What"s new in SolidCAM 2025
The main functionalities in SolidCAM 2024 include a new powerful 3X machining module (Pro 3D HSM), VMID configurations that will strengthen and streamline our important postprocessors development, and Solid Shop, based on CIMCO products, providing PDM, Monitoring, and Scheduling for every CNC machine shop, thus completing the SolidCAM Ecosystem, as the Solid Platform for Manufacturing.
导入/导出翻转选项-当工具侧设置为中心车削摆线车削时,可在配置文件操作中翻转法向和弧形导入/导出工具路径的方向选项-改进刀具路径算法 -改进摆线车削算法通过产生于股票的年底更合适的刀具路径优化整个粗加工过程中打开STL持有人保护车削粗加工和精加工程序,持有人保护检测和避免冲突- -复选框允许您当不需要时,取消刀架碰撞检测,例如端面凹槽,内部车削操作等。车削时的夹具保护
-您现在可以选择通过用户定义的值或相对于进料完成HSR / HSM的百分比增加/减少来修改引入和引出