Autodesk VRED Professional 2022 (x64) Multilingual | 1.9 Gb
VRED2022 三维可视化软件可帮助设计师和工程师使用交互式 GPU 光线跟踪以及分析和远程渲染模式创建产品演示、设计审阅和虚拟样机
Autodesk Vred Products is one of the most popular and most widely used software in the design, specialized engineering company Autodesk is widely used in the visualization of 3D, modeling and detailed design of the product. This application is especially manufacturers of transport such as cars, motorcycles, helicopters and more. The ability to combine the models with models with software such as 3Ds max, MAYA and built-in software that can model the software design ready for you in this app combine your samples. Engineers and designers can use this special software for prototyping and three-dimensional visualization products, especially their use. The software update feature that can be media editor, optimize and improve the script, promoting, improve FileIO and so on. 使用 VRED 装配和维护复杂的控制模型通过 UI 控件流式传输渲染内容
在软件许可规定的条件下,随时随地访问最新的设计数据并进行高质量的审阅使用各种工具、实用程序和流式传输 API 协同审阅桌面、移动设备和虚拟现实中的数据System Requirements:OS:Microsoft® Windows® 10 (64-bit)RAM:1 GB RAM, 8 GB or more recommendedCPU:64-bit Intel® processor with Intel® EM64T-capable or AMD® Athlon 64®, AMD Opteron® processorGraphics:Supported NVIDIA® or AMD graphics card with OpenGL 4.3 support and a certified driver. Home Page - 购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。