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[图形图像]E-On Vue 2023 Hotfix 2 (PlantCatalog) PlantFactory & Extra 2023.3 [复制链接]

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Vue and PlantFactory 2023| 6.9 Gb
Languages: English, Deutsch, Français

The E-on development team, a business Bentley Systems, is pleased to announce the availability of VUE and PlantFactory 2023 Hotfix 3. The 2023 release adds consistent material reflection handling for standard materials across all atmosphere models and render engines and improves the core workflow experience of the Function Editor, the heart of many of VUE's advanced setups.

VUE 2023 Hotfix 2 (8006023)
- [NEW] Added the compatibility with 3ds Max 2024
- [NEW] Added the compatibility with Maya 2024
- The VUE plugin for V-Ray in 3ds Max is now compiled with the SDK of V-Ray 6 update 1.1.
- Fixed a possible crash when loading some atmospheres with cloud layers consecutively.
- Fixed a potential freeze when rendering with V-Ray on 24 core.
- Fix black renders when Ambient Occlusion values are out of range (especially when supplied from a custom graph)
- Fixed edition of Fall-off filters not working in the Terrain Brush Editor and the EcoSystem Brush Editor.
- Fixed material effect not updating when moving or rotating individual Spline control points.
- Fixed a crash when linking a Spline's control point to an animated object, and then changing the current time from the timeline.
- Fixed addition of metadata on 360-panoramic videos silently failing in case of error from the internal python script
- Fixed warnings when writing panoramic renders as JPEG.
- Fixed rare crashes of the macOS Installer

Both applications: new clearcoat channel in PBR materials
In addition, the PBR material system in both applications gets a new clearcoat channel, intended for mimicking the look of wet or glossy surfaces. It supports intensity, roughness, tint and index of refraction controls, an optional normal map, and a flatten parameter for blending between the clearcoat normal and the regular material and mesh normals. Substance materials with clearcoat properties are also set up automatically in the material graph on import.

Both applications: improved node graph workflow, render denoising and scene loading
Both Vue and PlantFactory also get UX updates to their node graphs intended to make it easier to navigate and edit large graphs. You can find a full list of changes via the links at the foot of this story. AMD’s denoiser has been added to the path tracer render engine, accelerating denoising on AMD GPUs. Nvidia’s GPU-based OptiX denoiser and Intel’s CPU-based Open Image Denoise were already integrated. Performance improvements include “up to 5x faster” scene loading times, with Vue also seeing improvements in render speed, particuarly for large heightfield terrains, atmospheres and clouds.

PlantFactory 2021.2: experimental new Unreal EngineIn addition, PlantFactory gets a new Unreal Engine integration plugin, making it possible to import plants in native .tpf format into the game engine, and edit their growth parameters. Plants can then be convered to Unreal actors, with materials conversion handled automatically by the plugin.The initial release is described as a “technology preview”, and is compatible with Unreal Engine 4.24-4.27, but not Unreal Engine 5, currently available in early access.

