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[行业软件]SolidCAMCAD 2021 SP4 HF1 Standalone x64  最新授权 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-01-19 14:23:43
SolidCAM is pleased to announce the availability of new version CAM software – SolidCAMCAD 2021 SP1 Standalone. Base release added Powerful New Tool Table – ToolKit (important especially for Mill-Turn & Swiss-Type customers) and also provides additional advanced functionality in all modules – 2.5D Milling, HSR, HSM, Sim. 5x, Mill-Turn and Swiss-Type.
SolidCAM公司已发布的最新版本的SolidCAM / CAD 2021套件。此版本包括自己的CAD系统,可独立进行CAM / CAD编程与设计,不需要集成到SolidWorks或其他CAD软件里。




SolidCAD / CAM独立提供了一个强大的、易于使用的完整的CAD / CAM解决方案,支持主要的生产应用程序的完整范围包括2.5 d铣、多侧面Indexial 4/5轴铣,同时5轴铣削、车削、Mill-Turn Multi-Turret和多轴数控机器,与革命iMachining,提供了完整的CAD和CAM功能,包括iMachining。

SolidCAM is pleased to announce the availability of new version CAM software – SolidCAMCAD 2021 SP4 HF1 Standalone. Base release added Powerful New Tool Table – ToolKit (important especially for Mill-Turn & Swiss-Type customers) and also provides additional advanced functionality in all modules – 2.5D Milling, HSR, HSM, Sim. 5x, Mill-Turn and Swiss-Type.

SolidCAMCAD 2021 SP4 HF1 Release Notes - Date: March 2, 2022

Bugs Fixed

SOL-20613 HSS || Gouge check for model selection || Mirror issue
SOL-20549 G-code/Wrong apos and opos for face4x operation if start from center
SOL-20547 G-code/Incorrect change bit for spin_direction for multi depth drill operation
SOL-20546 2.5D/Missing dwell for first segment in Multi depth drill
SOL-20460 G-code/Wrong arc_relative values for @arc_yz in PTM=N
SOL-20407 G-code/All coordinates in second operations are in relative coordinates
SOL-20406 G-code/We don't have @absolute_mode after sub-proc for Thread Milling operation
SOL-20344 ToolKIt/After Copy&Paste tool offset number for second cutting point isn't updated
SOL-20342 ToolKIt/Copy&Paste creates multiple items in ToolKit
SOL-19791 3D Milling/3D milling operation not calculated after converting to SC2021
SOL-19705 Simulation/Wrong orientation of the holder in HostCAD and tool near mouse
SOL-19279 GUI/Traditional Chinese issues with Metric (ISO) table for thread
SOL-20656 Will not update cam part from SC 2020 to 2021sp4 without crashing immediately
SOL-17654 General || Tool path preview is not possible on UI
SOL-20326 Multiblade || Sorting || Remove unsupported options from UI
SOL-20266 Templates || HSR & HSM || Previous target Z levels set for current template
SOL-20663 cam part save as / all files in target folder are deleted
SOL-20108 MST/ Import as solidCAM 2020 exported *.XLS
SOL-20251 SolidCAM simulator/tool does not move together with tool path
SOL-20162 Problem with machine simulation for simultaneous turning on milling machine
SOL-20502 toolkit / not possible anymore to change home_pos in tls and part tool table
SOL-20413 Holder converted wrong from 2020 -> 2021
SOL-18533 "Select all" missing in part tool table submenu
SOL-20602 Drill Cycle Dia. Value on levels page not staying set
SOL-17635 Drill Recognition / During cross hole selection, Hole is divided into two segments
SOL-20541 Gpptool/PTM=N/wrong change bits for drill
SOL-18686 NTT\crash in calculate attached part after convert
SOL-18660 sv simulation\incorrect update material in sc2021 (message about crash)
SOL-18515 ntt\tool milling Bore looks incorrect in sc2021 in Tool viewer
SOL-18000 Solidverify/Turning tool is wrong in SolidVerify
SOL-17863 Turning || Simulation || SolidVerify || Simulation with STL Insert is not correct
SOL-17700 Hebrew\ menu- you get Documentation DPP instead of "Add turning operation
SOL-17626 NTT\Convert groove tool-old (origin pos 4) and composite (origin pos -3)-problems
SOL-17596 turning\update material is wrong in turn operation
SOL-17587 turning grooving / bad result with Rough offset type ZX_ABS
SOL-17453 Turning/SolidVerify/Setup2/broken Tools
SOL-19660 toolsheet/ main section is not generated when fixture section is unchecked.
SOL-20403 HSR & HSM || Calculated operation show error "Operation is not saved"


