Default = C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\) and overwrite existing file.

4) Copy cracked "adlmint.dll" from "xf-adsk2020-netcrk-win.7z" in each licensing agent folder, usually in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AdskLicensing\X.X.X.XXXX\AdskLicensingAgent"
   Example "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AdskLicensing\\AdskLicensingAgent" for Autocad 2021. Overwrite old file.

5) Edit adesk.lic and change HOSTNAME and MAC at the top to suit your configuration. If you are not sure start LMTOOLS Utility and go to
   System Settings, your HOSTNAME = Computer/Hostname and MAC = Ethernet. Example MAC address = f46b8d8ccba9
   You can change vendor port too and add your previous licenses of course :)
   Save the file where you want

6) Start LMTOOLS Utility (lmtools.exe GUI)
   - in 'config services', add a "Autodesk' service name
                           choose C:\Autodesk\Autodesk Network License Manager\lmgrd.exe for path to lmgrd
                           choose X:\path\where\you\saved\adesk.lic for path to license file
                           choose a empty file to have debug logs (optional)
                           tick 'start server at power up' and 'use services'
                           Click Save
   - in 'service/license file' choose configuration using services and tick 'ignore license file path env var" (dont click that if you
                               you wanna use a ditributed licensing .. or you will have to edit or create a Licpath.lic file)                
   - in 'start/stop/read' click 'start server'
                          click 'rereadlicense file'
   - in 'server status' click 'perform status enquiry'  
                        check that you have 'adskflex: UP v11.16.2'
                        check features are activated : Users of 87393ACD_2021_0F:  (Total of 100 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use) for example
   - in 'server diags' check all featured can be checked out
   - check logs also win 'config services' if you configured it

7) Start app & select "Use a network license". If asked use 2080@ as a server name.

软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-03-31 20:04:33
Inventor Pro 2021最新的!谢谢楼主分享!

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2020-03-31 21:15:16

Autodesk Inventor Pro 2021 破解版


只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2020-04-01 09:24:44

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2020-04-01 10:44:58

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2020-04-01 16:03:15
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2020-04-02 11:59:52
utodesk Inventor Pro 2021 破解版   可以下载吗

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2020-04-05 11:19:57

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2020-04-05 18:04:57
这个东东功能 太强大 了

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2020-04-06 16:03:27