VUE and PlantFactory 2021.2 Build 7008031 Release notes - Date: December 9, 2021

VUE 2021.2 Build 7008031


[NEW] Improved the responsiveness of the graph display, added more configurable colors for customization, fixed the display of connection lines that where too thick when zooming out, added a more visible highlight of connections (middle part and ends), made item selection more precise, added highlight on all node lines as we can act on them, added a shift of parameter labels to better show the tab/group/parameter tree structure, added a small motion threshold before moving a node.
[NEW] More visible selection and highlight when graph is zoomed out.
[NEW] Snap to handles when creating a connection.
[NEW] Added a right click contextual menu on graph connections (move to source node / move to destination node / delete connection). Move to source/destination selects and centers that node in the graph view.
[NEW] When creating or moving graph connections, or moving nodes, or selecting by area, the graph will scroll automatically if you move the mouse near the graph border while dragging the connection. The speed increases with mouse position, and scroll direction is relative the center of graph view.
[NEW] Disabled connections are now drawn as dashed lines instead of being invisible. They exist when a connection was created to something that is optional in a node and is currently disabled.
[NEW] Added a specific action in the graph menu to align all nodes, distinct from the alignment option. Option affects future manipulations; action is performed once when clicked.
[NEW] Added overlap indications in the graph: overlapping nodes will have a red "!" icon on top.
[NEW] Added "Vector 2 to Vector 3" and "Vector 3 to Vector 2" conversion nodes to facilitate UV usage in a graph.
[NEW] Added "Arc tangent of (X, Y)" math node (a.k.a. "atan2"), as well as Hyperbolic trigonometric functions and their inverse.
[NEW] Many Math nodes now accept any input type (number, vector 2, vector3, color): the operation is applied on each component separately. For nodes that take two inputs, the second input can either be a number used as parameter for each input component (e.g. pow(input1.x, input2), pow(input1.y, input2) etc.), or a vector of same size as the input, where each component is used as parameter for operating on the corresponding component of the input node (e.g. pow(input1.x, input2.x), pow(input1.y, input2.y), etc.). Vector nodes "Length", "Normalize" and "Dot product" now also accept Vector 2 as input, not only Vector 3.
[NEW] Added edition of parameter layout directly in the material editor published parameter tab.
[NEW] Added edition of parameter layout directly in the MetaNode parameter list.
[NEW] Added position mode option in UV node.
[NEW] Added a node pulling a MetaBall's or HyperBlob's (or a single primitive's) distance field into the graph, in order to delimit a volume in space, typically to define a standalone cloud shape inside a cloud layer. The node's output is a sort of distance to the object but inverted so that positive values define the "inside" space, and negative values the "outside" space.
[NEW] Implement a Smoothing parameter on the "Closest Neighbor" and "1st - 2nd neighbor" variants of the Voronoi noises.
[NEW] Made the "Division" math node vector-compatible as well (other Math nodes had been made vector-compatible earlier on).
[NEW] Added a second output to the "Division" node to get the remainder of the division and add a standalone "Remainder" node.
[NEW] The "Threshold" node (Filter category) now has an option to choose between the Low and the High value when the input is strictly equal to the Threshold (formerly, the High value was silently assigned).
[NEW] Function preview is taking into account scene time.
Fixed graph tooltip that was not always displayed for connections.
Better event handling, the thing you pick on button press is the thing that is used to perform the action (and not the one that is under the mouse after moving a bit).
Click and drag now keeps the mouse capture until release, so that you can move the mouse outside the graph without interrupting the current action).
Edit on node of label or data now happens only on second click on the node, not right away when you select it.
Added a small tolerance before moving a selected node.
Remember the previous position in the graph view when changing of edited graph (when editing a MetaNode for instance).
Better text drawing when graph is de-zoomed. Text is now rasterized at current display size instead of being scaled down.
Added a new option in main graph menu to display a grid in background of the graphs.
Fixed lost mouse capture when dragging the graph view, when the mouse was moved outside of the graph area.
Graph nodes can be freely resized. Minimization happens when node width is set below 1/2 the minimal width. When minimized, the node size is controlled by the vertical component of the resize.
Updated the placement of nodes that are generated by the application.
Fixed broken display of colormaps in graph nodes.
When node height is large, we can better use the space by placing the preview above the label, instead of left. That allows a better preview of material graphs, by resizing the nodes to your convenience. The maximum preview size for textures is currently limited thought.
Added an option to enable/disable the minimap in the graph view.
Added in node preview of 2D filters.
Parent parameter node has been renamed to "Ancestor parameter".
Better placement of input/output nodes inside newly created MetaNodes: the right place is next to the node that uses the input/output.
Removed the useless "Display nodes minimized" option, which prevented a lot of interactions in the graph. Nodes can still be minimized by selecting them, and using the right click menu, or by resizing them.
Better "show preview" options: each node has a Hide/Show/Auto setting. Hide/show overrides the global setting (for nodes that can have previews).
Fixed display of Help of Graph Nodes.
Vector composers, decomposers, 2D/3D converters, and axis permutations are now grouped in the "Vector Composition" subcategory inside the "Math" category of nodes.
Fixed a bug in the "XYZ Product (Separate Parameters)" node that led fractals downstream in the graph to evaluate too few or too many "octaves" (= fractal detail).
Fixed "Turbulence damping" parameter of the "Three Noises" fractal being ignored by mistake (since 2011!).
Fixed inconsistency when switching noise of fractal node. Internal noise scale was changed.
Fixed potential incorrect graph evaluation when containing MetaNode.
Avoided useless invalidation when opening/closing MetaNode function editor.
Select the appropriate output in the graph, when opening it from the different tabs of the Material Editor. .
Disabled contract/ungroup MetaNode icons if the corresponding action is not possible due to current selection.
Fixed copy-pasting a function, material, etc. containing a "Spline Proximity" node, where the copy lost track of which scene Spline to use (when not configured with an internal spline).
Fixed "Spline Proximity" node "Distance" and "2D Distance" outputs when used on the material of an Infinite object (Sea plane, Ground plane, or Infinite Procedural Terrain): the output values were excessively small as to be almost unusable.


