从一维以井为中心的模型到静态全场3D模型,JewelSuite地质力学应用程序可让您更深入地了解地质力学风险,以防止非生产时间并优化油井和储层的性能。创建功能强大的模型以准确评估地质力学风险,以制定更好的钻井计划。定义一个安全的操作窗口,以最大化钻探性能。在提高安全性的同时,将钻探风险降至最低。 JewelSuite地质力学可以利用应力,孔隙压力和岩石力学特性(在几何形状和方向各异的断层和裂缝上)来帮助您确定接近临界或失效状态。 JewelSuite Geomechanics的模块化设计提供了灵活的功能,可以将这些模块用作独立工具,也可以结合使用以实现高级集成地质力学工作流程。超过35%的非生产时间是由与地质力学有关的事件引起的。 JewelSuite地质力学可以创建统一且一致的地质力学模型,以最大程度地减少数据的不确定性,最大化对建模结果的信心,并提供更完整,更精确的地球地下图像。如果您不在油藏最高产区钻探,那么您的采收率就会受到损害。难以预测压力和井筒稳定性也会限制产量。在钻井之前和期间获取所需的答案,以降低操作风险,并将井放置在潜力最大的区域中。

JewelSuite GeoMechanics software provides a proven workflow to help you optimize your well plans and define a safe operating window to maximize drilling performance, minimize drilling risk, and improve safety. With the JewelSuite GeoMechanics software, you can quickly create accurate geomechanical models, reliably predict abnormal pressure incidents and analyze wellbore stability giving you greater insight to optimize the performance of your wells and reservoirs. JewelSuite Geomechanics helps you determine proximity to a critical or failure state using stress, pore pressure, and rock mechanical properties on faults and fractures of varying geometry and orientation. The modular design of JewelSuite Geomechanics offers the flexibility to use the modules as standalone tools or in combination for an advanced, integrated geomechanical workflow. More than 35 percent of nonproductive time is caused by geomechanics-related events. JewelSuite Geomechanics creates unified and consistent geomechanical models to minimize uncertainty in your data, maximize confidence in your modeling results, and provide a more complete and precise picture of the earth's subsurface. * The system requirements above are suitable for most of the basic operations in JewelSuite performed on models of average size and complexity.Depending on the particular task and on the complexity of models being used the system configuration might need upgrades to ensure optimal performance.

[ 此帖被pony8000在2023-09-24 08:08重新编辑 ]