Trochoidal Turning – Improved Tool Path Algorithm
- Improved Trochoidal Turning algorithm optimizes the entire roughing procedure by producing a more suitable tool path at the end of the stock
STL Holder Protection in Turning
- Holder protection detects and avoids collisions in Turning rough and finish procedures
- Check box allows you to cancel holder collision detection when it’s not needed, such as for Face Groove, Internal Turning operations, etc.
Fixture Protection in Turning
- Fixture protection detects and avoids collisions between your defined Setup and the Cutter
- Fixture clearance specifies the distance by which the Cutter must avoid the Setup
- Turning tool path is adjusted automatically
Feed Lead In/Out in Turning Tool Data
- You now have the option to modify the Feed rate for Lead in and Lead out by a user-defined value or by a percentage increase/decrease relative to Feed finish


HSR – Join Gaps & Pass Extension
- Join Gaps allows HSR to join gaps between 2 groups of tool paths
- Pass extension allows the user to extend the tool path by the user defined value
HSR – Join Gaps & Pass Extension Tool Path

Turbo HSR

Turbo HSR – New 3D Boundaries
Turbo HSR now offers Automatic Boundary Definition based on the following:
- Part Silhouette
- Part end height
- Tool contact
Turbo HSR – Part End Height Boundary
- In Part end height method, 2D contour is determined by the part shadow onto machining plane offset outwards by the tool radius
Turbo HSR – Tool Contact Boundary
- In Tool contact method, the silhouette is determined by the tool contact point
- In case of steep walls, the silhouette is the exact tool tip
- In shallow areas, the tool reaches a bit over the tool tip in order to machine the complete surface

Turbo HSM

Turbo HSM – Combination Operation
Turbo HSM now offers combination operations, which combine 2 strategies together to provide a single tool path
- Constant Z + Linear
- Constant Z + Constant stepover
Turbo HSM – Combine Constant Z + Linear Machining
Turbo HSM – Combine Constant Z + Constant Stepover
Turbo HSM – Tool Path Quality Improvement
- The generated Turbo HSM tool path now contains significantly less points while still maintaining the same tool path quality as before

HSS & Sim 5X Improvements

HSS/SIM 5X – Support of Multiple Guide Curves
- SolidCAM now enables you to define multiple guide curves, which helps you to create a single tool path for more than one region
- Applicable for “Parallel to Curves” only
HSS/SIM 5X – Extend Edge Curve
Extend edge curve option extends the shorter curve to match longer curve, forcing the tool path pattern to follow the extended curves
- Applicable for “Morph between 2 curves” & “Parallel to Curves” only
SIM 5X – Operation Name Changes
- There are several Operation names that have been changed to suit the process for which the feature / operation is built
Geodesic Machining – 3X Support
- SolidCAM Geodesic Machining uses a global distance field without a fixed direction as a reference for the calculation, which enables full flexibility for calculating various pattern types while maintaining consistent distances (Constant Stepover) between cuts
Rotary Machining – Side Shift
- Side shift, available only for roughing cycles, allows rotary machining with an axis offset
- This option enables the tool to cut properly with the cutting edges, not the tool center, thereby enabling more stable cutting speeds and close-to-diameter cutting with non-spherical tools
Rotary Machining – Corner Smoothing
- Rotary machining enables you to apply corner rounding to the sharp motions on the final contour as well as intermittent contours
- This allows the machine to cut faster and maximizes the tool life

