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[行业软件]NUMECA HEXPRESS / Hybrid 10.1 x64 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-02-21 17:30:21 , 编辑

NUMECA HEXPRESS/Hybrid  10.1 | 1.2 Gb

The HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid program appeared on the market as a response to the need of European automotive companies for a fast and efficient mesher (grid builder), with which you can build computational grids for complex topologies in an extremely short time. At the moment, in our opinion, this is the only known tool that allows you to build a grid for calculating both the external and internal aerodynamics of such a complex object as, for example, a car, including the engine compartment and the interior, in one day, starting directly from the “unclean” geometry.

HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid程序出现在市场上,是对欧洲汽车公司对快速高效的网格划分器(网格生成器)的需求的一种回应,您可以用它在极短的时间内构建用于复杂拓扑的计算网格。我们认为,目前,这是唯一已知的工具,可让您构建一个网格来计算复杂物体(例如汽车,包括引擎室和内部空间)的内部和外部空气动力学,在一天之内,直接从“不干净”的几何图形开始。

HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid提供了其啮合技术和原始的啮合方法。预处理分为两个阶段,第一个阶段是在程序的用户界面中处理几何。第二阶段是使用包含网格化参数的文本配置文件从命令行(使用Linux,Unix操作系统的方式)构建网格。网格划分的选项很少,它们很直观。结合GUI原理和使用配置文件在命令行上工作的主要优点是重建网格的速度和自动性,为新的标准几何图形创建新网格的过程被加速了许多倍,从而绕开了通常繁琐的网格设置阶段在用户界面中(您已经有一个现成的配置文件,您需要的一切)HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid中的网格划分过程是完全并行的;默认情况下,它在所有可用的并行计算机处理器内核上运行。
嵌入在HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid中的独特创新技术使您可以为整个沉降域或多个域自动构建六边形共形网格(可以构建四或全十六进制网格),该网格以墙层或如果需要的话,没有它。
HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid offers its meshing technology and its original meshing approach. The preprocessing is divided into two stages, the first is working with geometry in the user interface of the program. The second stage is the launch of building a grid from the command line (in the style of working with Linux, Unix operating systems) using a text configuration file that contains the parameters of the meshing. There are few options for meshing, they are intuitive. The main advantage of combining the GUI philosophy and working on the command line using the configuration file is the speed and automatism in rebuilding grids, the process of creating new grids for new standard geometries is accelerated many times, bypassing the often tedious stage of grid setup in the user interface (you already have there is a ready-made config file and everything you needThe meshing process in HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid is completely parallelized; by default, it runs on all available parallel computer processor cores.
Unique innovative technologies embedded in HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid allow you to automatically build hexadominant, conformal grids (it is possible to build tetra or full hex grids) for the entire settlement domain or several domains, the grid is built with the resolution of the wall layer or without it, if desired.
The key feature of the HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid is that it is not demanding on the cleanliness of the initial geometry and can build a grid for geometries with serious flaws, crevices, etc., which generally reduces the time step of meshing by an order of magnitude when working with real, "unclean" geometries .
HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid has a built-in automatic tool for finding and closing holes, which allows you to start working with almost any geometry that you have been transferred without having the deep knowledge or time to solve the problem in CAD or similar systems.
HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid is an ideal tool for building grids of large dimension, complex geometry topology in the shortest possible time.
Currently, HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid has found its fans in almost all branches of engineering and industry, including such atypical areas as medicine.
NUMECA International is delighted to announce the official release of HEXPRESS and HEXPRESS/Hybrid version 10.1. This solutions use a similar volume-to-surface approach, suppressing the need for a surface mesh. Both systems run in batch or interactive mode and are interfaced to all major commercial CFD codes.

New in HEXPRESS v10

General upgrades in the package
General package upgrades in v10.1:
- FlexLM based license security ID is upgraded to v20;
- Use of Parasolid v32.0.214;

Freeze faces not used for trimming
A cylinder is composed of two flat surfaces, that could be defined as "not used for trimming". But because of the connected and rounded surface of the cylinder, a buffer must still be inserted and propagated on the flat surfaces, leading to the activation of the smoothing as well. To overcome this particular situation that degrades the mesh quality, the new option Freeze faces not used for trimming allows to disable the smoothing on the flat surfaces to freeze them and so to improve the quality.

Improved python commands
The following python commands have been improved to return the status: 1 - success and 0 - fail. In case of failing, all processed parts will be reverted.
- scale_parts()
- rotate_parts()
- translate_parts()

Improved robustness
Several bug corrections have been done to improve:
- the robustness of the rotor-stator calculation.
- trimming condition detection.
- CATIA v6 CAD manipulation.

New in HEXPRESS/Hybrid v10

General upgrades in package
General package upgrades in v10.1:
- FlexLM based license security ID is upgraded to v20;
- Use of Parasolid v32.0.214.

Improved speed and robustness for distributed parallel meshing
The speed and robustness are further improved for distributed parallel meshing.
Customer Benefits
- 1.5X speed-up for mesh generations with both OpenMPI and IntelMPI.

Significant speed-up of mesh generation
The improvements done for the different functionalities below significantly speed up the mesh generation time:
- S2V full tetrahedral mesh generation;
- Viscous layers insertion with the extrusion method;
- the EXACTMESHING keyword.
Customer Benefits
2X to 10X speed-up for the mesh generation with the extrusion viscous layers method, 2X speed-up for S2V full tetrahedral meshing and 1.5X for the mesh generation with the EXACTMESHING keyword.

