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[行业软件]Altair PollEx 2025.0 x64 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-08-03 10:08:10 , 编辑
Altair产品团队很高兴宣布推出PollEx 2025,这是针对电气,电子和制造工程师的市场上最全面,集成度最高的PCB设计查看,分析和验证工具集。

提供令消费者满意的电子产品不仅需要将 ECAD 与 MCAD 联系起来,还需要在整个开发过程中以设计速度进行基于物理的分析并进行跨学科协作。PollEx 有助于将 Altair 的仿真驱动设计理念带入电子行业,激发创新,同时确保满足时序、性能、可靠性和合规性目标。

PollEx 不仅仅是一个印刷电路板 (PCB) 验证工具,还是加速当今智能、互联和紧密封装电子产品开发的解决方案。全球行业带头者使用它来提高效率、提高绩效、促进团队合作和加强协作。Altair 提供用于完整系统分析的工具,将机械、热、电磁和嵌入式代码设计流与 PCB 设计集成在一起。

The Altair development team is pleased to announce the availability of PollEx 2024 is a PCB-level Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software suite covering design review, analysis and manufacturing.

Altair PollEx 2024 Release Notes

- Changed the unit draw of the PollExVerification feature to 30 AUs from 50AUs. The related PollEx products are DFM, DFA, DFE, DFE+, and Logic DFE.
- [PCB] Import Zuken CR-8000 ASCII design data

- [Verification] Enabled to lock the DFx input file which a user cannot modify the input parameters.

- [Verification] Enabled to cross probe between the DFx Excel results and the PollEx PCB.

- [Verification] Adding a Link to ECAD feature with the Altium Designer and Pulsonix.

- [SI] Adding a Common Mode analysis feature for Differential Pair Net analysis
- [SI] Adding a feature to check syntax of S-Parameter
- [PI] Adding a feature to report DC IR drop analysis report
- [SI] Adding a feature to perform Impedance analysis in Layer Stack dialog
- [PI] Adding a feature to measure the DC IR Drop analysis result
- [SI] Add environment temperature parameter into Electrical Analysis Constraints dialog
- [PI] Adding the menu of Display Target Impedance for the PDN analysis result in Network Parameter Viewer dialog
- [UPE] Enhanced the UI of the Mount Information dialog of Properties > Mount Data menu
New Features
PollEx Modeler

- Added a feature to import variant models.
- Added a feature to search variant models in Explorer.
- Added a function to import or export a variant data from/to PDBA.
- Added a function to import or export the voltage value to Excel file on the Properties > Nets > Edit Power Voltage dialog.
- Added a function to import or export the Target Impedance value to Excel.
- Added a feature to import DXF file format.

PollEx Verification

- Added a feature to link the DFM Excel results to PollEx PCB.
- Added a feature to lock the DFM input file.
- Added a feature to link the DFA Excel results to PollEx PCB.
- Added a feature to lock the DFA input file.
- Added a search function to the Net's Input Setting dialog.
- Added a feature to link the DFE Excel results to PollEx PCB.
- Added a feature to lock the DFE input file.
- Added Import from UPFs menu to the Component Group input. Component Group can be created automatically using the information of the UPE if this menu is enabled.
- Added Import from net class definition menu to Net Group input. Net Group can be created automatically using the information of Net Class Definition.
- Added a feature to lock the DFE+ input file.

PollEx Analysis

- Added a function to check syntax when importing the S-Parameter.
- Added a Common Mode analysis function when analyzing Differential Pair Net.
- Added an Environment Temp field in the environment to change the simulation temperature.
- Added a function to open multiple S-Parameters in the Network Parameter Viewer.
- Added a marker function to check voltage at any point in the IR-Drop Analysis result dialog.
- Added a function to export IR-Drop Analysis result to Excel.
- Added a function to export decap information like the type and location to Excel for each generated case.
- Added a function to display the target impedance line in the AC PDN Analysis result dialog.
PollEx UPE
- Added a function to specify the package length and package delay time to electrical pin.
- Added a function to display a pop-up menu of New, Open, Recent File, and Setting when right-mouse clicking before opening the UPF project

PollEx Interface from ECAD

Altium Designer
- Added a feature to work with the Altium Designer extension, called the AltairPollEx.
- Added attributes for the generic symbol when importing OrCAD.
- Added a feature to import CR-8000 design data of *.dsgf and *.mdgf.
- Added a function to import a variant file (*.dst) when importing Zuken design data.

