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- 2024-11-02
DS CATIA P3 V5-6R2020 SP6是达索系统开发团队更新的最新版本。 3DEXPERIENCE平台R2018x的总体增强功能包括新的Power’By策略和新的沉浸式协作体验。 CATIA R2018x版本为创意设计师,工程师和系统工程师提供了多个增强功能。 CATIA®软件是实现卓越3D CAD产品设计的世界领先工程、体验解决方案。它被不同行业的领导组织所采用,用以开发我们日常生活见到和使用的产品。它不仅能够为所有产品建模,还能够在现实行为背景下建模:在体验时代进行设计。系统架构师、工程师、设计师和所有贡献者都能定义、构思和塑造互联世界。 The software developer Dassault Systemes is pleased to announce the availability of CATIA P3 V5-6R2020 SP4 . This release delivers multiple enhancements for Designers, Engineers, Systems Engineers, and Construction Professionals as well as new functionality for 3D Generative Innovator and 3DPlay for everyone.What’s New in 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA Release R2020xThis release Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA release delivers multiple enhancements for those working in Design, Engineering, Systems Engineering, as well as Construction Professionals. New Role: Multi-Disciplines Automated Drafter––––––––––––––––––––––––––The 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA R2020x release introduces the Multi-Disciplines Automated Drafter role. This role extends CATIA drafting with functions and content for rule-based automatic generation of specialised drawings. In particular, this role will support customers who require the creation of 10,000’s of specialised drawings. Users will benefit from:- A significant increase in speed and accuracy with the smart automatic generation of industry-standard compliant drawings from (and synchronisation with) the master 3D model. In the shipbuilding industry, for example, engineers can easily create a range of multi-view Frame Drawings for consecutive frames, complete with symbols and annotations, based on templates and rules.- Once the first multi-view drawing has been defined, it can be applied to any other 3D frames or assemblies to generate the corresponding drawings automatically.- Customers will reduce certification document production costs and improve quality. Upgraded Role: Mechanism Simulation Designer––––––––––––––––––––––––––The Mechanism Simulation Designer role already delivers a customer and industry-proven experience for Kinematics, fully integrated into the 3D product definition. The 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA R2020x release extends this solution with new capabilities for rigid body dynamics and the introduction of humans in the context of mechanisms. The upgrades in this release support Rigid body dynamics with benefits that include, enhanced performance and accuracy, including contact management with intermittent contact and the inclusion of friction properties. R2020x provides benefits for Simulation, including the availability of more excitations and measures, allowing users to simulate more scenarios. For example, you can now define a law and use it to apply a controlled variable force. Also, human manikins can be added to the design context to allow the study of the human’s interaction with the mechanism. Enhanced App: Function Driven Generative Designer––––––––––––––––––––––––––––The “Function Driven Generative Designer” role, allows designers to generate optimised conceptual parts and assemblies from functional specifications automatically. The 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA R2020x release sees the introduction of seamless integration between GDE and advanced SIMULIA roles for Stress Analysts. Advanced FEA users can use a SIMULIA role to refine or add specific properties to the part or assembly (E.g., inertia matrix rather than a simple point mass). GDE will then consider this setup during the optimisation, or provide warnings in