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[行业软件]Embarcadero RAD Studio 12a.2 Athens Architect 29.0.53982.0329 Patch 2完美激活版 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-05-27 11:30:32 , 编辑
Delphi编程语言由Borland于1995年首先开发,在转移到独立的CodeGear部分后,由Embarcadero Technologies在2008年开发并以Embarcadero Delphi的名称发布。从2007年版本开始,通过添加和支持C ++ Builder和.NET环境,此集合变得更加广泛,同时也被集成,称为Embarcadero RAD Studio。RAD代表快速应用程序开发,表示软件的快速生产和开发,而Delphi是使用此程序开发方法的最早工具之一。这种编程语言基于Object-Pascal或Pascal面向对象的语言,实际上是对其的替代。C++Builder 12 带来了一些巨大的改进。我们想带您了解幕后花絮,并预览即将发生的事情。期待看到开发中的技术,一个令人兴奋的、未经过滤的幕后花絮,看看即将在两个主要领域推出的内容:新的 Clang 工具链,在 RTL、STL、链接器、调试器等方面进行了大量改进;以及可视化助手集成,为 C++ 提供导航、搜索和重构。
Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. 构建工具,为应用程序开发人员解决生产力问题。该公司的产品允许用户从所有平台上的单个代码库设计、构建和运行应用程序。财富 100 强公司中有 12 家,全球拥有超过 29 万 C++ 和 Delphi 用户,他们依靠 Embarcadero 屡获殊荣的产品来交付关键的企业应用程序。Embarcadero 是 Idera, Inc. 的一个部门所有者
Embarcadero released a patch for RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder 12.1 Athens. This patch addresses some issues in RAD Studio 12.1, around the new editor split view feature of the IDE, the Delphi 64-bit compiler when building packages, debugging, and strings.

RAD Studio 12.1 Patch 1 Readme - Date: April 17th, 2024

This patch addresses some issues in RAD Studio 12.1, around the new editor split view feature of the IDE, the Delphi 64-bit compiler when building packages, debugging, and strings.

Installation via GetIt
If you download the patch via GetIt, it is installed automatically, creating a backup of the files replaced and a log of the operations. However, because PAServer is installed on remote computers, you need to manually reinstall PAServer on each of the target platforms you are working with, following the steps at: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Installing_the_Platform_Assistant_on_Windows

Manual Download and Installation
This patch is also available in the download portal at my.embarcadero.com. In this case, after downloading and expanding the ZIP file, you should run the patch.R121.patch1_install.bat file or manually expand the R121.patch1.zip into the respective subfolders of the RAD Studio installation folder. You also need to update PAServer on target platforms as discussed above.

Uninstallation Steps
If you installed the patch via GetIt:
* Open the Catalog Repository installation folder and move to the patch folder
* Run the patch.R121.patch1_uninstall.bat file
* Only *after* you have cleared the patch, uninstall the package from GetIt

If you installed the patch manually:
* Open the folder you expanded the patch ZIP file into
* Run the patch.R121.patch1_uninstall.bat file
* Delete the folder and patch ZIP file

Notice on Delphi Win64 Packages
This patch modifies the symbols exported by Delphi packages built for the Windows 64 platform, to address a problem introduced in 12.1. Packages that include unit names with a single underscore character or that refer to units with single underscore character in other packages and built with the RTM version of 12.1 can conflict with unit names using the dot notation. We addressed this issue in the patch, but the net effect is that using packages built with the RTM version of 12.1 might have compatibility issues with the code built after applying this patch. We recommend any third party vendor or developer to update the binary of Delphi Win64 packages built with 12.1 with a version built with this patch applied. This is not required for Delphi Win64 packages built with 12.0. In fact, the compiler in this patch offers improved compatibility with the 12.0 compiler.

Publicly Reported Issues Addresses by This Patch
These issues have been reported in the new quality portal, see this blog post for details on how to create an account, with the exception of the last one, which is in the on the old portal (still available in read-only mode):
RSS-574 [dcc32 Fatal Error] PythonFmx.dpk(70): Internal Error: AV00B5992F-R0000014C-0
RSS-536 Delphi 64-bit DPK compilation problem
RSS-497 F2084 Internal Error: NI5166
RSS-447 F2084 Internal Error: compiling Win64 Package
RSS-425 Error F2084: Interner Fehler: AV006A992F-R0000014C-0
RSS-391 String with non-ASCII characters directly attached to a #xx or #$xx literal corrupts the final string
RSP-40084 StringTable and LoadStr

