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- 2025-03-13
ETAP提供一套全面的电子工程软件解决方案,包括潮流、短路、瞬态持久性、升压器同步、电缆功率、最佳潮流等。是。其模块化吞吐量可以定制,以满足从小型到大型电力系统的任何公司的需求。 Etap实时功能是一个集成的电子软件程序包,提供智能电源监控,能源管理,系统优化,高级自动化和即时预测。 Etap 智能电网允许管理程序使用工具来安全地规划、同步和运行网络。Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP) is an electrical network modeling and simulation software tool used by power systems engineers to create an "electrical digital twin" and analyze electrical power system dynamics, transients and protection. ETAP was developed for utilization on MS-DOS operating system and intended for commercial and nuclear power system analysis and system operations. OTI has been developing ETAP for 30 years by providing the comprehensive and widely used enterprise solutions for generation, transmission, distribution, industrial, transportation, and low-voltage power systems. Today, OTI provides electrical design to operation on a single platform, open automation, network management, and optimization solutions worldwide. The company offers supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, energy management systems (EMS), generation management systems (GMS), advanced distribution management systems (DMS), substation automation systems (SAS), data warehousing (historian) analytics, distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS), situational intelligence systems, and individual software and hardware products for electrical system operations. 
ETAP 2024 注重增强功能和用户体验,代表了电力系统分析和设计的重大飞跃。
ETAP 2024 的主要特点:
高级电源模拟和分析,以获得更深入的洞察和明智的决策 采用全新 ETAP PowerRibbonTM 的简化用户界面,改善工作流程 整合人工智能等尖端技术以提高绩效 增强可再生能源设计和集成的功能 扩展的组件和模型库 官网介绍:https://etap.com/zh/product-releases/etap-2024-release
-嵌入式分析模块 -喀布尔的概念 -传输线概念 -电缆载流量 -电缆测量 -电缆管理 -降低风险并提高安全性 -评估结果和制定决策的简便性和速度 -多语言编辑 -比类似的实时解决方案更快 -电源管理系统 -能源管理系统 -生产管理系统 -分销管理系统 -智能负载释放 -智能网络和微电网解决方案 ETAP is the global market and technology leader in modeling, design, analysis, optimization, monitoring, control, and automation software for electrical power systems. The company has been powering success for over 30 years by providing the most comprehensive and widely-used enterprise solutions for generation, transmission, distribution, industrial, transportation, and low-voltage power systems. Founded in 1986, ETAP is headquartered in Irvine, California, USA, with over 50 offices around the world. Website Home Page : https://etap.com/ 需要最新22.5和 24的 联系 1739083603@qq.com [ 此帖被pony8000在2025-02-23 16:21重新编辑 ]