the case of incompatible simulation objects. Now for a given family of parts, a stress analysis expert can set up a template, including loading and boundary conditions, meshing specifications, some of which may be regulatory. The designer can then apply that template to a new part design, ensuring rapid and accurate setup and a faster-optimised part which is compliant with the expert template. Virtual contacts can now be created, without the need to model the surrounding parts. Centrifugal forces can now be incorporated in the optimisation process. With Milling Assistant, which creates parts optimised for the milling process, productivity is then increased through the ability to define symmetries, reducing setup time. Enhancements for different disciplines:–––––––––––––––––––––––- Everyone: New functionality for the 3D Generative Innovator Role and 3DPlay. Find out more.- Designers: This release sees a new Human Experience Design role, which expands on the use of virtual humans beyond specialist studies. There are also a few upgrades to CATIA Natural Sketch and ICEM Design Experience. Find out more.- Systems Engineers: R2020x introduces Systems Synthesis Analyst which addresses all users in a program, who can now review and analyse traceability. This connects seamlessly to the new CATIA Magic Portfolio. Find out more.- Construction Professionals: The 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA R2020x provides a range of advanced capabilities for steel structures, linear infrastructure design, facade design and IFC interoperability.CATIA提供了独特的功能,不仅可以对任何产品进行建模,而且可以在其实际行为的背景下进行建模:在体验时代进行设计。系统架构师,工程师,设计师,建筑专家和所有贡献者都可以定义,想象和塑造互联世界。 由DassaultSystèmes的3DEXPERIENCE平台提供支持的CATIA提供: 建立在单一真相来源上的社交设计环境,可通过功能强大的3D仪表板进行访问,这些仪表板可推动商业智能,实时并发设计以及所有利益相关者(包括移动工作者)之间的协作。 本能3DEXPERIENCE,为经验丰富的用户和偶尔使用的用户提供世界一流的3D建模和仿真功能,可优化每个用户的效率。 包容性产品开发平台,可轻松与现有流程和工具集成。这使多个学科可以在产品开发过程的所有阶段中利用功能强大且集成的专业应用程序。 CATIA的设计,工程,系统工程和施工应用程序是达索系统满足特定行业需求的行业解决方案经验的核心。这彻底改变了组织构思,开发和实现新产品的方式,通过创新的客户体验提供竞争优势。 功能介绍 3DEXPERIENCE平台是由达索系统(DassaultSystèmes)编辑的业务平台,可为多学科目的提供知识和软件解决方案(App),所有这些知识和软件解决方案均基于一个共享的环境,并且可以在一个共享的环境中进行访问。 CATIA是产品设计和体验的全球领先解决方案。多个行业的领先组织都使用它来开发我们在日常生活中看到和使用的产品。 CATIA提供了独特的功能,不仅可以对任何产品进行建模,而且可以在其实际行为的背景下进行建模:在体验时代进行设计。系统架构师,工程师,设计师和所有贡献者都可以定义,想象和塑造互联世界。 对于希望转换为DassaultSystèmes的3DEXPERIENCE PLM平台的公司而言,一个主要问题是将其CATIA V5模型迁移到新的“零文件”环境中。 像许多产品开发系统一样,CATIA V5基于文件管理。但是,3DEXPERIENCE平台上的CATIA V6环境使用非文件聚合数据模型。这带来了无法继续进行文件交换(包括第三方解决方案)的重大风险。 解决这个问题需要对基础设施进行增量投资,这既复杂又昂贵。这意味着“迁移问题”可能会限制用户采用3DEXPERIENCE的意愿,从而损害那些希望利用平台特有的范式转换功能的用户。 使用期待已久的迁移桥,现在可以通过新的DassaultSystèmesPLM合作服务使用迁移桥,将“迁移问题”归因于历史。对于使用Dassault旗舰CAD软件CATIA V5的大型用户社区而言,此解决方案可能会大为缓解。 使用这个通往3DEXPERIENCE平台的新网关,用户可以在平台上访问基于云的解决方案。这为产品开发中的协作,数据共享和更广泛的功能开辟了新的机会。这样做的原因很多,其中最重要的是近年来分布式产品开发和制造模型的发展势头。 机械设计 提供用于实体,混合和钣金零件设计,装配体设计和集成制图的直观规范驱动建模的产品。造型设计与造型 CATIA V5提供了高度直观的工具,可以轻松创建,验证和修改从自由曲面到机械形状的任何类型的曲面。 产品合成 知识软件解决方案集将隐式设计方法转化为明确的知识,以获得最佳设计,而DMU解决方案则支持复杂的DMU审查和仿真,以实现快速有效的工程和过程决策。设备与系统工程 在产品定义期间集成并交换电气产品,系统和结构设计信息。 分析 通过CATIA中的集成设计分析,更快地优化产品性能。加工 凭借完整的完整产品组合以及基于V5架构的易于使用的知识,CATIA V5机械加工超越了所有现有的业已证明的NC制造应用套件。 基础设施 CATIA V5为协作产品创建和产品数据管理提供了一个完全可扩展的平台。 V5突破性的体系结构为先进的工程设计提供了先进的设计控制。 CAA-RADE 从最初的产品定义到最终的产品包装,CAA-RADE产品组合提供了最完整的工具,指南和API集,可支持开发过程。 基于网络的学习解决方案 CATIA第5版基于Web的学习解决方案(WLS)是一个易于使用的学习和支持系统。它在一个来源中提供了所有必需的信息和培训,以最大程度地确保用户社区的生产力。 