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[行业软件]Cadence Design Systems (ex. NUMECA) Fine/Marine 2023 v12.1完美激活 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-07-06 08:29:43

NUMECA Fine / Marine12 | 1.5 Gb

NUMECA International is delighted to announce the official release of FINE / Marine simulation software version 12. Discover C-Wizard improvements, cable modeling, transpiration method, and much more in the newest version of FINE/Marine.

New in FINE / Marine  

C-Wizard enhancements
- Users can now prepare an overset case for the Resistance, Seakeeping and Planing regime applications in only one additional click.
- Automatically schedule all your simulations in the task manager with a specified number of cores.
- The wizard also automates the preparation of matrices of simulations for PMM maneuvers such as static drift, pure sway, pure yaw, yaw and drift, and also roll decay.

Transpiration method
The transpiration method will reduce the computation time by around 25% for modal approach cases and around 15% for unsteady simulations which frequently call for a weighted mesh deformation algorithm. To illustrate the applicability of this methodology to seakeeping or deformable structures simulations, for example, a new demo case has been created.

Cable modeling with Catenary approach
Thanks to our new collaboration with the D-ICE Engineering company, cables can be modeled with a higher degree of accuracy. This new module, called Catway, uses a catenary approach for modeling the lines with a quasi-static determination of the tension forces exerted on attached bodies. It also raises the bar of traditional quasi-static modeling by allowing fully three-dimensional set-ups for complex computations involving mooring systems for vessels and floating offshore structures.

Numerous results analysis tool improvements
All of your CFD reports can be made very quickly with all these improvements to the results analysis tool:

- Create user-defined plots
- Change the units, resolution of the plots and legend location
- Draw average and convergence lines automatically
- Compute friction lines for ITTC57, Grigson, Katsui, Schoenherr
- New available quantities: time step evolution, cavitation vapor volume
- Catway catenary approach: tension or position can be plotted on line nodes
- Split the plots per body
- Median and moving average filters available for motions
- Export the results to a CSV file

And that’s not all:
- The periodic boundary condition is extended to translation, in addition to rotation, to handle cables for VIV simulations for instance.
- It is now possible to define an initial rotation for a ship even in a mono fluid steady simulation. Ideal for faster wind study simulations!
- A button has been added to reset all or a single expert parameter to default values in a single click.
- The convergence checker now prints in the .std file the averaged values of the monitored quantities at each time-step for a fast check of the current convergence.
- The Rhino plugin now benefits from a faster and more robust triangulation technique.

Convergence booster
Dynamic evolution of non-linear iterations and under relaxation coefficients during the acceleration phase of the boat has been implemented to get 25% of speedup, without any penalty on accuracy.

Convergence checker now interfaced
To avoid useless CPU time when the computation is already converged, the solver automatically stops the simulations when the physical quantities are converged. This interesting tool is now interfaced with smart default values to save time.

Documentation upgrade
4 new demo cases have been added to the documentation package to illustrate the maneuvring operations: roll damping, zig-zag, turning circle, and course keeping are now part of the standard simulations of FINE/Marine. Also, 1 democase for seakeeping based on the Tokyo Workshop 2015 has been added.

Extension of the self-propulsion plugin to double screwed ships
The plugin dedicated to self-propulsion with modeled propellers in sliding grids has been extended to double screwed ships.

Several C-Wizard improvements
- Impose vertical center of gravity and let the C-Wizard calculate the longitudinal one
- Successive restarts now handled with relative time
- Convergence checker incorporated to save CPU time
- Seakeeping improvements to decrease number of cells and use ITTC inertia matrix

That’s not all!
- A new time step law to automatically define the time step in case of sliding or overset grids
- The possibility to handle ducted propellers from our Rhino3D plugin
- The improvement of the forces by section plugin in CFView to handle radial, tangential and axial forces distribution like for instance on propellers.

FINE / Marine , The Leading CFD Software for Naval Architects and Marine Engineers – FINE / Marine is a unique integrated CFD software environment for the simulation of mono-fluid and multi-fluid flows around any kind of ships, boats or yacht including various types of appendages. The powerful and customized graphical user interface drives the user into the whole simulation process and integrated marine-dedicated features for different applications.

