Sonnet Suites Professional高频电磁(EM)软件套件旨在满足当今苛刻的设计挑战,主要涉及平面(3D平面)电路和天线。 主要是平面电路包括微带线,带状线,共面波导,PCB(单层和多层)以及与通孔,垂直金属片(z向导片)的组合,以及嵌入分层介电材料中的任意数量的金属迹线层。软件开发商 Sonnet Software Inc. 很高兴地宣布推出 Sonnet Suites 18.56。此版本包括对上一版本中用户报告的各种问题的修复,还更新了 STF 文件格式以更有效地使用金属偏置。。

The software developer Sonnet Software Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of Sonnet Suites 18.56. The new v18 builds upon the v17 revolution, adding ground breaking new technologies, enhancements, and robustness to the gold standard product from the world’s most tenured brand in EM simulation.
中的新增功能 技术文件格式更改
STF 文件格式已更新,可以更有效地使用金属偏置。您必须升级到 18.56 才能使用新的 STF 文件格式。
修复了 Bug
12299 十四行诗在刷新 Graph 时崩溃,并且数据不再可用。
12473 更改尺寸参数值后,项目编辑器偶尔会崩溃。
12691 远程重新连接经常失败。
12728 从“电路设置”输出时,输出文件无法处理符号链接。
12767 从图形中选择“视图”>“放大”会导致缩放功能不正确,如果之后进行全视图,将导致空白窗口。
12894 在图形中,按下向左或向右箭头键时,光标会移动。
13789 在十四行诗图的用户方程编辑器中单击测量值会将其变为红色。
13799 增强型共振检测 (ERD) 在模拟项目时可能会因内部错误而终止。
13800 如果同时存在仅电阻和仅电容蚀刻与宽度和间距偏差的关系,则平面金属偏置校正是错误的。
13812 在十四行诗图中,未开发的测量方程和 Q 因子 3 导致一条空白曲线。
13819 EM 求解器在具有 Sonnet 项目组件的项目上以及子项目包含组件时崩溃。
13822 十四行诗图应将逗号分隔符放在.csv文件的标题中(所有曲线到电子表格)。
13823 当 ABS 扫描具有与频率相关的网格划分时,EM 求解器给出 EG2290 错误或损坏的数据。
13833 十四行诗在绘制优化迭代时可能会显示空白图形。
13834 EM 求解器因内部错误终止,电路将项目组件设置为参数扫描。
PDF download View the New Features Brochure
Completely Remastered Interface
v17 introduces an easy to use, modern and extremely intuitive interface, with windows that provide almost infinite flexibility. Usage is both familiar and easy, with buttons, menus, and settings beautifully organized. You can also configure your design environment to suit your workfow, placing controls anywhere in the Sonnet window or in separate windows.
Tabbed Interface
Keep your projects organized and convenient. The Sonnet window now contains all running modules displayed in separate tabs, allowing you to quickly move through different parts of your design process and stay organized. Tabs may be rearranged or moved into their own windows as needed and then added back to the main window at the user’s discretion.
Sonnet EM Co-Simulation (SEC)
Extend your simulation capability; v17 introduces Sonnet’s EM Co-Simulation (SEC) for Keysight® ADS which allows you to perform EM Cosimulation from within the ADS environment. An SEC component placed within the ADS schematic can invoke Sonnet EM simulations, allowing you to tune and optimize with maximum ease and flexibility.
Session Manager
See your workspace at a glance and move through it effortlessly. The Sonnet session window allows you to access all the modules in Sonnet, manage your project files, access help and Sonnet example files, and access various administrative tasks. The main session tab contains a session manager which displays everything presently open in your session which can be used to easily manage elements of your session and move between modules. The session manager is displayed by default within every module in Sonnet.
Port Enhancements
Sonnet now has more flexibility than ever to get currents in and out of your circuits. Numerous improvements in creating and modeling ports have been made in v17. The port type is automatically assigned based on the placement of the port in the circuit with immediate feedback on correct port placement. A new type of port, the delta gap port is introduced in this release. Several capabilities have been added to ports including assigning a local ground polygon, assigning mutliple numbers to a single port and controlling the polarity of ports.
Sonnet Technology File (STF)
Get right into your designs! v17 introduces the Sonnet technology file for Sonnet interfaces and translators which conveniently stores all the information needed for the stackup.
Metal Bias
With advanced production processes, we need to be able to simulate what we’re producing as opposed to what we’re drawing. The new Sonnet Technology file incorporates metal definitions which account for fabrication effects including width, spacing, and loss-dependent metal bias for both planar and via metals. At left, the layout (red) is overlain on a potential bias (green). Image is a dramatization for illustrative purposes only.
Job Queues
It is now easier than ever to keep multiple runs organized on multiple machines! The new Job Queue tab has replaced the analysis monitor to control and monitior your analyses. This can be used to set up jobs for later analysis, or to run analysis jobs immediately. If you wish to start an analysis manually or at a specified time, you can define a new queue, then specify a manual or timed start before adding jobs to that queue. You may define multiple job queues in your session.
It is now easier than ever to perform complex simulations and keep them organized, as v17 features a new implementation for setting up your analysis sweeps that is more powerful and efficient.
Run your simulations faster! In addition to numerous behind the scenes optimizations, Desktop Solver (DTS) thread count has been increased to eight, and High Performance Solver (HPS) thread count has been increased to 64.
Measurements and Equations in Response Viewer
It is more convenient and accessible to view different data sets in Sonnet when viewing different types of data. There are a number of new measurements and pre-defined equations available in the response viewer, combined with a new interface for managing your data curves.
Remote Server Setup
Setting up remote servers has been streamlined and simplified with an intuitive interface, so that admins and users can keep all of their hardware utilized efficienctly.
TrueVolume Subsections
To more accurately simulate complex 3D crosssections and structures, Sonnet has developed new TrueVolume Subsections (Patent Pending). This revised model allows for true volumetric and 3-dimensional currents to be simulated in your designs. Due to the advance nature of the technology, Sonnet is testing the new feature and intends to release it in a v17 point release.
Language: English
Operating Systems: Windows 7/8.x/10.x/RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.x – 7.1 64Bit/SUSE Linux Enterprise 12.x 64 bit or later