Dassault Systèmes, the 3DEXPERIENCE Company, is a catalyst for human progress. We provide business and people with collaborative 3D virtual environments to imagine sustainable innovations. By creating virtual experience twins of the real world with our 3DEXPERIENCE platform and applications, our customers push the boundaries of innovation, learning and production. Dassault Systèmes brings value to more than 270,000 customers of all sizes, in all industries, in more than 140 countries. Product: DS CATIAVersion: P3 V5-6R2020 (V5R30) SP6 HF8Supported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : www.3ds.comLanguages Supported: multilanguageSystem Requirements: Windows *Size: 4.8 Gb Installation guide Available in the text file inside the Crack folder.Install 2018 to 2020 versionsSteps 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are for the 2020 version only and are written based on the installation in Windows 10; To install in Windows 7, see these steps in the Readme file.- It is recommended that you disconnect your internet connection during installation.
- Extract or mount DS.CATIA.P3.V5-6R20xx.iso and install the software by running the setup.exe file and do not run it after installation.
- If necessary, install the latest update by extracting or mounting the update ISO file and running WIN64\startspk.exe.
- By running Services from the Start menu, find the Backbone service and from the right-click menu, Stop and then from the Properties -> startup type, select Disabled.
- Copy and replace the contents of the Cracked Files folder or similar in the software installation path (default: C:\Program Files\Dassault Systems\B{30|29|28}\win_b64\code\bin).
- From the Start menu, run Device Manager, click on your computer name, and from the Action menu, select add legacy hardware. Then click Next -> install the hardware that I manually select from a list -> next -> next -> Have Disk, and then click Browse, select the virtnet60.inf file in the folder Crack -> VirtNet, and then Click OK -> Next -> Next and wait for the driver installation to complete
- After installing the driver, from the Network adapters group, right-click on the VirtNet Network Adapter and click Disable Device.
- From the Start menu, run Regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 , click arrow on left of {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08} Find the VirtNetMacAddress key on the right by selecting each of the keys below {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08} (probably the last numeric key)
- Double-click VirtNetMacAddress, delete the value inside it, and type 3085A994CF91. Then click ok and close this window. (Note: Only change the key with the same name and in the same direction. Wrong changes in the registry can cause problems)
- From the Network adapters group, right-click on the VirtNet Network Adapter and click Enable Device.
- Launch Catia, from the Tools -> Options menu and the Licensing tab, find the following in the Configurations section and uncheck them:
DIC – CATIA – ACADEMIC DISCOVER 2 ED2 – CATIA – EDUCATIONAL HEAT 2 I3D – CATIA – 3D INSIGHT 2 To install Documentation version 2019, VC++ 2015 should not be installed on your system! If it is installed, then remove it and then install Documentation. After installation, you can reinstall VC++ 2015.! The 32-bit version of the 2015 version provided by the developer is not installed by default on 32-bit windows and is only installed on 64-bit windows; its solution is to use the Setup.bat file instead of the setup.exe file.The 2020 version was installed on Windows 10, 64-bit version on January 8, 2022 and has been successfully activated via fixed license. The 2017 version was activated on June 26, 2017 in a similar system.Note: The fixed license is set with a different MAC address. If you have the previous (expired) license on your system, replace the new license and follow steps 7, 8, 9 and 10 in the guide above. (Just change the MAC address from 10E7C61B9F4D to 3085A994CF91)本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到