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[行业软件]ANSYS 2024 R1 nCode DesignLife  win/liunx [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-03-11 08:32:45

ANSYS 2024 R1 nCode DesignLife | 3.2 Gb

HBM, a wholly-owned subsidiary company of Spectris plc, a group specialized in precision instrumentation and electronic controls, announced the release of ANSYS 2024 R1 nCode DesignLife, the leading brand for engineering data analysis solutions with special concentration in fatigue and durability.
nCode DesignLife is a powerful and add-on product for ANSYS that allows you to determine the life of a product under pressure and fatigue. The software uses finite element analysis results in ANSYS or other similar software to calculate stress and strain rates, then measures product fatigue from exposure to multiple loads to durability and Specify product life. nCode DesignLife enables you to have reliable and reliable forecasts of product life pressure and fatigue. You can evaluate the use of different materials and alternating geometries for new designs and then optimize them to achieve the expected performance before producing the product prototype.


DesignLife - New Features

Support for NASTRAN's HDF5 FE results file format
DesignLife now supports NASTRAN's HDF5-based format for FE results files, identified by the file extension .h5. Details of the support for this file format are in section 7 below.
Virtual Sensor Velocity and Acceleration Export
In addition to displacement and force histories, it is now possible to export velocity and acceleration histories from the virtual sensor glyph.

DesignLife – Enhancements

GUI appearance
The nCode desktop application now has a more modern appearance.
More help available in HTML format
When accessing the help using Help > Help from within any of the product components of nCode, the welcome.htm page gives you access to additional documentation in HTML format. This release includes the DesignLife Worked Examples, and the help for the modules, file formats, standard processes, and metadata keywords and equation variables.
Preference to ignore sub steps
A new preference has been added so that sub steps in the FE results are ignored. This effects both the results seen in the FEInput glyph and those seen in the load mapping dialog in the CAE glyphs.
Removal of the MAT_0 Material Group
Previously, any elements in an FE results file that had no material ID assigned were included in a material group named MAT_0. These elements are generally of special types that are not included in the CAE fatigue analysis. The MAT_0 group is now only created if it is the only material group available (as is the case with FE results files that do not support material information, such as the OptiStruct .h3d format).
Stress Gradient Calculation for Solid Elements
For AveragedNodeOnElement results from solid elements, the stress gradient calculation has been modified to apply the averaged surface normal direction to the tensor component gradient vectors. This is considered to be a more accurate method and may cause small changes is results.
Stress Strain Conversion glyph
Several small improvements have been made to this glyph. It now possible to just connect one of the output pads if for example only the output stress is required. The error messages have also been improved and the output channel titles are now based on those from the input channel.
Virtual Strain Gauge Placement Coordinates
It is now possible to obtain the positions automatically out of the virtual strain gauge placement for placing physical strain gauges. This information is available in the metadata from the FEInput glyph and in the .ASG files generated by a StrainGaugePositioning analysis.
Standard Materials Database
The fatigue limit ratio and Walker mean stress parameters have been added to all FKM datasets in the standard materials database.
Extended support for vibration loading with spot welds
NASTRAN and ANSYS results are now fully supported for vibration loading in the spot weld solver. NASTRAN support was a beta feature.
Performance Enhancement for vibration loading
Performance enhancement for DesignLife vibration fatigue analysis when ComplexAlgorithm = Exact.


