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[行业软件]Siemens NX 2312 Build 8103 (NX 2312 Series)x64 授权激活 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-12-13 08:39:46

Siemens NX 2312 | 13.8 Gb
Languages: English, 中文, Čeština, Español, Français, Deutsch, Italiano,
日本語, 한국어, Polski, Português, Русский

NX 建立在现代软件架构之上,开发时的业务重点是提供新功能,同时保护客户数据。 新方法将使西门子的NX客户能够:接收功能更快地增强,以帮助提高生产力
Siemens Digital Industries Software has released NX 2312 Build 7022 (NX 2312 Series). With each new release of NX, we’re continuing to innovate, pushing the barriers of what product development systems can do. Being on continuous release gives you access to industry-leading capabilities, helping you to maximize productivity and innovate more quickly than ever before.

Appearance Management
Appearance Management is a brand-new tool that will have significant application and benefit for many of our users in various industries. Whether you’re in automotive, consumer products, or any other industry, if you need to show product configuration variety, how can you do that easily?

Simple. With Appearance Management, now managed in Teamcenter. We’ve addressed the challenges around visually demonstrating product configuration variety so that you can easily display a range of looks. This new tool gives an edge to all users that need to be able to display their variety of products visually.

This is not limited to High End Rendering. This could and should support any Visual Twin representation. Appearance Management can be run in team center, as well as natively in NX.

PCB Exchange
Enhancements in this area are critical for users in the consumer electronics and high tech industry. This impacts you or your organization if they develop personal products, design electronics in devices (since devices are getting smaller), and those who seek to disrupt mature industry with innovations in electronics.

Flexible PCD updates offer our users a unique edge that no one else in the CAD space can match. We offer a complete set of tools for designing flexible circuits and cable components. As our users’ need to create innovative product designs increases, we’ve given electronics designers the ability to outpace the competition with new capabilities around Rigid-Flex Design, and flat solid enhancements.

We are also proud to announce Rigid Flex as part of our design solution. This industry first (we are the only one who offers this!) tool which allows for the creation, editing, and collaboration of Rigid-Flex designs in NX. This enables designers the ability to produce a fully flattened model for collaboration and downstream processes.

Mold, Tool, and Die
New tools within NX’s Mold, Tool, and Die solution enhance our users’ workflow experience by consolidating necessary applications and by leveraging automation to speed up manual processes. The solutions and enhancements in this area are especially impactful for designers in the automotive, industrial, consumer electronics, and medical spaces.

Siemens Digital Industries Software has released Siemens NX 2312 Build 3002 (NX 2312 Series). With each new release of NX, we’re continuing to innovate, pushing the barriers of what product development systems can do. Being on continuous release gives you access to industry-leading capabilities, helping you to maximize productivity and innovate more quickly than ever before.

What's new in NX 2312.3000

Drawing update enhancement
When you turn off the Delay Drawing Update command and have both the part file and the drawing part file open, your drawing will not automatically update while you make changes to the part file. The drawing will update when you make it the active part or when you click in the graphics window that contains it.

Why should I use it?
Turning off the Delay Drawing Update command prevents unnecessary drawing updates and improves the overall system performance, especially for large model assemblies with multiple drawing files.