[NEW] Render thumbnails are now computed for current screen dpi instead of default resolution.
[NEW] Speed-up rendering (up to 10%, especially with atmosphere rendering).
[NEW] Optimization of up to 20% when rendering clouds.
[NEW] New altitude inputs for clouds.
[NEW] Cloud specific input now supports local, object, world, or legacy coordinates.
[NEW] New position option node for clouds (support local, object, world, or legacy coordinates).
[NEW] Improve soft shadows projected on clouds.
[NEW] When auto-exposure is estimated from a progressive preview render (either Scene Preview, or regular render in "Preview" quality), a first estimation is now computed and applied as soon as the coarsest pass of the render ends, so that both the render and the 3D viewports become readable sooner, in case the exposure gap is large (e.g., when switching atmosphere model). The final auto-exposure estimation is done at the end of render as usual (the difference with the initial estimation is usually quite small).
Reduced the frequency of PathTracer render display during rendering (mainly useful because denoising can be long, reducing the number of denoising process saves time).
Fixed a bug when denoiser were not applied on render with very low sample per pixel.
Fixed artefacts when rendering glow on some materials (animated, non-volumetric).
Fixed the use of the Delete key to delete renders in the Render Stack which led to losing the focus (then subsequent Delete strokes would actually delete objects in the World Browser, for example).
Fixed rendering when some layers of a material layers stack have their "Visibility" icon set to "invisible" or "solid color": many effects were still applied when invisible (bump, displacement or normal mapping, luminous setting, color transmitted/reflected) or when set to "solid color" (Ambient occlusion, Highlights, PBR Metalness, Normal mapping, etc.).
Avoid re-enabling the render stack thumbnails too soon, which could introduce inconsistencies when a message box was displayed at the end of a render.
Fixed the saving of Multi-Pass as multi-layer PSD, when a 16-bit precision is requested.
Fixed the frame number indicated in the information strip, when rendering a single frame of an animation.
Fixed a regression with the linear exposure filter which was only applied to a third of the image.
Fixed a bug with quick renders in OpenGL views: they were deleted when the render preview ended (above the camera controls), or when the spline editor is opened.
Reduced the render time of objects using many materials (a test in a simple scene showed a time divided by 1.6 with 125 materials, 3.2 with 500 materials, 12.8 with 2000 materials. The gain is probably smaller in scenes using costly render effects.).
Fixed bad Altitude influence calculation when using Mixed Material and Layered Materials with "Absolute" and "Relative to Sea" modes for Altitude influence, when the Material layer itself uses non-World coordinate mapping.
Fixed arbitrary "Smooth blending strip" width for Mixed Materials using Absolute or Relative-to-sea modes: formerly the strip width depended on the Transition altitude, which could be zero, leading to a brutal change of material at the boundary even with maximum Smoothness. Now uses the same blending method as the "per-material" mode as a work-around. A better fix would be to offer an additional transition width parameter in these modes, to be able to set a truly Absolute value.
Fixed HyperBlob's underlying material scale ignored when rendering.
Auto-exposure is not reset anymore when rendering is aborted (previous estimation is kept).
Objects hidden from render should not collide with particles (including rain/snow collision).
Slightly increase lens glare resolution in preview mode and for final renders.
Fixed shadows of vegetation primitives with two-sided material.


