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[行业软件]CAMWorks WireEDM Pro 2021 SP2 Multilingual for SolidWorks 2020-2022 x64 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-02-27 11:12:43 , 编辑
GeometricPLM is pleased to announce the availability of WireEDM Pro 2021 SP2 is the world’s most advanced wire EDM programming tool.

What’s New in CAMWorks WireEDM Pro 2021 SP1

New - Functionality to Begin Glue Stops as Start Hole
Purpose: To provide the functionality of starting Glue Stop from the start hole, or thread point location
New - Support for CAMWorks WireEDM Pro in Spanish Language
Purpose: From CAMWorks WireEDM Pro 2021 SP1 version onwards, the CAMWorks WireEDM Pro application will be supported in the Spanish language.

Resolved CPRs

1. CWE-370 CSR-16760 CWEDMPro In CAMWorks WireEDM Pro, when the coordinate system is defined for stock and Machine simulation is executed, then the SOLIDWORKS coordinate system gets defined. This is incorrect.
2. CWE-391 CSR-16975 CWEDMPro When the features are selected with “Auto Level” option, then the features do not get recognized.
3. CWE-363 CSR-16690 CWEDMPro When the specific part is opened with CAMWorks WireEDM Pro, then an error message stating "Encountered an improper argument " is displayed.
4. CWE-354 CSR-16540 CWEDMPro Description for the option “with glue stops/without glue stops” needs to be added.
5. CWE-349 CSR-16491 CWEDMPro The ‘Find’ feature option does not recognize all the features on the specific part.
6. CWE-346 CSR-13149 CWEDMPro When the Die processing method is set to ‘Rough’ or ‘Glue stop’ or ‘All skims’ instead of ‘By complete feature’, then the posted output generated is incorrect.
7. CWE-341 CSR-16338 CWEDMPro The Plane optimization option does not work correctly. Some parts are out of order.
8. CWE-331 CSR-16340 CWEDMPro When the option "Skim Glue Stops" is active, then the toolpath generated is incorrect.
9. CWE-328 ––- CWEDMPro Plane Optimization does not work in CAMWorks WireEDM Pro.
10. CWE-327 ––- CWEDMPro When “Find Feature” option is selected, then all the features recognized are blind in nature
11. CWE-318 ––- CWEDMPro The CAMWorks WireEDM Pro Help description for “Auto size of Glue Stops” is incorrect.
12. CWE-290 CSR-16071 CWEDMPro For the specific part, when the Toolpath simulation command is executed, then incorrect simulation is observed for some of the arc moves.
13. CWE-283 CSR-15942 CWEDMPro In CAMWorks WireEDM Pro, the posted output generated for the Reverse Skim toolpath is incorrect
14. CWE-281 CSR-15918 CWEDMPro When the G-codes are post processed in WireEDM Pro application, then an additional file with .clf extension gets created. This is incorrect.
15. CWE-280 CSR-15901 CWEDMPro When simulation is executed for a specific part, then it does not allow Chip Removal to delete the die.
16. CWE-265 ––- CWE-264 Creating Multiple Glue stops in CAMWorks WireEDM Pro doesn’t create the glue stops in the correct locations, and also causes SOLIDWORKS to crash.
17. CWE-264 CWE-247 ––- CSR-15572 CWEDMPro In CAMWorks WireEDM Pro with machine type set to ‘Fanuc’ and default model to ‘SANDVIK’, crash is observed in SOLIDWORKS.
18. CWE-260 ––- CWEDMPro In CAMWorks WireEDM Pro, when a toolpath is highlighted, the line weight changes permanently for the current CAMWorks session.
19. CWE-242 ––- CWEDMPro For the specific WireEDM part, when the feature is defined for 4-axis operation, then CAMWorks WireEDM Pro gets hung.
20. CWE-239 ––- CWEDMPro When the posted output is post processed in CAMWorks WireEDM Pro, then the toolpath generated is incorrect.
21. CWE-234 ––- CWEDMPro In CAMWorks WireEDM Pro, the coreless toolpath generated for the specific part gouges the part in some areas and leaves uncut areas in other areas.
22. CWE-231 ––- CWEDMPro In CAMWorks WireEDM Pro, changes to the WireEDM data may not always trigger a prompt to save the data when closing the part.
23. CWE-219 ––- CWEDMPro In CAMWorks WireEDM Pro, the Help file containing ‘Stock settings’ webpage needs to be modified for grammatical errors.
24. CWE-216 ––- CWEDMPro Add a description in the Help file for the control “Disable Collision Avoidance”.
25. CWE-215 ––- CWEDMPro In the CAMWorks Wire EDM Pro Help documentation, the information regarding Skin cuts dropdown needs to be corrected.
26. CWE-214 ––- CWEDMPro In CAMWorks Wire EDM Pro, the menu label for EDM Settings is incorrect.
27. CWE-199 ––- CWEDMPro CAMWorks WireEDM Pro gets hung while finding features on the specific 4-axis part that is auto-installed with CAMWorks WireEDM Pro application.
28. CWE-198 ––- CWEDMPro In CAMWorks WireEDM Pro, the Post Processor names should not be considered when validating the Wire EDM Pro post processor at the license level
29. CWE-195 CSR-15162 CWEDMPro In CAMWorks WireEDM Pro, the cutting condition for the Start Power Setting and start feedrate is incorrect based on the Cutting Conditions table.
30. CWE-192 ––- CWEDMPro The offset CAMWorks WireEDM Pro toolpath for the specific feature is incorrect.
31. CWE-189 ––- CWEDMPro CAMWorks WireEDM Pro does not support the use of a comma character for defining the decimal delimiter. This is critical for countries where commas are the standard.
32. CWE-184 ––- CWEDMPro The ‘Thread vertical’ option cannot be unchecked for two operations on the specific part, resulting in that part being gouged.
33. CWE-159 ––- CWEDMPro After preview of any operation, on clicking Escape button on the keyboard, it must expand the operation again