Fixed Problem Reports NX 2312.3000

Fixed Release,PR#,Short Description,Application,Function,Subfunction
2312,3000 8634871 Metric Parts with metric internal lengths not converting in imperial env. ROUTING_ELEC CONNECTION_LIST CUT_LENGTH
2312,3000 8694854 Plate Preparation is not working, get \Invalid feature parameters\ error NX_SHEET_METAL FLAT_SOLID ALL
2312,3000 8695161 UGMASTER dataset version is increasing incorrectly. NXMANAGER FILE_SAVE PERFORMANCE
2312,3000 8696735 Product Template Author - Button Action \Invoke Java/VB Method\ needs correction KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2312,3000 8697890 Friction calculation offset CAE MOTION FORCES
2312,3000 10480725 CAM: ToolPath Divide by Time Failed CAM TOOL_PATH DIVIDE
2312,3000 10508228  Parts cannot be removed in Routing and gives error ROUTING_GENERAL PART REMOVE_PART
2312,3000 10543396 Auto text placement in Manufacturing XML Output on small plates fail SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MANUXML_OUT
2312,3000 10637493 Checkmate Editor crashes NX MBD LOGIC_EDITOR FRAMEWORK
2312,3000 10740692 Small print Marks fail to generate in Build Tray ADD_FIXED_PLANE GENERAL PRINT_MARK
2312,3000 10757708 Print Mark, Consolas font on Curved Surface incorrect height ADD_FIXED_PLANE GENERAL PRINT_MARK
2312,3000 10776895 CAM: FACE_MIL_MIDPASS Toolpath Deviation CAM FACING_MIDPASS ALL
2312,3000 10777083 DTP_NX_Creation of Draw punch at Die Center Axis gives a false result KDA DIE_DESIGN DRAW_DIE_PUNCH
2312,3000 10781710 Deformable part with components loses the transformation matrix after revise NXMANAGER ASSEMBLY PART_FAMILY_UPD
2312,3000 10793499 Import native content function cannot work IND_ELEC_DESIGN ELECTRICAL ALL
2312,3000 10795806 CAM: Flow Mill small area detection CAM FLOW_MILLING REFTOOL
2312,3000 10799423 not possible to open file GATEWAY IMPORT_PART DESIGN
2312,3000 10800819 Formboard Flattening ROUTING_ELEC FORMBOARD_V2 FLIP_COMPONENT
2312,3000 10802744 ugtopv result JT with missing attributes or wrong values for pre-existing attr TRANSLATOR NX_JT ATTRIBUTES
2312,3000 10815875 Bad position of textblock in XML Output when Excess Material is used SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MANUXML_OUT
2312,3000 10820571 Clone Model Views Not Cloning PMI Dimensions PMI JT_INPUT ALL
2312,3000 10834155 Floor Wall Contour Injury CAM FLOOR_WALL_MILL OTHER
2312,3000 10835352 [CAD]\Checkmate\ does not detect over constrained in new sketch as failed. KDA VALIDATION CK_MODELING
2312,3000 10835822 Performance Manufacturing XML command. SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MANUXML_OUT
2312,3000 10836137 Internal Error when loading assemblies with Synchronize Assembly Arrangements NXMANAGER FILE_OPEN ARRANGEMEN_SYNC
2312,3000 10838886 reassignment of material in motion application throws error DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL BOSS
2312,3000 10840636 Plate properties remain unchanged after removing Plate Preparation feature SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING PLATE_PREP
2312,3000 10840808 Routing smart initialize doesnt work on parts created with new template author RSD_GENERAL PART PTS
2312,3000 10841445 New issue in NX2212.8501 for Turning toolpath and IPW incorrect after milling op CAM TURNING IPW
2312,3000 10844373 Slow performance for meshing and model updates CAE ADV_SIMULATION EXPRESSIONS
2312,3000 10845499 Incorrect Material Grade in attribute for certain OOTB Brackets SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES BRACKET
2312,3000 10847453 Molded Part Design, Rectangular Vent, draft not applied to all vent surfaces. DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL PATTERN_VARIATN
2312,3000 10850343 open \cloud connect tool manager\ crashes CAM TOOLS OTHER
2312,3000 10850447 Problem with Label Conflicts eventhogh there is no deep conflict CAE ADV_SIMULATION AFEM
2312,3000 10852184 Manufacturing XML Output is not working with Structure Designer trimmed profile STRUCTURE_DES MEMBER ALL
2312,3000 10855612 Issue with Exporting Runs to XML in NX - Missing Junctions KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING TC_INTEGRATION
2312,3000 10858244 Toolshank is not deleted in library when you \replace\ tool CAM LIBRARIES TOOLS
2312,3000 10858247 About New Simulation API Specification Changes CAE ADV_SIMULATION NXOPEN
2312,3000 10858517 Product Template Author drops 'Invoke Java/VB method' parameters from PTS Author KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2312,3000 10858648 Reuse Library - Browsing Folders is very slow KDA REUSE_LIBRARY REUSE_TC_LIB
2312,3000 10860330 Change Background - Memory Access Violation SYSENG VISUALIZATION RAYTRACESTUDIO
2312,3000 10860339 MK_Type attribute wrong after apopt plate SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES PLATE
2312,3000 10860612 Run navigator shows wrong order for elements in branch in IAW Diagr. definition KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING DESIGN
2312,3000 10860623 Wrong Multi-Height Area Creation PCB_EXCHANGE AREA_CREATION ALL
2312,3000 10861201 Not able to create curve plate STRUCTURE_DES DESIGN PLATE
2312,3000 10861210 Move Handles does not allow selected items to be picked RSD_GENERAL PART PLACE_PART