SolidCAM Auto 3+2 Roughing

SolidCAM Auto 3+2 Roughing
SolidCAM can create 3+2 Roughing tool paths using the following methods:
- Automatic
- Semi Automatic
- Manual
SolidCAM Auto 3+2 Roughing – Automatic Mode
- In Automatic mode, SolidCAM searches the unmachined areas and processes them according to Max. Increment angle, Max. Stock to leave and Max. Tilt angle
- With these parameters, machining is performed from all possible indexed directions
SolidCAM Auto 3+2 Roughing – Semi Automatic Mode
- Semi automatic mode enables you to start the machining from a preferred direction, while allowing you to modify the Max. Increment angle, Max. Stock to leave and the Max. Tilt angle parameters
SolidCAM Auto 3+2 Roughing – Manual Mode
In Manual mode, SolidCAM machines only from the directions added by the user or by the tool plane
- Part is machined in the chosen directions according to the maximum reach of the tool

SolidCAM Edge Breaking

SolidCAM Edge Breaking – New Operation
- After machining, on all the parts that have straight edges or non tangent outer surface topologies, you will find a burr caused by the tool which is chipping the metal off that edge
- SolidCAM Edge Breaking operation automatically detects these edges and creates a deburring tool path
- Currently this is a manual process and can approximately take the same time as that which is being spent to fully program a part programmed with a CAM system
SolidCAM Edge Breaking – Edge Detection
- Edges to be deburred can be detected automatically or detected manually by the user
- Chamfer can be of Constant Depth or Constant Width
- Only Ball Nose tools & Lollipop tools are supported for Edge Breaking
SolidCAM Edge Breaking – Tool Axis Control
5 types of Tool Axis Control are provided:
- 3 Axis
- 4 Axis
- 4+1 Axis
- 5 Axis with Minimal Tilting
- Full 5 Axis
SolidCAM Edge Breaking – Tool Axis Control
- 4 Axis Edge Breaking
- 5 Axis Minimal Tilting
- 5 Axis Edge Breaking

SolidCAM Edge Trimming

SolidCAM Edge Trimming – New Operation
- Energy efficient materials like composites are becoming more popular
- Generally cast, these parts require an edge trimming operation to get their final shape
- Vacuum Formed parts in automotive industry also require an edge trimming operation to get their final shape
SolidCAM Edge Trimming
- Edge Trimming is a highly automated algorithm to create the edge trimming tool path
- The trimming edge can be defined automatically, or it can be user defined
- The position of the tool relative to the geometry can be defined by various options, from only a 3-Axis output to a more complex 5-Axis output with different tool axis orientation options


Revolved STL Tool Items in Milling Simulations
- VMID & ToolKit together support revolved STL Tool Items for Milling Simulations
- Revolved bodies of Cutters, Shanks & Holders increase collision detection and material removal precision
Simulation Enhancements via ToolKit
SolidCAM Simulator (Beta) enhancements through ToolKit implementation (all playback modes: forward, reverse, etc.)
- Shows multi-body holders and multi-tool assemblies
- Shows tool path and detects all collisions
- Supports revolved Cutters, Shanks & Holders
Machine Simulation enhancements through ToolKit implementation (kinematic simulation)
- Shows multi-body holders and multi-tool assemblies
- Shows tool path and detects all collisions
- Supports revolved Cutters, Shanks & Holders

Machine Simulation

Simplified Structure and Complex Holder Support
- XML structure needs only the Station(s) defined, not entire Tool structure
- Fully supports multi-body holders and multi-tool assemblies from ToolKit
- Enables faster loading

