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[行业软件]CONVERGE Studio 3.2 + Solvers 3.2.3x64  授权 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-11-27 23:13:49 , 编辑
CONVERGE是一种革命性的计算流体动力学(CFD)程序,可消除模拟过程中的网格生成瓶颈。 CONVERGE由发动机仿真专家开发,可直接用于发动机和非发动机仿真。 与许多CFD程序不同,CONVERGE在运行时会根据用户定义的简单控制参数自动生成完全正交的结构化网格。 这种网格生成方法完全消除了手动生成网格的需要。 此外,CONVERGE还提供许多其他功能来加快设置过程,并确保您的模拟尽可能地提高计算效率。CONVERGE CFD is a multifunctional software from Convergent Science for CFD simulation and analysis. This app comes with innovative features that are outlined in the app’s general features. This software eliminates the time required by the user to design the mesh, automatically mounting and connecting moving parts, preventing meshes associated with border motions, as well as independent mesh resolution for best geometric structure. The meshes are selected.
CONVERGE CFD Software also comes complete with POWER / GT-SUITE wristbands, which adds two-way interaction capabilities, border connectors and hydraulic connections. The program includes complete chemical models and uses genetic optimization tools.

Convergent Science recently released CONVERGE 3.1, a new major version of their CONVERGE CFD software. The new version enhances CONVERGE’s modeling capabilities, offers a variety of new features, and enables more complex, advanced simulations.

Version 3.1 - what's new

Version 3.1 adds to CONVERGE’s physical modeling options. The software now supports implicit fluid-structure interaction (FSI) modeling, which increases the stability of the solver when simulating fluids and solids with similar densities or when simulating floating solid bodies. This option, along with the new wind/wave generation tools and the mooring model, allows users to simulate a broader range of offshore and marine applications. In addition, CONVERGE 3.1 features several new volume of fluid (VOF) modeling approaches for reducing numerical diffusion at fluid interfaces and separating phases or immiscible liquids under the influence of gravity.

Multi-stream simulations are another new feature of CONVERGE 3.1. With this capability, users can apply different physical models and solver settings to different regions of the domain, making complex multi-physics simulations possible with a simplified workflow.

CONVERGE can now be coupled with ParaView Catalyst to perform in situ post-processing of simulation results directly on the cluster. This reduces the storage space and time requirements for writing data to a disk, and eliminates all user time associated with post-processing the results at the end of the simulation.

CONVERGE 3.1 offers several additional enhancements, including moving inlaid meshes, the ability to have a wall move through an arbitrary number of cells in a time-step, and the capability to simulate solid particles.

“In CONVERGE 3.0, we switched from partitioning the domain on blocks coarser than the solution grid to partitioning the solution grid directly,” says Keith Richards, co-owner of Convergent Science and one of the principal developers of CONVERGE. “This allows us to get a good load balance for any solution mesh, including those with very high levels of embedding, and means CONVERGE scales well even on thousands of cores.”

The way CONVERGE stores information during simulation runtime has also been modified in version 3.0, resulting in a greatly reduced memory footprint. Additionally, CONVERGE’s post-processor, Tecplot for CONVERGE, is more seamlessly integrated into the software, creating a smoother workflow for users.

CONVERGE 3.0 offers more flexibility in meshing than previous versions. With autonomous meshing, CONVERGE automatically generates an optimized Cartesian mesh at runtime. In 3.0, users can optionally incorporate an inlaid mesh in a region of the grid to obtain accurate results with fewer cells. Inlaid meshes can be aligned with the flow direction to reduce numerical viscosity, or users can refine the mesh in only one or two directions instead of all three. This allows users to accurately resolve boundary layers, for example, at a reduced computational cost by increasing mesh resolution only normal to the wall.

Among the new features in CONVERGE are two new combustion models. The thickened flame model for use in conjunction with LES (TFM-LES) is useful for simulations with large differences in length scales, like resolving the flame front in a boiler. The second new model, SAGE PDF, accounts for turbulence-chemistry interactions in flames modeled with RANS.

CONVERGE’s chemistry capabilities have also been enhanced in version 3.0. The SAGE detailed chemistry solver has seen significant speedup, especially for large reaction mechanisms, making CONVERGE one of the fastest chemistry solvers on the market. In addition, CONVERGE 3.0 includes numerous new chemistry tools, including new 0D chemical reactors, a new 1D flamespeed solver, and enhanced tools for manipulating chemical mechanisms.

CONVERGE is a revolutionary computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program thateliminates the grid generation bottleneck from the simulation process. CONVERGE wasdeveloped by engine simulation experts and is straightforward to use for both engine andnon-engine simulations. Unlike many CFD programs, CONVERGE automaticallygenerates a perfectly orthogonal, structured grid at runtimebased on simple, user-definedgrid control parameters. This grid generation method completely eliminates the need tomanually generate a grid. In addition, CONVERGE offers many other features to expeditethe setup process and to ensure that your simulations are as computationally efficient aspossible.