2312,3000 10861234 Clone Welds does not work SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING WELD_PREP
2312,3000 10862289 Planar Part is not Planar SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING PLATE_PREP
2312,3000 10862459 Calculated length of outlet stock has wrong value RSD_MECHANICAL PATH HEADER_OUTLET
2312,3000 10862497 Valve port assigned is duplicated in different valve in Run fulfillment KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING DESIGN
2312,3000 10863061 When Open sheet message 'invalid tag', and then nothing is opened. KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING TC_INTEGRATION
2312,3000 10863069 Specification filter not working in Diagramming ROUTING_GENERAL REUSE_LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS
2312,3000 10863071 Display sheet not working from Run Navigator KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING DESIGN
2312,3000 10863141 Part created in Basic Design opened in separate Window jumps to Detail Design Application SHIP_DESIGN CONCEPT DECKS
2312,3000 10863223 The program fails to address the right ports on run navigator KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING DESIGN
2312,3000 10863447 The Create path dialog from run not finished KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING DESIGN
2312,3000 10863470 Json object expected error when user clicks undo after delete check-mate result KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING USER_INTERFACE
2312,3000 10863489 In File Open, not all items in folder are seen NXMANAGER FILE_OPEN UI
2312,3000 10863506 Grid spacing. SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING PINJIG
2312,3000 10863508 unable to select existing symbol from graphics in insert symbol dialog KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING USER_INTERFACE
2312,3000 10866201 CATIA part attributes are missing when a CATIA part is being imported to NX TRANSLATOR CATIAV5 IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2312,3000 10867288 Instrument Panel Visibility not working with EXTRA SMOOTH lightweight representation KDA GENERAL_PACKAGE INST_PANEL_VIS
2312,3000 10867925 Plate Preparation is not working, get error \Invalid feature parameters\ SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING PLATE_PREP
2312,3000 10869350 Open NX10 model, incorrect pressure and loads display and value. CAE ADV_SIMULATION BOUNDARY_COND
2312,3000 10869376 NX Motion Crash issue CAE MOTION SOLVER_LMS
2312,3000 10871065 SpecDur - Slow performance of spot weld detection CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONNECTIONS_UNI
2312,3000 10872633 Plate Preparation will not be created for a plate and yet another have incorrect output geometry SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING PLATE_PREP
2312,3000 10872944 Browsing in reuse library folders is very slow against NX 2007 KDA REUSE_LIBRARY REUSE_TC_LIB
2312,3000 10873643 no reported force on rotor side of EM Force CAE MOTION FORCES
2312,3000 10873690 PTS Author: Error in calling NXOpen methods without parameter from VisualRules KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2312,3000 10876423 Template Studio Author Performance KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2312,3000 10878012 KRX Attribute parsing behaviour to NX is broken in NX2306, was fine in NX2212 and below SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES BRACKET
2312,3000 10878101 Unable to display \Descriptive name\ using attribute received from TC in Reuse Library. KDA REUSE_LIBRARY NAVIGATOR
2312,3000 10880081 NX crashes when inserting a certain feature template. DESIGN FEAT_TEMPLATE UI
2312,3000 10880969 Moldwizard Initialize Project fails and stops at first specified DRAWING_PART / SPEC_NAME KDA MOLDWIZARD INITIAL_PROJECT
2312,3000 10882752 NXD corrupted schema KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING TC_INTEGRATION
2312,3000 10883128 NXOpen.Tooling.InitProjectBuilder.SetProjectPathAndName has no effect KDA MOLDWIZARD INITIAL_PROJECT
2312,3000 10883177 NX Diagramming - Run not able to do Bulk edit KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING USER_INTERFACE
2312,3000 10884091 Applicazione bushing CAE MOTION BUSHING
2312,3000 10887908 Diagramming Symbol can be scaled over other symbols KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING DESIGN
2312,3000 10890641 inconsistent display of XY function navigator CAE ADV_SIMULATION XYPLOT_CORE
2312,3000 10891449 Internal error when saving after placing an in-line equipment. KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING TC_INTEGRATION
2312,3000 10892937 Marking Line is partially not created SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MARKING_LINE
2312,3000 10899140 Linked bodies in assembly at wrong position in QGDC7X9999212 CORRUPTED_PARTS MODELING ALL
2312,3000 10899147 Linked bodies in assembly with wrong size in QGDC7X9999212 CORRUPTED_PARTS MODELING ALL
2312,3000 10906752 Issue when connecting more than one equipment directly port to port KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING DESIGN
2312,3000 10909078 Missing pythonStubs folder to support NXOpen Python Intellisense in NX2312 SYSENG NXOPEN PYTHON