Wire EDM Machine Programming简化的

HCL Technologies(HCL)最近宣布与Wire EDM(电火花加工)软件的提供商CIMTechnology LLC建立CAMWorks合作关系。

作为协议的一部分,CIMTechnology的Wire EDM编程软件将是CAMWorks独有的。该公司解释说,这将使CAMWorks用户能够访问更高级的Wire EDM编程功能,以进行精确而复杂的零件切割。

您有CNC Wire EDM机器吗?如果是这样,您就会知道对这些机器进行编程通常是一项艰巨而耗时的任务,需要关注程序中的每个细节。最小的程序错误或计算错误都可能导致报废昂贵的零件。幸运的是,已经开发了新技术,并且用于SOLIDWORKS的新CAMWorks WireEDM Pro外接程序使Wire EDM机床的编程变得轻松快捷。使用新系统,仅需单击鼠标即可对复杂的2轴和4轴EDM零件进行编程。通过一键式Solid到G代码编程,创建2轴和4轴线EDM程序从未如此简单。

CAM(计算机辅助制造)工程-用于为CNC机床创建线切割EDM NC程序的模块。 CAMWorks Wire EDM-包括CNC上的2轴和4轴线EDM,2轴轮廓加工可在2.5轴元素上自动创建粗加工,凸舌切割和精加工。 4轴轮廓加工可在4轴元素上自动创建粗加工,凸舌切割和精加工切割。
The module for creating control programs for 2- and 4-axis machining on cut EDM machines with CNC.
Working with SOLIDWORKS parts.
The function of automatic processing of typical elements of the geometry of the part.
Customizable and expandable library of materials and cutting data.
Postprocessor generator for all types of control racks.
A set of standard postprocessors.
Visualization of processing with simulation of material removal.
Quantitative analysis of processing results.
Saving the processing results to an STL file.
Creation of reports based on processing results.


那么,这种新的“一键式”技术如何工作?每台电火花线切割机都有自己的功率设置和各种材料的切割条件。此外,每台机器对于用于运行CNC机器的程序都有唯一的格式。新的CAMWorks软件提供了配置每台EDM机器的功能。此外,还提供了经过验证的后处理器,包括切削条件和功率设置,以生成Wire EDM机床所需的精确CNC代码。每个后处理器均已在现场进行了开发和验证,以确保准确性,并且其中许多已由Wire EDM机器OEM的(原始设备制造商)直接进行了测试。此外,用户可配置的机器设置包括线径和材料,所需的脱脂次数,



除了新的CAMWorks WireEDM Pro包含的自动化功能外,还提供了用于操作和刀具路径的强大控件。会自动创建一个易于使用的操作树。当选择在树中的操作时,显示的关键参数设置的简短列表...因此很容易迅速改变任何所需的设置。对于树中的任何操作,也可以使用右键单击菜单上的“编辑”选择,轻松显示单独设置在易于使用的选项卡上的参数设置的完整列表。先进的自动化和对每个操作的精确控制的结合……使CAMWorks WireEDM Pro系统既易于使用,又功能强大。甚至复杂的2轴和4轴EDM零件也可以在几秒钟内编程,并且该系统既易于学习又易于使用。


SOLIDWORKS可以轻松设计甚至最复杂的零件和装配体,而CAMWorks的新型WireEDM Pro可以快速,轻松地直接在SOLIDWORKS内部创建完全关联的线EDM程序。现在可以在熟悉的SOLIDWORKS环境中直接创建程序,并且线EDM工具路径将自动更新以进行设计更改。如果您拥有或编程CNC Wire EDM机床,则CAMWorks WireEDM Pro非常值得一看!没有其他的电火花线切割加工软件能够为这些精密机器的编程提供便利和快捷。

CIM技术在Wire EDM领域拥有30多年的专业经验。他们的Wire EDM技术以前是通过OEM合作伙伴作为独立系统或作为当前编程系统中添加的技术出售的。CIMTechnology表示,在1990年代,CIMTechnology的业务是通过Sodick编写和销售Wire EDM的Impact CAD / CAM系统,以及为他们的钻孔和攻丝中心开发Brother基于PC的会话编程系统。除Wire EDM软件外,

CAMWorks产品还包括一系列铣削和车床解决方案。基于特征的编程,基于知识的加工和TechDB等技术使用户可以自动化其CAD / CAM功能。CAMWorks还与Solidworks完全集成,这意味着用户可以在家族中工作

HCL Technologies 的GeometricPLM是工程解决方案,服务和技术领域的专家。其全球工程服务,产品生命周期管理(PLM)解决方案,嵌入式系统解决方案和数字技术解决方案的组合使公司能够制定,实施和执行旨在提高产品实现生命周期效率的全球工程和制造策略。

2016年4月1日,Geometric与HCL Technologies达成协议,通过分拆将其业务转让给HCL Tech,但其与DassaultSystèmes(3DS)(3DPLM Software Solutions Limited(3DPLM))在合资企业中的58%的股份除外)。在寻求所有法定批准后,过渡已于2017年3月2日生效。

Product: CAMWorks WireEDM
Version: 2021 SP1 build 04-August-2020
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.camworks.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 740.5 mb


软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2021-09-02 09:55:16

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2024-04-10 23:03:29
CAMWorks WireEDM Pro 2021 SP2 M