CONVERGE CFD software comprised of the CONVERGE solver, the CONVERGE Studio graphical user interface (GUI), and CONVERGE chemistry tools.

The CONVERGE solver is designed for solving reacting flows in systems with complex geometries and moving parts. One of the key features of CONVERGE is ‘autonomous meshing’, in which CONVERGE automatically creates and refines the computational mesh, thereby taking the meshing process out of the users’ hands. CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing features include automatic mesh generation and Adaptive Mesh Refinement.
The CONVERGE Studio GUI includes both pre- and post-processing tools for the CONVERGE solver. Before running a CFD simulation in CONVERGE, the CONVERGE Studio pre-processing tools can be used to prepare the surface geometry, configure input files, and set up the reaction mechanism. After running a CONVERGE simulation, the line plotting module and the 3D visualization module in CONVERGE Studio can be used to visualize and interpret the simulation results.
CONVERGE Chemistry Tools
CONVERGE includes a number of chemistry tools for the SAGE detailed chemistry solver. These tools include the 0D solver, 1D solver, mechanism reduction, mechanism merge, mechanism tuning, and surrogate blender. The 0D, or autoignition, solver calculates ignition delay for a given set of fuel parameters, e.g., temperature, pressure, equivalence ratio. The 1D solver calculates laminar flame speeds.To reduce computational time, the mechanism reduction tool eliminates species and reactions that have the least effect on the simulation results. The mechanism merge tool combines two reaction mechanisms into one,and the mechanism tuning tool optimizes reaction mechanisms to meet specified performance targets. In CONVERGE Studio, the surrogate blender tool approximates real fuels through multi-component surrogates whose properties match those of the target fuel.

Although earlier versions of CONVERGE show good runtime improvements with increasing core counts, speedup is limited for cases with significant local embeddings. CONVERGE 3.0 has been specifically developed to run efficiently on modern hardware configurations that have a high number of cores per node.

With CONVERGE 3.0, we have observed an increase in speedup in simulations with as few as approximately 1,500 cells per core. With its improved scaling efficiency, this new version empowers you to obtain simulation results quickly, even for massive cases, so you can reduce the time it takes to bring your product to market.

CONVERGE 3.0 features a multitude of new features and enhancements. In this inside look at 3.0, you’ll hear CONVERGE developers discuss significant improvements in scaling, a host of new 0D and 1D chemistry tools, substantial memory savings, inlaid grids, and more.

Features and Features of CONVERGE CFD Software:

  • Powerful and efficient user interface
  • No user need to design meshes (CONVERGE is a different CFD software, it automatically generates runtime grids so you don’t have to spend time creating meshes)
  • Improved meshes with AMR adaptive method
  • Using advanced and accurate combustion models to solve many combustion-related problems
  • Ability to simulate multiphase fluids
  • Ability to simulate turbulent fluids and complex and complex scenarios
  • Detailed analysis of fluid heat exchange in boundary states
  • Carefully review issues related to the interaction of different components together
  • Simultaneous computing to increase computing speed

required system

Founded in 1997 by graduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Convergent Science was a CFD consulting company in its early years. In 2008, the first CONVERGE licenses were sold and the company transitioned to a CFD software company. Convergent Science remains headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, with additional offices in the United States, Europe, and India and distributors around the globe. Our flagship product, CONVERGE CFD, is a revolutionary CFD software that eliminates the grid generation bottleneck from the simulation process.

Product: CONVERGE Studio
Version: 3.2
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.convergecfd.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows / HPC x64, HPMPI / serial MPI / MPICH *
Size: 3.5 Gb

* System Requirements:

Operating systems compatible with CONVERGE Studio.

- Windows Server 2003+
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 10

Hardware and Software

For the CONVERGE solver, the amount of recommended RAM depends on the size of the domain; the level of grid refinement; the number of species, passives, and reactions in the mechanism; and other simulation-specific criteria. A small, simple simulation (e.g., an engine sector case) can be efficiently executed in serial on a single machine with less than 4 GB of RAM. Larger simulations (e.g., a port-fuel injected, full-cylinder simulation using the SAGE detailed chemistry solver) may require several multi-core machines to achieve a solution in a reasonable time.

CONVERGE supports any hardware architecture that uses the x86-64 instruction set. It is designed for consumer-class hardware and does not use enterprise-class additions to that instruction set. CONVERGE performs computations on conventional CPUs and does not use general-purpose GPU resources.

Installation guide

Listed in the Readme file in the Crack folder.
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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-11-28 20:12:14

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2020-12-02 11:22:15
Re:CONVERGE Studio 3.0 2020.10.12 x64  授权


只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2020-12-02 13:43:19
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只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2020-12-02 14:52:35
Re:CONVERGE Studio 3.0 2020.10.12 x64  授权

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2020-12-21 22:14:32
软件下载咨询 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2020-12-21 22:16:37

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2021-03-16 21:26:37

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2021-05-15 10:26:41
CONVERGE Studio 3.0 2020.10.12 x64  授权

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2021-05-15 10:45:13
Re:CONVERGE Studio 3.0 2020.10.12 x64  授权