GlyphWorks – Enhancements

GUI appearance
The nCode desktop application now has a more modern appearance.
More help available in HTML format
When accessing the help using Help > Help from within any of the product components of nCode, the welcome.htm page gives you access to additional documentation in HTML format. This release includes the GlyphWorks Worked Examples, and the help for the modules, file formats, standard processes, and metadata keywords and equation variables.
New Unload and Revert button
Added a menu option and a (file menu) toolbar button that unloads the current flow and reloads a fresh copy of the same flow. There is an option to save the change first, if required.
Glyph palette names
Certain glyph palettes have been renamed in order to more correctly represent their contents or to remove spaces to improve readability. ‘AcceleratedTesting’ is renamed ‘Vibration Profile Design’ and ‘Optimized Testing’, ‘Basic DSP’, ‘Standard Solvers’, ‘Advanced Solvers’ and ‘Composite Solvers’ have all had spaces inserted to improve readability. In all cases, the software will look for custom glyphs in the new locations, so you will need to rename the corresponding parts of your custom glyphs folder in order that your saved glyphs are found.
Journal message capacity
Fixed a problem where a software failure would result if a scripting glyph sent thousands of messages to the diagnostics window journal in a short space of time.
Locked Superglyph property access
The double-click action on locked SuperGlyphs now provides access to properties belonging to glyphs belonging to the internal workspace. Only those properties specifically exposed by the designer/password holder will be visible though, so properties identified as read-only or hidden will not be seen. In general, the handling of properties in SuperGlyphs should now be more consistent.
Zipped data file support
Support has been added for zipped data files. These must contain a single test and include all the files needed for that test. If the test is folder-based, then the zip file must include the folder. The default file extension is .nczip but this can be changed through a preference
SIE SXR meta data
The SIE file format has been enhanced to import any SXR meta data from the tag “somat:source_sxr_setup” if this is found within a file.
Catman BIN file channel numbers
A new option has been added to the CanChannelHandling preference for HBM Catman files to ignore CAN channels. This has been done due to the addition of CAN channel support in version 2019.1 which caused a change in channel numbering. This preference can now be used to ignore any CAN channels and use the old internal channel location as the channel number.
Vector MDF4 library updated
The Vector MDF4 library has been updated to version 1.7.
Vector MDF4 files which have not been finalized can be read
It is now possible to read Vector MDF4 files which have not been finalized.
Dewesoft DXD library updated
The Dewesoft DWDataReaderLib64.dll library has been updated to version
Improved support for reading Wave files
It is now possible to read uncompressed Microsoft Wave files that store the data as signed 24-bit values, as 32-bit floating point values or as 64-bit floating point values.
TSInput CombineAllTests naming
The TSInput glyph has additional properties to control how the tests are identified when the CombineAllTests property is set.
Table Display word wrap
The Table Display, which is used inside the Studio Display glyph, has a new ‘word wrap’ property. When this is used, the display will automatically adjust the number of lines used to display any column title text so that the column can be narrower.
XYDisplay glyph metadata title text
The XY Display glyph can now use metadata values in the overall plot title text and in the column titles for the table display it uses as the legend.
Improved PDF export of XYDisplays showing large Multicolumn datasets
When used in a Studio page to display multicolumn data, the XY Display now produces smaller PDF documents that display more quickly in many cases. This applies to datasets with large numbers of points when the PDF export type is set to vector graphics and results in fewer lines being drawn for the data traces.
Metadata Calculator glyph new keywords
The Metadata Calculator glyph can now process the ‘CurrentFolder’ keyword and any environment variables that are set can also be used as keywords.
New Metadata Calculator and MultiColumn Calculator functions
The Metadata Calculator and MultiColumn Calculator glyphs both have new functions to get multicolumn data values as strings rather than as numeric values. This is useful for ‘enum’ columns and for getting the ‘feature type’ from a feature list as the display text, rather than the number that is stored in the column.
Running Stats glyph – User percentile calculation
The Running Stats glyph has been extended to offer the calculation of a user specified percentile without the need to use slow-running looped calculations.
Running Stats output pads
It is no longer necessary to connect both output pads when using the Running Stats glyph with the ‘Processing Mode’ property set to ‘featureList’. Formerly an error was issued if either the time series or multi-column output was not connected. It is now possible to work with either or both connected.
MATLAB Support - MATLAB R2020a
Matlab 2020a is now supported in the Matlab scripting glyph
Time series UFF export
Support has been added to the system to allow the export of time series data as UFF files. This is currently limited to writing type 58 records but can be output as either ASCII or binary from the Time Series Output glyph.

Features and Features of nCode DesignLife Plugin:

  • A complete integration with the ANSYS workspace
  • Easy to install
  • Extensive library of stress and fatigue materials
  • Ability to model fatigue in state of the art
  • High speed solver
  • Used in the design of Ural diesel engines
  • Used by EZ-GO engineers at Textron

ANSYS nCode DesignLife works with ANSYS Mechanical to reliably evaluate fatigue life. Using the results of finite element analysis (FEA) from ANSYS Mechanical, it calculates stresses and strains, then cumulates damage from repetitive loading to determine a product’s predicted life. You can quickly evaluate the effects of different materials and alternative geometries for new designs, and then optimize them for the product’s expected usage — long before the first prototype is built.

ANSYS nCode DesignLife, the industry-leading tool for durability analysis, gives you a comprehensive diagnostic fatigue process to predict your product’s operational lifetime. It is fully integrated into ANSYS Workbench for ease of use and smooth workflow. You can create complex loading “duty cycles” based on measurements that represent real-life forces on products, or use anticipated loading histories.

Once created, the fatigue process can be captured and reused. Engineers without fatigue expertise can evaluate modified product designs to determine the updated product life. Start-to-end automation avoids the majority of errors and ensures consistency, especially in large organizations in which multiple engineers might be analyzing the results.

ANSYS nCode DesignLife Fatigue Example with Static Loading

Founded in 1970, ANSYS employs nearly 3,000 professionals, many of whom are expert M.S. and Ph.D.-level engineers in finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, electronics, semiconductors, embedded software and design optimization. Our exceptional staff is passionate about pushing the limits of world-class simulation technology so our customers can turn their design concepts into successful, innovative products faster and at lower cost. As a measure of our success in attaining these goals, ANSYS has been recognized as one of the world's most innovative companies by prestigious publications such as Bloomberg Businessweek and FORTUNE magazines.

Product: ANSYS nCode DesignLife
Version: 2024 R1
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.ncode.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC / LInux *
Software Prerequisites: ANSYS Products 2024 R1
Size: 3.2 Gb


To install and run Ansys nCode DesignLife 2021R1 you need Ansys 2021R1 Win
with SSQ's crack to be pre-installed

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精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2021-03-11 08:52:55

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只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2021-03-11 12:22:20

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2021-03-13 09:25:33
Re:ANSYS 2021 R1 nCode DesignLife

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2021-03-13 14:45:25
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