SolidCAM Simulator

SolidCAM Simulator Themes
- Visualization features of SolidCAM’s classic Simulation modes are now available in SolidCAM Simulator as preconfigured themes
Simulator’s SolidVerify Theme
- Emulate the familiar SolidVerify Simulation inside SolidCAM Simulator
Simulator’s 3D Simulation Theme
- Emulate the familiar 3D Simulation inside SolidCAM Simulator
Simulator’s Turning Theme
- Emulate the familiar Turning Simulation inside SolidCAM Simulator
Simulator’s Heavy Part Theme
- SolidCAM Simulator also offers a theme specifically optimized for faster processing of heavy parts with complex 3D geometry and long tool paths
Custom Themes & Theme Editor
- Simulator's Theme Editor enables you to manage the preconfigured themes and create any number of custom themes based on a variety of settings
Visual Properties for Tool Path
- Theme Editor > Toolpath Visual Settings enables you to modify the appearance of the simulated tool path
Visual Properties for Solid Bodies
- Theme Editor > Solid Body Visual Settings enables you to modify the appearance of all solid bodies participating in the simulation
Fixture Support
- Toggle on/off visualization of your fixture during simulation playback
Clash Detection
- Option to check for possible collisions between all the components that participate in the machining (incl., Tool, Tool Holder, Machined Stock and the Fixture)
Clash Detection Feedback
- Detailed feedback is provided for detected collisions so they can be thoroughly reviewed
Dynamic Highlighting
- Dynamically highlight faces, edges and vertices on the Machined Stock at any stage of the simulation
Dynamic Measuring
- Dynamically measure one item or a combination of multiple items (up to six) at any stage of the simulation
Dynamic Measuring – One Item
- Easily and accurately measure a face, an edge or a vertex
Dynamic Measuring – Multiple Items
- Easily and accurately measure a combination of faces, edges and vertices
View Manipulations – Axis Rotation
Change the view orientation using your keyboard controls (same as SOLIDWORKS)
- Left/right arrow keys – Vertical axis rotation
- Up/down arrow keys – Horizontal axis rotation
- Shift + left/right or up/down arrows – 90° rotation around vertical/horizontal axis
View Manipulations – Plane Rotation
- Alt + left/right arrow keys – Rotates model normal to the current viewing plane (similar to Roll View in SolidWorks)
View Manipulations – Disable Rotation
- Disable rotation option – model will not rotate when middle mouse wheel is pressed
Standard Turning Views
- Quickly and easily change the view orientation of your Turning and Mill-Turn parts using SolidCAM’s familiar Standard Turning Views
Machine Time Mode – Equal Playback Time
- New option to smoothly simulate your operations in a specified, equal amount of time instead of by their actual machining time


Automatic Updated Stock Uses Half Cores
CPU is limited to 50% utilization of the cores when the Updated stock is calculating in the background (Automatic calculation enabled)
- Increases overall system responsiveness

