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[行业软件]FEA LUSAS Academic v19.0-2c1 激活破解版 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-09-15 07:50:28

LUSAS是Finite Element Analysis Ltd.的商标,Finite Element Analysis Ltd.是一家不断扩展的英国专业工程分析软件开发商。


LUSAS Bridge-用于桥梁工程分析,设计和评估。
LUSAS Civil&Structural-适用于土木,结构,核,地震,岩土和海洋工程。
LUSAS Analyst-用于汽车,航空航天,国防,制造和一般工程分析。
LUSAS Composite-用于设计复合产品或组件的工程师。

LUSAS Academic仅可用于教育机构进行教学和研究。通过使用提供的软件保护设备和许可证密钥,完全许可的版本允许访问任何LUSAS商业产品,以及大多数LUSAS分析软件选件,而不受型号大小的限制:
LUSAS Academic-用于教学和研究用途的教育机构,是功能全面的版本,对问题的大小没有限制。

LUSAS有限元分析软件根据软件产品提供LT,Standard或Plus版本。 每个产品都是为特定行业的工程师设计的。


LUSAS Bridge软件可用于所有类型的桥梁设计,分析和评估,从简单的格栅到复杂的斜拉桥和悬索结构。 它具有无与伦比的分析设施,可用于线性静态,基频,地震,动态,土壤-结构相互作用,大挠度,分阶段施工,蠕变,预应力,后张拉力和疲劳分析。

LUSAS Civil&Structural软件可用于从建筑物,看台和塔楼到大坝,码头和隧道的所有类型的结构,具有用于各种类型的土木和结构分析的全面功能,包括线性,非线性,分阶段施工,土-结构相互作用,蠕变,预应力,后张紧,地震,爆炸,屈曲,冲击,火灾和疲劳分析。
LUSAS Composite具有适用于所有类型复合材料工程的高级壳体和实体复合材料元素。它可以轻松定义和可视化叠层,并使用各种行业标准的故障准则进行准确的分层和故障建模。
LUSAS Analyst用于汽车,航空航天,国防,制造和通用机械行业。它用于一般工程分析,并具有高度重视的非线性和接触能力,可以解决所有类型的线性静态,非线性,动态和热工程问题,包括热/机械耦合。
LUSAS Academic仅可用于教育机构进行教学和研究。通过使用提供的软件保护设备和许可证密钥,完全许可的版本允许访问任何LUSAS商业产品以及大多数LUSAS分析软件选件,而对型号大小没有限制。
Version 19 enhancements in detail

New Bridge Wizard

Steel Composite Bridge Wizard

The Steel Composite Bridge Wizard generates the model geometry and corresponding mesh, geometric, material, support and local coordinate attributes for models of slab-on-beam composite I-girder bridges where the slab and web are modelled with shell elements and the top and bottom flanges, web stiffeners and bracing are modelled using beam elements.

Models can be defined that accommodate:
- Straight or curved decks of constant radius.
- An arbitrary skew, where a skew can additionally be set per support and interpolated across the spans.
- Any number of spans and supports.
- Square and skew bracing.
- Transverse stiffeners.
- Design utilities for design checking against supported design codes

Design-related improvements

Composite Bridge Deck Design

The Composite Bridge Deck Design software option provides a consistent approach to design, regardless of the analysis approach adopted, using slice resultants to calculate design forces. This allows an analysis model to be created without having to define design details initially. It allows for the complexity of the analysis model to be increased without changing the design data, and also permits a number of changes to be made to the design information to see what the effect of a particular change would be, without having to change or solve the analysis model each time.

The following steps are required to carry out a composite bridge deck design check:
- Create a model of the bridge deck by using the Steel Composite Bridge Wizard, or by using the grillage wizard, or by manually creating an appropriate model, and solve it to obtain results.
- Define a composite bridge deck design member for each girder (simple spans) or series of girders (continuous spans) of interest in the model.
- Specify the design code to be used by selecting the Design> Composite Deck Design menu item.
- Define a results utility This identifies the design members for which calculations are required and brings together the loadcases / combinations appropriate to the various limit state checks.
- View the results in tabular format, and optionally add selected results to a model report.

The following design code is currently supported:
- AASHTO LRFD 8th Edition. (USA) - AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications 8th edition, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 2017.

Steel Frame Design improvements

The Steel Frame Design software option now supports
- ANSI/AISC 360-16 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, July 2016
- GB50017-2017 Standard for design of steel structures, China Architecture & Building Press, China.

Reinforced Concrete Frame Design improvements

The RC Frame Design software option now supports:
- AASHTO 8th Ed. (USA)
- AS5100.5-2017 (Australia)
- CSA S6-14 (Canada)
- IRC:112-2011 (India)

Reinforced Concrete Slab/Wall Design improvements

The reinforced concrete slab/wall design facility now supports:

- GB 50010-2010 - Code for design of concrete structures, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing.