In addition, this patch addresses two beta reports (not publicly accessible at this time):
- Division by zero when clicking “Move Designer” after Editor split
- Crash in rtl290.bpl when assigning an action to a TPopupMenu via object inspector
The patch also addresses other duplicate issues and the following internally found issues:
- iOS: Can’t Run application without Debugging (Ctrl+Shift+F9)
- macOS: Cannot evaluate Edit1.Text + ‘abc’
- Split Code Editor: Closing the additional right editor switches the left editor to the Design tab
- Split Code Editor: issue with selecting editor tabs through the menu
- Split Code Editor: AV in IDE if creating a new project after using a split code editor.
- Editor tab group title bar draws incorrectly

Using RAD Studio, developers will be able to create applications 5 times faster than other tools, and developing applications for several desktop, mobile, cloud platforms and database platforms, including 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 , Mac OS X, iOS and Android, will be even faster. Extensions of languages ​​and platforms for devices with multiple devices Windows 10, Mac, mobile devices, IoT and other platforms using Delphi and C ++ Builder.

Code once and deploy to Windows 10, Android, iOS and OSX with FireUI
RAD Studio features the FireUI Multi-Device Designer and cross-platform UI framework that delivers the only true single source solution for natively compiled applications. Most other vendors who support native cross-platform development require separate user interfaces to be written on each platform.

Mobile developers can finally build a common, native look and feel UI that works across multiple form factors of mobile phones, tablets, and desktop systems – all at once! From the user interface code through the rest of the complete client software stack, your apps can access platform APIs, device sensors and services, and deliver the best app performance with native GPU and CPU support all from a common and shared code base.

Preview at Design Time with FireUI
FireUI App Previews lets you preview your FireMonkey application on iOS, Android, OSX and Windows targets as you are designing the app. Changes made in the FMX Designer are broadcasted in real time to connected devices using the appropriate Styles for the devices.

Easily connect Internet of Things gadgets and devices to your app or Enterprise.
RAD Studio enables developers to harness the power of IoT (Internet of Things) solutions. Developers can seamlessly add new capabilities to existing desktop and mobile applications by integrating devices, sensors, enterprise data and cloud services.

More and more gadgets and devices are being added to the Internet of Things ecosystem every day. The inter-connection between these gadgets and devices has the potential to create remarkable, completely new user experiences that integrate the physical environment.

Build Hyper-connected and Flexible Apps
Functionality of existing business apps can be easily extended to integrate mobile devices, new IoT gadgets and multiple back-end services and databases. Our innovative Live Bindings solution allows you to see real time how data flows into your forms and applications for unprecedented speed and accuracy of development. You can switch back-end services and platforms with high-level of flexibility without dramatic new investments.

RAD Studio 10.4 Patch 1

RAD Studio 10.4 Patch 1 adds some missing files to the installation. This includes a file needed for Win 64-bit debugging with C++Builder, as well as some other features. More details in the readme file. English, French, German and Japanese. Available only to registered users of RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder 10.4 and All-Access
Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4
-受益于VCL库(Visual Component Library的缩写)
-能够使用C ++设计Android和iOS软件

Embarcadero 非常高兴地宣布 RAD Studio 12 Athens 以及 Delphi 12 和 C++ Builder 12 的发布。RAD Studio 12 Athens版本包含令人兴奋的新功能,为产品的未来奠定了基础。

12 中的新功能
这是 RAD Studio 12 中引入的主要功能的摘要。以下部分提供了更多详细信息,但最好从摘要开始:

- Visual Assist 集成在 C++ Builder 的 IDE 中,为 C++ 语言提供一流的代码完成、代码导航和重命名重构 - Win64 的基于 CLANG 的基于 C++ 编译器的重大更新预览,以支持最新的 C++ 标准语言
功能,并提供与外部库和 C++ 代码
的更好集成- 添加了 Delphi 语言,包括多行字符串文字,以解决一些相关的客户要求
- FireMonkey 中的 Skia 支持,在所有目标平台上提供更高的性能和质量,为所有目标平台渲染图形和 UI 控件提供更高的性能和质量,并采用了 FireMonkey
的新基础 - 重新设计的 MDI 和 VCL 的新选项卡式 UI 架构,以帮助我们的客户实现现有应用程序的现代化, 添加对 HighDPI 的支持和对现有程序的样式设置,同时进行最小的工作
- 一个新的FireDAC示例查询(QBE)组件,用于更轻松的数据过滤和一个新的JSON向导,用于Delphi以流行的JSON格式添加数据到对象的映射,就像我们对XML
的映射一样- 许多IDE生产力和质量改进, 更轻松、更快速地使用 RAD Studio 完成日常任务
- 支持 RAD Server 中的智能 ID,使客户托管的 REST API 更加强大和灵活,同时保持 RAD Server 的