New Tool Table

Getting Started with SolidCAM’s New Tool Table
- Click the PLAY buttons to see the “Getting Started with ToolKit” Recordings on YouTube
SolidCAM ToolKit
Classic Tool Table is replaced by SolidCAM’s powerful New Tool Table feature, ToolKit
- Unified Tool Library system that facilitates better tool management
- Provides major enhancements in Tool definition functionality
ToolKit’s Part Tool Library
Manage Tool Items available for use in a specific CAM-Part and in accordance with the CNC-Machine chosen for the CAM-Part Definition
- Same level of functionality as Machine Tool Setup Library
ToolKit Integrated AND Standalone
- Make new and edit existing ToolKit Tool Libraries from inside SOLIDWORKS/SolidCAM or totally independent of your CAD/CAM software using ToolKit standalone
- For new Tool Libraries, launch ToolKit standalone from your Start Menu
ToolKit – New Tool Libraries
- SolidCAM ToolKit provides you with three new Tool Library types
Tool Components Library
- Manage all your individual tool components, such as those typically stocked in your machine shop warehouse
- Customizable folders to keep your component files organized in main library structure: Cutters, Shanks, Adaptors and Holders
Tool Assemblies Library
- Manage tool assemblies (Tool Items) existing in Tool Storage and prepared for use on any given CNC-Machine
- Each Tool Item comprises a combination of tool components, such as the cutter and the tool holding system
Machine Tool Setup Library
- Manage Tool Items in Machine environment, according to VMID of specific CNC-Machine
- The Tool Item definitions include their mounting positions on the CNC-Machine (i.e., in the Magazine Pockets and Tool Stations of the Turret(s))
Adding Components
- Easily add components to your Tool Library using the extensive SolidCAM Components
Creating Tool Assemblies
- The Tool Item Manager (in Tool Assemblies, Machine Tool Setup and Part Tool Libraries) enables you to easily create tool assemblies, aka Tool Items
- Build upon the Cutter with additional components such as Shanks, Adaptors & Holders
Tool Assemblies from SolidCAM Components
Easily build tool assemblies using SolidCAM’s default Tool Components Library
- SolidCAMComponentsLib.tlv is included with the installation of SolidCAM
Tool Assemblies from STL Models
- Easily build tool assemblies using 3D models downloaded from your preferred online resource, such as MachiningCloud and Iscar, Kennametal or any other website…
Complex Tool Assemblies
- ToolKit enables you to easily create multi-body holders and multi-tool assemblies
Angular Head Adaptors
- ToolKit enables you to easily create angular head adaptors from multiple components
- Assembly structure and Joints makes defining multiple tools easy
- VMID – Tilt Plane definition and angular head adaptors
. Machine Plane by Tilt Plane
. Arcs in ZX and YZ planes
. Compensation in ZX and YZ planes
. Machine Preview and Tilt Plane
Tool Components/Assemblies Linking
- Possibility to work with and import from multiple Tool Components Libraries
- Imported components/assemblies are linked between your ToolKit Tool Libraries, making it easy to update linked components if modified in parent library
Defining the Tool Assembly Data
- Manage complete information about the Tool Item and its assembled components using the Data Toolbar and corresponding Data Pane
- Tool Item tree selection determines data displayed and parameters/options availability
Quick Access Data
Quickly and easily manage important aspects of your Tool Items, such as:
- Tool Item identifiers (Tool Number, Tool ID, Tool offset parameters, etc.)
- Setting Tool Item as Permanent
- Mounting position on CNC-Machine
Topology Data
- Easy management of Tool Item geometries
- Different components (e.g., Cutter vs. Holder) can be defined by different Shape types:
. Parameter Data specifies dimensions as pictured in the image
. 2D Sketch specifies dimensions using a variety of segment shapes
. 3D Model defines component by one or more STL/STEP files
- Possibility to quickly swap the units (mm to inch and vice versa)
Cutting Condition Data
- Easily manage, for Cutter components, any number of default Cutting Condition sets
. Specific to different Work Materials
. Specific to different Applications (Milling [M] and/or Turning [T])
- Define, in same place, the Feed & Spin data for Milling and Turning operations
Connection Data
- Easily manage the geometric relationships between Tool Item components
. Mounting position of each component is connected to Joint CoordSys position of higher component
. Mounting position of topmost component is connected to Station CoordSys position of Station to which it is mounted
- Possibility to shift and rotate each position
Offset Data
Easily manage the Tool Item’s Offset Data:
- Cutting Point definitions and relative Tool offset parameters
- Tool Preset options (activated if supported by CNC-Machine and set in corresponding *.vmid file)
Properties Data
Easily manage additional information relevant to the Tool Item and its components, such as:
- Price and Mass (for each and sum of all)
- Cutter Material
- Descriptions
- Quantities
- Hyperlinks (for referencing)
- Tool Item Messages (for Gcode)
- And many others…
Multiple Cutting Points – Milling Tools
- SolidCAM ToolKit supports multiple cutting points on a single Cutter component
- E.g., top and bottom cutting faces of same SLOT MILL can be used by quickly and easily adding another Cutting Point in the Tool Item Manager
Nose Point Management – Turning Tools
Easily manage Nose Points
- Ability to select any Nose Point
- Measure the tool in any position
- Automatic radius detection
Cutting Points in SolidCAM
- Easily manage Cutting Points with ToolKit and use them in SolidCAM
. Control tool wear separately for each operation – length and diameter
. T-slot having multiple cutting points
. Chamfering with compensation
- Machine Preview functionality
. Change tool (Mounting on Station)
. Exchange tools between Stations
Rotary Turret Interpolation Support
- Ability to index the rotary turret to specific angle by the turret axis to use special tool holders
SolidCAM TAB Tool Libraries
- SolidCAM ToolKit supports importing TAB tools from *.TAB Libraries of previous versions
- TAB tools are automatically converted to ToolKit Tool Items that can be easily imported to Tool Assemblies, Machine Tool Setup and Part Tool Libraries
ToolKit Filtering
- Extensive range of simple and advanced filters for facilitating tool components searches
ToolKit Visualization Tools
- Robust visualization tools for previewing and checking your Tool Item definitions
- Tool Item changes are updated instantaneously and can be viewed on the fly
- Supports preview of Revolved STL Tool Items (Cutters, Shanks & Holders)
Visualization – Machine Preview
- Visualize the Tool Item and its schematic position relative to Machine Coordinate System and in connection with the machine devices
Visualization – Tool Viewer
- Visualize a 3D model representation of your Tool Item in different orientations, etc.
- Dynamically displays Cutting Points, Mounting and Joint CoordSys positions, etc.
Visualization – Tool Near Mouse
- Toggle on/off 3D graphic representation of Tool Item in the SOLIDWORKS Graphics Area for performing visual tool checks
Advanced View for Experienced Users
- Simple View (default) shows Tool Items individually in Tool Item Manager
. Tool build starts with Cutter component
- Advanced View shows all Tool Items and device mounting
. Tool build can start at the top of hierarchy (Station -> Adaptor -> Holder -> Shank -> Cutter)
. Possibility to quickly change mounting by drag & drop