NUMECA - Full-scale self-propulsion simulation performed with FINE/Marine

NUMECA International is a leading developer and provider of Grid Generation, Multi-physics CFD software systems for the multiphysics design simulation and optimization of industrial products and processes. A leader in the field of turbomachinery, NUMECA software is used for the simulation of fluids, acoustics, thermal and fluid/mechanical coupled systems in a wide range of applications. NUMECA has a worldwide presence, with branch offices in the USA, Japan, China, Hong Kong, India and Belgium, as well as a worldwide network of distributors.

Product: NUMECA Fine / Marine
Version: 9.1 *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.numeca.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC **
Supported Operating Systems: **
Size: 1.5 Gb

* release info:

FINE/Marine 9.1 is delivered with:

- IGG/AutoGrid5 and CFView 14.2

* System Requirements:

Supported platforms and operating systems

NUMECA software is supported in 64 bits on x86_64 processors only (64 bits processors that are compatible with Intel 8086 set of instructions).

Formally tested on
- Windows 8.1 Professional
- Windows 10 Professional
- Windows HPC 2012
Also known to run on *
- Windows 7 Professional
- VISTA Business
- VISTA Ultimate
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows Server 2012

* Known from partners and/ or customers. No official support offered on these combinations

Multiprocessors calculations

Multiprocessors calculations are allowed on shared and homogeneous distributed platforms. Non-homogeneous configurations are not allowed.

The following limitations additionally apply:
- Multiprocessors calculations are allowed on distributed platforms in local user configurations provided that the same account is used for all machines,
- Domain administrators are not allowed to run multiprocessors calculations.
- MPICH2 library needs Microsoft .net Framework package before installing NUMECA software otherwise execution of mpiexec.exe will lead to a Windows error message.

Hardware requirements

Next to the standard hardware (monitor, keyboard and mouse), some specific recommendations apply in the use of NUMECA software:
- a mouse with scroll wheel is strongly recommended.
- the monitor should support 24-bit color graphics and have a 1280 x 1024 pixel resolution for adequate visualization.
- an Ethernet card should be installed and properly configured.
- NUMECA Software does not support CXFS (Clustered XFS) and IBRIX disk file systems.

Memory and disk space requirements

The Random Access Memory (RAM) required to run NUMECA software depends upon several factors, in particular including the number of grid points inserted in the grid, the physical models selected (turbulence, adaptation,…), the introduction of non-matching boundary conditions and the selected calculation mode (mixed or double precision).

Similarly, a minimum disk space is required on the hard disk to allow the storage of the project files. The size of these files largely depends upon the number of grid points generated.

More product specific details:

FINE /Marine

The use of minimum 2GB of RAM is mandatory, but the installation of 8 GB is recommended. As a general guideline, about 2 GB RAM is generally required to run a one million nodes project. The suggested swap space should be equivalent to at least three times the RAM installed. For parallel computations, a multi-processors environment with 2GB of RAM per core is recommended. In such case the suggested swap space should be equivalent to at least one time the RAM installed.

Mesh conversion and partitioning for multi-processor calculations requires about 1 GB per million cells. Since mesh partitioning cannot be performed taking benefit of multi-processor environments, access to nodes allowing large RAM (from 4 to 16 GB) may be mandatory during mesh partitioning.

As a general guideline, about 1.6 GB is required to store a one million nodes mesh, with flow solution on disk. The minimum storage is fixed as 400 MB per million cells, but this only guarantees proper restart procedures without direct possibilities for the visualization of the flow solution.

Graphics requirements

NVidia graphics cards are fully supported, installed together with the latest drivers.

NUMECA software makes use of the advantages of the available Graphics Card. Some trouble may however come up with the default driver OPENGL since it may not be supported by the user host computer and machine display. In order to set the system compatible with a more portable driver, typically MSW driver is used under Windows instead. Note however that the proposed drivers are usually less efficient in terms of graphical speed than the default driver.

[ 此帖被pony8000在2024-04-04 01:18重新编辑 ]
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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-07-06 08:33:37

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2020-07-06 12:59:31

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2020-07-06 14:56:11

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2020-07-06 16:14:24

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2020-07-06 18:36:48
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2020-07-06 18:51:29
Re:NUMECA Fine / Marine 9.1 完美激活

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2020-07-07 12:19:37

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2020-07-11 20:01:27

NUMECA Fine / Marine 9.1 完美激活


只看该作者 9 发表于: 2020-09-04 15:10:10