New OpenFOAM optimizer
A more OpenFOAM dedicated optimizer (OPTIPARAMETER 3.3) is introduced to improve the mesh quality for OpenFOAM meshes. This optimizer improves the skewness, non-orthogonality, and adjacent volume ratio, excluding the optimization for NUMECA quality (OPTIPARAMETER 0). It also performs special optimizations for sharp convex and concave configurations in the viscous layers and additionally splits cells that may produce the OpenFOAM "face pyramid error".
Customer Benefits
- Generates better mesh quality for OpenFOAM simulations.
Known Limitations
- Improvement may not be satisfying for the following configurations:
. very small first cell size of the viscous layers.
. viscous layers near sharp convex and concave dihedral angles (<90 or >270 degrees).
. meshes containing CYLINDRICALMESH, TRANSFORMSELECTIONS and Mesh Transformations keywords.
- The cell splitting technique to avoid the OpenFOAM "face pyramid error" is not performed for full hexahedral meshes with hanging nodes and mixed element meshes inside or close to the buffer type II configurations.

Improved OpenFOAM and CGNS exports
- OpenFOAM
The OpenFOAM meshes are now exported according to the OpenFOAM file structure. The mesh is saved in a folder named Constant/polyMesh located in the same directory as the *.foam file. The folder contains the following files: points, owner, neighbor, faces, and boundary.
The group information is now included in the CGNS mesh export.
Customer Benefits
- Having mesh exports that preserve groups and folders hierarchy.
BETA features

List of existing BETA capabilities
The functionality below is included in HEXPRESS/Hybrid but requiring additional calibration. The corresponding version is set to Beta. A best practice note can be found in the documentation package.
- Surface to Volume (S2V) mesh generation
- 64 bits indexing mesh export for SPH format
- Viscous layers insertion with the extrusion method
- Viscous layers insertion with the deformation method
- Support of hanging nodes for StarCCM+ export
- Zero radius rotor/stator interface
- Multiblock meshing combining HEXPRESS/Hybrid and S2V
- Holesearcher distributed parallel on LINUX
- CGNS output in Intel MPI version on LINUX
- 64 bits indexing mesh export for Exodus HDF5 format
Customer Benefits
- Improvement of the tool to manage licensing and user configuration.

Known Limitations
- The Vendor Daemon HostID might change.

General upgrades in package

General upgrade is made in the package:

- End of support for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Fedora 22 and Fedora 25.
- Beginning of support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
- Smarter inflation method is active by default for newly created projects.
- Datakit library is upgraded to v2020.1.

Customer Benefits
- Officially supported system Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
- Higher mesh quality especially in the viscous layers zone.

Known Limitations
- As the viscous layers can be more inflated with the smarter inflation method, the minimum orthogonality of the first Euler cells can decrease in some closed configuration.

General upgrades in package

General upgrade is made in the package:

- Supports of Open MPI v2.1.2 and Intel MPI v2018.1,
- End of support for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Fedora 22 and Fedora 25,
- Beginning of support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,
- Interfacing Fluent quality criteria (BETA) in HEXPRESS™/View,
- The SMARTSTARTPOINTMARKING keyword is now deprecated, use EXTENDEDDUALMESH instead,
- Improved user-friendliness of the TRANSFORMSELECTIONS keyword.
- It is now applicable not only to the geometries defined by INFILENAMES but also ADDINFILENAMES. In the existing CONF file, if the wildcard "*" is defined for the selection list, the transformation will be applied on the geometries from both the INFILENAMES and ADDINFILENAMES in the v9.1.
- Change of behavior for full hexahedral mesh generation when incompatibility found.
- Instead of advancing the mesh generation with a warning, it will be stopped with an error message when BNDLAYERREDIM, BNDLAYERINSERT or BNDLAYERINSERTFIRSTCELLSIZE keywords are detected together with the GENERATEFULLHEXAMESH keyword.
- Added the "force" option for NEWBUFFERPARAM SELANGLE.
- This option enforces buffer type II regardless of the dihedral angle.
- Support of group name prefix by the CREATEGROUPSELECTIONS keyword.
- Added license wait option for HEXPRESS™/Hybrid and the Datamapper. The argument -wait_license can be used in the launching commands.
- Datakit library is upgraded to v2020.1.

Customer Benefits
- Officially supported system Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Periodic repetition for FNMB connections

The capability to generate FNMB connections that are periodic repetition between domains has been added.

Customer Benefits
- Provides the option to generate periodic repetition FNMB connections between domains.

HEXPRESS/Hybrid is a 3D mesh generation tool developed by NUMECA for meshing large and complex geometries in a fast and flexible manner. HEXPRESS/Hybrid generates isotropic and hexahedral-dominant meshes which contain also tetrahedra, pyramids and prisms. The generated meshes can be imported into FINE/Open with OpenLabs chain. HEXPRESS/Hybrid is basically a complete package comprising several tools that provides a wide variety of functionality to the users.

HEXPRESS is an automatic unstructured hexahedral mesh generator software designed to automatically generate meshes in complex 2D and 3D geometries. HEXPRESS generates non-conformal body-fitted full hexahedral unstructured meshes on complex arbitrary geometries. In addition, the advanced smoothing capability provides high-quality boundary layers insertion. HEXPRESS uses a volume-to-surface approach, suppressing the need for a surface mesh.

Computation of a full engine using FINE/Open's NLH and combustion models. Combustion chamber generated with HEXPRESS/Hybrid. Compressor and turbine generated with AutoGrid5.

Numeca International Inc develops computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software for the simulation, design, and optimization of fluid flow and heat transfer worldwide. It offers automated and customized flow integrated environments (FINE), including FINE/Turbo for the simulation of rotating and turbomachinery flows; FINE/Open for the simulation of complex internal and external applications; and FINE/Marine for marine applications.

Version: 10.1
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.numeca.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC / Linux *
Size: 3.0 Gb

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