易用性 C++ 的奇妙事物此版本的主要重点是 C++ Builder 和我们的 C++

工具链(在 RAD Studio 中也可用)。该团队一直专注于两个关键的 C++ 改进:现代化我们的 C++ 编译器和工具链,通过代码完成提供惊人的生产力,以及通过集成 Visual Assist 添加重构和导航。

C++ 工具链升级是对 C++ 支持的一次惊人改革。它不仅包括新版本的 Clang,还包括 C 和 C++ 运行时库和 STL(C++ 标准模板库)以及链接器和调试器。这项大型工作的目标是提供现代 C++ 标准,能够运行您在最近的库和项目中找到的 C++ 代码,轻松使用第三方库,利用现代安全编码标准,拥有更高性能的应用程序和出色的调试。它还旨在直接改进链接和 STL 等领域,并转向 Windows 平台标准,例如使用 COFF 和 PDB 对象以及调试格式,从而可能允许您与其他工具进行更广泛的兼容性。

在 12.0 中,我们将发布这个新的 C++ 工具链的预览版,可作为命令行编译器使用。我们将继续致力于这个新的 C++ 工具链的 IDE 集成,与现有的 C++ 编译器并行,并与 RAD Studio 中的 Delphi 库集成,包括 VCL 和 FireMonkey UX 库。我们计划在订阅时向客户提供这些更新。

C++ Builder 在 12.0 中的另一项重大创新来自集成了 Visual Assist 技术,以提供更好的代码洞察,包括代码完成、代码导航和重构。这些是关键的生产力工具这有助于完成常见的开发任务,从编码时经常调用的代码完成,到允许开发人员轻松找到代码的相关部分而不是手动搜索代码库的导航,再到有助于代码组织和安全性的重构。我们将在 RAD Studio 中提供 VA 功能的重要初始子集,包括查找符号和引用、显示项目大纲、从实现导航到声明并返回,以及重命名重构。

在Delphi编译器方面,12.0增加了一些小而不错的扩展,包括对长字符串文字、多行字符串文字的支持,受三引号的限制,以便更轻松地在应用程序源代码中嵌入SQL、HTML、JSON、XML和类似的多行文本。Delphi 12 编译器还为 NativeInt 提供了弱类型别名定义,以增强 Win32/Win64 兼容性,更好地支持 NaN 浮点数比较,并在所有平台上禁用浮点异常。

在平台支持方面,Delphi 12.0 提供了对 Android API 级别 33 的兼容性,这是 Google 对 Play 商店应用提交的要求。

FireMonkey 和 Skia 作为新的基础

在 UI 库方面,RAD Studio 12.0 中最重要的一组改进,对于 Delphi 和 C++ Builder,来自于 FireMonkey 中非常流行的跨平台渲染引擎 Skia 的集成。这是通过集成 Skia4Delphi 开源项目来完成的,但也通过 Vulkan 支持、使用 Skia 着色语言支持效果和滤镜、WebP 编码器、打印机支持以及打印到 PDF 来扩展它。

RAD Studio Skia 支持包括直接 API、特定 UI 控件(TSkAnimatedImage、TSkLabel、TSkPaintBox 和 TSkSvg),以及通过 Skia 自动映射 FireMonkey UI 控件 UI 渲染。一般来说,Skia 提高了渲染质量和性能。请注意,VCL Windows 库中也提供了相同的 Skia UI 控件。

除了 Skia 支持之外,我们还改进了 Android 支持,以匹配许多最近的平台增强功能,添加了分屏支持,以允许 FireMonkey 应用程序在 iOS 和 Android 上的并排窗格中工作,并广泛地重新设计了单行 TEdit 和多行 TMemo 控件的文本输入功能。

对于 FireMonkey 开发,IDE 的另一个重大改进是引入了一个向导,用于生成 Apple 和 Google 要求的所有分辨率的图标和初始屏幕,从单个 SVG 图像开始,并支持 Android 的自适应图标。

VCL Modernization with MDI and Tabbed UI architecture
We have been doing VCL modernization work to help our customers migrate their existing applications (often very large and well established in their target industry). In 12.0 the focus is on keeping alive the old fashioned, but still popular, MDI (Windows’ Multi Document Interface) model. With the new release customers will be able to adopt full HighDPI support for MDI applications and also adopt VCL styles. We’ll allow our customers to bypass platform issues caused by the fact Microsoft has been neglecting support for MDI in recent years.