[NEW] Fixed a crash when loading color settings.
[NEW] VUE, PlantFactory and PlantCatalog Exporter will now be able to report the usage of their features. This will help e-on software to focus on the most relevant ones. This option can be enabled/disabled in File -> Options… -> General Preferences -> Send feature usage data.
Drop support for MacOS 10.10 "Yosemite".
Fixed progress bar never updated when saving a material on Mac OS.
Fixed a potential memory leak in file decompression and improved the reading speed of large scenes.
Fixed a case where the application offered to locate missing images several times despite the user saying "No to all".
Improved the compatibility with scenes containing copy-protected content which is not owned by the user: instead of refusing to load the scene, just ignore the missing functions/material layers and display the list of issues at the end of the loading.
Fixed a crash when computing fast OpenGL preview on HiDPI screen.
Removed obsolete OpenGL auto-configuration feature (all GFX support the Shader engine).
Fixed bad amount of VRAM detected for M1 macs (ARM-based).
Fixed Apple M1 "fixed pipeline" hardware renderer being detected as a software OpenGL implementation.
Skipped useless hardware requirements check on Apple M1 which could lead to invalid messages.
Optimize a border case where a group used as single operand of a Boolean (therefore a no-op) would still be baked as a Union (required when used as operand of an actual Boolean operation).
[Documentation] Reorganized Spline Editor section, especially the general description at the beginning (now split between general presentation and subsections "Creation and Edition" and "Additional Spline Tools"). The Spline creation and edition workflow is now presented in a more structured and detailed manner (with hints and shortcuts). The "Terrain Effect" subsection was also improved, with a detailed explanation of the "Amplitude" setting and descriptive examples.
[Documentation] Substantial rephrasing and clarification in the "Material Editor/Mixed Materials" section, especially in "Influence of Altitude".
Try to detect the installed version of V-Ray to pre-fill the version we install (only available on Windows).
Modified installers and updaters to be compatible with Mac OS 12 Monterey.