PollEx Modeler

- Enhanced an import speed of Altium design data.
- Enhanced an ODB++ importer to handle 7-zip format.
- Added an option to specify an ECAD tool for Link to ECAD feature of DFx in the PCB environment menu.
- Modified the thermal information value to be set based on the footprint when creating a local part.
- Added an option to display a block symbol with a different color in Explorer
- Enhanced a display of the Net Property dialog with a tree structure
- Added a feature to support *.xlsx format result export.
- Enhanced the result display between PCB and Logic comparison.
- Enhanced the result display to show the part names difference between Logic and Logic comparison.

PollEx Verification

- Enhanced the Link to ECAD feature to the Altium Designer.
- Enhanced the Screw2 item to check with various objects like component, pattern, copper, and via.
- Enhanced the Screw2 item to recognize a slit near screw area.
- Enhanced the Gas Hole item to recognize a pin padstack.
- Enhanced the Component Count item to check under different conditions like per layer, type, or group.
- Added an option in the Dummy Pad 2 item to check clearance between the centers of pins, and to exclude vertically placed parts against the soldering direction from checking.
- Added an option in the Ref Name Silk item to check mirrored silkscreen.
- Fixed a bug of Lines between Two Pins item that a result area was not highlighted.
- Modified the Import from UPFs to be enabled only when PDBB is in a project folder.
- Added an option to set the Net Classification using middle string.
- Enhanced the Link to ECAD feature to the Altium Designer.
- Modified to express Polygon as Mesh shape when displaying the result of the Antenna Ground item.
- Enhanced the Serpentine item to check only when the Start Component of Differential Net are the same.
- Added a Via Escape option to the Serpentine item.
- Added an option in the Timing Skew item to reflect Package Length.
- Added an option in the Crosstalk item to control coupling parameter between nets.
Logic DFE
- Modified to display the input file path and name in the title bar of the input dialog.
- Modified to open the result when the loaded PDBB is matched with the result file.

PollEx Analysis

- Added an option to set whether to include termination port when extracting S-parameters.
- Modified the S-Parament Naming rule in the Network Parameter Viewer dialog to use the same name as S11, S12, and so on instead of using pin name.
- Modified to select any nets as an aggressor when using the manual mode in the Crosstalk Analysis.
- Enhanced the IR-Drop Analysis result to change the color of Via.
- Added a Voltage Drop option in the IR-Drop analysis result dialog to display the voltage drop map.
- Added an option to display on/off the Via display in the IR-Drop Analysis result dialog.
PollEx UPE
- Enhanced the Mount Data Information dialog.
- Enhanced the default footprint configuration table to generate for the package type automatically.
- Enhanced the default logic symbol configuration table to generate parts automatically.
- Enhanced the mount information export to include the whether the master library is locked.
- Enhanced the Package Generation Wizard by removing unnecessary dimension inputs of chip inductors.
- Enhanced the Package Length Excel format to be used in both DFM and DFE+.

PollEx Interface from ECAD

Altium Designer
- Added option to specify ECAD Part Name to be imported into PollEx.
- Added an option to specify ECAD Part Name to be imported into PollEx from the Allegro Expansion.
- Enhanced the Specctra importer to display the board outline and copper keep-out area correctly, and to apply component values into the part names.
Eagle CAD
- Enhanced the Eagle CAD importer.
- Enhanced the ODB++ importing speed by using the multi-thread.
- Enhanced the ODB++ exporter.
- Enhanced to apply the material properties described in the *.ruf file to the Material Library when importing Zuken data.
- Enhanced to apply the material names and values described in the *.ruf file to the Material Library when importing Zuken data.
Resolved Issues
- Fixed a bug to pick when the line width is zero in Logic.
- Fixed a bug to display a slot hole correctly in CAM.
- Fixed a bug that a Remainder of the Component Class was editable in DFM.
- Fixed a bug that a pin pad rotation angle is incorrect when generating a footprint in UPE.
- Fixed an error that shape positions are twisted when moving symbol pins and body at the same time in symbol editor of UPE.
- Fixed an error that unintended symbol pin is selected when selecting symbol pins by mouse dragging in UPE.
- Fixed an error that ghost image is remained in the mark editor, lead editor, package editor and measure functions in UPE.
- Fixed an error that package delay and package length values are not saved when device model type is not specified in UPE.
- Fixed a bug to import the correct layer thickness from the Eagle CAD.
- Fixed a bug to read a layer thickness correctly from the Mentor PADs.
Altair PollEx is an open solution, which transfers data flawlessly between different ECAD and simulation environments. While PCB design tools are traditionally reserved for PCB design engineers, engineers from other disciplines like hardware design, manufacturing, testing and mechanical need to also access, review and analyze the design and manufacturing data of PCBs and their Integrated Circuit (IC) packages.

