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[行业软件]Siemens Solid Edge Mold Tooling 2021 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-10-09 08:43:02

Siemens Solid Edge Mold Tooling 2021 | 41.9 mb
Languages: 中文 (Simplified), 中文 (Traditional), Čeština, English, Français, Deutsch, Magyar,
Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Português-Brazilian, Русский, Español

Siemens Digital Industries Software announces the 2021 version of Solid Edge Mold Tooling software. This software is an integrated add-on package that establishes a powerful step-by-step process workflow for the design and manufacture of plastic injection molds.

Solid Edge is a complete 3D CAD system that uses Siemens Synchronous Technology for accelerated design, faster revisions, and better imported re-use that helps companies design smarter. When it comes to 3D design, Solid Edge is your best choice for accelerating design, getting products to market quicker, speeding ECO execution, and maximizing your re-use of imported 2D and 3D data.
Siemens Digital Industries Software announces the 2021 version of Solid Edge software, which the company says includes design capability enhancements such as new subdivision modeling and improved reverse engineering performance with new deviation analysis. A new artificial intelligence-powered adaptive user interface to predict next steps, and a seamless integration with 3dfind.it, an intelligent 3D model search engine powered by CADENAS, can also be used to save time in the early phases of design.

Solid Edge 2021

Solid Edge Mold Tooling from Siemens is an integrated add-on packageto Solid Edge Classic that establishes a powerful step-by-step processworkflow for the design and manufacture of plastic injection molds.Solid Edge Mold Toolingoffers dramatic time savingpotential by removing muchof the repetition prevalentin mold tooling designand freeing up your time formore important tasks. Withaccurate core and cavitycreation, an extensivechoice of industry-standardmold bases, automatedgeneration of all required components and associative electrodedesign, Solid Edge Mold Tooling completes your mold designsfaster and at lower cost.

Solid Edge Mold Tooling enables you to rapidly generate componentsand document the whole process, increasing your productivity andallowing you to help your customers reduce time-to-market fornew products. Use Solid Edge native or imported data to increaseproductivity right across your entire mold design process. You neednever decline a mold making job again because a part is too complex.

And with Solid Edge Mold Tooling, you can continue to maintainyour highly regarded reputation among your customers.

Support for international standards. Many popular mold basesand components that support multiple international standards aredelivered with Solid Edge Mold Tooling, including DME, Futaba,Hasco, LKM, Misumi, Petrotti, Rabourdin and Strack among others. SolidEdge Mold Tooling also adds related standard components such asbolts, ejector pins, return pins, leader pins and support pillars. Ejectorpin ends are automatically shaped to match the contourof the parting surface.

Solid Edge Mold Tooling

Siemens Digital Industries (DI) is an innovation leader in automation and digitalization. Closely collaborating with partners and customers, DI drives the digital transformation in the process and discrete industries. With its Digital Enterprise portfolio, DI provides companies of all sizes with an end-to-end set of products, solutions and services to integrate and digitalize the entire value chain. Optimized for the specific needs of each industry, DI’s unique portfolio supports customers to achieve greater productivity and flexibility. DI is constantly adding innovations to its portfolio to integrate cutting-edge future technologies. Siemens Digital Industries has its global headquarters in Nuremberg, Germany, and has around 75,000 employees internationally.
Siemens PLM Software is a world-leading provider of product lifecycle management and manufacturing operations management software. We help thousands of companies realize innovation by optimizing their processes, from planning and development through manufacturing, production and support.

Product: Siemens Solid Edge Mold Tooling
Version: 2021 build
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://solidedge.siemens.com/
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Software Prerequisites: Siemens Solid Edge 2021
Size: 41.9 mb
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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-10-09 08:48:31

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2021-10-14 08:20:02