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[行业软件]Altair Activate/Compose/Embed 2023.1 x64 完美授权 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-01-31 10:54:56
Altair Activate/Compose/Embed 2023是SolidThinking的三款功能强大的工程软件,可帮助产品设计师、系统控制和仿真工程师极大地支持基于仿真的设计。在当今竞争激烈的市场中,模拟过程需要从初始设计到产品阶段的创新。SolidThinking为许多公司提供了强大的软件开发模型、概念设计和生产模拟,帮助他们在节省时间和金钱的同时实现所需的质量。
Altair Activate software is a versatile and flexible tool for rapid modeling and simulation of products in a multidisciplinary system that is widely used by product engineers and designers. Altair Compose is an environment for computing, editing and visualizing data, and scripting and troubleshooting scripts, which is useful for automating processes and accelerating duplicate computing. Altair Embed is a visual environment for model-based development of embedded systems that automatically generates code from the block diagram of the models and transfers them to a controlling hardware.

Features and features of the Altair Activate / Compose / Embed suite:

  • Perform engineering calculations based on the basics
  • Pre-processing and post-processing of information
  • Helping make better decisions in engineering
  • Multifunctional tool with user friendly interface
  • Automation and scripting processes
  • 2D and 3D projection
  • Input and output information for CAE tools
  • Full simulation of product performance
  • Control system design
  • Automatically convert charts to MCU codes

New Features, Enhancements and Resolved Issues
Release Highlights

FMU Editor
The new FMU Editor lets you interact with and customize an FMU.
- Easily navigate through the model and blocks in the tree view.
- Review and modify information on the Variables and Attributes tabs.
- Hide or expose variables for a target audience.
- Save and share the customized version of the FMU.
Modelica 3D Animation Viewer
The new 3D Animation Viewer lets you animate models with Modelica Multibody blocks.
- View animation in real time during a simulation or replay it at the end of a simulation.
- Zoom, rotate, pan, and restore your view with the 3D Animation widget.
- Use the Play Bar to replay and control the animation.
Modelica Compiler
The Modelica compiler has been updated with a new version that features:
- Support of additional Modelica syntax to handle custom fluids.
- Improved index reduction to handle a Multibody model.
- Improved FMU creation to better handle the results viewer and avoid accessing empty variables.
- Support for importing models created with the Buildings library version 7.
- Improved rendering of block icons
Embed Import Tool
The new Embed Import tool helps you import Embed diagrams into Activate.
OML Commands
New OML commands let you add menus and ribbons to the Activate User Interface.

Changes and Enhancements to the User Interface

Block Dialogs
You can now easily differentiate between similar blocks that are opened at the same time in different models. The active block dialog is displayed in black, while the inactive dialog is displayed in gray.
Curve Editor
The Curve Editor can now handle many legends, which are placed in a reserved space to preserve the display area.
Block Builder and Edit Mask
The Block builder and Edit Mask features now support radio buttons

Changes and Enhancements for Blocks

- New FromFile block.
- Info block adds the number of steps and number of Jacobian evaluations.
- SignalIn block determines Ouput sizes and types.
- MatrixExpression block is improved.
- A warning is issued if a CSV file has a mix of tab and blank separators.
- ConditionalNSelect block includes an optional default data input port.
- LookupTable has an extension to allow table values as signals.

Changes and Enhancements for Co-Simulation

The handling of digital events is improved when co-simulating diagrams with Activate and HyperSPICE blocks, which producesbetter waveforms involved with discrete events.
FMU Option to Exploit Directional Derivative
When this option is selected for an FMU, Activate leverages the directional derivative to compute the Jacobian of the transformation matrix for the model, which results in a faster simulation time
FMU Export
The FMU export operation is refined to remove any variable without a name.
Code Generation
- SelectOutput in P-Project type of code generation is supported.
- vssCompileToInlinedC now supports Activate_batch.
- MathOperation, MathOperations, Gain and MathFunc blocks now support matrix input in inlined code generation.

