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[行业软件]Autodesk PowerInspect Ultimate 2024 x64 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-05-13 09:12:12
PowerInspect 功能强大的软件公司 Autodesk,以前拥有 Delcam 的工业检测和测量零件所有权。通过这种测量,最复杂的形状很容易实现。该程序允许测量各种嵌入式,并将满足您的所有需求。PowerInspect 除了测量和规划相关设备之外,在这些设备中,设备可以对由OMV设备控制的零件和硬件进行非常好的CMM评估和检查。从四面八方使用ViewCube只是为了看到景点。只需单击几下,您就可以进入程序并报告不同的存储格式。

Autodesk Advanced Manufacturing solutions meet the needs of a huge variety of manufacturers so if you are still using manual programming methods and need to expand, you have previously invested in CAM software which you are starting to outgrow or if you have an existing investment in CNC machinery and need to expand your capabilities and maximise machine potential, simply use Autodesk CAM Software and CAM Milling Solutions.

PowerInspect is a powerful application for rapidly creating repeatable inspections for parts and tools. If your serious about quality of your parts you need Powerinspect in your business. PowerInspect will alleviate your current inspecting process bottlenecks by validating and managing quality control for all types of measurements equipment.

PowerInspect supports a wide range of measuring options, from arms and scanners, to CMMs and OMV machines, and includes a full geometric package, which can be used to inspect parts with or without a CAD model.

Get accurate measurements while your parts are still on the machine with on machine varication (OMV). Streamline your inspection process of complex, large and layered parts today. - Access help content: Several options on the Help menu are combined to make it easier to access the information you need.

PowerInspect Software Features and Features:

  • Software for working with CNC CMMs and inspection machines
  • Use a common interface for a wide range of CMM devices
  • Non-contact measurement and laser scan evaluation
  • Graphical programming with self-explanatory and parametric strategies
  • Very good compatibility with other products of Etodsk
  • Measuring complex parts and shapes with different algorithms
  • Ability to import points from other CAD software
  • Ability to automate the measurement process
  • Configure complex parts with a high degree of freedom
  • Combining measuring systems with design and production
  • And …

required system

Operating System
Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1 64-bit Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate
Microsoft® Windows® 8 64-bit Pro or Enterprise
Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 64-bit Pro or Enterprise
Microsoft® Windows® 10 64-bit Pro, Enterprise, or Education

CPU Type
Multiple core 64-bit processor, such as AMD Phenom II or Intel Core i7

4 GB RAM minimum
16 GB or more recommended for demanding parts

Graphics Card
AMD and ATI graphics cards, such as Radeon and FireGL, are not supported.
For larger CAD files, a faster processor, more RAM, and a more powerful graphics card will give better performance.

Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 9, 10, or 11
You can install the latest version of Internet Explorer using Windows Updates, or download it from the Microsoft website at: Internet Explorer Help.

Microsoft Excel
PowerInspect 2017 can generate printed reports using its own internal HTML format and Microsoft Excel. If you want to use Excel to generate reports then Excel 2010, Excel 2013 or Excel 2016 are required.
PowerInspect works with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Excel but the 32-bit version of Excel is recommended.

Adobe Acrobat If you want to export reports to Portable Document Format (PDF), you must install Adobe Acrobat or another application that converts print output to PDF files.
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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2021-05-13 19:03:49