Strand7 Webnotes是一个综合的在线资源资源库,涵盖Strand7的建模,应用,使用和安装,以及FEA的一般背景和理论。
Strand7 Webnotes are a comprehensive online library of resource materials covering Strand7 modelling, application, usage and installation, plus general background and theory of FEA. Access to the library is available to supported Strand7 users via a secure login and forms part of our Strand7 Support and Maintenance subscription service. 链接地址 [backcolor=url(&][backcolor=url(&]link Ready to offer in return Strand7 version 2 and even not published yet version 3 fully keygenned.
Please reply in PM or email ADDED Almost all Webnotes are already collected. There are only a few webnotes left that MUST BE found!!!
Показать / Скрыть текстST7- Static and Dynamic StiffnessST7- Determining the Onset of Buckling in a Nonlinear Static AnalysisST7- Modelling Nonlinear Concrete with Nonlinear Elastic MaterialST7- Applying Pre Strain Attributes in Construction Sequence AnalysisST7- Analysis of Steel Vessel Subjected to Hot Dip Galvanising ProcessST7- Analysis of Rocket Inertial Effects with Fuel and PayloadST7- Panel Buckling AnalysisST7- PSD Analysis of a Wing-Mounted MissileST7- Transverse Stability of a ShipST7- Dynamic Impact Analysis of a Moored ShipST7- Analysis of Soil Slope Stability Using Strand7ST7- Modelling Timber as an Orthotropic MaterialST7- Reinforced Concrete Slab DuctilityST7- Modelling Bond Slip in Reinforced Concrete <- most importantST7- Modelling Interference Fits by Using Contact ElementsST7- Press Fit Shaft Extension Torsional AnalysisST7- Aligning Orthotropic Brick AxesST7- Engine Head Gasket AnalysisST7- Multi-Cylinder Engine Vibration AnalysisST7- Thermal Analysis of a Disk Brake RotorST7- ROPS Analysis per ISO 3471-2008ST7- Calculating and Analysing Acoustic Cavity ModesST7- Acoustic Cavity Modes with Flexible BoundariesST7- Generating Geometry in Strand7ST7- Interfacing Different Element TypesST7- Using the Points and Lines Tool to Build ModelsST7- Global Pressure Attribute Projection OptionsST7- Balancing Load in Pressure Vessels with OpeningsST7- Modelling with CablesST7- Using Master-Slave LinksST7- Importing and Exporting Strand7 Model Data with SpreadsheetsST7- Aligning Beam ElementsST7- Linear Buckling Analysis of Flat PanelsST7- Evolution of Beam Temperature using ISO834 Fire CurveST7- Strand7 FAQST7- Elastic and Plastic StrainST7- Comparison of the Moment Curvature and Fibre Stress BeamST7- Curved Pipe Element StressST7- Deviatoric and Hydrostatic Stresses and Their Application
Let's get busy and collect the rest!!!