[NEW] Added long due –help option to the command line interface.
[NEW] Added drag n drop of scene file in Startup panel.
[NEW] Improved error message when export failed.
[NEW] Hooking Point editor is now resizable.
[NEW] In material editor, switch back to previous mode if no picture selected while switching to mapped picture.
[NEW] Rework of ambient light in OpenGL preview that was nearly always black (shader engine only). Now it is a fraction of the overall lights in scene.
[NEW] Fixed French overflowing text in volumetric material editor.
[NEW] Support mouse wheeling to zoom in/out over the Animation Timeline and Animation Properties bars.
[NEW] Allowed ungrouping MetaClouds, useful to reuse a list of spheres generated using the "Convert to MetaCloud" feature, for example. It is now also possible to convert a MetaCloud directly into a MetaBall or a HyperBlob.
[NEW] Added an icon to directly edit the Multi-pass format options from the MultiPass dialog.
[NEW] Added the possibility to override the specimen colors in the viewport, to easily highlight a given population.
Faster scan of files for faster opening of the internal file selection dialogs.
Allow using a complete drive in browser as tab.
Really disconnect constants when using the "Disconnect parameter" in material editor.
Do not remove "unused" graph nodes when using the "Disconnect parameter" in material editor, that still can be useful later on.
Made the image path display in image properties non editable, because sometimes it is not a path but some description (of a generated image), that was confusing to be able to change it and have the application try to load it. .
In "3D filter" editor and "Section profile" editor, do not replace current filter with original filter when we cancel a "Load", that's not a cancel of the current edit.
Fixed a dead lock in the browser (which occurred at least when multi selecting elements).
Asynchronous previews in browser, no need to wait a long time to change folder while previews are computed, they finish in background.
Fixed invisible icons of user defined categories in browsers, can only fix new categories, previously added one need a manual correction (set the icon using the right clic menu on the tabs that have no visible icon).
Correct ill-defined tangent effect in 3D filters: For a given set of points and tangents, we did not obtain the same curve depending on where the points were inserted before being moved. That was also producing asymmetric curves around points, even though the displayed tangent looked symmetric. .
Corrected filter 3D editor to use actual Bezier control points instead of tangents with a varying intensity that depended on the insertion point.
Better cut in the 2D and 3D filter editors, inserting points keep the exact same curve.
Fixed incorrect point highlight in 3D filter editor.
Reset point coordinates on open in the 1D filter editor.
Introduced a –interface_scaling followed by a factor in command line argument to run application in different HiDPi mode. Example: –interface_scaling 2.0 will double the size of every piece of interface.
Change the way edit controls with length react to arrows and page up. Arrow up will now add one of the displayed unit.
Fixed native browser not having quick access on windows.
Minor panel redraw performance improvement (skip obsolete code handling now absent dialog background gradation).
Fixed conflicts between configured shortcuts and edit fields: for example, if you had configured '=' for some action, you could no longer use it in an edit field without also triggering the configured action (except for alphanumerical characters). As a side-effect, on macOS this fixes the fact that Up/Down/PageUp/PageDown keys were inoperant in numerical edit fields (whereas they now properly increment/decrement the value by some fixed amount depending on each edit field).
On macOS, Cmd+Arrow key now has the expected behavior in edit fields, i.e. move/select to the beginning/end of line. The former custom trigger of Alt+Arrow key has been kept for compatibility (edit fields do not support moving/selecting word by word, like Alt+Arrow key should in theory do).
Speed-up loading of the material summary (with hundreds of materials) and display a progression after a few seconds.
Ignored LOD computation in Object preview renderer.
Fixed material name and scale when loading a material to replace a layer.
Fixed Clamping mode not available in Filter editor.
Fixed message boxes not taking into account the modal dialog potentially running (Windows only).
Fixed the behavior of checkboxes in the render information strip options (were displayed as partially selected, and 2 clicks were needed to select an entry).
When adding a new material layer to an existing material, reuse the parent material's mapping mode.
Fixed the position of message boxes generated from the render stack, in multi-screen context.
Fixed wrong cropping of some panels depending on the screen size (options panel on a laptop, typically).
Fixed missing refresh of published parameters tab in EcoSystem, Mixed and Volumetric Material Editors.
Fixed inconsistencies in the Recent Files menu when some of the recent files are no longer accessible.