Resolved Issues
- The hstpyfit block no longer outputs zeros in the pyfit_shape_demo.scm.
- The Display blocks no longer generate an error at the location where they connect to a model.
- The slow HyperSpice performance that was due to an issue with the printf command is fixed.
- The C-code generation error: "unable to assign empty right hand side in function EvalInGivenEnv" is fixed.
- The Activate solver no longer produces incorrect results when simulating Modelica blocks.
- Activate no longer crashes when a Variable is checked in the Result viewer.
- The slow performance is fixed when using a "Create Results File" in a hydraulic model.
- The issue with Activate crashing when using a test model with the SignalIn block is resolved.
- The issue with a nested Multibody model failing to run after an auto model update is resolved.
- The FMU export operation no longer fails with Spice blocks.
- The Modelica.Blocks.Tables block no longer crashes Activate when running in debug mode on Linux.
- The BlackJack_demo.scm has been updated to correctly handle the reset event in the Accumulator block.
- An image is included in the Elbow and Bend block help pages.
- Opening an unedited model that is already open does not cause the model to fail.
- The issue with the ls command not returning the correct folder contents with wildcards in Linux is resolved.
- A cold-restart works as expected when using a non-critical event source.
- Application no longer crashes when opening the Curve Editor from a FromCSV block when a "Natural" interpolation method is selected.
- The error "Debug file creation failed" no longer has a hard-coded path in the dialog box.
- The issue with running an FMU export and import test in batch mode by Activate_batch on Linux is fixed.
- The issue with using vssImportModelicaLibrary in batch mode by Activate_batch on Linux is fixed.
- The issue with vssGetSpiceAcAnalysis crashing when running in batch by Activate_batch on Linux is fixed.
- The Error with importing the Buildings Library in Modelica is fixed.
- The issue with the hydraulics model Pressure_control_with_variable_pump.scm randomly failing is fixed.
- Clicking OK in the Curve Editor no longer change the CSV file path in the FromCSV block.
- The Missing refresh no longer occurs when a partially visible model is moved
- Activate no longer freezes when running the DC_converter_FFT_CSB.scm.
- The issue with pulses missing from a Spice voltage pulse when an EventToCode block is used is fixed.
- An error in the simulation of the Spice netlist is fixed.
- The Save operation for a .csv file in the Curve Editor correctly appends the file extension on Linux.
- Modelica/Blocks/Sources/RealExpression display correctly.
- The issue with closing a saved model via API is fixed.
- Activate_batch on Linux now allows an input file to contain spaces.
- The issue with signal activation not being carried out properly without a maximum time step setting is resolved.
- BDE performance is as expected when drilling into a super block.
- The issue with Activate_batch not supporting -i on Linux is resolved.
- The issue with diagram fitting in the Block Diagram Editor is resolved.
- The issue with the Scope block affecting simulation performance is resolved.

required system

Operating System: Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.
64 bits only
Hardware: OpenGL graphics card with at least 256 MB of onboard memory.
Integrated Intel graphics hardware is currently not supported.
Memory: 4 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended).
10 GB or more of free hard disk space.


Installation guide

Listed in the Readme file in the Crack folder.
Altair Embed 2023.1
Altair Activate 2023 x64
Altair Compose 2023.1 x64
Download Altair Activate 2021.2
Download Altair Compose 2021.2


软件下载咨询 sdbeta@qq.com
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2021-01-31 15:48:03
Re:Altair Activate/Compose/Embed 2021-01-30 x64 完美授权

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2021-02-28 22:48:16

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2021-03-20 15:40:57

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2021-04-02 08:42:27
购买了 但是只有Download Altair Compose 2021.0.1

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2021-05-29 21:36:50
软件下载咨询 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2021-05-29 21:46:46
Altair Activate/Compose/Embed 2021-05-26 x64 完美授权

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2021-10-26 14:18:24

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2022-04-30 04:35:49

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2022-04-30 09:17:32
Altair Activate/Compose/Embed 2022.0 x64