Vehicle Load Optimisation improvements

The Vehicle Load Optimisation software option now supports:
- India IRC:6-2017 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges - Section : II - Loads and Stresses (7th Revision) Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi.

Geotechnical/Soil-Structure Interaction

Phi-c reduction

Phi-c reduction attributes can now be defined and assigned to a model to assess soil stability and safety factors for soil that is represented by Mohr-Coulomb or Hoek-Brown material models. Attributes can be assigned to all or just some of the relevant features in a model, allowing the safety of a particular slope (for example) in a large analysis to be evaluated without other parts of the model being affected. Assignment is made to a particular loadcase or analysis stage, which defines the applicable loading, boundary conditions and activation status.

By its very nature, a phi-c reduction analysis will always run until solution failure, so it is best used in branched analyses where it can be used to study safety factors at several stages of construction without terminating the solution

Hoek-Brown material model
The Hoek-Brown model is now supported. This is an elastic-perfectly-plastic constitutive model suitable for the modelling of rock failure. It is an empirical model, and its parameters are based on both laboratory test data, and visual observation of the rock. The model can be used with standard continuum elements as well as the two-phase elements.

Drained and undrained conditions
Drained and Undrained attributes can be defined from the Attributes > Pore Water Pressures… menu item. They are used to define regions of a model where the soil is drained or undrained.

Drained and undrained attributes can be assigned to features representing soil that are meshed with two phase elements and modelled with two-phase materials in both 2D or 3D models. The use of such attributes is a conceptual shortcut from the beginning to the end of a consolidation analysis, representing the extreme undrained and drained conditions.

Additional K0 models
Two additional K0 initialisation options, 'Wroth' and 'OCR sin(phi)', have been added to the Modified Cam Clay material model to allow initial stresses in soil to be calculated.

Modelling improvements

Bridge Deck (Grillage) attributes introduced
Bridge Deck (Grillage) geometric attributes have been introduced to define geometric properties of specific types of bridge decks that are analysed with reference to, or derived from grillage formulae published by Hambly and others.

When assigned to a model along with a new Bridge Deck (Grillage) material attribute, which contains separate material definitions for the slab, girders, slab and reinforcement (for cracked sections) that are defined in the relevant Bridge Deck (Grillage) geometric attribute, users can more easily analyse the different phases of construction of these types of bridge decks with one model by the use of the multiple analysis facility. In short, one set of grillage geometric attributes is suitable for the life of a bridge, as the sections do not change, whereas several material attributes may be needed to represent the in-construction, short term, and long term cases.

Bridge deck temperature and shrinkage profile loading

Bridge deck temperature profile loading can be defined for the following design codes.
- AASHTO 8th
- AS 5100.2:2017
- EN1991-1-5:2003 Approach 1
- EN1991-1-5:2003 Approach 2

Bridge deck shrinkage profile loading currently supports:
- AASHTO 8th

General variation of temperature or strain through-section
For general use, a temperature/strain profile loading can be defined by stating the temperature of the top of the section followed by defining a series of segment thicknesses and corresponding values for the specific height at which the expression is being evaluated. Segment thicknesses and temperature/strain may be stated as a single value, or as expressions, making it possible to replicate expressions in bridge industry Codes of Practice and define code-specific profiles that are not currently supported elsewhere in LUSAS.

Defined profiles can be visualised for a stated visualisation height. The same profile may be assigned to multiple geometric sections of differing heights.

Generate influences from beam/shell resultants and inspection locations
Direct Method Influences can now be generated from beam/shell slice resultant locations and at inspection locations. Direct Method Influence attributes can be assigned to pre-defined Inspection locations, or to Beam/Shell Slices using the 'Assign to' context menu item for the DMI attribute, and then selecting the inspection points or beam/shell slices to which the assignment should be made on the Influence Assignment dialog that subsequently appears.

The ability to assign DMI attributes to Beam/Shell Slices now makes it possible to use the Vehicle Load optimisation facility on bridge decks idealised using mixed beam and shell elements.

Model view "Orientation cube" introduced
An orientation cube can now be optionally displayed in each model view window. This provides visual feedback on the orientation of a model, and rotates and updates as the model is rotated or orientated. The top of the cube is aligned to the defined vertical axis for the model.

The orientation cube has labelled faces with default names of Left, Right, Bottom, Top, Back and Front, and edges and corners that highlight when a cursor is moved over them. Selecting a face, edge or corner of the cube will orientate the model to be viewed from the selected direction. The model can also be dynamically rotated by clicking and dragging to rotate the orientation cube.