Avoided the automatic closing of the File Format Options dialog when one clicks outside of it (except when it is opened from the native file browser - in this case, it is mandatory to do so).
Fixed the OpenGL preview being too dark when "Light from scene" viewport option is disabled.
Fixed imprecisions when zooming/dezooming in the render display (now better centered on the cursor position). If using the + and - buttons, the focus is the kept on the current center of the image, instead of the top-left corner.
Closing the render display now closes the NPR Options.
Fixed a regression in the render display: the icons to show the alpha/depth and npr layers could be enabled whereas the layers were not available.
Fixed the black strips that could appear in the render display when zooming/scrolling during the render process.
In the transparency tab of the material editor, the dispersion checkbox is now disabled with the dispersion slider when necessary (to enable it, caustics have to be enabled both in the global render options and in the material render options). This behavior is more consistent with other parts of the editor.
Fixed the scale value displayed in the hypertexture tab of the volumetric material editor.
Reduced latencies when transforming objects with gizmos in scenes with many materials.
Undo/redo operations can now be totally disabled in the Preferences by setting the "maximum number of operations […]" to 0. This enables making the UI more responsive in heavy scenes.
Fixed the saving of titles for the thumbnails of renders in the stack.
Fixed the application of the Post Render Options to quick renders done in views that are not associated to an actual camera of the scene (top/front/side and perspective views).
Fixed the state of the "Edit Alpha" button in the EcoSystem material editor, so that it always appears as "toggled" when an alpha function is connected.
Avoided the useless horizontal scroll bar that appeared in the population list of EcoSystems.
Fixed "quick render" feature in views using a camera of the scene different from the currently active one (which was always used).
Made the display of meshes with multiple materials more efficient when they have a user-defined preview color (in the "Object - Aspect" dialog in the top right corner of the main VUE window).
Added an icon button (+) on the thumbnail of plants in the EcoSystem material editor, to make the "add preset" feature more visible (it replaces the pop-up menu that appeared when clicking on the thumbnail).
The lines of items in the EcoSystem material editor and in the lens flare editor can now be selected by clicking on their thumbnails.
Fixed the application of the preview colors (defined in the Object Aspect tab) when grouping objects, creating Boolean objects, and splitting meshes (by material). It now takes the "Use auto color whenever possible" preference and the preview colors of objects into account. This is particularly useful in heavy scenes where preview colors are enabled to make the display faster.
Reduced the opening time of the browser for plants presets in the EcoSystem material editor or in the EcoSystem painter (for a plant with 50 presets, it now opens in 0.5s instead of 2.5s).
Improved the "Paint" tab of the Terrain Editor to use all the available space.
Improved the Material list UI at bottom of "Paint" tab.
Removed useless "Equalize" button in Terrain Editor.
Fixed potential crash on add cloud primitive on old MetaClouds.
Fixed MetaNode collection in function editor node list appearing outside of "User MetaNode" category.
Fixed flickering object graph when moving object.
Fixed refresh issue on cancel in function editor.
Fixed sometimes losing focus of the application at the end of a render (causing another application to flash on the top of VUE).
Fixed a crash on mac when rendering with OpenGL preset in main view. .
Fixed some empty browser when selecting specimens for an EcoSystem.
Fixed issue with plant browser sometimes having a wrong layout.
Removed some specific nodes (cloud/particles) on terrain graph menu.
Fixed water surface options synchronization with function editor.
Fixed ghost editor popping when clicking on color control.
Fixed Function Graph node types reappearing when switching between procedural and heightfield terrains.
Fixed previous version menu sometimes not working.
Fixed some case where editors do not respond to click anymore. .
Prevent some rare crash when closing material editor.
Removed some unnecessary scrollbars it published parameters tab in material editor. .
Add button in the Terrain Editor to edit the altitude graph more easily.
Major display optimization when merely moving any window except the main window (i.e., floating windows).
Minor display optimization for large windows on macOS (mostly 4K/5K, Scaled Display).
Fixed edit fields losing focus while typing when it triggers the refresh of a kind of (hierarchical) listbox (e.g. in the Particle Motion editor).
Fixed buggy navigation focus point (used as orbiting center and for navigation speeds) when only ground and/or water planes are selected.
In the Object Properties ("Numerics") panel, input in the X/Y/Z edit fields could end up in the wrong property when switching rapidly between Position and Rotation, for example.
