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- 2025-03-09
Sigmadyne specializes in optomechanical finite element analysis of precision optical systems subjected to static, dynamic, or thermal loads. We are leaders in the optomechanical analysis industry offering expert analysis and software which integrate the disciplines of mechanical and optical engineering. SigFit 软件是专业的光机热耦合分析工具,可以将有限元分析得到的光学面形等结果文件通过多项式拟合或者插值转化为光学工具的输入文件,并可实现主动控制的促动器布局优化、动态响应分析、光程差分析及应力双折射效应、设计优化等,广泛应用于光学系统设计、光存储、激光打印、激光通信和灯具设计等领域。 SigFit 2020R1(d)e Release notes New Features Line of Sight Error Calculations Use Central DifferenceThe line-of-sight error calculations now use a central difference formulation instead of the prior forward difference calculations. This change was made when it was found that such formulation is required for consecutive surfaces with compound angle orientations with respect to each other.Support of Base Refractive Index for User Defined Gradient Thermo-Optic Results for Code VThe macro file used for importing thermo-optic results in the form of user defined gradient index results now includes commands to build the private library using the base indices before the gradient indices are applied. This allows consistency with nominal model indices set for environment conditions or private libraries.Change in RoC Written as Change or Update in Optical Macro Files Error Fixes Wavefront Error Prediction with Code V Models and Subtraction of Change in Radius of Curvature CorrectedAn issue was found with the use of wavefront error prediction in SigFit by linking with Code V models in the System module of SigFit and subtraction of change in radius of curvature and has been corrected. Note that subtraction of change in radius of curvature is not the default setting. Note this feature is not related to computing wavefront error in Code V by importing a macro file written by SigFit.Part Coordinate System Numbering Fixed for Use with SolidWorks SimulationPossible numbering conflicts could occur when using offset apertures with SolidWorks Simulation. The internal numbering method of part coordinate systems could conflict with the internal numbering of offset systems and has been corrected. Error would results in analysis error with no results generated.PSD Table Specification Not Needed for WFE Prediction in Harmonic AnalysisAn error required the specification of a PSD table in order for WFE predictions to be used with harmonic analysis. This error has been corrected. Error would results in analysis error with no results generated产品介绍 1. 基本功能
将热分析与机械分析的温度、应力和变形量等通过泽尼克多项式拟合或点阵图插值,为光学分析软件提供光学表面的变形信息和温度和应力引起的折射率变化信息,从而实现热、机械及光学的耦合分析。• 多项式拟合:将多种输入格式的数据拟合为多项式。多项式类型包括标准和边缘Zernike 多项式、非球面多项式、X-Y多项式等九种格式。拟合结果包括多项式系数、光学工具输入宏文件、拟合RMS 和PV 值等• 表面变形插值:将光学测试的试验数据或有限元仿真的网格数据插值为一个数组或者另一种网格结果,以用于仿真预测结果与光学测试结果的对比或描述Zernike 多项式无法准确描述的光学表面变形 2. 高级应用• 主动控制:分析光学面形RMS值随激励源数目的变化关系,分析如何布置激励源使光学表面RMS 更小,为施加激励源的位置和大小提供参考 • 动态响应:基于固有频率结果、激励载荷和阻尼等,计算面形由于谐波振动、随机振动和瞬态载荷引起的刚体位移、曲率变化和RMS 误差、传递函数变化以及各阶模态对RMS 的影响等• 设计优化(仅MSC Nastran):将光学表面的Zernike系数、面型RMS 值、PV 值等参数转变为Nastran 格式的方程,利用Nastran 的优化求解器对光学表面的面型、支撑结构、材料参数等进行优化。 • 光程差分析:根据有限元分析的镜面应力和温度结果、流体软件计算的镜面附近流体的密度以及这些参数对折射率的影响关系,计算为平均光程差、双折射等光学特性 File size: 511 MB
Analysis Services Our versatile engineering analysis capabilities offer you expert affordable service in developing and improving your products.SigFit Software SigFit software allows engineers to link mechanical analysis results to optical analysis performance predictions and perform other optomechanical analyses relevant to design development of optical products.Courses Our decades of experience and groundbreaking developments uniquely positions us to train your staff in applying the latest techniques of integrated optomechanical analysis.Sigmadyne, located in Rochester, NY, specializes in optomechanical consulting services with decades of experience in many photonics markets. Our software, SigFit, allows users to transform results from mechanical finite element analyses into result import formats for popular optical analysis tools. Product: Sigmadyne SigFitVersion: 2020R1eSupported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : www.sigmadyne.comLanguage: englishSystem Requirements: PC *Size: 459.8 mb 购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。 若发现会员采用欺骗的方法获取财富,请立刻举报,我们会对会员处以2-N倍的罚金,严重者封掉ID! 此段为出售的内容,购买后显示