PVsyst 7.x Professional是用于研究,调整,模拟和分析PV系统的完整软件包。该软件旨在供建筑师,工程师和研究人员使用,是非常有用的教育工具。该程序具有详细的文本指南菜单,该菜单解释了所使用的方法和模型,并提供了用户友好的方法以及开发项目的指南。PVsyst能够从各种来源和个人信息中导入气象数据。
PVSyst Package is the complete software for studying, size, simulation and analysis of PV system. This software is designed for use by architects, engineers and researchers and is a very useful educational tool. The program has a detailed contextual help menu that explains the methods and models used and provides a user-friendly, guided approach to developing a project. PVsyst is able to import meteorological data from various sources and personal information.PVsyst是一个完整的研究、测量、模拟和分析光伏系统的软件包。这个软件对建筑师、工程师和研究人员非常有用。该程序有一个详细的文本指南菜单,解释所使用的方法和模型,并提供一个用户友好的方法来帮助开发项目。PVsyst能够从各种来源和个人信息中导入气象数据。
The PVsyst development team is pleased to announce the availability of PVsyst 7.4.6 is an energy modelling tool that helps in analyzing how much solar energy can be harvested into an electrical energy from a particular site or location. PVsyst 7.4.6 - Date: 19/03/2024 Improvements:
- Backtracking: user is now warned whenever average GCR is not equal to GCR used for the backtracking algorithm
- Bifacial: in the plots of the parametric studies the calculation resolution has been increased, and now the 'Global on ground' shows the dependance on 'height on ground' correctly
- Components databases update
- Grid storage: refactoring of grid storage model to better support oversized and undersized batteries. Improvement of the state of charge (SOC) management
- Meteo, Meteonorm file import: data from high-latitude sites containing many entries with irradiance values of zero can now be imported without error
- Shadings, polygonal PV tables: whenever a PV table is non-rectangular, bottom cell effects are no longer applied to the electrical shading calculation.
- Bifacial: the bifacial factor of the PV module is now considered when computing the rear mismatch loss
- Circuit, single line diagram: the nominal AC power for multi-MPPT inverters is now displayed correctly
- Circuit, single line diagram: sub-arrays with power sharing and non-uniform MPPT configuration are now handled
- Economic evaluation: the simulation no longer changes the quantity of support structures defined by the user
- Losses, unavailability: random periods are no longer modified after they have been defined
- Meteo file import: the input value of the 'field No' column is now limited when importing a custom CSV file
- Module Layout: the tooltip showing the inverter, MPPT and string information corresponds now to the list of string attributions
- Optimizers, Huawei SUN2000: it is now possible to define two strings per MPPT
- Project: creating two variants successively without saving the first one is now correctly managed
- PV components: reading of PAN file no longer modifies Rserie and Rshunt values
- Report: auxiliary losses: displayed unit for inverter output power threshold is now correct
- Results: in the ASCII output files the variable FIAMShd has now the correct values
- Shadings: PVsyst does not crash anymore when importing a DAE file after creating a zone
- Shadings: users can now choose an East/West orientation for all the PV tables imported through a DAE or PVC file
- Simulation: the results table window does not crash anymore while dragging parameters
- Simulation, CPV: removed a small inaccuracy in angle of incidence calculation, which was leading to very large focal losses
- Simulation: the MV ohmic loss is now computed correctly also when the MV transformers are defined by subarrays (special conditions)
- Simulation, optimization tool: when the simulation fails, the displayed error is not 'Scan aborted by user' anymore but a list of errors
- Simulation, energy management: inverter temperature options are now handled properly
- Simulation, self-consumption without grid injection: the unused energy is now properly considered
- Simulation, batch mode and optimization tool: the tilt and azimuth can now be varied in simulations with averaged orientations
- System: selecting an invalid PV module no longer causes PVsyst to crash
- System: a sub-array that uses power sharing and where the option 'use multi-MPPT feature' is switched off then back on, is now treated correctly
- Trackers: MET files defined in solar time are now properly handled
- Trackers with shadings: the partition model for electrical shading losses now considers the bottom row of cells
- Translations: PVsyst does not crash anymore at startup when the language file could not be read
- Workspace: PVsyst doesn't crash anymore when exporting a project in some specific scenarios.
PVsyst is the solar industry’s preferred software simulation tool for bankability analyses and acceptance testing. Accurate energy modeling is essential to photovoltaic system financial models, capacity tests, and performance reports. However, accuracy is not innate to a specific software, but rather is a function of how that software is used. In this context, confidence is earned over time via repetition, experience, and accrued knowledge. From the perspective of a power user, PVsyst is uniquely capable of providing a granular analysis of irradiance losses, array losses, and system losses. The granularity and control in PVsyst allows users to account for, among other things, module quality losses; string mismatch losses; soiling losses (including snow); ohmic wiring losses in the DC collection system; inverter losses; transformer losses; and auxiliary losses. The software is also unique in its ability to simulate system degradation and aging effects, which are essential for understanding energy production and economic performance over time. PVsyst includes a large weather database and allows users to import meteorological data from other sources. The solar simulation platform also supports probabilistic assessments such as P50 and P90 analysis, which are statistical approaches used to increase confidence in the predicted solar resource and resulting energy yield.Owner: PVsystProduct Name: PVsystVersion: 7.4.6Supported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : www.pvsyst.comLanguages Supported: englishSystem Requirements: Windows *Size: 276.3 mb不支持的操作系统:
Windows服务器,应用程序服务器(Citrix,ZenDesktop,ZenApp等)其他需求:至少1 GB的RAM
至少1 GB的可用硬盘空间
最小屏幕分辨率为1280 x 720像素
.NET 4.5框架(由Windows Update安装)
支持OpenGL 2.0或更高版本
PVsyst工作区的图形卡不支持共享或远程同步的驱动器/文件夹(包括OneDrive,Google Drive,Dropbox等)。关闭PVsyst后,可以将文件和工作空间作为单独的任务进行同步。 购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。
-install but don't start at end-replace executable in installation folder