Fixed many cases where the rendered scene preview restarted from scratch when manipulating objects that do not affect the render (non-active camera or its target, objects hidden from render or in hidden layers, objects added to a hidden layer).
Reorganize the Display menu to better group related items.
Prevent cameras from being created with a -4 exposure (especially Top camera, or cameras created from a Perspective camera), and fix wrong exposure in non-active cameras when loading an atmosphere with a different photometric status, same when saving and reloading a camera from a VOB in a scene with a different atmosphere.
Adjust 3DConnexion Space Mouse motion speed depending on the selection or scene dimensions.
Fixed issues with spline geometry effect meshes and terrain's 3D sculpting meshes which can be created in the wrong scene layer or stay visible when their "originating" object is hidden, and similar issues.
More helpful error message when OpenCL initialization failed.
More helpful error message when reading a PS/EPS/AI vector graphics file fails: recommend SVG format.
Fixed EcoSystem visibility issue in conjunction with the option "Show only objects from active layer" (viewports menu): EcoSystems from all layers were visible, whereas only EcoSystems from the focused layer should be.
When loading a scene from the Welcome panel, fixed the default viewport configuration being used instead of the custom one saved in a previous session (for a template scene), and the lack of a warning message when loading some non-template scenes.
Fixed motion speed when a single light or spline control point is selected.
Fixed edition of object under the mouse when double-clicking on a viewport's (transparent) caption bar to maximize the viewport.
More readable Layer name color when using the default Dark grey theme.
Fixed non-respect of the Camera Lock option when using the 3DConnexion SpaceMouse device.
Fixed navigation issues in the Timeline: not possible to zoom when using 3DSMAX navigation preset, pop-up menu showing after a pan on the Animation Property Bar, fix dysfunctional and possibly crashing mouse wheeling support on the Animation Splines Bar.
Fixed exposure in several (mostly top-view) displays: Spline Proximity node's internal spline editor, Terrain Editor's Zone Display, and two steps of the Animation Wizard.
Removed problematic feature in the EcoPainter: secondary action on the top-left corner icon button (to minimize the dialog) does not work properly and leads to confusion.
Fixed a message text referring to obsolete setting names, when converting objects to MetaClouds.
Fixed accelerator hints not showing in the Object Aspect's GL Display quality pop-up menu.
Fixed inconsistent message when changing both color and alpha channel using a single picture in the Alpha Plane editor, when the existing channel pictures have different dimensions.
Fixed Rendered Scene Preview using outdated sea parameters when the Water Surface is opened, and one clicks on the Scene Preview to manually refresh it.
Fixed scene's "Save" button not enabled when dragging a picture into VUE for use as a picture-mapped material.
More explicit message about assets in Content browsers that are available as separate downloads.
Fixed water surface options not working with some material from content.
It is now possible to hide a layer when object selected.
Removed a button doing nothing in SolidGrowth's Plant Editor (rename leaf/trunk subset).
Fixed the behavior of checkboxes in the render information strip options (were displayed as partially selected, and 2 clicks were needed to select an entry).
Removed a useless intermediate dialog when editing the number of variations of a plant in an EcoSystem.
Fixed population of multi-layer EcoSystems when the Material Editor is opened from the summary of materials or the World Browser.
In the World Browser, avoid showing materials of EcoSystem specimens no longer in use.
Fixed persistency of World Browser advanced options (show only material names, show only materials of selected objects…).
Avoided switching a material to dynamic population silently - happened typically when the material has some animated/published parameters.
Avoided refreshing the scene preview as soon as one edits a setting in the EcoSystem Material Editor.
Fixed wrong name and meta-information when replacing a plant by another species with the "Replace By…" menu.
Improved the display of specimen names in Material Editor and EcoSystem Painter, by displaying the preset name (if any) on a separate line.
Fixed preview mode option not sticking: was forced to "Show All Previews in Graph" each time the Function Editor was opened.
Fixed focus changes in Object properties making coordinates values being incorrectly changed.
Fixed double backup being added to Undo/Redo list when editing Object properties with Interactive numerical field changes enabled.
Fixed various bugs related to gamma correction and consistency between HSL/RGB values in ColorMap editor.
Added the ability to enable/disable the exposure of VUE cameras from the VUE render options for a better "artistic" control. Previously, their exposure was enabled with the "Post processing" checkbox, but it led to unexpected renders. The exposure value can be controlled by selecting a VUE camera then by selecting "Object Properties" in the VUE menu.
If no TPF plant variations are selected, loading is aborted.