Home, Dynamic Rotation, Resize, and Perspective buttons can be optionally added beneath the axis cube for easy selection

Analysis enhancements/updates

Analysis branches introduced
Analysis branches may be added to the Analyses Treeview by selecting the New > Branch context menu item for any loadcase in the Analyses Treeview that has (or inherits) a nonlinear or transient control. They allow the creation and solution of one or more sub-analyses to investigate the response of the model at a particular loadcase or "stage".

Examples of use include:
- Carrying out a linear moving load analysis of construction equipment during each stage of the construction of a segmental bridge deck,
- Performing an eigenvalue natural frequency analysis or a buckling analysis during construction.
- Performing a phi-c reduction analysis to derive safety factors for a geotechnical model from each stage in an excavation process.
- Performing an earthquake analysis where gravity is applied in a static nonlinear step, then the earthquake is run as a transient branch. Several sample earthquakes may be run in each branch.

Any number of sub-analyses may be defined for a single parent loadcase.

Access to Fastest available and Frontal Solvers provided
The Fast Multi-frontal solver is now made available by default to new clients.

Two Solver-related radio buttons previously included at the bottom of the 'Model properties' dialog have been replaced with a droplist control on the dialog that additionally allows specifying solution options on the 'Solve Now' dialog. These now allow for solving by the fastest available and appropriate solver for the task in hand, or the frontal solver, which provides more error diagnostics should issues arise. An option to only solve for the first loadcase (for quick model attribute assignment checking purposes) is also included.

Direct method Influence analysis improvements
Direct Method Influence analysis is now faster because the Solver results file is now generated at the same time as the stress recovery stage, saving significant processing time.

Larger Direct Method Influence analyses can now be carried out with either a finer grid or a finer mesh without manually setting any additional parameters. The analysis is split into batches that make maximum utilisation of the memory available but which ensure that no matter how large the DMI analysis, it will solve successfully.

Rail Track Analysis enhancements.

The LUSAS Rail Track Analysis software option now includes the following new features / enhancements:
- Bearings can now be modelled offset (inboard) from the ends of the decks.
- Multiple Train Loading Groups can be analysed within the same analysis.
- Avoidance of stubby elements in the modelling.
- Improved pier modelling.
- Train loads are allowed to be outside the extents of the model, allowing long trains to be passed over structures without having to have excessively large embankments to model the correct arrival and departure of the trainset from the structure.
- Use it for EuroCode nomenclature of Traction loads (instead of Acceleration).
- Significant speed up of train/rail load definition and assignment.
- Section axes for deck and pier now included in the Geometric Properties worksheet.
- Improved results / chart titles in the tabulated output.

Results enhancements

Slice resultants improvements
Once defined, slice sections are now visualised immediately on the model without the need for a solve to have taken place first.

Results averaging speed-up
Averaging of element results across discontinuities has been made more efficient, reducing the time it takes to display averaged results in this situation.


Other user change requests
In addition to the range of new facilities and improvements listed, many user change requests have also been implemented. The originators of all requested changes to the software (some of which are included in the above list of enhancements) that have been incorporated in this release will be notified individually.

User manuals
All online and printed documentation has been updated for this new release. Manuals are provided in PDF format as part of the software download file, and are also included on the software DVD.

New worked examples

The following examples show the use of selected new facilities added in this release.

- Steel Composite Bridge Wizard - shows how to use the wizard to build a 3-span bridge.
- Staged construction modelling of a 3-span bridge deck - models the construction and loading phases of a 3-span bridge
- Composite bridge deck design to AASHTO 8th edition - shows use of the new composite bridge deck design software option.
- Slope stability modelling showing Phi-c reduction - shows use of branched analyses and the new Phi-c attribute.
- Simple grillage analysis - shows use of the new bridge deck grillage attributes.
- Grillage load optimisation - shows use of the new bridge deck grillage attributes on a model with optimised vehicle loading.

All other examples have been updated to ensure they match changes made to the software.
此帖售价 29 电魂,已有 11 人购买 [记录] [购买]


LUSAS is the trading name of Finite Element Analysis Ltd - a UK-based company that specialises in thedevelopment and marketing of high quality, specialist engineering analysis software. Our range of softwareproducts, based on the LUSAS finite element system, provide accurate and reliable solutions for all types oflinear and nonlinear stress, dynamic, and thermal / field analysis problems. LUSAS users are provided with afirst class technical support service and our Engineering Consultancy division offers specialist finite elementconsultancy services to all branches of the engineering industry.
Product: Finite Element Analysis LUSAS Academic
Version: 19.0-2c1
Supported Architectures: x86
Website Home Page : www.lusas.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 1.4 Gb

软件下载咨询 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-09-15 08:24:49
Re:FEA LUSAS Academic v19.0-2c1    激活破解版

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2020-09-16 20:15:48

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