If you have SolidWorks installed, don't install SolidCAMCAD!
In this case, you need a plug-in for SolidWorks- SolidCAM

SolidCAM Inc. is a world leader in advanced tool path generation technology (CAM) running directly inside SolidWorks. SolidCAM features a full line of CNC machine programming software solutions ranging from 2 axis lathes and 3 axis mills to extremely complex multi-axis MillTurn machines and Wire Edm. All products run directly inside SolidWorks and provide the user with a true "SolidWorks look and feel" for ease of use and maximum efficiency. Along with the integrated interface and scalability for new machines, SolidCAM also has its patented "iMachining" that powers users to new levels of productivity and profits, through unmatched cycle time reduction and unrivaled tool life.

Product: SolidCAMCAD
Version: 2021 SP1 Standalone *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.solidcam.com
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC **
Size: 11.4 Gb

* release info:

This version includes its own CAD-system and does not need SolidWorks or other CAD-system to be pre-installed.

This package contains:
"SolidWorks 2021 SP2"
Language: Embedded 64 bit
Last Changed Rev: 118589

** System Requirements:

Microsoft Windows 10 x64 Professional and Enterprise Editions; Microsoft Windows 8.1 x64 Professional and Enterprise Editions (with latest Service Pack); Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Professional and Ultimate Editions (with latest Service Pack)
- Intel Xeon, Intel Core, Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core 2 Quad or higher (If you use other processors we assume no responsibility and no support)
- 4 GB RAM (for the processing of large components, we recommend 8 GB RAM (or more)
- 15 GB free disk space for installation
- Hard disk with at least 100 GB of storage
- NVIDIA graphics card of the current Quadro series with min. 512 MB ​​(1024 MB recommended) and current, certified graphics driver (With the use of other and on-board graphics cards, we accept no responsibility and no support)
- 1280 x 1024 or higher screen resolution
- Microsoft Direct3D 9 or compatible graphics card (Microsoft Direct3D 11 or higher recommended)
- USB 2.0 interface
- DVD drive
此帖售价 29 电魂,已有 7 人购买 [记录] [购买]

软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2021-01-20 20:27:10

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2021-01-21 07:24:45

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2021-01-21 08:56:03
Re:SolidCAMCAD 2021 SP0 Standalone x64  最新授权

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2021-01-21 17:18:21
谢谢分享 老师辛苦了

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2021-02-13 23:22:41
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2021-02-14 10:14:21
谢谢分享 老师辛苦了

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2021-06-07 22:37:35
Re:SolidCAMCAD 2021 SP1 Standalone x64  最新授权

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2021-06-08 07:32:35

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2021-06-08 07:34:37