PollEx provides unsurpassed connectivity to all relevant ECAD systems and formats as well to third party PCB simulation software and brings Design for Excellence (DfX) through a common application and a powerful set of rule-based design checks addressing post-design process constraints in the early design stages.

Its many features include query, measure, finding objects, and various reporting. PollEx operates in an open environment, which can transfer data flawlessly between different ECAD and simulation environments.

Altair PollEx is the most comprehensive and integrated set of PCB design viewing, analysis and verification tools in the market for electrical, electronics and manufacturing engineers. PollEx is an open solution, which transfers data flawlessly between different ECAD and simulation environments. While PCB design tools are traditionally reserved for PCB design engineers, engineers from other disciplines like hardware design, manufacturing, testing and mechanical need to also access, review and analyze the design and manufacturing data of PCBs and their Integrated Circuit (IC) packages.
PollEx provides unsurpassed connectivity to all relevant ECAD systems and formats as well to third party PCB simulation software and brings Design for Excellence (DfX) through a common application and a powerful set of rule-based design checks addressing post-design process constraints in the early design stages.
Its many features include query, measure, finding objects, and various reporting. PollEx operates in an open environment, which can transfer data flawlessly between different ECAD and simulation environments..........
Key Features:
PCB Modeler
PollEx PCB Modeler reads entire PCB design data quickly in an intuitive and flexible interface to explore design details. Users can do queries, measurements, find objects, view topologies, analyze nets, compare PCB designs, and receive import and export support for all standard ECAD packages and PCB layout formats.

Unified Part Editor
PollEx PCB Unified Part Editor (UPE) is a unified electronic part data management software allowing users to create and edit part data (from manufacturers, including physical, logical, thermal, electrical, manufacturing and testing); generate part data using automatic and manual generation wizards (including 3D package geometry for mechanical design); manage mount data for mounting analysis and control (from specific equipment); and it supports many EDA vendor formats and tools.

PCB Solvers
PollEx PCB Solvers investigate Signal Integrity (SI) and thermal PCB problems thanks to intuitive and easy to use solvers which are fully integrated into the PollEx PCB Modeler and the Unified Part Editor (UPE). Included are efficient domain SI solvers with SPICE and IBIS model support for wave propagation delay, reflection, crosstalk, eye diagrams, scattering, admittance and impedance matrix calculations.

Altair is a global technology company that provides software and cloud solutions in the areas of product development, high performance computing (HPC) and data analytics. Altair enables organizations across broad industry segments to compete more effectively in a connected world while creating a more sustainable future.

In this video, Jim Scapa and Sun Hewh Huh discuss Altair's acquisition of Polliwog Co. Ltd., a high-tech software company based near Seoul, providing EDA software to the rapidly growing electronics industry.

Altair is a global technology company that provides software and cloud solutions in the areas of product development, high performance computing (HPC) and data analytics. Altair enables organizations across broad industry segments to compete more effectively in a connected world while creating a more sustainable future.

Product: Altair PollEx
Version: 2025
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.altair.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 1.0 Gb

软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-08-03 10:12:18

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2020-08-06 06:33:08
Altair PollEx 2020.0 x64 ,谢谢

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2022-04-30 04:33:58

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2022-04-30 09:11:48
Altair PollEx 2022.0.0 x64

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2022-05-01 10:55:30
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2022-10-12 17:46:18

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2022-10-13 10:36:51

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2022-12-02 12:42:21

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2023-05-15 16:31:17