In addition, RAD Studio 12.0 introduced a new tab-based UI (like the one from Google Chrome and many other popular apps) as an easy migration from MDI or a brand new model, with the new TFormTabsBar control. The VCL library has improvements in futons management for High DPI screens.

As part of the VCL improvements, the new release is introducing a number of new designers to help simplify the work: There is a new string list editor, a multiline string editor, and quick configuration dialogs for buttons, radio groups and panels. Some of these handy tools were originally part of KSVC (Konopka Signature VCL Controls) and are now available to anyone, even without installing this add-on control pack.

除了核心 RTL 定义之外,我们还创建了一组新的单元,其中完整的 Windows API 标头转换为 Object Pascal,以使 Delphi 开发人员更容易调用我们在组件库中未公开的任何 Windows 平台 API。此 API 转换包括 311 个 Delphi 头文件和 41 MB 代码,涵盖了 Microsoft 提供的整个平台 API。

此外,我们还改进了 Edge 浏览器与新接口、属性和事件的集成,以匹配自上次发布以来对平台 WebView 2 控件的改进。注意到 VCL 的进一步改进是极其灵活的 TControl 枚举器、桌面 Windows 管理器 (DWM) 增强功能以及对双缓冲模式的更改。

Delphi RTL,数据和其他领域的

新功能 其他Delphi核心运行时库也进行了许多改进,C++ Builder也利用了这些改进。对于我们的旗舰数据库访问库FireDAC,我们增加了对经典QBE模式(Query-By-Example)的支持,该模式允许开发用于输入简单数据过滤条件的UI。


RAD Studio 12.0 还引入了一个新的 JSON 映射向导,该向导可以生成与 JSON 数据结构匹配的类,并正确读取和写入代码,以读取一组对象中的 JSON 并将其流出到新文件。

RAD Studio IDE 改进

IDE 中有许多相关的更改。

第一个是功能安装程序的新 UX,用于初始产品安装或以后添加功能和平台。此对话框在行为和 UI 中已完全重新设计,使用现代 VCL 控件,从而改善了新用户对产品的第一印象。它更易于使用,因为所有主要的安装选项(包括额外的插件)都在一个页面上,这与以前的多步骤设计不同。新对话框还提供更好的错误信息,以防出现安装问题。

IDE 现在在许多辅助窗口中突出显示了语法,例如调用堆栈和结构视图。在源代码搜索、导航工具栏的工作方式、多个编辑窗口的使用以及许多其他小的调整方面也有所改进。

除了为 C++ Builder 引入 Visual Assist 集成之外,我们还进一步改进了用于 Code Insight 的 DelphiLSP 支持。例如,代码完成现在包括语言关键字,并且代码模板在完成期间显示在上下文正确的代码区域中,并且更好地支持泛型和完成数组或数组类型。

最后,RAD Studio 进一步扩展了代码编辑器的新 ToolsAPI,让客户和第三方供应商能够为我们的 IDE 创建更灵活的插件。

RAD Server 和 InterBase

我们的 REST 服务器 API 托管平台 RAD Server 有一些显著的改进。最重要的变化是能够轻松支持智能 ID 模型,使用标准库为服务器公开的资源定义更好的标识符。RAD Server 还提供更好的性能、数据分页改进、更好的会话身份验证和整体质量。

最后,RAD Studio的新版本包括最近发布的InterBase 2020 Update 5的开发者版和嵌入式版本。


除了上面强调的功能外,该版本还专注于多个子系统中的质量工作,从 IDE 开始,但也包括 Delphi RTL 库、VCL UI 库、FireMonkey 跨平台库、FireDAC 和其他数据访问层、HTTP 客户端和服务器组件以及 RAD 服务器。

在 RAD Studio 12 中,我们修复了客户在 Quality Portal (quality.embarcadero.com) 上报告的 1,027 个问题,解决了 877 个公共错误报告,并实施了 150 个客户对新功能的请求。

The new release includes over 600 quality improvements for publicly reported issues.
System requirements:OS:Microsoft Windows 7 SP1/8.1/10 (32 and 64 bit)
Server platforms:Microsoft Windows Server 2008 ( 32 and 64 bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 / 2012 / 2012 R2 / 2016 / 2019 X64 Only
CPU:Intel® Core® or compatible, minimum 2GHz (2.6GHz + recommended)
Memory:Minimum 2GB RAM (4 GB + recommended)
Space:From 7 GB to 60 GB of available hard disk space.
Supporting DirectX 11 graphics card with a resolution of 1024x768 pix or higher.
Owner: Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.Product Name: RAD Studio
Version: 12.2 (October 17, 2024) Build: 29.0.53982.0329 Inline Update
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.embarcadero.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 8.1 Gb

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