Siemens NXSeries software is a flexible and powerful integrated solution that helps you deliver better products faster and more efficiently. NXSeries delivers the next generation of design, simulation, and manufacturing solutions that enable companies to realize the value of the digital twin.

Supporting every aspect of product development, from concept design through engineering and manufacturing, NXSeries gives you an integrated toolset that coordinates disciplines, preserves data integrity and design intent, and streamlines the entire process.

Siemens become the first major CAD/CAM/CAE vendor to deliver its software using Continuous Release methodology in January 2019. The new Continuous Release process significantly reduce the time between the proposal of a new enhancement, and its deployment to the end users. Customers will now have the opportunity to deploy the latest NXSeries productivity enhancements more quickly in their production environment which helps them become more productive when using NXSeries. In addition the Continuous Release will also reduce deployment costs for incremental updates.

Adopting a continuous release strategy also allows both Siemens and our customers to be more responsive to new ideas and trends in technology, once again allowing our customers to stay ahead of their competition.

What's New in NX CAM December 2020

Siemens Digital Industries is an innovation and technology leader in industrial automation and digitalization. In close cooperation with our partners and customers, we are the driving force for the digital transformation in the discrete and process industries.

Siemens Digital Industries is an innovation and technology leader in industrial automation and digitalization. In close cooperation with our partners and customers, we are the driving force for the digital transformation in the discrete and process industries.

Files saved in NX-2206 Series (NX-2206 and above) cannot be opened in NX-2007 Series and lower versions of NX
Files saved in NX-2206 Series (NX-2206 and above) cannot be opened in NX-2007 Series and lower versions of NX

Files save in the NX-1953 Series (NX-1953 and higher) cannot be opened in the NX-1026 Series and lower versions of the NX

* System Requirements:

Minimum Operating Systems
- Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Pro and Enterprise editions

Windows 10
Windows 10 is the minimum supported release for NX 1926. The supported versions of Windows 10 are the Pro and Enterprise editions utilizing Semi-Annual Channel (SAC) updates.
Windows 7 and 8.1
Windows 7 has reached the end of life and mainstream support has ended. Windows 8.1 is still supported by Microsoft, but was rarely deployed. These two versions of Windows are no longer supported by NX 1926. Siemens Digital Industries Software has not performed testing on these version and cannot resolve any issues related to NX 1926 running on these operating systems. If NX 1926 is deployed on these versions of Windows, any issues will have to be replicated on Windows 10 before filing an incident report with GTAC.
Windows XP and Vista
Windows XP support from Microsoft has ended and Vista was rarely deployed so these two versions of Windows are not supported by NX 1926. Siemens PLM Software has not performed testing on these versions and cannot resolve any issues related to NX 1926 running on these operating systems. If NX 1926 is deployed on these versions of Windows, any issues will have to be replicated on Windows 10 before filing an incident report with GTAC

Owner: Siemens Digital Industries Software
Product Name: NX Continuous Release
Version: 2312 Build 4000 (NX 2312 Series) with Documentations *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows **
Size: 22.9 Gb

   - If the original SPLM License Server is installed, use "Programs and Features"
     to remove it

   - If SSQ SPLM License Server is installed, run as Administrator the "server_remove.bat"
     from the SPLM License Server folder

1. DO NOT install original SPLM License Server from NX setup media!!!

2. Install or update the SolidSQUAD Universal License Server

   If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server has never been installed
   on the computer:

     - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from
     "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT
     folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be:


     - unzip the "Vendors" folder from
      to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder

     - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers"
       folder and wait until it completes

   -- OR --

   If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server is already installed,
   but the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip"
   is newer than the installed one, update the server installation:

     - As administrator run "uninstall.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers"
       folder and wait until it completes

     - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from
     "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT
     folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be:


     - unzip the "Vendors" folder from
      to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder

     - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers"
       folder and wait until it completes

   -- OR --

   If the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_<release-date>.zip" is
   not newer than the installed one but the release-date of
   "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_SiemensPLM_<release-date>.zip" is newer
   than the installed one, update SiemensPLM module only:

     - unzip the "Vendors" folder from
      to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder

     - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers"
       folder and wait until it completes

5. Install NX-1953.1700 Win64

   At setup when asked for license server port and name input: 27800@localhost

6. Overwrite original <NX-1953 program folder> (by default C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX1953 )
   with cracked one from folder "Client"

7. Reboot computer

8. Enjoy!


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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-12-13 09:07:29

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2020-12-13 09:46:56

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2020-12-13 13:07:23

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2020-12-14 08:53:33

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2020-12-14 09:06:38
软件下载咨询 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2020-12-14 11:03:35

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2020-12-15 08:21:33

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2020-12-15 10:51:07

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2020-12-16 08:54:24