VUE integrates flexible and powerful terrain modeling technologies. From creating full planets to infinitely detailed terrainscapes, VUE's got you covered

VUE ships with a hefty plant library, comprised of over 170 plant species, from HD vegetation to low resolution. More species are added on a regular basis.

The VUE vegetation technology ensures that no two plants you add to your scene will be identical, freeing you from hardcore vegetation modeling tasks, and adding more subtlety to your scenes.

The Plant Editor lets you easily customize any of the plants included and allows you to create your own, unique plant species. VUE will also automatically animate plants for you so that they gently sway in the breeze, or twist and bend in strong winds

VUE is natively compatible with the fully procedural PlantFactory file format, to produce high-quality hero trees as well as distant vegetation. VUE can animate all of the exposed plant properties (such as Health, Seasonality or any other published plant parameter).

Plants created with PlantFactory can be exported to any 3D application using export formats such as Alembic, FBX, 3DS, OBJ, C4D, LWO, etc.

Plants are exported fully rigged, fully textured, with UV maps and displacement, and with all their LODs. Breeze or wind animated plants can be exported as a fully rigged mesh or as a cloud of animated vertices (MDD style).

You can fine-tune the animation of rigged mesh plants directly inside your target 3D application.

PlantFactory also offers a variety of export presets, custom tailored for specific host applications. Such presets include export for 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema4D, LightWave, Modo, ZBrush, Unity, Unreal, Blender, and more…

PlantFactory also ships with import plugins for 3ds Max and Maya. These plugins allow for loading, editing health, maturity and season as well as published parameters and converting native PlantFactory content within the host application, without going through any baking or exporting processed.

In 3ds Max, the plugin can generate materials for the following renderers: Arnold, V-Ray Next, Scanline, ART Renderer. In Maya, the plugin can generate materials for the following renderers: Arnold, V-Ray Next and Maya Software. Rendering with other renderers is still possible as the plugin will generate native standard materials (provided such render engine supports native standard materials or after some manual material adjustments).

When used in conjunction with VUE, PlantFactory will fully integrate and expand the software, so that you can access the plant editing power of PlantFactory directly from VUE and use the VUE tools to affect the PlantFactory vegetation.

Furthermore, when used inside of VUE, PlantFactory creates unique vegetation - i.e. no two plants of the same species will ever look exactly alike. PlantFactory plants also sway in the breeze, or twist and bend in strong winds.

PlantFactory plants will automatically adapt their resolution with distance, through a dynamic LOD system, making them perfect for Hero plants, foreground, mid-ground and background placements in your compositions.

PlantFactory vegetation can be edited directly within the VUE Plant Editor. Specific parameters from the plant graph can be extracted to the Plant Editor to create simplified, high-level controls and facilitate your plant editing process.

Last but not least, like any VUE component, PlantFactory plants will work seamlessly with the EcoSystem technology to create landscapes containing millions of unique plants.

Starting with the plant factory. Introduction.

We were founded in 1997 on the premise that powerful graphics tools should never get in the way of the designer’s creativity. After being acquired by Bentley Systems in 2015, we’ve been able to invest more resources into research and development to ensure we remain at the forefront of the industry. With 20 employees dedicated to our e-on solutions, our once small idea of creating cutting-edge, user-friendly technologies to inspire our user’s creativity is growing every day.

Product: VUE and PlantFactory
Version: 2023 R0 (8005859) *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://info.e-onsoftware.com/
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 6.6 Gb

* included:

VUE and PlantFactory Full Installers:

** System Requirements:

VUE is a 64-bit application, designed for 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Intel Mac OS X 10.10+ platforms. Like all 3D packages, it is highly demanding in terms of computer power. Although the application is totally multi-threaded to ensure the smoothest possible response, you must realize that there is a lot going on when you work in VUE.

Recommended System Specs
- Windows 64 bit (Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10)
- Multi-core CPU (Intel QuadCore, Core I7, or Mac Pro), AVX compliant,
- 8GB+ of RAM,
- 4GB+ of free Hard Disk space (on the drive hosting the OS),
- We recommend a graphics card containing at least 4 GB of VRAM with a 3D Mark score of 10,000 or better.
Compatible Hots:
- Autodesk MAYA 2015-2020
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2016-2021
- Maxon Cinema 4D R16-R22
- Newtek Lightwave 11.6-2019

PlantFactory is a 64 bits application, designed for 64 bit versions of Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 and Intel Mac OS X 10.10+ platforms. A video board that can run Shader model 4 is required. For better performance, a minimum of 2GB of video RAM is recommended (Video RAM should not be confused with system RAM. Video RAM resides solely on your video board).

Performance of the software is directly related to the power of the system running it. PlantFactory is optimized to make the best of all the processors/cores on your system. The power of your video board directly impacts the frame-rate of the plant preview.

Recommended System Specs
- Windows 64 bit (Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10)
- We recommend a graphics card containing at least 4 GB of VRAM with a 3D Mark score of 10,000 or better
- Multi-core CPU (Intel QuadCore, Core I7, or Mac Pro), AVX compliant
- 8+GB of free RAM
- 4GB of free Hard Disk space.
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